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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ch 28, 1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washing[on -EASY. ON- YOUR- BUDGET END-OF- THE- MONTH 5-Piece Walnut liedroom Set '1999s • FIRM II0x SPring & Mattress F'uil or Twin Size '69oo s, Table Lamps Choose from Five Styles ,69S Pole Lamps 'l19S Sunburst Wall ,Clock 7-Piece. Walnut Dinelle Set Transistorized [ '999s '149s ,|:==.U.| , Wak,,utl.,. -- 3-piece set 36-inch, 3 shelves :| Ta,le, 2Step End Brass Wall Shelf Tables TV Footrest Rocker '89so Cherry Dining Room Table All Stocked Gurtains and Drapes 1//3 off All Boysen Paint Marine -- Flat Wall -- Semi-Gloss Enamels, etc. 1/3 off 39 x 72 500o Furniture Dept. -- 2nd Floor e Nylon Lace Trim SLIP-- s2" Sizes 32 - 40 White and Black 0lie Group Taffeta SLmPS To Clear Values to $4.00 Sizes 32 to 46 Slack, Beige, Pink, Navy Clearance Women's and Children's SHAGGY HOUSE SLIPPERS Many colors to choose from regular values 3 z9 S A L E BARGAINS THROUGHOUT THE STORE and Lingerie Dept. HEW SPRING DRESSES TWo FULL RACKS w New Styles, Fabrics and Colors. Juniors- Regulars  Half Sizes ,,g,l, ,,.9, Special s9.90 'g,,, ,z. Special qO.90 LAI)IES SAILCLOTH CLAHDIGGERS SPRING COLORS -- SIZE 10 to 20 Special s2.99 I LADLES SAILCLOTH SHORTS SIZES 10 to 20 Sl.99 LADIES °"' OR'ESSi °I]LOUSEs• POLYESTER DACRON -- Sizes 32 to 38 ',.l,... Special s4.99 Ready-to-Wear Dept. MEN'S ALL WOOL WORK JACKETS 99 Plaids -- Diagonal Plain REGULAR $11.95 to $24.95 % OFF 4 ONLY MEN'S WOOL CAR COATS Sizes 38-40-42-44 REGULAR $22.95 3 ONLY HYLO SKI IACKETS Large Size -- Reversible EGULA.*99 =133S BOYS' HYLOH SKI JACKETS Regular $11.98 to $16.98 % OFF Men's Department e 5 Quart Plastic Pails 34c • l • n..... . " 11 Quart Plastic Pails,,.,.,,.,,,. 69c Round Plastic Laundry Baskets.. 89c Oval Plastic Laundry Baskets.. 1.29 20 Gaiton Plastic Garbage Gontainers - - • reg. $9.95 spec. '6 9s 1 Group 3- 6x GIRLS COTTON PAJAMAS '149 1 Group 3 - 6x GIRLS' COTTON KNIT T-SHIRTS 2/'149 1 Group 3 - 6x COROUROY ¢APRIS '1 °° INFANTS' PLASTIC PANTS 1 Group 7- 14 GIRLS' CAPRI SETS Vz price 1 Group -- Size 5 & 6 BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS 1 Group 7- 14 GIRLS' CORDUROY CAPltiS GIRLS' Cotton Panties-- z/, price Vz price 3/SlOO Repeat of a Sell-Out Assorted Colors Fluffy Bath Towels--only 99 = Fringed Finger-Tip Towels--5/Sl °° Dry Goods Department Fair Harbor Grange Holds Pot Luck 1 Supper; Celebrates Birthdays GRAPEVIEVV The National Red Cross Fund-raising Drive is winding up activities on its 1963 campaign which comes to a close March 31. If you have not been contacted as yet, you will still have an opportunity to contribute to our area volunteers, Howard SoBers, Watt Clayton, and Don Query. It is only through your sup- port that the Red Cross is able to continue in its many worthwhile services to our people, such as dis- aster relief, water-safety instruc- tion, first-aid instruction and blood collection program. Fair Harbor Grange held one of its otluck suppers last Friday evemng at the schoolhouse and found it had three very good rea- sons for extra celebration. The birthdays of three of its members were noted and satiactorily hon- ored with delicious Gemnan Choc- olate cake. We add our belated congratulations! Grange members practiced for the coming Travelling Gavel Meet- ing which will be held here Thurs- day, April 4 with Skokomish Grange bringing the gavel. Past Master Orin Buckingham will be Acting Master for the meeting. Fair Harbor will take 'gavel to Shelton Valley Grange April 19. FRIDAY EVENING was "Tolo Time" at Irene S. Reed in Shelton and it was the "gals who paid"! "Daisies Wont Tell" was the fresh, springtime theme for the annual dance which was held this year in the attractive new "nnflti-purpose" room of the Grant C. Angle build- ing. Grapeview was well represent- ed with several of its teenagers donning their party duds to join the fun: Ginny Freeman. Susie Fuhner. Elaine Zehe. Lynne Ste- vens. Doug Lutz and Liz Somers. Also attending and helping to de- corate one wall while serving as chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Howard SoBers. Saturday evening, it was "itchy" feet that lured another peppy group of Grapeview folks out to dance -- this one was the "Moose" dance in Shelton and those helping to make it a success included Ed and Louise Okonek. Russ and Ruth Wells, Clem and Marge Hol]. Art and Ernestine Nicklaus, Rollie MarLin_ and Kay Sanford. Art. Nicklals also helped out parttime Homemaker Club At Pickering Elects Officers By Mrs. Earl Harriman the club house, with 17 Bern- present. With Mrs. Florence Fessler and Mrs. Virginia Sneider as hostesses. Others present wcrc: Mrs. Helen Baker, Mrs. Doris Johnston, Mrs. Anna York, Mrs. Doris Jones, Mrs. Phyllis Jones, Mrs. Mary Chapman, Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, Mrs. Bea Gray, Mi's. Clara Carlson, Mrs. Lillian Cameron. Mrs. Helen Cameron. Mrs. Jean Welsh. Mrs. Roles, Mrs. Mabel Harriman and Miss Emily Babcock. ELECTION OF OFFICERS was held, and Mrs. Doris Jones was elected president; Mrs. Anna York, wce president and Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, secretary, to take of- lice at the April meeting. Mrs. Ellonore Gosser and Mrs. Phyllis Jones will be hostesses for April. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jones were callers at the John Peterson home one evening last week. We understand Charles Mc- Gonagle has been quite ill at the Bremerton Navy Hospital, but'is improving. Mrs, lIabel Harriman spent the weekend in Hoquiam, visiting her daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hile, Mr. and Mrs. Albert' Otterstad and welcoming her grandson, Don Ot- terstad, who is home On leave from the Pole Station at Antarctica with the Seabees, where he has been since last September. in the music deparUnent with his versatile electric guitLr. A wedding in the family was a delightful incentive to take Mr. and Mrs. Welt Clayton, Jr. and youngster to Seattle last Saturday. Accompanied by Walt's mother, Mrs. Walter Clayton, St. The Clay- tons were guests at the marriage of Mrs. Clayton's niece, Miss Sha- ron Ann Flournoy to Charles Mor- ris Coyne at St. Stephen's Episco- pal Church and the reception which followed at Sand Point Golf and Country Club. Walt and Salli, with Pare, Chief and Georgia were able to Luck in % pleasant visit with long-time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trager at their Sheri- dan Beach home. SEATTLE VISITORS Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clare Peters who made a full day of it dining and visiting with friends while daughter Diana kept the home fires buzzing and her brothers happy, here at Grapeview. Mr .and Mrs. Harold Retzman also drove to the big city last weekend, staying from Saturday until Monday. They visited friends in Seattle Saturday evening :,ud Sunday, they spent the day cheer- ing up friends who were ill. Mon- day was devoted mostly to shop- ping. " It-was a happy weekend for Mr. and Mrs. Orin Buckingham when Ethel's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green. came up from Pe Ell for a visit. Dean and Billie Buckingham. with their children, joined them Saturday and stayed on until Sunday. The youn- ger Buckinghams managed to keep the family boat busy most of the time, tempting the wily salmon to bite on their lines. Jim Okonek Look advantage of a fairly nice weekend, weather- wise. to launch his new outboard boat. with the aid of brother-in- law. Jim Turnbow, who came out from Tacoma intent on catching a nice salmon. Fortunately, both men were able to bring home the limit. Sunday, Jim. Jr. tried his luck with his gundfather Al Oko- nek. MR. AND MRS. Bill Staudt, Jr. made a sad trip to Bothell last Thursday to attend the funeral of an old and very clear friend, Merle Montagne. with whom Bill had made his home a a young boy. Bill Staudt. Sr. entered the Na- val Hospital in Bremerton Monday for minor surgery. We hope by this time he is back at his Benson Lake home and as good as new. The Staudts were very relieved to learn hat the pilot of the ill- fated plane belonging to Saudi- Arabia's King Ibn-Saud which crashed last week, was not Chuck Staudt who is also a pilot for the king's airline. 4-H "Barnacles" held a Baking Project meeting Moriday atel: school at the home of Leacher l Art Nicklaus. with six members present. Demonstrations, m prepa- ration for the forthcoming Demon- PAGE 9 ; stration Day, were given by Bon- nie Benson and Georgia Clayton who showed "How to Set a Table for an InfoTnal Dinner" and Don SoBers, who demonstrated "How to Prepare Muffins". It was a happy day Sunday for Mrs. Florence Palms. filled with goo;t friends, good food and gooc cheer. A potluck supper and friend lv conversation were provided by Seattle's visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paki and twro daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dudoit and Mr. Joe I:eliikoa. Mrs. Raymond Orr came f'om Tacoma and, also from Tacoma. but just stopping by for a brief yisit, were Mr. and Mrs. AN bert Wassmuth. Florence reports that daughter Pat, who is a nurs at Peninsula Hospital in Burling- aBe, Calif. has tentative plans to return to Tacoma in the fall. We diagnose an acute case of home- sickness, perhaps ? Grapeview Mothers' Club will meet Wednesday, April 3, at th Grapeview Gradeschool. Plans will possibly be formulating for the coming Forest Festival Parade. Oooh Oooh -- Ooooh: "Would you like to take a walk ? A ffftya mile walk, that is! If you would -2 gel your sneakers (several pairs) lined up and sign up at the Grape, view Grocery. Those eager, phy sicai-fitness "nuts" are about td ta&e off any day now' Ooh' NEW TOP HOMELITE C CONVERTIBLE DRIVE CHAIN SAW ENDS FARM WOODCUTTING PROBLEMS • Converts from direct to gear drive in 9 minutes • Ideal for cord wood, fence posts, land clearing, prun- ing, etc. ° Cuts flush with the ground ONLY s 1499s t |or dlleet drive with 14' bar and chai. NAVE A FREE DEMONSTRATION TODA]I'I Saeger Motor Shop On Hillcrest "We Service What We Sell" WALLPAPER 22 BOOKS FOR 3- DAY SPEGIAL ORDERS and WE ALSO CARRY A WIDE SELECTION IN STOCK Furniture Dept. -- 2rid Floor of Sheiton A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. formerly the Lumbermen's Mercantile For the well-dressed Man's.... We, ve Got The Suit! by Timely an J & F We've Got The Halt by Stetson We've Gol The Shid! by Arrow When the man of the house steps out in the Easter parade, he'll do the family (and himself) proud . . . if beforehand he takes a look around Bettman's. 3rd and Raiiroad Formerly Lumbermen,s Mercantile Co. #,¢ _ Men's Shop VERN MILLER, Owner • 409 Ra;Iroad Ave GENE HANSON,Manager