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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: SHELTONmMASON COUNTY 3OURNAL -- Published in "Ch'istmastown, U.S.A,", Shelton, Washing/0n .... PAGE i i THE ROAD AsVisitors m00//iBi WeNng For ltavy rs. Rex Cook who Lhe Forrest left is:st week for two to five year job engineers. They to Mr. and Iirs. HaLchery L marking fish• The :s they have mark- Chinook Salmon. take at least ten Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Breh- meyer Jr. and family went to Oyhut Saturday to dig clams. Mr ,and Mrs. Earl Cash and daughter Holly Jean of Everett spent the week end with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. Mr .and Mrs. Lad Rossmaier spent Saturday evening with the James Rossmaier family. They just moved into their new home on the Cole road. 1VI- .and Mrs. Lad Rossmaier enjoyed a birthday dinner Sun- day with the Arthur Sharp fam- ily of Olympia. It was Douglas Sh.qrDs second birthday. The Alec Taylor family of Ta- coma spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGarvie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and son of Shelton spent Wednes- day evening with the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. family. The John- ton's are moving to Ehna. Gene Brehmeyer spent the week end in Aberdeen with the Schoen- ing family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and family of Shelton were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. The Mg.tlock Ladies Club met last Wednesday with Mrs. L. D. Portman hostess. 'Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mrs. Clifford Combs birthdays were celebrated. :Mr. and Mrs. John Eldridge of Salt Lake City, Utah spent three was saddened death of Mrs. 8helton last week. old time Matlock loved by everyone She was 87 years one brother, two a lot of great Matlock friends arers. They were: Portman, Gord- Hearing, Roy Winkelman. . Lad Rossmaier C. Ford, Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Augusta Port- and Mr. and attended the at Skokomish tuning. Palmer] arday evening J vi Hearing. I lar and Carl I Lig: L guests I D. Portman County Extension, Agent By Clmries Peck At work, Tiger MoLl1 caterpil- lars are as interesting to watch as an acquz'ium of guppies. Next tme you find a wad of ttlese insect larvae busy defoliat- ing a young Douglas fir tree, pluck  half dozen for pets• Then give the others a whiff of DDT, an in- sectidde that will take the edge off their appetites. Your pets will live nicely in a covered glass jar. Punch a few holes in the lid for air. Feed free choice tips of Douglas fr twigs. Give them fresh feed daily. They won't need water. AT FIRST, THE dark brown densely-haired caterpillars will act a little uneasy in their new en- vironment. But soon they will settle down and get started at business at hand. Each one will select a juicy, green needle, stretch out on it lengthwise, and start chewing at the tip likes worried student gnawing on a pencil eras- er. I have such a menagerie on my desk. It squirms with ten caterpil- lers from Herb Angle's selected purebred Tiger Moth brood stock. For special friends living near his Shelton caterpillar farm, Herb will capture several, cage them in vaseline jars and deliver in per- son. RALPH BREWER and one of his top notch purebred Jersey Missionaries From india By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH VALLEY.--- Mr. and :Mrs. Chester Valley had as their house guests during the past week, ev. and Mrs. Leon Elliott, who arrived from North India after 25 years in missionary work. Mrs. Eltiott is a sister of Mr. Val- ley, and had visited in the Valley 17 years ago while home on fur- laugh. While here they were en- tertained by their many friends and relatives. Saturday the Valleys drove them to Seattle, where they visited Dr. and Mrs. Zerne Chap- re'an, who had spent five years in India with the Elliotts. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley Jr. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Halbert held 8, coffee hour 'after church Sunday evening in honor of the Elliotts. Thoase present were Mr. and Mrs. George Valley, Sue and Jan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley, and :Mike Halbert. Rev. and Mrs. Elliott left early Monday morning by bus for Springfield, Mo. to be with their two daughters, Ma.rgaet Ann and Doretta. Miss Esther Johnson of SeanCe t Pacific College spent the spring I vacation with her parents, :Mr. I and Mrs. Arvid Johnson, and we I can't say it was a very pleasant l one as she had a tonsilectomy and/ had complications, o VISITORS SUNDAY at the MRS. IDA JOHNSON and Mrs. Kathy Johnson made a business trip to cattle on Tuesday. Mr. and :Mrs. Arlan Johnson have re- turned to their home in Seattle after spending a week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson I drove to Oakville recently and l called on Mr. and :Mrs. Bill Germ. 1 Later the! Donaldsons stopped in I Satsop, where they had lunch with Mrs. Ethel loody.  [ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter and family made a business trip east of the mountains Saturday. Skokomish Grange is host to Mason County Pbmona this Fri- day evening. The meeting will be preceded by a 6:30 p.m. dinndi" served by the ladies of Skok0m- ish Grange. :Mrs: Mintie Ahern wilt be host- ess to the Grange Ladies Club in her  home on April 2 at 8 p.m. Skokomish Grange is to take the 'Traveling Gavel' to Fair Harbor, April 4 and April 6 their third and fourth degree team goes to Shelton Valley, so there is a busy schedule ahead. i' Can = You Tax Money! Are you claiming all drug de.'! ' ducfions to wbzch you are ent=tled? ! Thousands of items can be listed, i: DrugTax--available free to eurli customers--furnishes you an aa*i nual record. Come in today and • ask about DrugTax. It's Jr.t¢¢.,: Start saving tax money P IrE P P'S i Rexall Store Second & Railroad . Phone 426-4642 " Copyright 1962  A day's grind in the office goes , . ..... days last week with Mr and Mrs ...... ,]. ..... ;,....,^..:, .............. ] t- ..... In 1962 each of 37 Jerseys in Brewer s milking string, av- Chester Valley home beside Rev. er m]ests of M .,, ,>w,.,. ,,ey a, enoyeu right before your eves While the I eraged 9,250 pounds of milk testing 5,$3.5 pounds of butter fat. and Mrs. Elliott were :Mr. and uck°witz of Roc- uesoa.y wiu a rip around the boss will not olerae biank, word- For efficient herd and farm management, Brewer received Meri- Mrs. Eugene Halbert, Lurene, TO provide a better all-around service for your (leeVille ulYmnPsun°°Pa week ao Mr and less staring at paper work, he will I tartans recognition, from the Dairy 'Herd Improvement Assort- Rusty, Marlene and Tammy, and }]ehil,-- and Lake Nahwat ......... .y .= s, ._. sanction purposeless nature oh- atone(Photo  Mason tounty xtension ervioe) William Valley of Agate. car we have a mechanic on duty to carryout  o ,en an . Ivory. namer uams oz nelron • . " :, * * * ,,: a I-Ie • d thezr bus dn-  .... servatmn. It m human nature to . . ;1, armg saw th--hot L r" m d Mrs. Phhp Wllough ot do so 1 Oneratin a profitable, high- rated on the Olympm Hghway Close to 90 Grange members  were present last Friday evening ("---"  Minor :i[i.  Week on the"]eevii]e rtne oal%tM:h aenndo,M'S'df:2en Saturday on the Skokomish was producing, ° family sized dairy about.four miles south of She}- at the Grange meeting when' the (,. r-,'_-l " 1t " ?:" and . .. : . _. E a  .... ver,r satisfactory W,v-. *. .... h farm is a tough job these nays I ton. it is one at Mason ounty-s Master Jim Sauers of Cloquallum )->  t, },)  &ITrPMI[ltqPIITI. 'k 0-' • thur Osburn oft r .....  ................ e the Steeihead were not responsive But t can be done zf you have a[ ,a de spa ..G1.. p tu es, t Grange presented the 'Traveling" , :/ ,xu''=v=v.-  ..... it .. ZSanSpending a few .......... ..... ",,'o,;'"',",.' .........  ............ '" to d r i f t ing lures Springtime sensitive management hand like [ buildings, ano .sJee cattle, attes Gavel' to Chester Valley Master 1' M]{Jlk l.)fl]kL :l ' d Mrs. Harold lnnd MP w,,a .},,, warmth in the sunlit valley, with Ralph Brewer's. [the hzg'n quahty at aan'y zoocls of Skokomish. Tie Leetm-er's pro- "..1 tt SERVICES :l' d ._ _ i)oiFt"forget.e7rv' tr.;. billowing clouds lofting back o£ The Brewer Dairy Farm is lo- } flowing thzs zarm. gram conmsted ....... of two songs by "tlyr. fi  - ' .... .:!iffkla,, • dward Valley[ o mc  .... ,u;. .., ... a,. the Olympms made time on the  / Last year, Brewer's herd of reg- Susan Valley and Cindy Stenz, ac- m--------" It .;r gPa,:- emng wth the um , . uo,a,u _ ...... w,n rzver worthwhzle. enetrate our skin and cause a[ mtered Jerseys gave 341000 ounds companied on the piano by Mrs. ]eYA/ i: . MOTOR TUNE-UPS :n,aly.W,m rne ..........................  ....... Stinging n e tile s were ju'st tingled stiYging similar to recur-[ of milk that tested more t;ln ten Mary Valley. The remainder of './r • ',tNg ;[  [ emerging from rich soil in damp ring electric shocks. The plant hasl tons of butterfat. The milk alone the irogran was slides ands lee- ,i'JJ7 ---"i . BRAKE REPAIRS IB, , '--- . .__ ]/..u'..-. T* ...... shady places. Determined not to dark green saw tooth edged leav- would furnish 600 hungry teen- tare on soil conservation by Duane Jk'--// , "-"_.. ,,.= =&tm. ,fl4r /{ II &[(- ltliltl-l-liltN IIUt:'IIU go home empty-handed, I put es that are borne opposite each lagers three glasses of milk daily ..... Scott and Joe McCaferty. J   'J ---" .................... )],' 'W  I/i]] I Applyin for a marriage license away my fishing gear and picked other. Some species of nettles[ for a whole year. If the milk Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson 'l v • - .... • , a sho pin ba of tender nettle )roduce a fiber equal to that of were churned 1 280,000 plus pieces 't] :L _Llj v/ [ m the Mason county Audztor s of- . . P g g ' I . ] , . and Mrs. Gradys Tozier were Sun- Available Daily, indluding Sundays, except Saturdays. .t ., /''  \\; [ fire this past weel were" snoos tar greens, c.e .mat linen.  of could be spread with the day dinner guests of :Mr. and Mrs. . - ll I ]( [ irianE Phillips 17 Montesano Young stinging nettles make de- This family of plants can bothlbutter. Mr and Mrs George Barkley j,,', v x. ,, .... IYJ ..... J' " (lv)]|   ] and Pamela Ai'ice 'Tisler" 19' licious boiled green Cooking de- clothe and feed man I don't know/ For his outstanding job of herd C. W. Collins of East Olympia. t'tT' o-...-, ,,, ,,,m .,=.-. ,,,, fl,, on the GO  I Montesano strays the sting; the result bcmg why people call it a weed. Possfl)-/ and farm management, Brewer re- spent the weekend with Mr. and IB Ill i11|| II1t ll|||iI  • ":: l! ] ]  I ....... a delicate, mild spinach-like dish, ly "because it stings. We are so / ccived meritorious recognition at Mrs. Blffir Barkley in Edmonds re- i?l  '[lllll[ ?l|I  [ ] [  t nutritious and wholesome, prone to overlook good attributes the Annual Dairy Herd Improve- eently. Mr. m}d lIz's. Bill Hunter VVL.LI  II||VBlall  imiIIVl mi -m=Ll  -. I As we keep or break the Sab- Chances are yo,.. will learn t.0 of plants and animals. Our in-/ment Association meeting March ]oine them rater tar a going away I Phone 426 3906 Bllith. -- ' j bath, we nobly save or meanly identify stinging" nettles the hard clinations are to concentrate on/20Lh, in LarRy. He is one of ten dinner in honor of :Mr. and Mrs. 1st and PINE ,hHIllP.Tnn cairn [ lose the last Iest hope by wliich way. Ex, en at the slightest con- the negative and ride the good to| Mason-Thurston dairymen so Don Patterson, who left to make their home in Rapid City, S.D. I ' man rises, tact, the plant's sharp hairs will death.  honored. SMASHING . 1" { MARC AWES .............................................. , GE Fully Automatic G.E. s13800, . . ims,w00S, ER =REFRIGERATOR I , 3-Speed Portable ,19ss: i PHONOGRAPH ................ 41, 10Acu. ft. : .............................................. - @ Large Chiller Tray G. E o Full porcelainized crisper • @ Magnetic door latch DRYER @ 3 heats 4* 2 cycles @ 12-1bs capacity @ Fully automatic 00136 °° w Credzt  Re,-tl Easy "Piggy Bnk" Terms QVER 200 APPLIANGES ' ON DISPLAY SSellon .. Olympia A SUBSIDIARY OF P. N. HIRSCH & CO. of Sheiton Yes, Only Three Days Left of slshed prices  buy for nothing down, ......  few dollars  week or month pays for what you need while you enjoy it. ACT NOW!! G.E. Television PORTABLE • 19-iNCH DAYLIGHT BLUE PICTURE TUBE" TOP TUNING • 5-YEAR WARRANTY PRECISION-ETCHED CIRCUITRY '148oo Deluxe 2-Speed G.E. 4Mli WASHER .............................. 4MJO w,t G.E. Console STEREO '128 Buy Today --We Deliver Today • Free Delivery • Free Normal Installation You a,