March 28, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Attending the Eagles District I
meet iff Aberdeen Sunday were]
the Ray Morkerts, Lloyd "Lewis'.'/
L,ester Dorsetts. Herman Loren-
ens, Louis Herzogs. Otto Por-
ters, Heman Learnards and Mr.
Winston Asche. Mr. Frank Make.
Mr Opal Asche and Mrs. Bertha
Jaan Dorsett and Bertha Lord
held offices in the inititation.
Pharmacy Phacts
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Friendly, careful
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vice ? Here at
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the answer is,
"Of course!",
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glad to age and
be of service to
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Eagles Auxiliary
Members Attend
Several Meetings
Accompanying Eagles Auxiliary
District Deputy Marie Lewis re.
cently when she made her official
visit to Hoquiam were Bertha
Lord. Ruby Lorenzen and Alice
The Past President's suitcase
was presented to the Hoquiam
auxiliary to take visiting. The pro-
ceeds in the suitcase will go to
Rogers school for retarded child-
Veil when it returns,
Shelton auxiliary members also
attended a recent meeting at Gig
Harbor when State President Inez
Rhodes was honored there. At-
tending were Marie Lewis. Jean
Dorsett Opal Asche. Florence
Marler. Charlotte Gardner. Ruby
Lorenzen. Myrtle Swearingen, Ali-
ce Herzog and Charlotte Jarvinin.
Central Committee
Meeting Is Tonight
The regular meeting of the Ma-
son Co. Democratic Central Com-
mittee will be held at 8 p.m. to-
night in the PUD bldg., according
to John Sells chairman.
Business for the evening will be
the adoption of the remsed by-
laws and planning fund-raising ac-
.Uities for the balance of the
YOU CAN \\; "
. ,-_cOO
REFRIGERATOR CAKE is one of the favorites at the Fred Lutz
home in Grapeview. Phyllis Lutz finds this dessert fitting for the
fanciest occasions. It is easy to make and not nearly as expensive
as you might think. Laurie, lY2, poses with his Morn.
Have; you ever wished you had Add 1 cup sugar and yolks of 2
a real scrumptious dessert recipe]eggs with a tiny pinch of salt.
that didn't cost a fortune to pre- Cook in double boiler for 5 rain.
pare ? Phyllis Lutz' Refrigerator Whip 1 pint of cream. Add whites
Cake will fill the bill nicely. Whip- of 2 eggs, beaten, and 1 tap. vanil-
ping cream and chocolate sand- la. Combine above when first is
Republican Women
Hold March Meet
On Hood Canal
The Mason County Women's Re-
publican Club met Wednesday of
last week on Hood Canal with
Mrs. Gemge G. Shackle, ford. presi-
dent, as hostess and with 27 at-
tending. A elmnge in the regular
monthly meeting (lay suggested at
last month's meeting and, at that
tilne, recommended for additional
consideration at the March meet-
ing, was further discussed. It was
decided that the day witl remain
as scheduled.
A list of all the precincts in
the eount.y was reviewed and eli-
gible Republicans recommended as
pz:ospeehive committeemen or
eommitt,ee-women to fill existing
M,rs. Harold C. Stirling, pro-
gram chairman, was, by special re-
quest the speaker of the a£ter-
noon. Her topic was her recent
t.our of Australia and New Zea-
land., Stirling emphasized the
scenic beauty and, the industries of
both countries and contrasted, their
governments, schools, and customs
with DUNS. He]' intet:esf, ing talk
was illustt:ated with maps, colored
photographs and souvenirs.
Dm;ing the cof£ee hour that fol-
lowed, Shackleford was as-
sisted, in serving by Mrs. Eber
Angle. George H Baird. Mrs.
Douglas Grout. and Mrs. Joseph C.
The next meeting is scheduled
for Wednesday, April 17. the place
to be announced later.
Members of Shelton's three jun-
ior music clubs will travel to Seat-
tle this Saturday to attend the
Washington State Federation of
Music Club's Junior Day being
held in the Music Building on the
University of Washington campus.
All junior clubs in western rash-
ington will participate in the one-
day convention.
A highlight of the meet will be
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wich cookies make the base of this
"oh,, so rich", but "oh, so good"
The Lutz family lives at Grape-
view. When Phyllis sees her family
off in the mornings they set out
to cover 50 miles between them.
Her husband, Fred, goes to Bre-
merton to work in the Navy Yard
and her two older boys, Doug, 18,
and Larry, 15, head for Shelton
schools. Little Laurie. 1V, the ap-
ple of the whole family's eye, stays
home to keep "Morn" on her toes.
Phyllis likes to read, although
she doesn't find as much time for
it now as she used to. She is a
member of Fair Harbor Grange.
Soak 1 envelope of plain galatin
in 1 cup cold milk for one hour.
cold but not congealed, a harp concert presented by Heidi
Roll fine, lb. (about 25) cho- Lehwalder. talented young Seattle
eolate sandwich cookies, musician. The 13-year-old harpist
Grease casserole and put of recently appeared on a nation-
the cookies in bottom. Pour in wide telecast £eaturing outstand-
cream mixture and place remain-
der of cookies on top. Sprinkle
with nuts (optional). Place in re-
frigerator until firm.
Welcome Chapter No. 40. OES
Social Club will meet for a 12
noon hmcheon next Tuesday at the
Island Lake home of Mrs. Viola
Ferris. Cars will meet at the Ma-
sonic temple at 11:30 a.m.
Journal Want Ads Pay
es, this is the compact with 33 special
features that set it apart for value-including
the warranty that puts it in a class by
itself for quality. Come in, now, and let
us explain the warranty, and demonstrate
Valiant's value features. You'll arrive at the
conclusion that Valiant is the best all-around
compact anybody has come up with yet!
,Your Authorized Plymouth-Valiant DealePs Warran
against defects in material and workmanship on 1963 cars
has been expanded to include parts replacement or repair,
without charge for required parts or labor, for 5 years or
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head and internal parts; transmission case and internal
parts (excluding manual clutch); torque converter, drive
shaft, universal joints (excluding dust covers), rear axle
and differentiaL, and rear wheel bearings, provided the
vehicle has been serviced at reasonable intervals accord-
ing to the Plymouth-Valiant Certified Car Care schedules,
707 South First St. Shelton, Wash.
ing young talent in the United
States. She has mso participated
in music festivals abroad.
Addressing the convention dele-
gates will be BMrs. Wayne Hertz.
Washington Slat e Music Clubs
president, and Mr. Vilem Sokol. di-
rector of the Youth Symphony of
the Pacific Northwest.
Miss Terri Tuzer of the Pizzi-
cato Club. Western District presi-
dent will preside at the morning
session of the meeting. Diane
Frank of the same cltd? will act
as secretary-pro tem in the ab-
sence of Mary Connolly, Western
District Secretary.
Awards will be given for best
club reports, achievement records.
American music programs and at-
Mrs. R. W. Norvold, Junior
Counselor for the Western Dis-
trict, is general chairman of the
event. Mrs. Donavan Palmer. Jun-
ior Composers chairman of the
Federation. will present young
composers from Everett and Van-
couver at the Saturday meeting.
The Shelton Jayettes will meet
at 8 p.m. tonight at the home or
Mrs. John Dallam.
It's A Date
Today, Thurs., March 28
Hood Canal Woman's Club
Fashion Tea, 2 p.m., Potlatch club-
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Mint Tree Cafe.
Shelton 3ayettes, 8 p.m., home
of lrs. John Dallam.
helton Rock & Mineral Society,
7:30 p.m., PUD auditorium
Evergreen PTA, 7:30 p.m., at
the school.
Senior All-Night party planning
meeting, 8 p.m., new high school.
Mason Co. Democratic Central
Committee meeting, 8 p.m.. PUD
Friday, March 29
Rachel Knott Guild "Next to
New" sale. 11 a.m., PUD build-
Satm'dy, March 30
Rachel Knott Guild "Next to
New" sale, 11 a.m., PUD bldg.
Welcome Chapter No. 40 OES
installation ceremony, 8 p.m., Ma-
sonic temple.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m.-5 p.m., police station.
High school baseball, Shelton vs.
Pozt Townsend, doubleheader, 11
a.m., Loop Field.
Sundy, March 31
'Shelton churches invite you to
abtend the church of your choice.
Monday, April 1
county cormnlssion,s meeting,
10 a.m., courthouse.
High school baseball, Shelton vs.
Elms (non-league), 3:50 p.m.,
Loop Field.
Tuesday, April 2
Welcome Chapter No. 40 OES
Social Club, 12 noon luncheon,
home of Mrs. Viola Ferris.
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Memorial hall.
City commission,s meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Fred B. Wivell oPst 31, Ameri-
can Legion, 8 p.m.. Memorial hall.
Wedzesday, April 3
Hillcrest Homemakers Club,
10:30 a.m., home of Mrs. Darrel
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m.5 p.m.. police station.
19th Hole Club team golf
matches, Shelton GoIf Club.
Thurs(tuy, April 4
ISR Class of 1948 Reunion plan-
ning meeting, 8 p.m., home of oJe
:Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
1VIemorial hall.
Rotary Club's annual post-sea-
son basketball banquet honoring
Highclimber players and mothers,
• 0 p.m., Mr. View school cafc-
teria. Public welcome.
40 & 8. Voiture 135 annual Pat
Chefs night, 7:00 p.m., The Grove
* High School Spotlight *
Birthday Lunch
Holmr Club
The Ftillerest
will meet at 10:30
nesday ut the home
rel Sparks on Mill
There will be a
honoring all
had birthdays in the
Sixteen members and
ors attended the
torney John C.
the importance of,
make a will.
Dan Loitz and
Brice of Ketchikan,
last week with his
Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
The couple
State College Sunday
even though
this is ...
JANA RUNNION was a member of the Senior Play cast recent-
ly and worked on the Girls' Club Tolo held just a short time ago.
She is president of Pep Club and
4: :',:
On July 8. 1945 a baby girl was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Run-
nion at the Shelton General hos-
pital. They named her Jana. When
graduation time rolls around at
Irene S. Reed high school in a
few months Jana will be in line
o receive ,her diploma. She is
now 5'7" tall. has dark brown hair
and brown eyes.
Jana has been active through-
out her school years. She is pre-
sident of, Pep Club, is a member
of Honor Society and Thespian
Society. She was a member of the
"Bull in a China Shop" play cast
in her sophomore year and took
part in "Girls in 509" this year.
Jana worked hard on the Girls'
Told which was held just recently.
She is on the ISR tennis team.
New Members Of
Job's Daughters.
lmhated Into 6roup
Slhe regular meeLing of Job'
Daughters Bethel No. 37 was held
at 7:30 p.m. March 19. Installa-
tion was held for the following
members: Dianne Bina, Donna Su
Ann and Wendy Anderson, Dianne
Olson and Sandi Koch. At the
close of the meeting the new mem-
bers were welcomed and congratu-
Each night of initiation a girl
who performed the most outstand-
ing ritualistic work has the honm'
of wearing the 5obie bracelet.
Tuesday night it was presented to
Linda "Rains. second messenger.
Associate Guardian. Mr. George
Howard. awards a present each
month to the girl who in his opin-
ion has had the best deportment.
The "Jobie of the Month" for
February was Yvonn e Van Laanen.
It was decided Friendship Night
will be postponed until next month
due to a very busy schedule. A
fellowship hour with hot choco-
late and cookies was enjoyed after
the meeting.
The Shelton Valley Clovers 4-H
Club met March 21 at the home
of its leader. Mrs. E. Evers. The
new demonstration score cards
were explained and discussed.
These will be used by the judges
at the County Demonstration con-
test April 20 at the Grant C. Ang-
le school.
Members were informed that
the final enrollment sheet must
be in the extension office by May
1 instead of June 1 this year. This
means all members m,ust have
their demonstration completed by
then for eacl project they are
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Susan Bloomfield
April 4 when many members will
be given their demonstrations.
The meeting was adjourned and
refreshments served.
Chuck Brown. reporter
is on the ISR Tennis team.
..,= .=,.-
Civics, office, Honor's English,
chemistry, home management and
2nd year of French fill Jana's
schedule this year. After high
school she would like to attend the
University of Puget Sound or
Western Washington College. She
thinks she would like to be a
French teacher.
Job's Daughters, Rainbow £or
Girls and Young Life are Jana's
ou-Qf school activities. When she
has £ime she likes to paint, water
ski and swim or practice tennis.
This winter she has added snow
skiing to her list of hobbies.
Why don't you
lady a break
drudgery with
delicious Chinese
you're sure to
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