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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
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28. 1963 SHELTON--MA$0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in aChTitmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washing"con PAGE ? Heavily Ill Baseball Picture SATURDAY, FOR BALL SQUA9 Seem certain to thai conditioning has been handS- lineup which will shoo diamond surface as i:he High- tilei 96'," baseball a IWin bill aa'ainsl d. )iteh is due 1o be at ll oclock by Tim Rose love held Jim Rieha rds. Sophs are likely Snydel is jnsI at third base and giving 8eIliOl John rollg push fm the (IET, the nod the numerical eh Dombroski is With an all-senior his four let- Inith. A1 Wagner, Mike Sheedy .... ingard is tieket- a sslgnlnent, etting a battle Baskin. in keeping this senior-sopho- Shortstop Kelly last year. GAME neertain of who be. Much happens in Conditions have e the past week Tiller EAI TO FALL .. t-% ' tilling no t let lens JET. This 3 engineered to ng easier, more COntrols. Till s drive gear Yearl ; FEED WARE 1st e 426-2412 capped and it is doubtful if Rose is ready to go seven innings this early, even if he had Port Town- sencl batters under striet control. J-h;\\;vevPI. Don]ros];i eollld come lip v,'iih ;11l(}1 her soptlolnore st after in Snydcr. n husky righthander. Other members of the hurling (-orps include Wingard and juniors Bob Bennett and Bob \\;Vhitmarsh. :all riKhl handcrs. Vt[OIt''E|I TIIIIOIVS the firsl pitch in tim second game will do so to a .lunior catcher, either Terry Ka(Ioun ov Tim Sheedy. The Climber baiting order will be well stocked with southpaw swingers this year with sueh slickers as Rose. Wagner. Peter- smLand both Sheedys, taking their cuts from tim port side. Besides Saturday's double ae- tion. Dombroski has to keep in mind the faet that he must have a starting pitcher ready for ae- tion nexl; Monday, too, for Elma comes to Loop F'ield for a single afternoon game at 3:50 'clock. All three games are non-confer- ence action even though Port Townsend is a fellow-member of the Olympic league with the Climbers. Shelton goes to Town- send later in the season for the official game. Methodists Win Church Hoop League Playoff From Baptists, 44-24 They conldn't let it go unsettled. so the Methodists and the Baptists got together Monday night and played off their stalemate for ]he church basketball league cham- pionship. The Methodists prevailed. 44-24. with a strong second half surge. Although leading all the way, the victors were unable to feel com- fortable until after the Baptists' Jim Lament fouled out early in the fourth quarter when the mar- gin was eight points. Muscular Jim had been doing yoeman duty on both backboards. "With him gone the Methodists widened their advantage rapidly behind the late scoring of Tom Wingard and Tom Lowe. The two Toms be- tween them scored 19 second half points, Lowe making all his nine after the intermission. "Wingard finished with game honors at 17. The two teams had finished the regnlar season tWo weeks ago with 6-1 records and at first it had been decided not lo attempt a play-off. But the urge to settle the issue was too strong. The line- ups: METHODISTS 44 BAPTISTS 24 Vingard 17 f fIulbert 5 Bryant 9 .f Donalme 5 1lawson 3 e Lament 3 D. Peterson g Johnson 5 R. Peterson g Scrafford 6 Subs: Methodists---Lowe 9, Gru- ver 2. Bennett 2. Miltenberger 2. Pearson. Baptists -Butler. . Morgan, Eacrett's NnQZlllg lew LUI00IIhUM COMBINATION tJ=an!s from Storm D0er to Screen I, I" THICK inserts st=,/on door all l'e=" Panels tilt out for easy washbI s cushlo.e(rin wool pile weather. TOP OR BOTTOM Years of trouble4ree smMce EACRETT LUMBER Phone 426-4522 :2nlm,mm.,.i.,i.m.mmmml,, Shelton-North Mason Rivalry Starts Friday ! ='SOPHS SURPRISE SENIORS • OUTDOORS !WI N INTER CLASS CROWN ' { " :00Z7 , I S e nisllp  ] n dt p&/Ju a ?etlhlllnO c e o f f?.,." . . .' • ,. . , . I olbesidesJ ' Inlr(ll( SVa.ters., ..... JOecoll]bsWaterSand John-St' I Illllllllllllll II I IIIIIIIlllllllllll sophomores ran off with the 1963 son was Jim Lament with a 10-6 inter-class track championship last pole vault. He was using an "old THE FISH ARE THERE Most of those who tried found fishing success this past week. whether it was for steclhead or sa hnon. The year's biogest steeihead in these parts came out of the Sko- komish Friday, prey of a hn'e dunked by Ralph Hilligoss oi Hoodsport It topped 20 pounds isee adjoining picture). He also had a 3 p()under two days p)'ior from the Skok. where Marian Het- ser Look a pair art 7 and 3 lhs. Monday. In salt water. Charlie Dahhnan isee picture) limited Sunday anti added a 31,:, pounder Tuesday out of Hood Canal. Bill Kuhr also limited Sunday, his best hitting 9 pounds 8 ounces, and Harry Car- Ion and Roy Getty, fishing togeth- er. each limited with a 7 pounder as tops oul of Rest While Park. The canal has lots ot fish most of them small blackmouth found near the sm'face and reached with minimum lead weights, but some big fish have been seen rolling on the surface and probably eonld be taken with heavier lead at deeper depths. Steamboat Island gave up the week's biggest sahnon, a 1 h- pounder to Virg Morgan Tuesday, along with a 6U-Ib. mate. Char- lie Teagle took a 7-0 in the same area while Dick Glaser limited off Harstine Island all matched at 5 Ibs. Phyllis Shcfler got into her skin diving gear and speared a 12-Ib. ling cod and a 5], lb. rockfish in Pickering Passage Saturday. SIMPSON DERBY STARTS Action opened last Sunday in the annual Simpson Recreation Association sahnon derby, in which all Simpson Timber em- ployes [active and retiredl and their families living in the Shel- ton working circle (including the Olympia mill) are eligible to en- ter, They have a wide scope---from Seal Rock in Hood Canal to John- son's Point off the Nisqually Flats in Puget Sound. Weighing sta- tions, whore entry tickets may be purchased as well as catches weighed, include Hoodsport Mar- BLACKMOUTH  Representa- tive of the fine salmon fishing now available in Hood Canal are these two 4//2 lb. blackmouth ta- ken off Bald Point last Sunday by old never-miss Charlie Dahl- man with dodger and pearl wob- bler. Charlie, one of the most successful anglers in these parts, had a limit Sunday, hav- ing caught one before Stan Jones of the Fishing and Hunt- ing News snapped this picture at Wingard's Sport Shop. The Journa is indebted to the editor of F & H News for use of the ina. Hood Canal Marina (Union). RestWhile Park, Sandy Boat Works (BelfaSt), Wingard's Sport Shop and Verle's Sporting Goods (Shelton). Stock's G r o c e r y (Grapeview), Barger's Grocery (Bayshore), Johnson Point Resort, and Luhr's Boathouse (Anderson Island). As usual there will be both King and silver divisions with at least 12 prizes in each division topped with a $30 merchandise prize for the biggest entry in each. There are also $5 prizes for the first and last catches registered in each division. The derby runs through Novem- ber 24 WHOPPER . Ralph Hiltigoss of Hoodsport landed the sea- son's biggest steelhead in these parts, " 20-pounder shown here in the window at Verle's Sport- ing Goods, last Friday morning from the Skokomish River. He used 10-lb. test line and 8-lb. test leader. The fish measured 39 inches long. Bul rls Squads Shape Up With Contrashng Prospects By Dennis Shelly There aren't too many chances of taking any blue ribbons this year in iyaek but at least the boys will-be trying their hardest. Tills year's team is a little green but inee traek is an "individual" sport, it's possible that NM may have one or two winners. Below is a schedule for this year's track meets: March 29, at East Bremerton with Shelton in triangular. April 5, Port Angeles. April 8, North Kitsap. April 19, South Kitsap. April 26, East Bremerton. April 30, Central Kitsap. May 3, League Qualifying meet. May 10, Sub-District Meet. May 17, District Meet at Lake Washington. May 24, 25, State Meet at Pull- [nan. Baseball is the only "team" sport offered in the spring at N.M. This year's team has quite a few returning lettermen and in spite of the out-of-class competition they \\;viii be confronted wittt, hopes are still high. Unlike track, there will be several baseball games at the home field. There are no out- door lights at NM which means all home games will be played in the afternoon. Below is the baseball schedule for this year: April 4, North Kitsap, t]ere. April 9, Chimacum at Bath- bridge. April 11, Sequim, here. April 16 Chimacmn, here. April 18', Shelton, there. April 23, Vashon, here. April 25, Bainbridge, there. April 30, Vashon, here. May 2, Port Townsend, here. May 6, Port Townsend, there. MaSt 9, Central Kitsap, there. May 13, South Kitsap, here. Ma. 16 East Bremerton, here. Friday on a chilly, drizzle- drenched Loop Field. The sophs did it by a surpris- ingly substantial margin. 70 2/5 to 51 with the juniors trailing at 24 3/5. The seniors won seven of the 14 events, the sophs five. two of which were relays inwhich the factor of depth played an i,mport- ant role. but in seconds, thirds and fourths the sophs had,a command- ing 45 2/5 to 16 point advantage, The sophs scored at least three points in every event while the seniors were blanked entirely in three. THERE WERE FOUR double winners during the afternoon--- sophomore Tommy Lowe in the century 10.7i and 220 [24.11, senior. Joe Waters in the hurdles (80-yard highs at 11.4, 120-yard lows at 14.5), nenior Gary Combs in the shot 47-6fi) and discus (141-0). and senior George John- son in the two jumps broad at 18-8tfi and high at 5-6). The broad jump was a real bat- tie with the top three places jammed within 1% inches. Conditions were not conducive to good niLrkS and there weren't any except that, Lowe's winning times were commendable in the sprints. THE JUNIORS' ONLY two winners Were'Brian Brickert in the half-mile (at 2:11.1) and Paul Brown in the quarter mile ¢at 55.0). The only other soph win- ner than Lowe and the relay teams was Larry Powell with a 5:15,7 mile and the other senior victor style" Swedish steel pole, the fi- 0reglass pole the Highelimbers Lave on order having not yet ar- rived. This Friday the Highclimbers open their Olympic league track competition with a visit to East Bremerton at which North Mason will be a third participant. This marks the firnt time Shelton and North Mason have met in any varsity athletic competition: The inter-class results: g0-yard high Iturtiles (6 hurdles) .... Joe Waters Sr., Paul Sheffler So., Jim Rutledge So., Rick Dur- kin Sr. 11.4. 100-yard dash Tom Lowe So., Paul Brown Jr.. Jim Sells So.. Dave Utter Sr. 10.7. 880-yard run--Brian Brickert Jr.. Perry Swett So., Rutledge So.. Mark Burnett So. 2:11.1. 440-yard dash---Bro,m Jr. Jack Bryant So., Jim Lament St., Jon Hembroff So. 55.0. Terry LaBissoniere So,, Lament Sr.. Dan Olson Jr. 14.5. 220-yard dash Lowe So., LaBis- somere So.. Olson Jr., no 4th. 24.1. Pole Vanlt;--.Lamont St, Jim D. Anderson So.. Steve Archer So.. no 4th. 10'6'. Shot putt--Gary Combs Sr.. Jim Goodpaster Sr.. Bill Batstone So.. Fred Lamont So. 47'6Vz". High jump--George Johnson Sr., Duane Wilson So.. Rich Wyatt So.. 5-way tie for 4th among Ar- cher and lV£ike Brickert Sophs, Hanson, T0wle and Johnson Juniors. 5' 6". Mile Run-Larry Powell So., Jim GOLF CLUB CALENDAR ]9th HOLE TWILIGHT ! PLAY STRATS VEDNESDAY I Nearly 70 men golfers, members I of the 19th Hole Club, will open[ competitive action for 1963 next[ Wednesday when a 10-team twi- light league kicks off an ll-week[ scliedule of matches. [ Wednesday's opening pairings pit teams captained by the fol- lowing against each other with each team having seven members ---Ray Walker vs. Buck Price. Jack Gray vs, Bud Knutzen, Oliver Kelly vs. Jerry Thompson , Jim Me- Comb vs. 2flax SchtnLdt;, L L. Mc- Inelly vs. Ed Fa'uber: Contests will be over nine holes on handicap basis with each vic- tory counting two points, a tie one point. Squad membership was de- termined by lot according to handicap groupings hy Purl Jemi- son and Ivan Myers, co-chairman of the, twilight league project, and announced at last week's monthly meeting of the 19th Hole Club. At the meeting inter-club match chairman Phil Bayley announced that three of the fonr matches with other clubs have been def- initely dated---at Chehalls (Riv- erside) April 28. Port Angeles here May 26, and Vashon here June 9. A visilation to Olympia will be dated later. Chairman Bud Pauley of the tournament committee announced that four regular tournaments will be held during the year starting with the team captain's competi- tion. a 4-to-5 weekevent to begin April 15. Other tournaments will be the eclectic competition tournament which will be run, off independ- ently but concurrently with other tournaments. Pauley urged 19th Hole mem- bers to start choosing their part- ners for the team captain's tour- nament now, one requisite of which is that partners must have handicaps at least six strokes apart Thirty-four members of the club attended the meeting and enjoyed a fried chicken dinner which so pleased them that a special vote of appreciation was given the Epsil0n Sigma Alpha sorority girls wh'o catered it. Next month's club meeting re- verts back to the Wednesday night schedule and will be held April 17. again with a 6:30 dinner to be nerved by the ESA girls. Junior Travelers Get Goose Egg At Olympia Claude Cook and Ken Kneeland, lanes Sunday in Junior Traveling ]'oiled well with l*epec/ive 541 League competition. and 521 series but it. wasn't The Sheltonians took a nose- enough to save Shelton's traveling dive from the third rung spot they junior bowling team from a shut-{held going into the nmteh. out toss at the hands of Cen- tralia at Olympia's \\;Vest Side I L. Anderson So.. Lentz Robinson Jr.. Mike Carte Sr.. 5:15.7 Brewed Jump-Johnson Sr., Olson Jr., Lowe So.. Sells So. 18' 8V_,". Dis(*us-- Combs Sr. Goodpaster Sr.. Rennie Mason So.. Ed La- tham So, ]41' even Mile relay -Sophomores Jim Rod- germ. Rich Wyatt. Tim Schnitzer. Bob Sargent ), Juniors 2nd. 4:07.4. 880-yard relay---Sophomores Lowe, Sells. Lament. LaBissoniere, seniors 2nd. 1:43.2. i The ,american Legion Dept. of Wash. FRED B. WIVELL POST 31 Jay Umphenour. Commander J Mel Dobson. Adjutant Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesdays APRIL 2 & 16 -- At The -- Memorial Hall8 p.m, Don't be tied to IL00l a Gas Pump... HOMILI'r| As liff/e as $9..00 weekly after small down payment . cuts gas and oil cost in half • 4-Cycle, 4-cylinder, 55 HP • no gas-oil mix o Automotive-type reli- ability Don't limit your outboard- ing to short trips between gas docks! The new Homelite 4-Cycle-55 lets you go twice as far on every dollar's worth of gas and oil. 4-Cycle, auto- motive-type engine burns gasoline only, not a mix- ture of gas and oil. Actual tests prove that you get more power . . . more speed.., more miles per dollar with a Homelite. Choose from thes* Comes In soltd or spltf modem colors-charcoal : and white, two tone i green or red and block, Front and Rear. HOOD CANAL MARINA AT UNION -- PHONE 898-2252 COME /NAND HAVE A FREE TRIAL RUN TODAY/ 1963 F/ire King  ,,, .... PIR i Ii N A . DELUXE I l wex I .. COAST-KING I=. ........... I . BICYCLE  ¢s  h NO dOWN PAYMENT #eWr 'ound  SUm Lin  A ikAkDN&  .. Kal NO INSTALLMENTS :t klW|thChr°meHead lT/f tT UNTIL MAY 15 • B011t |n Twin Heodilghtst    l ×'" Sole.F/ex t Coast.King . Double Adtustoble Chrome \\;\II I .\\;' All parts guaranteed two years.  TIRES r Nylon Tires ond Tubes by +  t ,// Transmission guaranteed five years I me+. by u.i Rub.'l U.S. Rubb.,! I co, s+.,,o ! , /r • Boys' Flamboyont Bluet ITiR=-S kNb TUoEsl = ....  kA t tl I CQASTER e RAI( E$ [] Size= 20' 24, and 26 • Glrls Flomboyont R,d. IZYJlI ', \\;: sx +/ Lem Warren Refrigeration +' "+ "'"' RAY PROUTY nd at Cota St. Phone 426-2445 123 So. Second St. "It's The Service After the Sale That Counts" __' __ Phone 426-3111 eS and rooted Kolrl essed tn o cuti plush Inny typn =mow suit wtth motch- ing bonnet. frdnt + ond In matching plastic case are yours rear seat covers. Colors- in this alarm clock. Gold blue, green charcoal embossed numeral dfol, or red With block trim! One year guarantee. !i 8 Fabric Cycles Push..bulton selectiox • Lint Filter • SsdlmeM, Remlvcll • Fluid Dr|re • Slech D|lpsn|sr • Fluorescen! bnl: Light • Aluminum High/Ac]ies All!t=t0 r ...... President's Trophy, club champion- ship and Keyser Cup, pIus • an T-HOMEMAKERS' SPECIALS I + YOUR '1 Gouge !! a 6 -t''/" " Ex,,o Iore 22  u N TRANSISTOR IEILLkIIk nos ond 9 I RADIO "A09 i..Nt,_,-Nk i.che, hlghl 1 Big 5 Section " Comes complete wlth CUTLERY TRAY I2:IE.L--"-- leather €orry!ng cose, Any "Tidy IVloy" wilt love +hls orgon;-er for her fOIL •  eorpnone ono ottery. kitchen cutleryt A large 10 x 13 x +.I-7/8 ;nches Usss9 volt battew, will hMd avert your biggest serving spoons, etc. I Thunderbird Hewl Loom - ! AUTO SEAT AUTO SEA'i'._8#$ Eo,,,r. 1  COVERSI(  COVERS BUNNY DOLL RO.T t1 ww il + oo .,,. .o.+ logs! Hos sleeping REAR All Purpose ALUMINUM FOIL O ROLL$ -qr FOR IF ,dr" Con be used for cooking such as o wrop for baked po- tatoes and keeps pans clean. Large 125 footroll112 inches wide. IC ALAR CLOCK R,. $4.50 Plus 10% Federal Tox! NOW IN PROGRESS