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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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 :ach 28, ]963. , _. .,,,, SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in, "Chrtmastown,, _ _.:...,U  A % Shelton, Washington , , . .......... PAGE 19 Real Estate e at a dreamer's 0n-'' Parkiing South Hill d, °f the best buys you 00006:i00TY00ero Look at wh00t 7t11r,'0,:.$12'750. Three roomy LOCATION > vi,Veterans on this well ,;thi, ome When you re  the home, you will 'ynY-0°d'sized bed "ooms, k'tchen spac,ous l:d detached garage. one f,oor for just HOME torn town to this home. This fam- e pretty kitch- and an extra with attractive on 130' of the on the lake, plus ew of the Olymp- $18,000Summer re so why not see i ;LAKEFRON T 01llt a. tt,i':'.at_once if you want " yPh effect SpOt on Ph - >rl t.^tO, .ere is 100, of no- :;, Plus an old un- 6:, 00rn house. Priced $1000 down. o F -'.rely for more in- the charm and Spacious, four , full basement it is located in  choice borhood. There COuld tell you lome, but wou dn't  =t instead? Call an appointment. F TOWN ocks to Hillcrest turban home has arge newly re- unfinished attic, storage area. and drilled Perfect garden w th terms ar !i][ , ,e,2 "" BEDROOMS 2 roomy, 2 bed-   nat COUld be u E j st  %nd=.. verything is in \\;/[0(:ate¢?_ n from top to ed. e . an eXtra large .16 e of Mt View There . garage - " ea .. w=th dandy ["[( ' =Udget priced at ICE attractive Mt. ing town and to $10,900 u will quickly ause it has 3 living-din- floors, at- raced corner lot, features Terms suit your bud- 3Cation for %his home. It has ull basement, This }om and is just ! active family. o not ,ook R OUR ,, (]t)R E -- ,'r...'v '66 THE SAME ' 92 i, '6592 ANYTIME :" &NN 26-6501 Legal Publications NO• 3419 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ],:STATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SOPUS HANSEN. Deceased. NOTICE IS }tEREBY GIVEN that LAURA J. HANSEN, iu her capa(ity as executrix el' the above estate, will sell at private sale and for cash and/ Real Estate EXGEPTIONAL VALUES OWNER MOVES TO B R E ME RTON This family home is priced just right for the lucky one that buys it. Award winning yard, extra lot, separate workshop, close to stores, schools, and churches. This home has two bedrooms up and two down -- tiled bath, large, cheery tdtchen with dining area. Econo- mical to heat, just recently re- modeled, so move in for $8500. ESTATE IS ALL SETTLED \\; This family home is locatei downtown only a few blocks from City Center. Four bedrooms, ex- tra large living room, kitchen has breakfast nook, newly painted, half basement, nice back yard for garden, garage. All this for $7800. IDEAL COUNTRY LIVING IN THIS SPOT Five bedrooms, three down and two up--living room has brand new fireplace. Utility room, extra lot; separate garage. Close to schools and City Center. Only $10,500. THIS HOME WILL SELL FAST This attractive home has 3 bed- rooms. All plastered. Fireplace, separate dining room, large utility room, fenced yard with patio, sep- arate garage, close to school on Mt. View. Only $13,500. PRICE PERFECT- LOCATION' IDEAL  MOVE RIGHT IN Two bedrooms, living room, lovely pink kitchen, lots of cup- boards, utility room, neat and at- tractive in and out. New shakes( siding, fenced yard, separate ga- rage with lots of storage. Come and inspect this one for $8250. HOOD CANAL LIVING AT THE VERY BEST This lovely home is a year around home -- Two large bed- rooms,, all plastered, living" room with fireplace, large picture win- dows from all rooms facing Can- al. Separate dining room, large ldtchen with big window over- looking Canal and mountains. Full basement with one bedroom and half bath, Beautiful yard, separate garage, full attic in house. Also included in this wonderful buy is 100 feet of excellent waterfront where it ah'eady has a bulkhead and ready t build on. All this fo $25,000. ( TOWN CONVENIENCE WITH COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE This is a brand new listing and worth a look. Five bedrooms, three up and two down. Large living room with separate dining room, compact kitchen with lots of cup- boards, bath and a half, full base- ment. About three lots are includ- ed in this buy for $13,000. MORE THAN YOU EXPECT FOR $18,500 There are not enough words to describe this lovely waterfront home. Two bedrooms, living room with dining space -- all carpeted ---handsome fireplace, push but- ton kitchen, extra large utility room or sewing room, all plaster- ed, carport, woodshed, toolshed, fruit room, breathtaking view, 60 feet of waterfront, 300 feet deep, includes tidelands. Many more features for you to see in this buy. FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished house• Includes washer and dryer. Mt. View location• $80. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate -- Insurance HERB -- Phone 426-8272 -- DICK SUE DANIELS DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-3434 Ititner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. Prepared ' Some very cheap money on FHA loans CIIi]ORq E  OFFICE NANAGER, BROKER PI'IONE 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426L3530 HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' -- nice corner lot downtown close to ess with property. Some groceries $16,000• five acres, good well and water. n, large work shop. Full price $8,500. three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat ft. of waterfront, close to town. $12,000 acres. 1½ acres cleared, Other outbuild- garage, part basement. Priced at $350. HOME, 4 lots, good concrete foundation. $500 down, $50 per month. lt m, dining room, fireplace, garage and car- ce $18,500, %OME CLEARED. Old house, drilled well, $2,800. 4-bedroom house. One acre of land, spring garage, workshop  $9,500. Legal Publications or on eolltrael t}/o f()lhwinK d,,s('ribed real 'slate : Begiuning at lho Northwest em'ner of Sectiul 18. Township 21 Nm'lh. Ran- ge I West. W. M. : ih('nce East ah)ng the North line of said S,,(:tim 20 rods: thence Souill 85 rods, lllol'e i)r less. Io the {eander Lille of ]IcLeans Col'e : thence following said Meander Line in a Westerly direeti(,n i, the \\;,resl line ,)f Section 18: thence Nm'ih to lhe place of begillnillp£, COlltaiuing 13 seres, lllOl•e or l','s, and beiu g ill(- rest 30 rods of Government Lot 4, said Section. Town- ship and RsnKe. TOGETIIER witll all h,elands ad,iaceni lo and abutting l]lereon. Also, beginning" at the meander col ner to Seeliou 18. Township ZI North. Range I West, V/.M.. and Sec. 13. Township 2l N,R. 2 West, \\;V,M. and running thence N 85 (leg. W 1.00 chain 1o the terminal l)oint of this descrip- tion. with a fronlage of 1.00 lineal ('haiu, nleasured 11 Hlg tile lneander line in front of a part of Lot 5. See- ibm 13, Townstlil) 21 Norlh, Range 2 West. W.M., all as lneasured slunk lhe ]Icandor Line, aeeordinK to a ('ertified copy of the Govcrnfilent field notes of the survey thereof on file ill l.he office ()l' the Cmnlnissioner of Public Lands at Olynll)ia. %Vasllington. to the highest and best l)idder. P, ids nlust l)e subnlitted ill writing and nlay be left with the executrix at 121 South Fourth Sh'eet. Shelton. Washington. Bids will be received uutil the date of Sale. " The sale will be nmde ou or aft,er April 5. 1963. Tile executrix reervcs the right to reject any and all blds. LAURA J. NANSEN Executrix GLENN E• CORREA Attorney for Estate 121 South IVourth Street Shelton. Wasllington 3/21-28-4/4 3t Real Estate PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Attractive 2 bedroom home on Hillerest. Close to stores and school. Large fireplace, living room, kitchen and bath. There is a covered patio, barbecue and large garage. It's all in top shape. Full price $7,500. A. ROY DTJNN BETTER LOOK If you need a large family room, don't miss this one. There are 4 bedrooms, living room and dining room. The kitchen has lots of cupboards and breakfast nook. The full basement has reran for workshop and recreation area. Ga- rage, storage galore, well kept yard. All for $8,950.00. Terms or course. A. ROY DUNE -- CLOSE TO TOWN Nice 30 acre farm. All cleared. New 3 bedroom home. Full base- ment, lovely kitchen with built-in range and oven, large living room, Legal Publications NO• 3389 NOTICI,: O1" HEARIN(; FINAl, llI':POllT AND I'ETITION FOR I)ISTRIIIUTIiIN IN PROBATE IN TIlE SUPERIOB COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON leer MASON COUNTY. In ih(, Mattcr of the Estate of Fred J. Phillips. Deceased. NOTICE IS tIEREBY GIVEN that Mirianl S. Phillips, Executrix of the Estate of Fred J. Phillips. deceased. has filed in the office of tile Clerk of said Court a final report and petition fn' distribution asking tile Court to seltle said report, distribute lhe prop- erty [o tile persons thereto entitled and to discharge the petitimler as Ex- ecutrix: and that said report and peti- lion will he heard on the 19th day of April 196;t. el 10:0/) o'clock in tile fore- noon of said day. or as soon there- after as tile nlatter can be heard_ at the coul'I roolu of tlle above-entitled C0llrI ill the Courthoqse in Shelton. Mason County, Washington, a' which tinle and place ally perton Interested. iu said Estate may appeal" and filc ob- jections thereto and contest the same. Dated this 15th day oI March. 1963, LAURA M. WAGENER. Clerk of said Court. By Teekla Vermillion Deputy GLENN E. CORREA, Attorney for Estate Bell Bldg.. 121 South 4th St. Shelton, Washington. 3/21-28-4/4-11 4t Cause No. 8343 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER GENERAL EXECUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. MASON - COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff vs. JOHN A. EMPOLEN AND BLANCHE M, EMPOLEN his wife: and EDWIN A. NEISE AND DARLENE M. HEISE, his wife, Defcndant Uuder and by virtue of a genera] cxecution isslled out of and Mnder tile seal of the Superior Court of the State of Tasllington, in and for said Ceunty, on the 1st day of February, 1963, upon a judgment rendm;ed in said Court on the 1st day of February, 1963, m raver of Mason County Federal Credit Union and against JOHN A. EMPOLEN and BLANCHE IV[. EMPOLEN, his wife; and EDWIN A. I-IEISE and DARLENE M• HEISE, his wife, judgment debtors for the sum of FOUl" Thousand Nine Hundt:ed Fourteen and .97/10(] ($4,914.97) Dollars together with attof ney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased costs, and to me directed and delivered, I did on the 21st day of February, 1963. levy uPon all the right, title and interest of said judgment debtors ill and to the fol- lowing described property to satisfy said judgment, to-wit : Tracts ten (I0) and eleven (11), Lake- wood Plat "M". according to the re- corded plat thereof in the Office of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume 4 of Plats. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on tile 29th day of March 1963. at 10 o'clock in tile Forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described property, or so lnuch thereof as nlay be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together with attorney's fees. interest, costs and in- creased costs, in all amounting to the sunl of Five Thousand Eight Hundred Fourteen and 24/100--(5.814.24)--Dol- lars. Said sale will take place at the East sun deck and much 1Tlore. There is door of tle Conrt House at 4th & a good barn, farm buildings and Pine in said County and State. and excellent well. Priced at $22,000. will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton. Wash.. this 21s Look today• -- A, ROY DUNN ANGLESlDE Nearly new 3 bedroom home featuring family room, pullman style kitchen, separate dining room, nice sized living room with fireplace. Plenty of storage, large closets and very attractive cov- ered patio. This can't last long at $14,900. Call for a showing soon.  --- A. ROY DUNN LARGE AND DELUXE This one has 4 jumbo bedroorns plus drive-in full basement, l know you'll enjoy just looking at this one. There are 2 baths, both with showers and tiled. The liv- ing room features a lovely fire- place. The dining room will add dignity to your Duncan Phyfe and the kitchen is a real wife-saver--- everything" compact. This one is built to last forever, you'll see what I mean when you see it. Priced at the FHA price of $16.- 250. A, ROY DUNN DOWNTOWN A small down and payments ot $50 a month will make you the envyed owner of this large 3 bed- room family home. It's located near town and close to schools, There are 1½ baths, living room, dining room and kitchen with plenty of space. The yard is in good condition and it's priced at just $6,450.00. Why not drive down now. A. ROY DUNN ANOTHER ONE CLOSE TO SQHOOLS AND TOWN ' This is a very attractive 2 bed- room home just past the junior high at 1233 Franklin. Call for an appointment to O see r You'll like the new kitchen, c r e fireplace, wall to wall carpet, cozy dining room and new workshop and garage. Priced at $7,950.00. FHA or GI terms• A. ROY DUNN 75 FOOT BEACH -- Mason Lake Here is the perfect situation for a large family or several parties wishing to share the cost. There is a large 5 bedroom home that could use some finish work, but easily done. 'You will also have a one-room cabin that could be rented. The lot is large and one of the nicest spots on the lake. You will have 10 x 20 ft. dock, good well with extra water stor- age, The owner will leave all fur- nishings and it's just in time for summer fun. Would suggest you see this soon. Priced at $13,450.00. A. ROY DUNI SALT WATER FRONTAGE 246 feet of it. This is A-1 beach and close to town. The land con- tains 2 acres in all. It's well ]and- seeped with well and water rights on adjoining creek. The price is $13,000•00 and will even include a nice 1 bedroom house with new kitchen and wall-to-wall carpet in the large living room. Can't see how you can miss on this one. A, ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Calh Mary Voss ................ 426-6074 A. Roy Dunn 426.4601 PHONE 426-6363 126 Railroad day of February, 1963. D, S, CLARK. Sheriff of said County Ey Nat Stairs. Civil Deputy. 2/28-3/7-14-21-28 5t NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 17779 STATE OF %VASHINC TON OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF Vf ATER RESOI:RCES Olympia TAKE NOTICE : That ERNEST A. DAHMAN of Quil- cene. Washington on March 12, 1963 filed apt)lication tor permit to divert the public watcrs of two (2) unnaumd strealns tributary of Totten Inlet. in the amoun of 0.09 second-foot subject to existing rights, continuously each year for the Imrpose of fisll propaga- tion: that the approximate point of diversion is located within Government Lot 2 of Section 14. Township 19 N., Range 3 W.. W. M.. in Mason County. Any objections nmst be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from March 28, 1963 Witness my hand and official seal this ]3th day oI March. 1963 M, G, WALKER State Supervisor of Water Rcsources. 3/ 21-28 2 t Legal Publications , H, NO. 345 NOTI(E TO CRI,]DITORS IN THE SUPERIOPI COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN l'RO BATE) In the Matte]' of the Combincd Es- tates of PETER TIMMERMAN and MARY MARIA TIMMERMAN De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tlm undersigned. L. A. Carlson, has been appointed nd has qualified as Administrator of the estates of Peter Tinnuerloan and Mary Maria Tinuncr- alan. dereased ; and thai all persons having clailns against the said deceased or the. said estates are hercby i'eOtlil'ed to serve the same. duly verified with the necessary vouchers attaelled upon tlle undersigned Administrator or Ills attorney of record at tbe law office of B. Pranklin Heuston. Anale Build- ing. Shelton. Washington. and file such claim togetller with proof of serviee with the Clerk of the above cntitled Court within six (6) months alter the date of first publication of this notice, to-wit: 14; March 1963. or all elainls not so presented and filed will he forever barred. L. A. CARLSON. Administrator of the C0nlbined. Estates of Peter Timnlerman and Niary Maria Timmerman. deceased, Address : Shelton Brancll. Scattle-First Nat'l. :Bank, Shelteu, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estates. Angle Bldg., Shelton. Washington 3/14-21-28-4/4 4t NOTICE NO. 3431 • TO CREDITORS (IN IROBATE) IN THE SUPER/OR, COUR,T OF THE STATE OF WASHI{NGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MAO, IN THE MATTER, OF TH ESTATE OF-HERBERT F. McDOUGALL, De= ceased, No$ice is hereby gb'en that the un- dersigned: has been aDointed and, l qualified, as Executrix o£ the e&ta; f, ttt all er,aonh naihg elainlh aga tlisr satit deceased, ae ltel rquired to serve le =ianie. dL!ly. eidfied, 'b %gid E{ecutauk di her £tLomie) of. reond,h£ tli addle below Stttd a, fil  Llli sa w.iLh the Clerk 6£ saidTC0ur.t, t- geLher. with Droo£ of." suchl ervice wjth in= six btlts. af,r .t.e 4aid of first pfiblieaLig/qf Llisotice 6r the sanle wAIl be: bar,ed, )ate eL fln4t publication March 14, 1963. DOOTIY JEANNE WEAVER E.ecutrik of said Estate 11,16 No. 105th. Seattle. Wash. HA_NSEN & BLACKBURN, Attorneys for Estate 1116 No. 105th, Seattle 3/14-21-28 9 t N . NOTICE % 2441 CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND I,0R, THE COUNTY OF MASON. In the',Matter of the Estate of CLAR- CE H. SHLVJY, Deceased. NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN that Edna Rae Shii'el" has been pp0intd aud has qualified: a, Executrix of the Estate o( ClaI,'ene' H. Shively, de- ceased, and that all persons having claims against said deceased, or his estate, are required to serve the sanle. duly verified, upon said Executrix at the office of her attorney, Lester Strit- matter, Peoples Natiqnal Bank Build- ing, Hoquiam, Washington, and. file the same with the Clerk of the above enLitled Corn;t, togethe,} with proof of. such srvice within, six ()montlls after the date of the 'firSt publication of this notice, to-wit: within, six '(6) months after the 21st day of March, 1963. EDNA RAE SHIVFLY. Executrix of the Estate of Clarence H. Shively, deceased. Attorney for Estate. LESTER STRITMATTER. Peoples National Bank Bldg., Hoquiam. Washington. Legal Publications NO. 326I Nt)TICE OF IlEARING FINAL REI)ORT AND 1'l.71'I'rioN EOIL I)lSTRI II/'rlON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN TtE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of EDITH MARIE STOHR Deceascd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ROBERT STOHR. Administrator of the Estate of Edith Marie Stolu de- ceased has filed in tbe of five of the Clerk of said Court a final report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to settlc said report, distribute the property to 1he perseus thcreto entitled and to discharge the I)ctitioner as Adnlinistrator: and that said rcport and petition will be heard on the 12th day of April 1963. at 10:00 o'clock in lhe forenoon of said day, or as SOOll thereafter as lhe matter can he beard at the court Foonl of the above-en[it- led court, in the Courthouse ill Shel- ton. Mdson County, Washington, a wllich time and place auy person ill- t(%'ested in said Estate may appear and file objections thereto and contest the stone. Dated this 8th dab" of March 1963. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of said Court By Teckla Vernlillion Deputy. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Bldg.. 121 South 4th St. Shelton, Washington 3/14-21-28-4/4 4 t NO. 8365 SUMMONS BY I'UBLICATION IN ,THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY JAMES PAUL, iaintiff. vs/ SHIRLEY PAUL. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO .THE SAID SHIRLEY PAUL. DEPEN- DANT : You are llereby sununoncd tO appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this sunt- lnons, tWo-wit: within sixty (60) days 'a£t,r the 21st day of February, 1963, ;,and defend, the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer !file colhplainL of the plaintiff, and :se'r,e a c0py of your answer upon the undersigned, attorney at his office be- 10W stated,; and. in case of your failure do t do, Jud4alent will be rendered againsL YOU aeconding to the demand of the" conlplainL. WhiO1 has been filed with the clbrk of .aid court. That the cause of action herein is for : divorce between the parties above named wherein Plaintiff alleges deser- tion and cruel treatment on the part of the defendant. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office sod Post Office Adress: Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Sheltcn. Washington 2/21-28-3/7-14-21-28 6 t NO. 3443 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of same in duplicate, duly verified, on said Executrix or }let- attorney. Ro- bert L, Snyder, at the address )elow stated, and. file the same with the Cle'rk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six l;lonths after the date of first publi- catbon, o£ this notice, or the same will be barred, DATE o£ first publication: March 28, 1963. DOROTHY M. HILLIER 118 Laurel, Sllelton Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorncy at Law 125-% N 5th 3/21-28-4/4 3t Shelton. Washington 3/2-4/4-11 3 NO. 3439 Legal Publications N(L 8:31 SUM,MONS FOR PUllLlf'AT[(IN IN FORE('LOSERI.; OF I)ELINQI'ENT L.l.l)...% N N F.,'4N M ENTN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF %VASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY City t" Shclton. n Municipal Corpora- tion, Phlintiff. VS. Each and every lot tract ,)r parcel of Iliad or other Proi)erly ill this Cl'tifi- cale ]leI'oinaf[eF descl'J bed. all(] ealql and cneh IlUd every 1)orSOll. filnl OF eel poration nalned t}lereill lls behlg the (/vvnof el" OWllOrs t,F the l'et)uied ,/WllQr el' ownerA thereof, ac('ordina" 1o tile District ,'Is hereinafler shovll ill the City of Shelton nnd each and every peA'sOn, firnl or e(li'poratil)ll knowu or uuknown." if auy, havhlg or c]aillling to have. any lien ',.lpon el ay rigllt, title. interest or estate in or each and every such lot, tract (n' pal'cel of land or olher properly, Defendants, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. to all persons hereiuafter nanled and all persons unknown if any. having or clainling to have an interest in and to the real t)roperty hereinafter describ- ed: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that the Cify of Shelton the hol- der of Certificate of Delinquency, is- sued ou the 28th day of February, 1963, by the City of Shelton State of Wash- ington, for the anlounL hercin set forth opposite the several pieces, parcels or tracts of land the same being the amouuts ttlel due and delinquent for Local Inlprovements District Assess- mcnts together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property a,sessed to you and of which you are the owners or ]eputed owners, situated in said County, and particularly boun- ded and described as follows, h,-wit: Lot 10. 9, Block 1. U0platted, L.I.D. 16. Defendants K. P. Warner Amount Due Prior to Judgment $125.68. Lot 7. Block C. Unplatt(/d. L.I.D. 16 Defendants Donald Paul. Amount Due Prior to Judgnlent $80.20, Division N40'• Lot 4, 3. Block 1, Unplatted, L.I.D. 16. Defendants J.L. Kirk, Amount Dne Prior to Judgment $161.71. Lot 10, Block L. Unplatted, L.I.D. 16. Defendants Harold E. Smith. Amount Due Prior to Judgment $100.66. And you are further notified that Plaintiff will apply to tim Superior Court of the State of WashinKton, in and for the said County, for a judg- ment foreclosing it's lien against the property hereinbefore mentioned, and you are Imreby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this sumnlons, ex- clusive of the day of said first publi- cation, and defend this action or pay the anmunt due, together with costs'; and in ease of your failure to do so. judgnlent will be rendered foreclosing the lien for said certifieate of delin- quency, taxes, penalty, interest and costs, against the lands and premises hereinbefore mentioned. Date of first publication March 7. 1963. Any pleading or process nmy be serv- ed upon the undorsigned at the address hereinhefure mentioned. JOHN C. RAGAN Plaintiff's Attorney P. O. Address: 121 South F(mrth Street Sheltn. Washington FRED M. ELSON. Deceased. 3/7-14-21-25-4/4 5 t Dorothy M. Hillier is the appointed and qualified Executrix of said estate• All pers°ns hal•ing elainls against said {;; deceased are required to serve the NOTICE TO CIEDITOP Use Journal Want Ads IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TEE Legal Publications. No'ri('l.; OF NIlI.:I¢iFF'. SAI,I:, OF AIANI)ON El) V Ell I('I,ES N(IT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on ,l, lhtv the 1st day of Aprlt. 1963. at lilt h()llr )I J0 a.lll. ()] said day aL the }Pl'ed era ill l'e(,,*n(.i, {ailoek, "Tashiilg'lon. I wilt sol1 ttlo fotlowhlg th'scribt,d vehicle to-wit : 1919 Ddgo ] ton truck. Mtr, No, 86(}07038. Li('ens,, N,. G 77793. Wn. and. al the h(DJl' I)f t] a.lll i" said tta" al the SpPr/'y rosi(b'nee Whitchurch ]t)ad Belfair. Washingtoo. I will sell the I'ollowin des(' ihe(t vehichL h)-wiI: 19.52 Euit'k H/T Mtr. No 68474795. Li- t'ease No. ,]AN 928. Wn. D. 8. Clark Sheriff, laSoll C(lunty, $¢Vash. 3/28 it ................... v- ............ No'rICE OE IIEAIIING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Timt file ;oard el County Collllllissioners (lid. on ?v[arch 18. 1963. pass a Resolu- tion de(']aring l}/,-ir inteation tO tin- prove 11 seeti(nl ff County Road No. 230. also kuowu :is Lhe North Shore Road. said t)ortion lying "'ithin Scc- lions 9 alld 10. Township 22 Norlh. Range 2 W. LM. extending westward frlan tile interse(,tion itf sald County Road No. 230 with County Road No, 232 (Elfendahl Pass Road). Said lm- proveulent ring between survey sta- tions 256 --- 00 and 3,18 -- 00 for a dis- tan('e of approxi[llately 1.7 lniles. Said Resoluti(.n further declare:d that such road ilnprovelnent is n pnbiic necessity and instructed the Clerk of the Board h) seL up a ptlb]ic ttearillg ibm'con. And further instructed the County Engineer to report on said road In{- ))rovelneIll and the Courtly Proseculor 10 l'eVil%v slid NivP approval on legal questions. NOTICE IS T-IEREFORE GIVEN: That said Hearing will be held at the Office (if the Ctmnty Conunissioners in the Courtho'se at Shelton, Wshihg- zon. at 11, April 15, 1963. All in- terested persons n'my appeal, at said Hearing to be held for the purpose of hearin¢ the Engiueer's ret)ort on"said County Road• ]goard of County ConJmishmers Of Mason Coun'ty. Washington. By C NOLAN MASON Clerk of the Board. 3/28-4/4 2t ' ,, MY. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts, Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m, Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m, Robert S. Wick, Pastor ,,i Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning X¥orship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pm. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn % ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev, Clarence A. Lody, Priest Thursday, March 28 -- 7:30 p.m. evening prayer and sermon. Sunday, March 31 -- Services -- 7:30 a.m. -- 9:30 a.m. --- 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 3 -- Holy Communion .... 10 a.nt. & 5:15 p.m. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer STATE OF VCASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate JOSEPH D. HILL. Deceased. Connie Lanlbert is the appointed and qualified Executrix of said estate. All persons having ehlims against said de- ceasc.d are required to serve tile same in duplicatc, duly verified, on said Executrix or her attorney, Robert L• Snyder. at the address below stated. and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this no- tice. or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: March 14, 1963. CONNIE LAMBERT Route 3, Box 261 Shelton. Washington. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125% N. 5th Shelton. Washington 3/14-21-28 3 t Preferred Properlies by Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277 THERE AREN'T MANY OF THESE! "il ..... unusually large living room with lovely fireplace; ceramic teo tcnen and bath" two bi bedrooms and a cinch to add a th*rd' Thin ' -- • ^2 " Owner moving and has priced for quick cash -- under $7,0uu. CH VIEW LOTS  COMMUNITY BEA ceY n" m • Just 11 miles from Sbelton on Lost Lake; ex ale c swi - }rang-, boating, fishing. This is a deep clear water lake. The lot s au x 100 and priced at just $1,000. OWNER SAYS "SLASH THE PRICE" So you can have this exeellent three bedroom home with two baths at a real bargain! Has a very lovely fireplace in the extra large living room. and many, many desirable features such as hot-water radiant heat, 2-car attached garage, patio, and loads of closets. Truly a fine family home with the price slashed to $17,000 and the ovnmr will lease with option: FHA; GI; or carry contract. Let's talk it over! See it today. SALT WATER FRONTAGE! Here is a dandy. A large tract featuring an excellent beach and low bank. Close to Shelton. $4,350 on good terms. COUNT 'EM! Eight lovely rooms in this beautifully maintained older home. The exeellen arrangement and convenienc of this home will give YOU years of pleasure. Fireplace, basement, and large yard. Close to schools and stores. $13,000. A MONEY MAKER! NOT a motel! But a steady income from these units! Sit- uated on outstandingly beautiful grounds with large stream through property. Lots of expansion area suitable for more units, restaurant, or what have you• Owner will consider any reasonable offer on all or part of this excellent property. Call Dick Belling today! SPENCER LAKE TRACTS! Hurry, hurry! These won't last long. We have four of them at low, low prices. Check with us on these. LOW COST HOME In a good community on edge of town, this 2-bedroom home goes on the block! Need minor repairs to be an excellent home for a loving couple on slim budget! Terms at $5,500. EASY TO LIVE IN A large roomy 4-bedroom home. Completely up-to-date with its new built-in kitchen and excellent condition throughout . Two large baths: lovely yard, landscaped for easy care and beauty; basemen with large recreation room and economical heating plant. Three lots in quiet area with wonderful view. Under $17,- 000, FHA, GI. Conventional or contract financing available. -- Evenings Call -- Marden Stroud .................... 426-4000 Dick Bolling ........................ 426-8162 ., FISHERMEN'S CLUB * Star Values, SEMI-SECLUDED SPOT rd A most attractive 4 bedroom home. Two tiled baths on two , levels. Handsome living room, fireplace, family dining, e, Qn- venient kitchen. Daylight base- ment, ample rec, area. Land- seeped. An exceptional buy ac $16,500, FHA. $875 dowm. * PRICED BELOW FHA Lovely two bedroom home. Mt. View. Spacious living room. fireplace and plush carpet. Fa- mily dining, modern open kit- chen. Two-car garage. Patio fenced privacy, Well under FHA at $14,750. FHA $750 dn. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, E. C, Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev, Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, MARCH 31 -- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. Broadcast over 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship KMA00"" "'" "CHRIST'S UNFINISHED WORK" Rev. Alfred Sand0val 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 1280 - 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service * FAMILY OPPORTUNITY Elec. range, refrig., drapes included. Nice 3 bedroom home. well located. Furnace, automat- ic coal stoker (annual fuel $80). Separate living and din- mg rooms, compact kitchen. Basement $8,750. Budget terms arranged. * 4 BEDROOMS, MT. VIEW Two lots, big living room. fireplace, hwd. floor. Basement, furnace. A nice older home for only $8,500. Pay $750 down and move in. * DOWNTOWN, FENCED Three bedrooms, comfortable living room, smart kitchen, ut- ility. Two-car garage, garden, rich soil. Walk to work, shops. A good buy at $6,500• $500 dn.. $50 monthly. k 3 BEDROOMS, eLY. VIEW Large lot, fenced. Roomy liv- ing area, oil heater. Quiet fam- ily neighborhood. $6,500 with $500 down. $60 monthly. * INCOME PROPERTY Four units, two bedrooms ea. Handy to mills, downtown Shel- ton. Gross $175 monthly. In- cludes neat owner's home with basement• furnace. BARGAIN PRICED at $8.650. $1,000 dn. * WATERFRONT HOMES Finest waterfront homes on salt water. 60' to 200' beaches, tidelands. Call us for descrip- tions, locations. * FARMS, ACREAGES IzOUTH NIGHT WED, -- 7:00 p.m.  Bible Study and prayer for the family. YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street Mason Youngland, pastor HEAR REV. JOHN FRIESEN Returned Missionary from Belgium Congo, Africa Sunday, March 31, 7:00 p.m. Sunday School Classes For All ................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p.m. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hiway So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald L. Herman, past. Sunday School, Adult Bible Class .................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning "Worship ..................................................... a.m. & 11 a.m. Midweek Lenten Service - Wednesday evening ................ 7:30 p.m. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated with American Luthern Church RRST OHUR00 OF OHRI00, SGiENTIST 302 Alder St., 8helton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church II a.m. Wedeiay evening testimony meeunga  p.m. lling room located in church. Reading room hour=  to 4 p.m. Mort. & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:4• i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meeting 5:30 Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Call 5ohn Devereux first on Farms. Two to 10 acres, 40 to 300 acres, all with farm homes. Also two % sections, 160 acres each, excellent tree farm po- tentials, unimproved. CALL 426-4666 hild Care Service Available at 11:00 Service LaBissoniere ,, - REA:EGTAETE N :U:ANCEi/! ,,, ..,00,s, M.. 119 SO. 4th '-- shNIton, WaSh, i{I North 4th and Pine ,treetl , i ZvrsGs: Ill ROBERT R. RING. Mhlier • , ...... . _ -. ill 11:00 a,m. 6g Womhip 6:0 p.m. You{h FelI0wshtp i