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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PA:GE 6 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAE -- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.KA." Shelton, Washington Thursday, March . SHELI ON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, INC., Publishers Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle Mailing Addre: Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412 Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington SUBSCRIPTION RATES---'4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance; Outside Mason County, $5.00 Member of National Editorial Association Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association COPY DEADLINES RURAL CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES -- MoNday 10 a.m. DISPLAY ADVERTISING -- Tuesday noon SOCIETY NEWS -- Tuesday noon PICTURES AND NEWS -- Tuesday 5 p.m. WANT ADS -- Wednesday 10 a.m. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER -- William M. Dickie PLANT SUPERINTENDENT -- Jim Shrum OFFICE MANAGER -- Idema Johnson NEWS EDITOR Alan Ford SOCIETY EDITOR -- Marj Waters OFFICE ASSISTANT -- ]ary Kent ADVERTISING MANAGER -- Barbara Nelson PRINTERS -- Russ Stuck, Dave Thacher, Ass Pearson, Jerry Stiller, Bill Poole. RED GROSS NOW I00 YEARS OLD Dedicated volunteer workers are now in the process of covering nooks and crannies in Mason County seeking funds in the annual Red Cross membership drive. In any year Red Cross holds an important place in the humanitarian affairs of not only our community but the entire world with its relief to suffering people, but this year of 1963 is particularly significant because it represents the 100th anniversary of the founding of this great organization. The International Red Cross was officially estab- lished March, 1863, by the Geneva Conference as the re- sult of the efforts of a Swiss citizen, Henri Dunant, who was shocked to find enemy wounded left untended on the battlefield of Solferino, Italy, in 1859. He conceived the basic humanitarian idea that the wounded of all belligerents were entitled to equal care. In the subsequent century of man-made and natural dis- asters of every magnitude since 1863, Red Cross service has ranged from major international diplomacy to the simplest of individual services. The Mason County chapter of the Red Cross was org- anized in 1917, surviving sometimes by the barest of threads in the intervening years, even lying dormant at times, yet always with enough inherent life to revive into an active and useful organ for the relief of the suffering under the en- ergetic prodding of such dedicated workers as Catherine Van Arsdale, Selden VanderWegen, and others. A WEEK WORTH YGUI00 :ATTENTION There are "weeks" for this and there are "weeks" for that, to the extent that few carry much significance any more in public attention, but one which deserves such at- tention is national Poison Prevention Week. It's aim is to erase the needless and appalling rate of child poisonings. Nearly 1500 children are killed annually by poisoning from common household items and drugs too easily acces- sible to babies and youngsters too young to realize the dan- gers. Of all medicines taken accidentally in quantities suf- ficient to cause poisoning, aspirin far outranks all others, according to the Washington State Health Department. Spring cleaning time affor4s an excellent opportunity for parents to provide safe storage of poisons and other haz- ardous substances in their homes to prevent avoidable pois- oning trageaies. Start with the bathroom medicine chest--NOW! Thirty-three per cent of all child home poisoning cases stem from ingestion of drugs usually found there. And, ALL medicines should be kept under lock and key, Because children are naturally curious, extreme care should be taken in the storage of such items as cleaning fluid, paint thinner, bleaches, kerosene, varnishes, shoe pol- ish, insecticides, and all other toxic substances. Keep them out of reach. Then they will not become lethal potions OLYMPIG PARK IS "GROWING UP" Official travel figures for national parks in the West for 1962 showed the surprising fact that Olympic National Park surpassed Yellowstone National Park for total visit- ors. This statistics2,044,400 to 1,925,000--is astonishing in view of Yellowstone's closer proximinty to the heavy population centers of America and raises the question of computation methods. The Journal queried Olympic Park headquarters in Port Angeles on this point and was informed that one Of the methods used is a mechanical road.counter at the point where the Olympic Loop highway enters Olympic Park in the Lake Crescent area. There was a heavy increase in travel during 1962 on the Olympic loop highway, due in major part to the world's fair in Seattle, but no corresponding increase was noted in the number of campers and hikers checked by park rangers in such areas as Heart-o-the-Hills, Hurricane Ridge, Dosewal- lips, and other entry points to the park. The conclusion to be drawn is that many of those count- ed were not true "visitors" to Olympic Park, rather were tourists passing through on the highway. Olympic Pm-k officials concede that a fall-of] is to be expected'this year, just as ferry and toll bridge traf]ic is expected to drop from 1962 volumes. Nevertheless, even though our provincial inclination to boast a bit about topping Yellowstone is cooled under the ore realistic appraisal, it is apparent Olympic National ark is reaching its deserved satus as one of America's greatest tourist attractions and in the years to come will be the source of great revenue for those concerned with provid- ing for the needs of travelers seeking recreation through vis- its to the great natural wondeHand that the Olympic Pen- insula provides. Bloomfield, Peterson High In $1. Mar!inls Basketball Stat|shcs Jerry Bloomfield and Corky Peterson, former Highclimber basketball aces, who continued as court teammates at St Martins College, found themselves holding distinctive places in final statis- tics of the Rangers 1963 season. Jerry, 1961 Shelton grad, was one of only four members of the Ranger squad who played in all 24 games on the schedule. He scored 190 points (4th high on the team) for a 7.9 average, making 70 to 223 field goal attempts for a 31% shooting average and 50 of 75 foul shots for 67%. He committed 37 personal fouls. Corky, 1962 Shelton grad, played in 14 games, scored 206 points for a 14.7 average, the squad's best. He made 77 of 193 field goal at- tempts for a 40% shooting aver- age, 52 of 78 foul shots for 67%, and claimed 96 rebounds. Both boys played under tieir high school coach. Jerry Vermil- lion who stepped into the collegi- ate coaching ranks from the High- climber post. Vermillion is also coaching track at St. Martins this spring, a sport in which Pet- erson lettered at Shelton. Bloom- field is a baseball star. HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE W L Bali's Food Center ........ 33 15 Hood Canal Marina .... 31 17 Jim Pauley, Inc ............ 30 18 Angle Agency ................ 23 25 Evergreen Florists ........ 22½ 25½ She]ton Union Service 19 29 Edward's Salon ............ 17½ 30½ Shelton Marine Supply 16 32 High game--Cleo Hulet 195. High series Connie Cronquist 498. Split picks--Li] Updyke 3-10, Ruby Allen 5-7. Canal Marina 4 Katie Niles 475}: Evergreen Florists 0 (Pat Noreen 431, ;Ball's Food 4 (Marge Stairs 378}; Jim Pauley Inc. 0 iConnie Cronquist 498l; Union Service 3 (Lorna Churchill 481); Marine Supply 1 (Sylvia Fonzo 438}; Angle Agency 3 (Evadean Lord 463) ; Edward's Salon 1 (Glee Hulet 439). Ioo Late lo Glassily NORTHCLIFF home--three bedrooms. rec. room. fireplace, automatic oil furnace. 100'x150' lot. Fine home for children. Phone 426-3375 or 426-2411. K 3/28 tfn 16 FT. Garage door for saIe, with heavy-duty Stanley fixtures. One year old. $100. Phone 426-3375 or 426-2411. K 3/28 tfn FOR RENT--Large furnished one-bed- room apartment. Convenient down- town location. Call Vince Himlie at Mann Real Estate. 426-6592. 3/28 100' ISLAND LAKE FRONT Enlmnt- tng view. 3 bedro0Y.hole: :Board and batten exterior. Open design living-dining rooms. Fireplace. Takes 2 ears. Party-sized float, ramps. Built 6 years. $20.500. Terms can be arranged. LaBissoniere Agency. 3/28 ]:)RIVE BY 650 CASCADE. then call u- for an appointment to see the dandy two bedroom and den home Perfect Ior retu'ed couple. It ires spacious rooms, carpeted living room and easy to care for yard--also large garage and workshop. This is a sound value at $7750 with terms arranged. Call Mann Real Estate. 426-6592. 3/28 it Legal Publications NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE cANYON RIVER SALVAGE Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 2'73. 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583i) and the Cooperative Agreement for the Man- agement of the. Participating Forest Properties in tbe Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of AmeriCa and the Simpson Timber Com- pany. dated December 12, 1946, all merchantable timber marked or desig- nated for cutting on an area embrac- ing 1,270 acres, more or less., within Sections 24. 25. 26. T. 22 N., R, 7W,, W.M.. surveyed, Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. T. 21N,. R. 6W., W.M., surveyed, Sections 5. 6. 7. 8. 16, 17, 18. 19. 20, 29, 30. 31, 82. T. 22N.. R. 6W., W.I., unsurveyed, Canyon River Block. Grays Harbor and Mason Counties. S)ieltbn Cooperative Sustained Yield Jnit. Olympic National Forest. Wash- ngton, will be sold to the Simpson timber Company on April 30, 1963. The estinmted volumes are: 5,700 M board feet of Douglas-fir, 5,000 M board feet of western hemlock and )ther species, The minimum acceptable lid per IV/ board feet is as follows: Douglas*fir $11.45. western hemlock and other species $5.45. This includes the following rates, per M board feet for stumpage (including deposit for sale area betterment). $3.00 base rate plus an additional $7.75 for Douglas- fir, $2.00 base rate plus an additional $2.75 fro" western hemlock and other species, and $0.70 for slash disposal for all species. The prices bid for stumpage shall be donsidered as ten- tative rates subject to quarterly cal- endar adjustment upward or down- ward by 0.5 of the difference betwecn the average of the monthly Douglas-fir region indices, as cah:ulated by the Forest Service for the three previous months, and the folhlwing base in- dices: Douglas-fir 117.31 (El. western hemlock and other species 99.96 (B). Such adjustments in the prier for snnnpage shall be applicable to tim- ber scaled during the three-months mriod following the quarter for wlrich the adjustment is computed. In no event, however, shall the paylnent rates for (.aeh quarter be less than the base rates as stated above. Wben the adjusted rates by species are low- er than the base rates, the difference between fhe total dollar value of the timber cut at adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded for each s,p, ecies. Tl,e, stumpagc rate for any JUNIOR LEAGUE W L Angle Agency ................ 30 14 Hernbroff Agency .......... 29 15 Joslin Insurance ............ 221/._, 21½ Bloomfield Logging .... 21 23 Beckwith Jewelry _: ...... 17fi 26½ The Hut ......................... 12 32 High game Duane Wilson 215. High series--Reid Preppernau 498. Angle Agency 4 (Reid Prepper- nau 498): Bloomfield Logging 0 iDuane Wilson 489); Hembroff Agency 4 I A1 Bezley 497); Beck- with Jewelry 0 (Rocky Robinson 407) ; Joslin 4 q Ken Kneeland 422) ; The Hut 0 i Joe Thompson 373). SIMPSON WOMEN W L Lumber ............................ 31 17 Research .......................... 28½ 19 Olympic Plywood ........ 28 20 Loggers ........................... 25 ½ 22  Accounting ...................... 25 3 Engineering .................... 21 27 Purchasing .... , ................ 19 29 Insulating Board .......... 14 34 High game -- Darlene Wilso 203 High series Jane White 53 Split picks Alice Burfriend 6- 7 twice, Marg Tobler 5-10, Sandy Bernert 2-7-10. Research 4 (Myrt Morkert 51i, Loggers 0 INorene Stevens 417); Purchasing 3 Dona Moran 475), Insulating Board 1 (Betty el,son 528); Accounting 3 (Jane White 534), Engineering 1 - ILa-Vonne Cole 490) ; Lumber 2 (Connie Cron- quist 5041, Olympic Plywood 2 I Jeanne Peterson 515}. WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE W L Millo's Diner ...................... 30 18 Sunbeam Bread ................ 29 19 Shelton Hotel ................... 25 23 Hoodspor[ Lumber. ............ 25 23 Morgan Transfer ............. 24 24 McConkey Drug Center 22 6 Lumbermen's Mere ........... 21 27 Polka Dot .......................... 16 32 High game Bobble Barnett 195. High series--Millie Daniels 511. Split picks Rubye Frisken 6-7- I0 and 3-7, Georgia Coleman and Bobble Barnett 5-8-10, LaVonne Castle and Millie Daniels 6-7-10, Helen Harris and Hazel Vincent 3-10. Lor- raine Kenyon 6-7. Esther port Lumber ( (Vi Hicks 438); Beret 5-10. L.M 0 (Jean Yost 433J; Hoods- port Lumber (3 (Vi Hicks 438}; [ Sunbeam Bread 1 (Mille Daniels 511); Drug Center 3 (Mary Ann Besch 496); Shelton Hotel 1 (Dot Rutherford 454 ). GRANGE LEAGUE W L Matlock .............................. 16½ Agate ............................ 27½ 20½ Southside ........................ 26  21 ½ CloquaH um ................. 241  22 i: Skokomish ...................... 24 24 Pomona ............................ 22 26 Sheiton Valley ...................... 26  Patrons ........................... 14½ 33½ High games Nancy Beckwith 170. Dutch Stanley 192. High series---Nancy Bcckwith 460. Max Mikkelsen 515. Split pick Nellie Rossmaier 6-7. Agate 4 ,Max Mikkelsen 515). Cloquallum 0 (Jim Saner 424, : Skokomish 4 ( Dutch Stanley 493  : Pomona 0 Henry Cook Jr. 411: Matlock 31 ,Jim Rossmaier 507) ; Shelton Valley x/, (Ralph Simpson 466) : Southside 3 ,Carl Emsley 460: Patrons 1 ITem Olson and Leroy Simpson each 418 . MIXED FOURSOME W Board Busters .................... 30 Rusty Ducks .................... 27 Timber Ducks ................... 24 20 u iusters ........................ 23 21 What's Next .................... 22 22 Strippers ............................ 19 25 Odd Balz .......  ..................... 18 26 Knock Outs ........................ 13 31 High games Clara Ericson 167. Jack Frost 212. High series--Clara Ericson 462, Henry Cook Jr. 550. TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal GaRland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 0 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft. Friday, March 29 Low .............. ±:zo a.m. High .............. 7:04 a.m. Low .............. 2:02 p.m. High .............. 8:54 p.m. Saturday, March 30 Low . ............. 2:22 a.m. High .............. 7:46 a.m. Low .............. 2:49 p.m. High .............. 10:09 p.m. Sunday, March 31 Low .............. 3:30 a.m. High .............. 8:36 a.m. Low .............. 4:02 p.m. High .............. 11:32 p.m. Monday, Apt;1 1 Low .............. 4:54 a.m. High .............. 9:40 a.m. Low .............. 5:10 p.m. Tuesday, April 2 High .............. 0:49 a.m Low .............. 6:24 a.m. High .............. 11:06 a.m. Low ................ 6:19 p.m, Morgan's 4 (Vi McGee 489); Wednesday, April 3 Polka Dot 0 (LraVonne Castle High .............. l:51a.m. 473) ; Millo's 4 (Helen Harris 476) ; Low ................ 7:42 a.m, ___al Publications N/'rIONAL FOREST "TIMBER " " FOR SALE WYNOOCHEE SALVAGE SALE NO. 1 Public notiee is bereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Pub]He Law 273. 78th Congress 58 Star. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Cooperative Agreement for the Management of the Participating For- est Properties in the Shelton. Co- operative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the UniUl States of America and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December 12. ]946 all merchantable tinlber marked or desig- nated for cutting on an area embrac- ing 787 acres, nlore or less. within Sections 2. 3. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 16. r. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23, 24. 22, 26. 27. 28, 33. 34. T. 23N., R. 7W.. W.M. un- surveyed, Wynoochee Block, Grays Harbor County. Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit. Olympic Na- tional Forest. Washington. will be sold to the Simpson Timber Company, Seattle Washington, on April 29. 1963. The estimated volumes are: 4,400 M board feet of Douglas-fir. 800 M board feet of western redcedar. 6.900 M board feet of western hemlock and other species. The minimum acceptable bfd per M board feet is as follows: Doug- las-fir $6.60. western redcedar $3.60. western hemlock and other species $3.65. This includes the following rates, per M board feet for stumpage (including deposit for sale area better- ment). $8.00 base rate plus an addi- tional $3.00 for Douglas-fir, $3.00 for western redcedar. $2.00 base rate nlus an additional $1.05 for western hemlock find other species, and $0.60 for  slash disposal for all species. The ,ta bld for stumpage shall be considered as tentative rates subject ,o ml --, calendar adjustment upward or down- ward by 0.5 ot the difference between the average @f the monthly Douglas- fir region indices, as calculated by the Forest Service for the three previ- ous months, and the following 3)asc indices: Douglas-fir 117.91 (El west- ern redeedar None. western hemlock and other species 92.98 (A). Such ad- justments in the price for stumpage shall be applicable to timber scaled during the three-months period fol- lowing the quarter for which the ad- justment is computed. In no event. however, shall the payment rates for each quarter be less tban...4he base rates as stated above. Wheh the ad- justed rates by species are lower titan the base rates, the difference between the total dollar value of the timber cut at adjusted rates and at base rates will be ree)rded for' each sl)eeics. The stumpage rate for any species wilt not be increased above the base rate until the subsequent adjusted rates above base rates for all spe.ies de- velop an accumulated total° dollar value in excess of the total recorded accumulated differene for all species. If requested by the State of Washing- ton or by Grays tTarl)or County or bY ally person deenled to have a reason- ,ble interest in the proposed sale. or in its terms, a public lr,,arin will be bold in lira office of the ]orest Super- visor. Post Office Building. Olynq)i,, \\;Vshin'ion. on the 19th day of April, I963. at 2:0fl Requests for public lnqlril] wJ]] not be eOllSidered lln]ess • ,ot, i,'od in t', ,if fire ,f ti' Fo't, st Supervisor Post Office Building, O]VDIDiq. Vpshillgl on. on w l,el',,re April 10, 1963. Dab'd March 25, 1963. L,loyd G Gillnror Forest Supervisor. Olympic National Forest. 3/2R-a I-11-1R t DID YOU KNOW--- That The State Health Department Requires KIMBEL'S GRADE A RAW MILK TO BE PURE ENOUGH FOR INFANTS TO DRINK? This Clean, Wholesome Milk May be Bought at RALPH'S A M & S SERVE-U " FOOD STORE on Hillcrest 120 Cota Street 5.8 ft. 11.2 ft. -1.1 ft. 10.9 ft. I_galPublications species will llol he increased above tire Base rate until the subseqneut a(l- .l(lSll.d rates above base rates for all SIH!('II'S (leveler) an ac('tnn/liated lotal dol]al vtlhle ill ex('pss of tire total l'C- eol'dt!d acclnr ulah'd differenct. [or all s1)cels. If requested bv tilt SIate It/' \\;*/ashil) gtolr or by Grays Harbor (OIlIIIy or Mason I.'orlnl y OF r y ,tla.y pel'SOn d(!enled to have i1 t'easonable in|eFcst ill /ht proposed sale. or ill its terms, a public bearing will be held in /tn' , fficc o[ tire Foresl Stltmr- visor. Post Office Building. Olynlpia, VVashington. on the 191h day of April, 1963 at 2:00 P.M. Requests [or public hearilr will not be considered unless received in lhe office of th(' Forest Supervisor. Post Office P, nildin. Olympia Washinglon. olr or before Apt'i] 10. 1963. Dated Ma,'eh 25. ,iti3. Lloyd G. Gilhrlor. Forest Supervisor, Olyn)l)i(" National Forest. 328-44-11-18 4t CAUSI'; NO. 8(14; NOTI('E OF SIIERIFF'S SALE OF ItEAL FSTATE UNDER GENERAL EXECUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY L FRANK M. WISEB Plainliff vs 14 IVIAX 1SKRA and HELEN ISKRA. hls 17 wiL'e, and SLAUKO ISKRA. Defendant IJnder and by virtu( of a g¢neral exeuution issued out of and under the soar Of lhe Superior Conrt el the State el WashinRton. ill and IOF Sold County on the 20th day of March. 196 upou a judgnlent rendered in said Court on the 16th day of November. 1.962, in [aver ot FRANK M WISER and against MAX ISKRA and HELEN ISK!RA tits wife, and SLAUKO ISKRA, judgment leb- tars for tbe .um of FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($5000.00) dolLal';, to- gether with attorney's fees. interest, costs and increased costs, and to nle directed and delivered. I did on the 20th day of March. 1963. levy upon all the right, title and interest of said judgment debtor in ana to the Iol- lowing described property t() satisty said .]ugnlent tO-Wlt : In Mason County. Washingtou, and described as follows: Tract 11. Ileven. Plat of Totten Shores, as Der plat thereat rol'ded 111 Volunlc 4 of Plats. at page 77 record 4.7 ft. of lason County. All t.hat portion Ol the, following described tidelands anti 11.8 ft. shorelands of second class lying b. -1.2 ft. tween the East and West hnes produc- 11.1 ft. ed South of Tract 11. Plat of Totten Shores, as l)(r plat reeorded in Vo- lume 4 t" Plats. page 77. more parU- crllarly described as follows, to-wlt: All tide and shorelands of the second ('.lass. s'uitable for the cultivation of ysters as conveyed by the State o[ Washington described by metes and bounds as folhiws: Beginning at tile Meander Corner to fractional Sections 6.'8 ft. t 1 and 5, Township 19 North, Ranges 2 10.4 ft. and 3 West. W.M. and running thence -0.6 ft. North 71o30 ' East 21.06 chains, thence South 18"30' East 5.60 chains; South 10.9ft. 71°30 ' West 18.91 chains: Thence North 39"30' \\;Vest 6.00 chains to the point at 7.2 ft. 9.6ft. 07ft. II.i ft. ft. ft. 1.1 ft. 11.4 ft. 6.4 ft. 8.0 ft, 1.3 ft. High .............. 12:37 p.m. Low .............. 7:23 p.m. Thursday, April 4 High ............... 2:39 a.m. 11.7 ft. Low ................ 8:39 a.m. 5.6 f:t High .............. 1:53 p.m. 9.1ft. Low ................ 8:18 p.m. 1.6 ft. - SItNRIF'S OFFICE A[4RESTS Arrested by Mason County Sheriff's officer the past week were Harry B. Watson. driving while intoxicated; Elbert C. Earn- heart, driving while intoxicated; Francis C. Petersen, driving while intoxicated, and Lawrence D. Parker. third degree assault. Deglnnlng. NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday the 26tb day of April 1963. ar 10 o'clock in the Forenoon of said day, 1 will sell lhe above described property, el so lnuch thereof as rnay be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together with attorney's fees. interest, costs and ill- creased costs, in all amounting to the stun of Six Thousand. six hundred and seventy-six and no/100 Dollars ($6,676,- 00) Plus Advertising and Sberiff's Costs. Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court House at 4th and Pine in said County and State. and will be at public auction, for easll in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton. Wash.. ibis 20th day of March. 1963. D. S. CLARK Sheriff of said County By There Bassett Deputy OI[I)INANCE NO, 704 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ENFORCEMENT AND SAT]:gFAC- TION OF JUDGMENT RENDERED IN THE POLICE COURT OF THE CITY OF SHETON. PROVIDING FOR THE WORKING OF PRISON- ERS CONFINED IN THE CITY JAIL. AND R]PEALING ALI OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: In all cases of conviction upon a trial had in the Police Court of the City of Shelton, for the violation of any city ordinance, lhe Foliee Judge shall enter' judgment for the fine and costs against the defendant and may commit suei defendant to jail, to be placed at hard labor until the judg- ment is satisfmd or payment thereof secured as provided by law. but the defendant shall nol be imprisoned or a longer aggregate time than one day for every SIX dollars 0[ the line all(:[ costs, and a defendant wile has bees conmritted shall be discharged at any time upon the paylnerlt of such par'I of tile fine and (',osts as rclnain unpal(/, 00USED Legal Publications John E, Sund, the Adlninist'ah r of the siate of Karolina Sund has filed 3/28-4/4-11-18-25 5 t in the office of the Clerk of sail! Court his Finat Report and PeLition for Distribution, askimr the Cou/'t t, settle said report, distribute the prop- crty to the l, crs(,ns thereto entitled and to discharge said Admi.nistrator and that said report and petition will be heard on the 12th day of April, 1963. at 10:00 A.M.. at the court room of the Probate Department of said Court. at which time and place any persons inte)ested in said estate nlay CARS i '60 Plymouth Savoy i'59 Ford Gustom 4-dr. V-8 auto trans. Business Coupe, 2-dr. 6-cyl. '59 Ford R. Wagon 4-dr. -- sharp '59 Ford Gust. 300 4-dr. V-8 auto. '59 Ford Fairlane 2-dr. V-8 auto. '58 Plymouth Savoy 4-dr. V-8 auto. trans. '59 Inlet'national '58 Renault Dalphine 4-dr. '5"/RamMer Wag0n 6-cyl., over-drive '57 Ford Faiflane 4-dr., auto trans., V-8 4-Wheel dr., warren hubs, winch -- OTHER USED CARS -- after deducting I ronl the whole alnount any prevloL1s pay[llenl all(/ SIX (/ollars h)l' very day SilCl/ de[endant has I)cen I]/ll)l*lSOllO(l lit)ell a ('(QllllllllllCnl. SECTI()N v: T}r:.l whPll ally person lla. ' DeeB stnlcnccd L)y Uh'. Police JH(/g( H tile (ll y el  ]leLton tO a tcrIn O llriprls(,nrllen[ I1 tile City ./all wlret/lq' ill lie fault ol paylnenI el a line. or olberwise, such person ultly lie coin- pulled on eaelq day (If such tel'Ill el llrlprisonlllent, except Stlndays, lo per- Iorlll eiEhl hollrS labor ripen the slreets, put)lie buildings and grormds oi said City. SECTION R: All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in eonfliet herewith are hereby repealed. Introduced the 12ih day of March. 196q Passed the 19th day ,I M'r('h 1963. F. A TRAVIS J r. DAVE KNEELAND COlllllliS'.l'(q" el 1' l]llill('e ATTEST : ALMA K. CATTO City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FOR2: JOHN RAGAN (?ity Attorney 3/'P-, 11 NO. 339[ NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PI'YPITION FOR 1)ISTRi BUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of EMMY C. PETERSON. Deceased. Axei Peterson, Executor or said Es- tate. has filed with said Court his final resport and petition for distribution, asking the Com't t(i settle said report, distribute the property to the per- sons lhereto entitled and to discharge said Execut or, Said report and petition will be beard on the 12th day of April, 1963. at 10 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court. in the County Courthouse at Shelton. Washington. Dated this 7th day of March. 1963. LAURA M, WAGENNR. Clerk of the Superior Court. ROBERT L. NYDER. Attorney at Law 125 Vz N. 5th. Shelton. Washington. 3/21-28-4/4 3t NO. 3436 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAM WINFIELD DIGGLE Deceas- ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administra- tor with Will Annexed of the Estate of Sam Winfield Diggle. deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereiqy required to serve the same. duly verified, on the under- signed Administrator with Will An- nexed or his attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court. togethe,' with proof of such service v¢ithin six rnonths after the date of tir'st publication of this notice c" the same will be barred. Date of firsl publication: March 14, 1963, LAWRENCE A. CARLSON Adnfifiistlator with Will An- nexed GI3NN It']. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton. Washington 3/14-21-28-4/4 4 t, NO. 3176 N()TICE OF llEARIN(I FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR D1STRIIIUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOB THE COUNTY OF MASON. In the Matter of tlm Estate of KAROLINA SUND Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Legai appear and file ,,:ontesr the saTIle. Dated this lih day LAURA _7,,I. C1 mt. o[ By 'ri,] CK LA D-LlutY. ARTHUR F. YORK, i610 Pugel S:)und Bank Tacolna 2 WashingtOn NO. NOTI( E TO IN THE SUPERIOR STATE OF WA: MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF INEZ M NOTfCE 1S the undm'sigaed and has qualified as of the Estate of IneZ ceased: that all against said quired to serve the ficd on the trix or her attorney address below same with the Clerk logether with proof within six months first publication of sanh will bc barred Date of first 1963 ELEANOR Admin GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton, Wasbington Recurring showers period. High temperatures temperatures in hiC. 40's. 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