March 28, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE-I SHELTON--MAg0N COUNTY 50URNAE -- Published in "Ch"stma.tov n, , U.,q.AY, ghelton, Washington
' i: , , i , i i i UH I
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"Next T0 New"
Sale Slated This
Week By Guild
Tile Rachel Knott Orthopedic
Guild held its postponed meeting
last Friday with a 12:30 p.m.
hmcheon at the home of Mrs. Louis
Van Arsdale with Mrs. George
Grisdale as co-hostess. Nineteen
active members were present.
After a delicions hmcheon, Mrs.
Los Shelver, president, conducted
the business meeting.
After the minutes of the last
meeting were read and the Tress-
liter's report given the discussion
tnrned to the "Next to New Sale"
to be held by the Guild thin Fri-
day and Saturday at 11 a.m. at
the PUD auditorium.
Mrs. Samnel Fritz. chairman.
led the discussion. Each member
was assigned to a division of the
sale. Women's dresses in sizes 9-
18 will be offered along with blous-
es. skirts, jackets, hats. shoes,
costume jewelry, belts, scarves,
men and boys clothing and house-
hold goods.
Members are hoping" the sale
will be as successful as the two
previous ones. as all of the pro-
ceeds wih be turned over to the
Children's Orthopedic hospital in
New Officers For
Mt. View PTA
Nit. View PTA elected the fol-
lowing officers Monday evening:
Mrs. Clyde Ruddell. president;
Mrs. E. R. Fuller. 1st vice pres.;
Mrs. Dwayne Rogers. 2rid vice
pres.: Mrs. Rodger Wuson. see.;
Mrs. Jim Connolly, treas.
Tre panel discussion led by Mr.
Shipley, Mrs. Rediski and Mrs.
Lee was very interesting. There
were many questions from the
parents on the continued growth
program which added to the total
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hodgson
will celebrate their 55th wedding
anniversary this Sunday. An open
house in their honor will be held
from 2-5 o.m. at the Shelton
Valley Grange hall. Tom Olson,
Grange master, cordially invites
all friends and relatives of the
couple to attend. Coffee and cake
will be served by the Grange.
The Hodgsons were married
March 25. 1908, in Minnesota,
where they lived until coming to
Shelton in the '40's. Most of the
couple's five children will be help-
ing them celebrate Sunday. They
are Mrs. Art Farr. hooey, Minne-
sota: Lawrence. Alaska ; Bob,
Leonard and Hin'vey, all of Shel-
Caroll Rogers Wed
In California Rites
Miss Cmoll Eileen Rogers was
raarried March 6 to Mz. Albert A.
Bachclier. Jr.. in San Pedro. Cali-
fornia Miss Rogers, a graduate of
Irene S. Reed high school, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mr& Fran-
cois A. Rogers. Shelton. Her hus-
band's parents are Mr. and Mrs
Albert A. Bachelier. St. San
Pedro. California
The newlyweds will live in Ta-
mio't lrehe ,
of the ShMton Assembly GirlS.
Miss Correa" will: take part in many Of the
during the ensuing year. The annbunceme(Tt Ly
Sweetheart iS a highlight of the installation ceremony. Mike
Carte.sor/ of Dr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Carte, was seatecl's , Master
Councilor. The installing team included: Jack Rogers, MaSter
Councilor; Ed Shields, Senior Councilor; A1 Jorgenson, Junior
Councilor; A! Kewis, Chaplain; Stewart Hawt|nson Marshal;
Mike Urakawa, Senior Deacon; JinX-Sh'ields, Flower Talk. Ron
Ostio, Executive Director, is Dad Advisor to the installing'team.
Rebekah Lodge
Plans Easter
Bonnet Parade
At the March 22 meeting of
Ruby Rebekah Lodge members I
enjoj, ed aictm'es shown by Nellie]
Nelson ttken on her around the I
world trip John Brodv showed ]
"ome slides of the state'of Wash-l
ingtdn. A reading on Sehyler Col-
fax anniversary was given by Miss
Mary Dobson.
The l eflestnlent table was deco-
rated in St Patrick theme.
Olympia Lodge, Ruth 17 has in-
vited Ruby Rebekah to its Eister
Bonnet Parade April tO and has
asked fhat Shetton members wear
:heir bonetg.
The April 12 meeting will be the
local Easter Bonn'et show. Bonnets
are to be made of things trom
around the house. There will be a
prize for the best bonnet. Refresh-
nent committee for the next meet-
ing consists of Gladys Ashley,
h'ene Gustafson and Grace Bart-
All ill members of Ruby ,Re-
bekah Lodge are wished a speedy
Shelton Yacht Club-
Sets Oyster Fry Date,
The Shelton Yach Club will hold
its annual Oyster Fry from 4:30-
7':30 p.m. this. Saturday at the Me-
morial halt. This is the club's
yearly money making event. "
Ih addition to oysters the menu
will incltlde ham, baked potatoes,
green'beanS, cabbag¥' salad, rolls,
8.pple" dessert and coffee, milk, ted
or water.
Tickets will be sold for $50
for; adults; 75 cents for: chilitren
Under" 12! They - are available
through Mrs. Elmlun, aAy Yacht
Club member, or at the"door.
A meeting of the'Retired Teach-
ers Unit of:Mason county will be
held at" 1:30
p.m., April 5 in the
h0e of Mz, Mary Trexler.
This is an '. important meeting
as. officers will: be elected fur the
coming-year and other important
issues discussed.
Ohoirs And Bands To
Entertain At PTA
The Evergreen PTA members
will meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight in
the school auditorium. The pro-
gram will feature 5th year choirs
and the 5ttl and 6th year bands ol
all the Shelton Eelementary
schools. Everyone is welcome.
A business meeting will follow
with the nominating committee
introducing the slate of candidates
for the new officers for next
year. Refreshments will follow.
Navy Mothers Work.,
On Baby Layettes
Ten members of the Navy
Mothers Chlb drove to the Unio
home of Mrs. Frank Dean. Mort.
day to sew on baby layettes. The
layettes are donated to the Brem-
erton Navv Mothers Club to be
given to Navy wives who are in
need of them.
The next meeting of the ehff:
will be at 7:30 p.m. April 5 at
the Memorial hall.
Shelton General H(rpital
- Mr. and Mrs, Jerry King, 308
E. Harvard, a boy, March 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bolduc, Jr.
Rt. 1, Box 289. Elma, a boy.
March 22.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsey,
:i: Rt, 3, Box 477 B, a girl, March 23
DeMolay Mothers Club will hold
a rummage sale April 5-6 at the
- PUD building.
The ISR Class of1948 Class Re-
' union planning committee will
meet at 8 p.m. next Thursday at
the'home of Joe Townsend.
: Hurricane Ridge
Winter Facilities
To Close March 31
useAfter Sunday, March 31, winter
will be closed
er services alia
, " Lodge.
The road to Hurricane Rtdge,
however, will be kept open o z
weekends until travel warrant
weekend visitors.
While snow depths on Hurrfl-
cane Ridge this winter have been
considerably less than normal
there was sufficient snow to main-
tain fine skiing for many hund-
reds of people throughout the
_ winter season. Many came to play
in the snow and see the magnifi-
cent view at Hurricane Ridge.
Considering tlm phenomenally low
snowfall throughout the west we
are pleased, Doerr added, that we
could provide skiing at Hurricane
Ridge throughout the winter and
thus have another successful sea-
son for the snow enthusiasts.
ALOH A ---'Ruby Fit"z" (left), manager of-Safeway's Shetton stoe,
and her sister, Mrs. AI Call,Son, are pictured, hre!upon their arrival
in Honolulu by plane recently for a two.week vacation. Trip ar-
rangements were made through the An gl.e Travel Reservation
Center in Shelton.
Heater, automatic trans, showroom olean.
61 Hillman DelUxe 4 Door Sedan
Heater, 12;000 tctUal miles
60 Valiant V.200 4 Door Sedan
Radio, heater, standard shift
59 Rambler Ambassador 4 Door Hard|op
Radio, heater, automatic trans., power steering and
brakes. Lots Of other extras One owner, sharp.
See Our New Car Spring Specials
On This Page of This Paper
707 SOUTH FIRST ST. PHONE 426-3433
Social Even ts
Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412
THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Fiona Lynne Foyston to Mr. Jer-
ome Layton Buzzard, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Buzzard, Shel-
ton, was made at a dinner for the immediate family by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Foyston of Seattle. Miss Foyston was a
1961 Sea Fair Princess, she attended Highline College and was
Science demonstrator at the U.S. Science Pavilion during the
World's Fair. Her fiance graduated from Irene S. Reed High
School in 1957. He is a graduate of the University of Washington
and is now in his second year of graduate work at the U of W
Law school. The couple will be married by her grandfather, the
Roy. Mr. D. E. Nourse of Lopez Island on her parents' 23rd wed-
ding anniversary, June 28.
SRA Pinochle Club
Final Game Night
The SRA Pinochle Club will
have its final night of play with a
banquet next Monday aL the Me-
mortal hall
At the laM: meeting Cora Drake
high score for the womgn; Lu-
Speece held 2nd high. Claude
Rickards held high for men: Louis
Herzog, 2nd high. Double pinochle
,'as won by Cora Drake and Olaf
Honorable Mention For
Two Southside Girls
Two Southside school 7th grad-
rs. Elizabeth Ann Quimby and
Kathleen Trotzer. won an Honor-
ble Mention at the Kitsap Science
%ir held at Olympic college last
,'riday and Saturday.
The annual event is open to all
students from grades 1-12
throughout the Olympic peninsula.
Approximately 220 projects were
entered this year by 256 students.
Eastern Star To
Install Saturday
Installation ceremomes for
\\;Velcome Chapter No. 40. Order of
Eastern Star will be held at 8 p.m.
Satm'day at the Masmqe Temple.
Mrs. Win. Potter will be in-
stalled as Worthy Matron; Victor
Ellison. Worthy Patron: Mrs. Bes-
sie Halt Associate Matron: Ed-
ward Auseth Associate Patron.
These ceremonies are held an-
rurally and are open to the public.
Stoekwell, Gardner
Win FOE Card Series
Opal Asche and Jack Smith held
high scores a the FOE card pary
last Satm-'day. Second Mgh went to
Tenna Stockwell and Art Hazel-
quist. Virginia Dundas and Jack
Smith held 300 pinochle.
This was the final game in the
series. Series winners are Tenna
Stockwell and Glenn Gardner. The
next series will begin April 13 m
the Eaffles airport hall.
Cutting the
wedding cake at
a reception held
at the Golf Club
last Sunday in
their honor are
newlyweds, M r.
and Mrs. Guy
Beckwith. T h e
couple was feted
by close to 300
friends, many of
whom tool{ part
in a r ran g ing,
decorating a n d
p r e p aring and
serving the food.
In fact. so many
of the couple's
friends assisted it was found impossible to make a
for recognition. A buffet luncheon was served with
cake which was topped with the traditional wedding = v
surrounded by daffodils, ey
Girl Scouts To ,-o,,,,!,,
Sheltonian fi
Mrs. Mike
of a baby boy born WI',
"vValla. Mrs.
W alJa -- I'Ie L-!
form:r,l:A::HPea:i:h:i:gleeltllKa:hy ChaSe. 'i i ::i'°'n
Start Annual ,Cookie
Sale Next Wednesday
Next Wednesday the Girl Sconts
of Mason county will begin their
annual Cookie Sale. The sale will
continue through April 13.
Two kinds of cookies will be
offered this year. Both will sell
for 50 cents a box. Each girl sell-
ing cookies will have a Girl Scout
pin or some means of identifica-
The money from the coolde
sales will be used to purchase
needed eqnipme#:
Also. each indiv]dU¢'l
earn 5 cents pe':b°: II
its own activities. '::
Anyone who-is 0J
and would like so]e6
ies is asked to calllY II
There's a remarkable new ashless detergent in
deposit-free Motor Oils. It keeps combustion
clean and engine parts so free of sludge you car
thousands of extra miles from the engines in you
equipment You'll find exactly what you
"RPM"--the only complete line of deposit-free
RPM Supreme - an 'all-season, multigrade
that can save up to 15% in gas.
RPM Special--the only single grade,
deposit-free motor oil available.
For any Standard Oil product, call
C. C. Cole & Sons Inc.
118 So. Third St
1963 Ilodeis
Plymouth Savoy "6" 4-dr. Sedan
Standard Trans., Iteater
reg. $2,561o55 SPECIAL s2248.48
Plymouth Savoy "V8" 4-dr. Wagon
Automatic, Heater, other Extras
reg. $3,305.80 SPECIAL s2891 "14
Valiant V-100 4-dr, Sedan
Std. Transmission ---Heater
reg. $2,258.75 SPECIAL s2040.58
-- ONE ONLY --
Internalional Scoul 80
Heater, long steel top, warn hubs, bucket
seats, signals, powr.-lok axles, dual 11-
gal. fuel tanks, traction tires.
reg. $2752.68 SPECIAL $2445
N'EW I 963
Bonus load pickup, V-8 engine,-3 speed,
heater, signals.
reg. $2,497.37 SPECIAL = 2195
Smart buy!
"Thrifty Thirty"!
Model RS.SOS.S$
• Compact design brings
big-range cooking to apart-
ment-size kitchens.
• Holiday host? Oven holds
big turkey.
Unlimited heat settings for
all surface units.
Frigidaira dependabilitlfl
Washer has
12,1b• capacityl
Model WCDA-63
• Fresh water "brighten up"
• Spins clothes driest! Re-
moves lint • automaticallyl
* Cleans clothes inside
and outi
• Suds saver Model WCDAR-
63 saves gallons of water[
Tvl=IG IDJKIl=t]
FI ,
I Zero zone
ha:as 71-1b.S. ";::i| ',
• Self-defrost ng ;001| '
refrigerator se*,' .i|,
• Full-width fruit
vegetable HY -e • i
dew-fresh stora ' ii '
• Deep-shelf d0O:
for slim, fat, sou ,;.
tall containerS, "i!-,
* Frigidaire ..ot'1i '
dependabilitY, to i
KIMBEL M Ig01tS, II1¢. 00industrial. & Builders Su
, :U :: ::i{TR:TR--N 2TINOUTR U-C YV?::i:: 4:6 3433 F rst and Pine Streets Phone 426 49
707 I , " ; " ,