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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 18 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington / YH , , | , or Sale I FOR SALE--For good health, Merry- Mac Relax-O-Motor for exercise or reducing. 1/ price. $125. Can be seen at Mode O' Day 3/7 tin GLIDDFAW Spred-Satin andpamts are your best buy at Shelton Electric Co. 419 Railroad 12/13 tin "CHRISTMASTOVN, U.S.A." rubber stps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cots. 12/1 tin IDUT EOY PAINTS -- We are open Sundays, Shelton Marine, Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. 8129 tfn FOR SAI: Used modern bathtub. Spark l)il stone. llone 426-2427 D 3/7 tfn PACIFIC PRIDE apple trees. Shelton Marine -- Hillcrest Hardware on Hll!drest. 3/28 tin We are open Sunys. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Haraware. 426-.8163. 3/29 till ELECTROLUX SAggEd, service nd supplies, John Rice. Phone 426-61d. Free demonstrations. 1% 1/7 tin W'ATT, 110 volt light plant, criers, boate, campers. $198.§0. Saliter Motor Shop, 420.461)2, 12/7 tfn YOU CAN PLrM more water longer with Fairhanks Morse pumps. S them at Shelton Eltnc CO., 419 Ilroad. 3/16 tin RICH, BACK TOP OIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed eand and gravel, drainage gravel and a lravel for driveways, Norman - ]erson, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Sand and: Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn FOR SALE =- Used steel, plates, pipe ] pulleys and shafts. All tyes sal:] ge. elton junk Co., First anal Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tin c.onditioned ranteB, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tin LOWI ORGAN SALESJohnnY'S Music Box, 205 Cota St., phone 426- 4802. 2/1 tin S--E OUR FINE st-ock of fireplace equipment. From fireglow to Frank- lin stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View. 11/15 tin SLAB WOOD for sale. You haul $9.50 per cord. We haul $12.50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4363. Niell on Olympic Hiway So. Mac 10/11 tin E'MERSON TV and stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots St. 4/12 tfn COP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Ogden. 426-6156. 2/12 tin INGER-I0MATIC Z'I sew- ing machine repossessed with full balmme due of only $41.20. Want responsible party to assume balance at only $5.00 per month. Machine will zig-zag, overcast, sew on but- tons, make buttonholes, all without attachments. Guaranteed. For further information call Olympia 352-8551, anytime, ll-ltin -W-FIIZER for sale, Delivered in 2 yard loads, $9.00 in Shelton. Phone 426-6077 L 3/7 tin --fCIDE and gm'den seed time. Get them ,now at Shelton Marine Hillcret Hardware. 2/21 tin VAN DYKE mobile homes! Quality at a practical price! DeTray's Mo- bile, Homes. 1617 Pones Road. Olym- pier, Wash. Phone 352-2907. 2/2i tin FOR.. SALt! Pole wood 16 in. and over $16 per cord. Pllone 426-4867 S 1/31 tfn FOR .NUTRi-BI0 food supplement call 426-3431 I2/21 tfn FOR SALE--35-foot Angeles trailer, furnished. Phone 426-3104, W 3/28 27 it. Happy Home trailer fully equip- ped, $1.000 or trade for inboard boat 426-3671, R/3/28-4/11 RHODODENDRONS--small sizes many in bud $1.79 each. Peony roots short time 0nly. $1".00 per division. Rose, in eontaiuers both bush and climbers 1.49 each. Garden Shop, open 11 a.m. 426-3710 3/28 tin ARTIFICIAL flowers, singles or ar- rangements all types and kinds from 10;. Wholesale and retail, Shelton Marine -- Hillcrest Hardwa,'e. 3/28 tin i i nil i i SPECIAL VALUES in good used upholstered furniture 1--3 pc. sectional ................ $75.00 1--3 pc. sectional ................ $95.00 1--2 pc, sectional ............ $110.00 1---2 pc. sectional ................ $95.00 ldavenport ............. r ......... $100.00 ldavenport and chair .... $95.00 ldavenport and chair .... $55.00 1-davenport and chair .... $75.00 1--daveno and chair ........ $50,00 lupholst¢ced chair ............ $20.00 lplastic chair and ottoman .......................... $55.00 54 yds. Broadloom all wool campet ................ $5 sq. yd, 1-Love Seat (Upholstered) .................... $15.00 lDaveno ............................ $35.00 lRocker (green) .............. $25.00 1---Club Chair and Ottoman (very good) ...... $45.00 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cote St, Phone 426-4702 USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 3-4/6 mattresses ........ ca, $10.00 3--4/6 coil springs ........ ea. $].2.00 1--refrigerator .................... $65.00 1---combo. refrig and freezer .............................. $135.00 I---electric range ................ $85.00 1---wood heater, very good .......................... $75.00 1- -Seigle]- oil lcater ........ $50.00 2---TVs ............................ ca, $50.00 6---chrome chairs (new) .......................... ea. $10.00 1.--22 cu, ft. chest freezer, guaranteed .................. $199,00 l-gefrigerator .................... $69,00 1---10 cu. ft. freezer and 10 cu. ft. refrigerator combo ............................ $135.00 1--27" Zenith Television blonde oak, like new .. $149.50 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cota Street Phone 426-4702 -00-00VSale FRUIT Trees--Take advantage of our early spring, complete selection of very fine stock, Oregon grown. Pears, peaches, cherries and plums. Flower- ing crabapple and plums, Shade trees. Roses. Pink Dogwoods. Weep- cherries. Camellias. Rhododendrons. Extra fine Magnolias in several kinds. Evergreen shrubs. Island Belle grapes. Many spring blooming shrubs. Heathers, tulips, daffodils. The Garden Shop, Olympia Highway South, Phone 426-3710. 2/21 tin WAX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystona, 5/25 tfn SLAB WOOD $10.50 cord. ole wood and fireplace wood $14.00 cord. Ph. 426-8010 after 6 p.m. F 7/19 tfn COULD°YOU 'DB a monthly charge accoun on food? Below retail prices, free home delivery, o gimmicks, no high prices. Unconditional guaran- tee to satisfy you. Olympia 943-8720. Dll-ltfn NEW TURTLE' anG goldfish in. 638 Arcadia. 426-4878. V 8/16 tin OPPORTUNITY! Used, three compart- ment cabinet deep freeze, 28 cu. feet. Needs motor, other repairs. Phone 426-2139. G 3/14 tin DAVENO bed. good condition, clean. $25. Vita Sphere juicer, like new, $60. Phone 426-4181 F 3/21-23 BATTERY charger. 2 screw jacks, 10 tons. Gasoline engine, % HP. Small electric range. Buffet. Small gas beater. Jerome Kerhart, 204 E. Pine. K 3/21-4/4 FOR SALE -- chest type freezer 14 cu ft. $75 426-8196 L 3/21-28 FOR SALE--7-foot cedar fence posts. Phone 426-3651. H 3/21-28 2t PREMIUM Alfalfa hay, $36 per ton. Local hay, $20 per ton. You haul. Buck & Son Farm Equipment. 2155 Market St., Chehalis, phone 748-8877. 3/21-28 BATHTUBS. tedlets, wash bowls, gas hot water heater, windows, doors. 2x4's 2x6's 2x8's. ship lap, flooring, rustic siding, compositi'on brick sid- ing, also bricks. Cleave Robinson. Phone 426-3710 after 5 p.m. or he- fore 8:00 a.m. 8/28 tfn SINGER. Slant-o-matte repossessed with low balance due. Tremendous savings to you. Call eredit manager. Open Friday nights 'till nine. Singer Sewing Center, 117 East 5th ave. 357-7586. Olympia: 3/28 USED: -- refrigerator $25: 2 floor lamps $2 and $5: round solid oak table tp $3; 2 wlcel utility trailer $35: lawn mower $5: washing ma- chine $25--426-8788. J 3/28 tin FLYING Squu'rc[ $4. good cage $4, Band saw 10 inch with motor, stand 4 blades $40. Two 6:70-15 tires and tubes fsir. no breaks $8. Bath tub with fixtures $15. Long carrier rack for Station Wagon less tban /.. price, Large cast iron Oakland wood circulator, you haul. $25. Twin size clean innerspring Mattress $7. 9'xt5' wool rug with mat. neat, tan deliver for $30. Phone 426-4808. 208 E. Pine on Bay Shore rd. D 3/28 GARDEN SHOP SPECIALS Grapes. red and black raspberries, stray€berries, currants, gooseberries. rimbarb, asparagus, chives, lavender. delphinimns, primroses, pansies, Hel- laborus, bleeding hearts. ]5 types of dwarf fruit and flowering trees. Gar- den Shop open 11 a.m. Rt. 1 Box 48 Sln:l ton. 3/28 tin FRUIT trees, plans, shrubs. Sh0Jton Marine -- Hillcrest Hardware on Hillcrest 3/28 tin Sporting Goods EVINRUDE and RomeHtc outboards. Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Hood Canal Marina, Union, Was b. Phone, 898-2252 3/21 tin 14 ft. Boat -- Excellent 15 h.p. Evin- rude witb tank conttols. Trailer .with winch. $300 cash. Phone 426-8475 S 3/14-28 FOR SALE: 8-foot hydroplane good condition. $35. Phone 426-8920 B 2/21 tfn EVINRUDE SAL, ann service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8169. 3/29 fin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equll ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on eautiful Hood Carnal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244, 1/19 tfn i! i i BOAT BUILDING Repairing and fiberglassing. Glass boats repaired or re- finished. 3 1/3 miles east of Agate Store. Phone 426-6977. 2/21-3/28 i ii Used Cars '57 Chev picknp, long bed, aluminum canopy. Good condition $1,095.00. 426- 6163 days -- 426-4563 evenings. Z 3/21-28 F-O-----'E- '55 Plymouth hardtop, good, $375; 15-Foot Jaycraft with boat. $250. Phone 426-6259. F 3/28 For Rent GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS -- Cheer- ful one and two bedroom furnished apartments, lots of closets. Near Shelton Airport and prison site, phone 426-3772. S 10/11 tin 2 BEDRM. dup,ex for rent, garage and utility room, electric heat, water, garbage furnished. 426-$150. N 11/22 tfn MODERN beach cottage for rent. Partly furnished, living room. bedroom. kitchenette. Pickering Pass. Phone 426-3757. S 3/7 tin ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment for rent. Heat, water and garbage furnished. Inquire 1119 Franklin st. Apt. 5 Phone 426-6496. B 3/14 tin FOR RENT -- Furnished two bedroom home, water and garbage included. Phone 426-6564. Inquire 325 North Fifth. B 3/14 tin COZY ONE bedroom home newly de- corated, stove and refrigerator $40 Call 426-4806 after 9 a.m. H 3/21 tin LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bacheloi; unite ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All tmtllities furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-9177. 1214 tin FOR RENT -- Ree Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage, yard, Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tin ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Angle- side, $45 per month. Phone 426-4475 days, 426-6692 evenings. S 10/4 tfn CLEAN. comfortable, one and two bed- room furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. ,Heat, elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly or monthly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 426-4420, 9/6  tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom partly furnished home. Angleside, $35 per month. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426- 4475 days. S 1/24 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 425-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tin RENTAL EQUIPMENT DHAIN SAWS. Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, Floor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barrows, Electric Saws, Electric Drills, Saber Saws, Sanders, Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe Wrnehe. Shelton Marine Supply, 426-8163. 6/7 tfn APT. FOR RENT--Unfurnished one bedroom heated, with stove and re- frigerator. Adults only. 311 No. 1st. 426-3025. P 2/14 tfn ONE bedroom furnished duplex. 426- 208i. B 2/28 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom, up- stairs apartment. Ceramic tile kit- chen and bath. Ample closets. Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/19 tfn FOR RENT light housekeeping rooms. everything furnished but dishes. 426- 4679 or Iquire 100 West Pine, R 2/7 tin FURNISHED APARTI-2T available at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tin FOR RENT -- Pleasant one-bedroom, heated, furnisl}ed apartment. Adults only. Inquire 311 No. First. Phone 426-3025. P 1/24 tin water furnished. Garbage paid. Phone 426-6815 P 3/28-4/11 FOR RENT 2 bedroom cottage in mid- dle Skokomish Valley. Call 426-6827 or 426-6091 M 1/24 tin Wanted WILL do ironing in my home. down- town area, $1 per hour. 426-8514. Mrs. Charles omb'ard: " 2/14 tfn LADY WANTS WORK by hour or day. Has own Electric scrubber. 426- 4378. V 8/16 tfn TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/111 tfn FOUNDATION work, repairs leveling, re-posting, Reasonable, free estima- tes. Call Olympia FL 2-855I. C 3/14 tin WANTED unencumbered women 40-50 years old for cooking and fountain work. For personal inter¢iew reply through box 100 c/o Journal. 3/14-28 SAW FILING, grinding and re-to0th- ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2423. 318 tfn WATERFRONT wanted. Tacoma pro- fessional family disires unimproved waterfront. Cash or contract with interest. No realtors. Write Box S. c/o The Journal. 2/21 tin WANTED Full charge bookkeeper, Man or woman. Must be able to' accept responsibility. State experience and references. Top pay for qualified person. Write Box 500 c/o Journal, 3/21-28 '51 CADILLAC sedan for sale. Cash or will trade as down payment on small country property. 426-8012. M 3/21 tin 1955 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan FOR SALE Eugene F. Martin Estate Phone 426-4476 u For Rent FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnished house, water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping roosts :tnd 2-room apartments. Lin- ens. dishes utilities supplied. 426- 2081. B 2/28 ira FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished house. Easy walking distance to Mills aud eity eenter. Call 426-6331. D 3/14 tfn rent. Call 426.6345. S 8i30 tin LEEPING ROOMS, wl]= vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tin AP-AR-T-ENT for renL one block from downtown. Lamldry and utilities fmmishcd, except lights. Phone 426- 2461 or ,126-B283, B B-9 tfn • - i i |i ii RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cote Ph. 426-4702 WA1WrED Ulmd Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phohe 426-2411 HELP WANTED TWo experienced cooks. Refer- ences required, Call for ap- pointment. LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT Hoodsport  Ph. 877-5388 3/1,1 tfn Pets, Livestock Jt FOR SALE --- Regisiered Shetlan( Sh,'el)dog miniahn'e collie) pUPl)ies-.- sabh!s altd il'i-c(ihirs---ulales and fe- nlah,s, ('Jill 426-f1940. A 3t21 li'n Hay & Feeds ALFALFA DAIRY HAY Fine stemmed, soft, leafy, green, 2700 tons, first, second and third cuttings. Also tops, bottoms and feeder hay, delivered anywhere -- lead lots only. Call collect evenings SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no answer call OL 9-2003, MaITsville, Wash. Wanted HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in state. Phone FL 7-5358 or FL 2-4940. HANDY MAN  Odd Jobs! If you think It can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-8098. 2/12 tfn WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires. OK Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tin Robert Shumate. Olympia. 9/20 tin LADY TO do light house cleaning A day pet" week. Hillcrest. Phone after 6 p.nL 426-4535 W 3/28 4/4 FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom. heated apartment. C'lose in. Call 426-6283. S 10/18 tfn WANTED: Alders and maple logs, 10 inches and up. 8 10, 16, and 20 foot lengths, Also alder stumpage. Phone Union 898-2457 or Port Angeles 452- 2175 after 7 p.m. or write 104 Co- lumbus st. Port Angeles. Wash C 1/24 tin URGENTLY WANTED before .April 12 by two families one house with few acres up to $6000, up to $900 down and one large house with Iew acres up to $7500 with 1951 Cadillac sedan down payment. Phone 426- 8012 evenings or weekends. M 3128 tfn Classified Service LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For Expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Painting Company, 426-3248 B Ii/8 tfn VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS. all makes and models. Lem Warren Re- frigeration, 2nd at Cota. Phone 426- 2445. 3/14 tfn McCULLOCH SALES ana Service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. 2129 tin HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting 'Co. Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tin JEROME BURKE Garden rotovatlng, field plowing, well- aged older sawdust, pit-run grav. Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn JACOBSEN SALES and service. We are open Sunday. Shelton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. 3/29 tin FURNACE CLEANING, repalrf3ag, In- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426-6121. EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation. Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tin FOR EXPERT MASONIY, fireplaces. chimneys, planters, call H. E, Mason, 426-2278. 3/1 tin AITIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- ven, and highly e!assified sires. Dairy, beef and eharolais. $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfleld, 426-2084. C 12/15 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tin CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at aeger Motor Shop. Hillerest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tin LARGEST selection of tractors and equipnlent in the Northwest. Load- ers, blades, wheel tractors. Jnlple- merits. Easy terms. Buck & Son, 2155 Market St,. Clehalis, phone 748-8877. 3/21-28 i i m, Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport Wash. 5/17 tfn || FENCE REPAIR PAINTING -- CARPENTRY Clean, Neat Work No job too small. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 426-8078 S 3/14 -- 4/4 PLANT BLUEBERRIES NOW Berries this summer and beauti- fy grounds year round. Dis- counts for field plantings. Whips. Eberhardt Blueberry Nurseries, Rt. 1 Box 392, Olympia. Phone 352-8031. 2/21 tfn i j , -- i BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES N[0VED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-if yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tf TIME TO START Spring Housecleaning FOR EXPERT PAINTING Inside or Out PHO'N E 426-2121 Estimates Gladly Given Satisfaction Guaranteed ! 3/21-28 The JOURNAL Miscellaneous "NEXT TO NEW" sale -- PUP Fri- day and Saturday, March 29. 30. 11 a.m. Rachel Knott Guild. 3/21-28 MEAT COOLING. cutting and wrap- ping. Phone 426-6779 Lcmke service. L 2/7 tfn GARDEN PLOWING and Rototilling. Small plots or large. W. A Vender Veer. pinna Hoodsport 877-5393. Shel- ton 426-3529. V 2/7 tin ANNOUNCING: Opening ,f Self Im- provement Counseling Service, Indi- vidual and Family counseling. For appointment call Olympia 943-3602 R 3/14-28 WILD BIRD food -- Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware, 3/28 tin BRIGGS and STRATTON replacement engmes, short blocks, parts in stock Cooke's Feed and Hardware. 219 S. First, Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tin NOTICE -- as of this date I will not be responsible for any debts contrac- ted by any person other than myself. Leon R, Fleming 3/28-1963 Real Estate OUR EQUITY in a Hillerest four bed- room Imme -- cheap! Phone 426-8613. Fireplace. 2 car garage. O 3/14 tfn THREE bedroom, fenced patio, large utility, fireplace, hardwood floors, plastered. Reasonably priced. We will paint. 2128 Jefferson. Phone 426- 4652. H 2/21 tfn FOR SALE: Mt. View home. Three bedrooms, utility, garage. Pbone 426- 4659. D 3/21-28 OLDER 3 BEDROO1V house on Angle- side for sale. No Friday night or Sa- turday calls. 426-8563. A3/7 tin OR SALE  Duplex 84x28 with 10 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-8150. N 7/23 tin TRADE good house in Skokomish val- ley, close to highway 101. for Christ- mas tree or timher land. Phone 426-6084. R 11/8/ tin THREE BEDROOM house, 3 lots, I925 Summit Drive, $8,500, phone 426-2154 or 426-3024. Garage. Fruit. P 1/24 tin THREE BEDROOM borne. 5 acres, fi- replace, modern and neat. $9850. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426-4475 days. S 1/24 tin BECAUSE OF DEATH in family, am forced to sell income property. Also four large cleared lots. 426-3477. Call evenings. A 10/18 tin FOR SALE by owner: 2-bedroonl mod- ern home loeattd on ] li lots tm Mr. View. Attached double garage, lots of built-ins and storage. 16x30 roc. room. Patio. Must scc to appreciate, Phone 426-8428 Z 3/21 tfn 14 ACRES. ].376 ft. county road. Beau- tiful scenic wow. Piekcring Pass. Route 2. easy teruis. Phone 426-3757. S 3/7 tfn MODERN 3-bedroom home with fire- ])]ace and 100 ft. of waterfront on Island Lakc. Call 426-4962 after 5 p.m. C 3/]4 tfn FOR SALE: 4- bedroom modern home located near hospital Excellent double garage, spring water. Phone 426-4648. M 3/14 tin MT. VIEW 3 bedroom home patio, fire, place, electric heat. Phone 426- 4504 after 6 p,m. H 3/28 tfn QUICK CASH FOR REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS Any Size or Location - call - J. L. HENDRICK Tacom;t MA 7-4192 Evenings - SK 2-6044 METROPOLITAN MORTGAGE & SECURITY COMPANY, INC. 2525 So. Tacoma Ave., Tacoma BEST BUY Must sell beautiful waterfront home and acreage immediately. 10% Below Appraisal or best reasonable of- fer. Will help finance. By owner. Phone 426-8132 R/3-7/tfn HOOD GANAL tN HOODSPORT ON THE BEACH, 2 bedroom, plus attic room, patio, low bank, tidelands, $13,900 Two bedroom, fireplace, .pano- ramic view. $6,750 Three bedroom and guest house, fireplaces, hot water heat. $27,500 200 ft. Potlatch beach, 3 bed- room, view of mountain. $24,500 EASY TERMS __ 4 bedrooms, furnished, at Potlatch. all on one floor, large family home with view. $12,5OO No-bank beach lots $200 down, F'or Rent--l, 2, & 3 BR homes. FOR LEASE Three bedroom, unfurnished, 17 acres, shop, view, oysters, 268 ft. waterfront, $65 month HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings Real Estate FOR SALE by owner medium size 2 bedroonl ]lolne on double lot. Located Jones Road. Priced right. Call 426- 8706 K 3/21-4/4 WELL built five-room house land- seeped yard. drilled well: 185 ft on blacktopped road. $7.000 Phone 877- 5207 a Hoodsport. 3/14-28 'z ACRE, Skokomish Valley. House with large iving rotmi, kitchen, bath and utility, two upstairs bedrooms. New roof. New septic tank and drainfields. Reasonable. Phone 426- 8303 D 3/28 tfn 3 bedroom home with full basement corner lot completely fenced. Neat' school and stores $9.900. Call 426- 6373. J 3/28 tfn FOR SALE or TRADE--for nice older rural home. 4-bedroom finished house on 100-foot Waterfront lsland Lake lot with fireplace. Phone 426-6259 F 3/28-4/11 COMPACT CLEAN 2 bedroom Hillcrest borne, garage, utility, porch, electric heat. $55. Call 426-4870 after 4 p.m. E 3/28 tfn FOR SALEThree-bedroom borne on Hillcrest, near school and slmpping center. Electric heat hardwopd floors, part basement, attached ga- rage. 426-4534. H 2/28 tin CHOICE Shelton property on Wyan- dotte between 6th and 7th. Select shrubs, trees, By lots or all, Phone Union 898-2411 S 3/28 tfn MODERN, comfortable four-bedroom honie, beautiful view Olympics, near school, excellent condition, living room -- dinette have wood paneled fireplace wall Family kitchen, bircll cabinets, dishwasher. Double carport, 1 baths, private patio. Must see to appreciate. Phone 426-442. I 1/17 tin XMAS TREE LEASE 120 ACRES FARMED CHRIST- mas Trees for lease near Tahuya. For map and details write- 1702 North James, Tacoma 7, Wash, B3-28-4-11 Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. dditional insertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request. Classified display $1.25 per column inch. Card of thanks $1.50. Read- er notices 15 word minimum $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10¢ will be made when billing is necessary. Legal Publications AT1ONAL I"(IRET TlI%IIIElt H l'Olt SALE BINGMArN SALVAGE SALE Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provimons o£ Section 5 (,f Public Law 273. 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583i) and the / Cooperative Agreement for the Manage- ment of the Partieipating Forest Pro- pcrties in the Shelton Cooperative Sus- tained Yield Unit entered into by and 0 between the United States o£ Amcrica and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December ]2, 19.t6. all merelmn- tabh timber marked or designated for cutting on an area. embracing 483 • acres, more or less. within Sections I 25: 26. 27. 28. 33. 34, 35. 36. T. 22N.. R,. 6W.. W.M. partially surveyed Sections lili 1 2. 3. 4. 9.]0. 11. T. 21N. R. 6W.. W.M. II surveyed Sections 31 and 32. T, R. 5W.. W.M. partially surveyed, in qll the Bingman Block, Mason County, ! Shclton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit, Olympic National Forest, Wash- ington, will be sold to the Simpson Tbnber Company. Seattle, Washington, on May i. /963. The ,stimated vohuncs are: 3,200 M board feet of Douglas-fir 2,400 1V£ board feet of weLern hemh, ck and other species. The minimum ac- ceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Douglas-fir $13.75. western hemlock and other spccms $7.90. This includes the following rateS, per IvI board feet for stumpage (including de- posit ior sale area betterment), $3.00 base ratc plus an additiunal $9.70 for Douglas-fir. $2.00 base ratC plus an additional $4.85 for western hcnllock aud other Sl)CCiCS. and $1.05 for slash disposal for all specics. Thc prices bid for slumpage shall be considered as tentative rates subject to quarterly cahmdar adjustment upward or down- ward by 0.5 of ihe difference between the average of the monthly Douglas- fir rcgion indices, as c.a]cu]ated by the Forest S(rvice for the tbr't 1 )revlOus niontbs, and thc following baso in- dices: Douglas-fir 111.23 (D), wesh!rn hemlock and other sl)eeies 92.98 (A). Sueh adjustments in the price for stumpac shall be applicabie to tinlber scaled during the three-months period following the quarter for w]ich the adjustment is computed. In no event, however, shall /he payinent ratCs for eadt quarter be less than the base raws as ststed abovc. When ihc ad- jusi.ed rates by species are lower than tlw /Tase rates, the difference between lhe total dollar value e)f the tinlbr ¢'.UL al ad|usted rates and at base rates will be ]'},corded for each si)eeieS. The stUltlpllgo rite I'or any species will nut be increased above th(' b'tse rate anlll ib(, sul)seqtlent adjusted i.aieS above base l'ales for all st)e( ies deveh)l) all a('.- t'Ul/lU]altd h,tal dollar valnt! in excest iJi' llw b,tal #(corded accumulated diff,'r- once for all species. If requested by i  Slate of Washingt n )r by ]ason CHIntv ' ly any prst0 dcl ed io ttave t reast)na|)i( intel'esl 11 tilt' [)r/)- Imsod sale. or ill its icrlilS, a public helirhl" wiil hi, }nhl ill lbe office (l[ I]ie [Corest Sopcrvis(ir. Post Of[ice iTtlildinK. O .v pis WashinlOn oil tho 191b day li" Aln'il 196'3 al 2:01) p,m. Ro- (lUl,sis fin' imldie ]l :;u'inK will nol bp (*ol]sidore(1 ullh,s4 r(q'(,Jvef| ill ibe off ce rd" the Forosl ,upervisol'. Post Office luil(ling, O ynllti Washington. (m or i,,rore April 10. 1963. Dah'(l Mar('h '25. 19(i3. L  V(| (I GihIv)l" F,)r('sl Sill )''l'- 'is(r OlyIllpic Nd|,ina] |PoreSt, Wash- lnalflU, 2/2.,I/,1-11-18 4t SINGER • N SALE-A-1 IIO Up to $75 savings, Some floor modelS. SAVE ':' SAVE ::' SAVE $30 OFF Brand new Singer Slant-o-Matic. Singer Sewing Center 117 5th Ave. East 357-7586 Legal Publications NO. 83M SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Of' THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. CLARA STURGEON, Plaintiff. vs. WENDELL STURGEON. Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON. - TO: WENDELL STURGEON Defendant. You are hereby smnmoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this smumons. to-wit: within sixty days after the 21st day of February, 1963. and de- fend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answers upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, B, Fraukliu Heuston at I stated; and in case of Y to do judgment K!I against you accoz'dinw of the complaint whi with the Cierk of sai.. Plaintiff's objective .: is to secure a divor¢ fendant upon the gr0. ier complaint on file g for such additional rll } for in said complaint.  B. FRANKLI 1 Attorney fo P Offi(e & Post Angle Bldg., 'i Sbelton, Wa B FRANKLIN HEUS2V Attorney, Angle Bldg.. Shelton , 2/21-,' t[f,LH! , TRANSPORTATIO Trailer Towi" GENE McLARTY ROUTE 1, B 0;( Bclfair, Washington @ Blocking and Complete Hook-ups • Prompt Service Set and Reset ExPand! -A' "'.'.i "LARGEST TRUCKS IN THE ARE - BELFAIR CR 5-2207 & CR 5-9191 :iii Television and Radioi!007 Repair Service i Orville "Dutch" Stanley, fully qualified by ex and special training, is now handling our servi televis on and radio repair and mai.tenance.  I tended RCA color-television school he is qualifi ' special field also. i EELLS and APPLIANCE Your sales center for RCA color TV, black and  table model and transistor radios, stereo 2nd and COTA STREET PHONE Eells & Valley Appliance Ge ti Your Washer-Dryer Head€ Always Ihe bed deal, by G Eells & Valley 2nd & Cota St. GET A "HIttER DEt ON YOUR APPLIANCE CALL 426-8215 and your service worries to M,Iler s of Shellon 3rd & Railroad GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used and Appliances. CALL KELLY'S FURNITURE' Commercial and )) - MAJOR AI t LIANCE LEM WARREN -- Refri CLARENCE JAGNOW L.M. service dept.) - all Lem Warren Refri Sales -- 127 S, 2nd St. "" i! @ Gibson Refrigerators, @ Speed Q uc¢ i7!i  Freezers and Rangcs Equipment -t tplT! @ Tappan Ranges @ Chrysler He ,d "It's The Sc'r'vice After' the Sale ThtL