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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
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28, 1963 SI-IELTON--MAg0N COUNT¥ J01NAIJ- Published in "Chqstasfown, U.g.A.". Shelton, Washington PAGE 17 Party Nell Vance sup Com, card party held Fri- Was Well attended. pinocble were going to E s- Olaf Broten, Nichotson son, 300 pinochle and Oran Lee. the lucky win- Prize. party in a Nicholson won the rnesta Arro and Were hostesses for there were five the next card April 12. N C'LUB busines meet- eeting will be Clubhouse in Will be called to Ptuek lunch 12:30. This is meeting as it before District Fed- Clubs to be held Woman's Club- final plans will this meeting. s of Mrs. Carrie last week she had passed at the Botts a long time )rt, before ca- She was Hood Canal the Hood Canal was an active She will be all who knew were held at Batstone Fu- Sympathy Pickering Homemakers Club Elects Officers At Recent Club Meeting Ry Betty Ann Shero ]now in Mexico with a gronp of PIONEER. --- The Pickering North Mason teachers making a Homemakers Club met recently and heht an election of officers. Those elected to office were Doris Jones. president: Ann York. vice president: Dorothy Chapman. sec- retary, and Emaily Bacock. treas- urer. Mrs, Elizabeth Nell has joined the club. bringing the rnem- bership to 27. The hostesses for the meeting were Virginia Sneider and Florence Fessler. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson of Spencer Lake were Mr. and Mrs, Andy Walker and Mr. and Mrs. John Wood and Sally Sue, all of Pe Ell. Last Tuesday the Carl- son's welcomed his son, Bernie Carlso sand his wife. Bernie re- cently completed a two-year term of duty with the U.S. Army in Germany, where he met Miss Eve- lyn Zagler of Massachusetts, whom he married on Thanksgiving Day. Both of the young people are enrolling for the spring quarter at Eastern Washington State'College in Cheney. Mrs. Mary Cook was pleased to receive a telephone call this past week from her son. Harry Cook in Columbus. Ohio. Harry recently returned from Germany, where he was stationed with the army and had seen his month-old daughter for the first time. He will be stationed in Fort Benning, Ga., after spending his leave with his wife and child in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gregersen of Ashford. spent Sunday visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mary Cook. THE AGATE SEWING CLUB will meet Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. Lucille VanderWal. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vovind, Seattle, were recent visitors in the Vic Auseth home. Visitors Sunday in the Randolph Fitzthum home were Rev. Gerald Herman. Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Adlai Heinis, Arcadia Road. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Auseth are PTO Plans Dad's Night; School On April1 Kratc,ha I(adoun. Steve and Kim last Tues- day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha. Michael and Shelley of Siletz, Ore.. John Kratcha Jr.. and Kathy of Bremerton, Mrs. Cora Lester. John Kratcha of Siletz. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha. Linda and Susan aud Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janice. Stale Liquor Store LeaseT0 Expire The lease on its Shelton store ex- pires May 31, the State Liquor Control Board announced 'this week. The announcement was made in line with the policy of the board to give general notice of the expi- ration of its leases and does not intend to indicate the Board's in- tention respecting its present store location at 113 South 2nd Street, the board said. The board leases stores five years with an option to renew the lease for another five years, the mmouncement said. Sales at the Shelton store were $259.205.79 during 1962• the board said. FERRY RECEIPTS Ferry Receipts from the Har- stine Island Ferry for the week ending March 23 were $161, the Mason County Engineer's Office reported. P.T.O. ,arents and and open 80 p.m. Mr. science during the classes will be ts in ad- child in the Work on display Arcadia and 3n were rsday ai: 8 p.m. Church in is the son Rodgers yllis Hansen is and Mrs. A. eraerton. Brother best man Hansen was host of rela- attended the left last Idaho Falls, The bride- With Simpson. Club is hay- Saturday around on Capitol and bring a the Saddle next meet- held April on Capitol 4-It 18 at Wetters and as a new tour of that country. Carol is stay- ing w.ith Mr. and Mrs Jalmer Auseth in her parents absence. Tom VanderWal. a long time resident of the Agate area. died in his home Sunday morning. The funeral service wa held Wednes- day in Shelton The emmnunity offers its condolences to the fam- ily. There wfft be an P. T. O. Board meeting Thursday evening begin- ning at 8 p.m. in the home of Le- ona Tokes of Bayshore. P.T.O. will be Tuesday evening in the Pioneer School. Irvin Mr- Arthur will speak on the proposed curfew for Mason County. Every- one is invited to the meeting to learn what is being planned and to comment on it. THE ])AVE ROBERTS of Seattle visited over the week-end in the, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Roberts of Deer Creek. Attending a 4-H workshop in the home of the Mason County Extension Agent Jan Windsor were Doris Auseth. Estelle Bur- nell and Betty Ann Shero. A very informative program on correct table procedure was presented to the nine women present. Mrs. Harold Auseth and Mrs. Stan Sushak and sons spent Mon- day in Tacoma on business. Mary Lou Younglove has spent the past few days with her fam- ily, the Les Youngloves of Leed's Loop Road. Mary Lou is on vaca- tion from Olympic Junior College in Bremerton. where she is in her sophomore year. Also home from the same school is Bud Fuhrmeister, son of Mrs. Floyd Rice. JACK SHERO attended a pho- togrammetry course at the Uni- ve]ity of \\;¥ashington last week with a group of 25 foresters from federal, state and private indus- tries in the state of Washington. PIONEER SCHOOL NEWS The third and fourth grades had a combination St. Patrick's Day and birthday party, March 15. The birthday people were Patty Yeck, Dena Stracke, and Virginia Zeis. These three also furnished the cupcakes. Cynthia Blackwood acted as hostess and brought cookies for everyone. The party was enjoyed by everyone and they are now preparing for Lheir April party. The sixth and seventh grades have written themes on the ad- vantages of pay T.V. An interest- ing discussion was held on both sides of the issue. Miss Nellie Nelson of Lhe county superintendent office took the five upper grades on a tour of half of the world by fihn. The children enjoyed their trip through Hawaii. Japan, Egypt, the Holy Lands anc Hong Kong very much and would now lke to see the other half of the world. Report cards will be issued next week Red Smith Air Force Rep. AI Moses Lake Former Highclimber football baseball and track coach Rowland P. "Red" Smith has been appointed as a liaison officer for the U. S. Air Force Academy in the Moses Lake area. He is a captain in the Air Force Reserve and athletic director guidance counselor and head foot- ball coach at Moses Lake high school. He will represent the Air Force Academy by providing informa- tion and counsel to young men in- terested in applying for Air Force cadet nomination, is the new BUSINESS DIRECTORY ecided to sell money for going to bring meeting be held at Brian. 4-H club of their March 20. d the theme the club The on a bake held at the members Nots are La- on the on March TV Service . Radio - TV • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 Tire Service • New - Goodrich • Recapping • Used OK RUBBER WELDERS Mr. View Ph. 426-4832 Floor Coverings • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 , Radiator Repair • Boiling out • Soldering • New cores BOOM'S PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 623 S. 1st. Ph. 426-3483 met March Kathleen on and Dixie on Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating , Westinghouse Appliances 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 SHELTON ELECTRIC CO• Florist • Plants for all occasions • Flowers EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 reported Y Clut ers of the Club at- Drugs . Helena Runstein cos- metics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY Govey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 at ar- Landscaping will • Lawns, rockeries, trees shrubs • Top soil tilling, leveling knit- . Free estimates Practiced SUNSET LANDSCAPING for Dem- Herbert Baze 426-4718 Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Draperies - I , custom made • free estimates • work guaranteed J. C. PENMEN CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 reported Printing I • Quality Work I I of All Kinds THE JOURNAL .227 Gota Phone 426-4412 Alfred Electrical • House wiring & rewiring . Electric Heating • Trouble Shooting • Licensed & Bonded Contractor JIM EINARSSON ELEC. Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426-6520 Young People's Party Planned At Kamiiche Community Church Friday By Mrs; Elda ()llo KAMILCHE, There will be another young people's p'_arty this Friday evening at the parsonage. These parties held every other Friday are sponsored by the Ka- milche Communilv Church, and all lcentgol'S of the" colnnuulity fire \\;vel (.*()In e. The young people who have at- tended report "a wonderful time." Among those enjoying the Ma- honey family remuon in McCleary were Mr, and Mrs Herb Nelson The reumon, atended by about 60 people, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dames Mahoney, brother of Mrs, Nelson. We are sorry to hear that Harry Simmons is confined to his home by illness, We hope he is soonfeeling much better. A family birthday dinner honor- ing Mrs. Ball was held at the home of her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Chesley VChite. Dayton. Attending from Kmnilche were the families of Avery, Richard and Carroll Kelly. Mrs. Ball is the mother of Rich- ard and Avery. Mr. and Mrs Gene Tsylor and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hunter were Sunday dimler guests of Mr. and Mrs, Justin Taylor. Mrs. Cecil McHenry and son, Rex. drove to Seattle Friday, where Rex had a cheek-up at the Children's Orthopedic Hospital. Sin]day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Woods were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wiles and son. Pete. LAST MONDAY Mrs. Gus Elli- son had an exciting" visit from her brother. Calvin Abbott. Mr. Abbott's travels have taken 4-H NEWS The Buttons and Bows met March 20 with all members pres- ent. Patty Sheppard and Bobby De- Marro were appointed to the Com- munity Servi'ee Committee and Mary Morgus to the Recreation Committee. Betty Wolf assisted members with their record books. The members will start their sewing projects at the next meet- inc.--Cindy Hovinda. reporter. POLICE COURT On the Shelton Police Court Docket Monday night were Charles DePoe. failure to yield the right-of-way, dismissed: John T. Murphy, drunk in public. $10 for- feit; Daniel T. Dickey, no arter- ial stop, $10 forfeit; William L. Morris, Mason Apartments, minor consuming liquor, $25 forfeit; Na- than Hicks, minor consuming liquor, $25 forfeit; William E. Howe, contributing to the de- linquency of minors, dismissed: Jim L. Dishon, minor consuming liquor.. $25 forfeit; Theodore Chap- man, minor consuming liquor, $25 forfeit. Douglas D. Charles. arrested by police on a warrant charging non- support, was turned over to Clal- lure County anthorities. hin] to the Orient and Mexico. This is his first visit to Kamilche. Mrs. Ed Sigo enjoyed a visit from daughter Myrtle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Penn. of La Pnsh and baby, Susan Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy White (nee Irene Marshall) with her daughter, Mrs. M. C. Kiel and son, recently visited many Mason cmmty friends and relatives. In Kamilche and Mrs. Charles DeBord and three children from Bremerton. They recently moved into the va- cant hOllSe OFI the Leo Lovgreen farm. Satm'day night gazests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Durkin were daughter, Lorrie and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hill of Tacoma. Son. George, and family dropped" in Sunday. visits were en- Mr. Feaurst of Gresham. Ore., joyed at the homes of her sisters, was a. Friday night guest at the MI's. Tony Ellison and Mrs. Don Martin Otto home. Other weekend Whitner, and brother, Chet Mar- callers were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence shall. Olson of Longview and Alfred Last week Mrs. Emma MeDea- Otto of Littlerock. ald. Mrs. May Roberts and Mr. Mrs. Justin Taylor entertained and Mrs. Gene Taylor were birth- last Wednesday with a birthday day dinner guests of Mrs. Carrie hmchcon honoring" her mother. Durand of Shelton. Mrs. Harold Hunter. Other gamsts Visitors at the home of Mr and were Mrs. Gene Taylor and Mrs. Mrs. Haley O. Villines this week- Vie Butts. end were son. O. D., home from , , Centralia Junior College, and their daughter. Donna and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Mel Snackberg, Elms. SATURDAY (?ALLERS at the Harry Simmons home were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Simmons and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sadler and family from Tumwater, Mr. and Mrs. Len Cole of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Simmons of Olympia. The community welcomes Mr. Step up the t ladder Lawlon Lumber Go, Joe V. Simpson , i ,, LOW COST HONE LOANS NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING PURCHASE 6 % On Reducing Balances -- No Commission Charges Mason Oounty Savings & Loan Assodation TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SH ELTON I, / BO.A.ZA, I 3 BIG DAYS MARCH 28-29-30 RIGHT TO LIMIT PORK Fresh, Ia. Center Cuts CHOPS SPARERIBS RIB STEAK SLIGED BAGON .. FILLET O'F SOLE FRYERS. w,o,o bodied, F,os. F.eo ............................ L. 35 ¢ PORK LOINnna-vL°an Lo,. • "--------End .................. Lb. 43* Lean Country S,y,e .............. Lb. 49* U.S. Choice Verifine .......... Lb. 79¢ Verifine Quality Controlled ........ Lb. 59* .......................... Lb. 59  4/'1 TILLAMOOK sI.29 FOOD 131'1 CAT CHEDDAR CHEESE 2 POUND LOAF KITTY BRAND 15 OZ. TINS TOOTH PASTE oLm,.00o. 49" SAVE 20c SERVE-U SAVES-U DOLLARS FROM SELECTED GRAIN-FED, PORKERS, S,ur-rresh 9 To A Pkg. HOT CROSS BUNS 39* Shut-Pres. 6 To A P,. 3/99* Cinnamon Rolls Shur-Fresh 221/2 oz. /69 100% Wheat Bread 2 * i • ,-o 4/$1 29 oz ..................................... II Calif. Snow White Lge. Heads EACH Florida Irge size for stuffing ........ EACH Calif. large size, serve with grapefruit slices for a spring salad, EA. I III I 2/39 ° 2/19' 3/29' I Illll CAULIFLOWER PEPPERS AVOCADOS POPULAR MECHANICS Iffusfrafeel HOME HANDYMAN °ENCYCLOPEDIA & GUIDE Extra Fancy Red 429 Washington ( Delicious S APPLES CHICKEN - BEEF OR TURKEY 8 OZ. FROZEN I I I TASTEWELL PEAGHES ,rreu,ar oz 40089 ' QUEEN'S TASTE PEARS Irreg. 29 oz. SHUR.FRESH PLUMS 20°°'UX°o R GORNED BEEF SERVE WITH StIUR- 3/'1 FRESH FANCY EGGS 15½ OZ. TINS II I I MEAT SWANS'S II I I PIES 5/001 R A L P H LIBBY'S HASH HONEY GRAHAMS SWIFTNING ALL DETERGENT 33 1 Lb. Box ....................................... : .... 3 Lb. Tin ........................................ 59" Box ........................................................ . TANGY APPLESAUCE INSTANT MILK o.o.,,oo 12 Quart ............................................................ 98 °