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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 28, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 28, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 20 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrsfmastown, U.g.A.", Shelf--&apos; IIORTH HASOH SCHOOL HEWS I Classes To Resume Monday After Spr!% t  + ,. :i Vacation; Band Week Is Planned NCx "/,+eek   OE / __ -- ..... I • Next weok students of North ceived notice that, he is tlm ,'eci   .I mAbib I 'IIAtILIVAWil ---'----'1 V 5 Him []., U [] IB U m Iil R 5I vaeation'after the IongThisandfirstWelcomeweek ofSpringthe sity of YPennsylvania. ..... When ' G:an" ' V" .... / rH    /l/[][] []  [][]  []  v  IF l fl,-+lt Xualter won'* c:<actl- be I ncss completes this course, he wi,, .  IVH6 Hit H " ''" N  JiF ::'"':'''e' becus;+ the%n'h've earnod his poet.or'+ dc,'o.  IW I' liHJI "--" -- I  ...., , ,. ,,. ., ... . 41 r l;ne Onllest  I ' " " " • " in Science     ---- ior hi+h band has cho.en it "mu- = '" .... ,,d ,  "W -- -- U m'  Ufine The King ot DIV bf the week Th'ere is a day for ing the seniors from the basketball | 111 1 _ _ ,--, IZtIII nIlqlllIIP I'||]II I,l l +I "Music Lover of' the' Year": one le m adna[h3co);em;?in6 ti?r I VOlUme u.u ou,, ,o.,.-+ • - - i + specializes in the band's own ver- . . + i  r o lar ro rams later part of Aprd. It is a three somt31feih:n]°ted[UThP eelnin+l act play filled with "neYve-wrack- t nl ll l illIVll 15 M t KICI ] I Ir'Ml00 ,++I .... e o iing suspense" which promises to / l I I Ill/ U / 1 I [] I IMI II I/ I I  i I .  I II I II  performance will be pr sented .... - tmday, f£fl5,as8iP.m.2np:[kt;p you on the edge of your  HII IIII IIlIlIlIU I IlIIII I UlTrimmed ,,  i '+ h ch . .+ • mi ,i -- I h)g :ill +++ 7""" ed:- ' -I The school journalism staff has | • • U • I • II [] 111"11[] I --_..--.- I +-- ............... Ib  , PICNICS++-++:+++. ,+31 1; CO, Dayton Youth Injures Eye In Mnhap .+++ t .... , A I IPI I IPII4P +h+ wo],nd. ...... with he,+ brother +rid wi+o, +. r %+ ,+,+m+,0+,++++,sqG I .w[ rn--nm. .... I The rra+vefing Jinocnle Club win and Mrs Earl Kin r Ik] f PIT REFERENCE tllll_a--.x.,r.,,,'lh'- I " Ji hold its next meeting Saturday ' w .... g' . .. 1" '  HOME REPAIR PROI.EM au ,.r ] .........  -- i t'} ty ho of r. an2 Mr.++ . E. Mrs".-,%i% Bu%;;i we*re'i'. 'E  pRBmmn.  ' I | dr" r  O A r | ..... '.deI'soIIL+elTIRe WlI.I] MI ane MIS dOlln VOLIJ, I+, I PRACTICAt [i$'f IBHE¥-SP+IHG Morrells YorKsfllre urano Longview. The Joe Buchel family X ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR HOME REPAIR Doris Hickson had as Friday overnight guest Sharon Moffatt and had as weekend guest, Tina Bezley, both of hSelton. On Satur- day, they celebrated the 17th birth- day of Doris, The girls spent part of the day hiking to Lake Nah- watzel and back and also part wmy around the Little Egypt Loop until they were driven home by the rain, Althouogh they didn't make any fifty miles they did enough to show their physical fitness. Thursday dinner gests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lcmke were Mr. and.Mrs. Farnum Loitz he]" broth- or: and parents, Mr+ "tnd Mrs. Cllarlcs Loitz. Shetton. and their house gnest, Dan Loitz and Mari- lyn Brice of Alaska, who are at- tending college in Portland, MR.. AND MRS. Allen Hickson dropped i on the James Hickson family Sunday to pick up 15- month-old Charles. who had spent two and a half weeks there while tits mother was back east. Little Charles will sure be missed in the ,la.flle, Hickson home. Weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Gertrude Scott were Mr. and Mrs, George Purves and girls of Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and boys motored to Kent Sunday and visited with Dr. and Mrs. William Monsofl. Glenn Young is home freD1 Western Washington State Col- lege, spending his spring vacation wilh parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Young. Saturday callers in the Walter Chappell home were Mr. and Mrs. Arclfie Kelley, Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherry of Shelton visited one day last week in the home of Mrs. Carrie Barker. The Gm.'y Cole family of Che- halls were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams, Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Anderson and children had dinner Sunday with tlc J. R, Middletons in their Shel- ton home. • + :Nil'. and Mrs. Harry Kidd were Stm'day dinner gmsts in the Shetton lome of Mr. ad Mrs. Clarles Churchill. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Young were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Young and chin dren of Shelton. Monday hmcheon ,nlests in the Scab Comb's home were Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Combs. Mrs, Walter Chappell and chil- dren visited on Satm'da.y with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson of Clo- quaUmn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kidd and children are tie proud owners of a were drop-in" callers. Mrs. L. B. Pharris spent a couple of days last week in Seat- tle. with son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pharris. Sunday visitors in tbc imrhe of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Elliot just back from India, where they have been missionaries for the past 25 yea rs. lh. and Mrs. Doyle Howard and son', spent Friday overnight and Saturday in Issaquah with Mrs. Thelma Howe rd. Thursday aflel noon callers in the L. A. Todd bonle were Mrs. Ai Fraisurc. Dennis and Todd of Shelton. Visiting Darhme Bloomfield Sun- day were Coco Mort•son. Judy Lowdon .nd Allan Russell. friends who attend estern Washington College with her. Darlene came home on Wednesday to spend spring yaeation week• • Spending Saturday evenmg with their grandparents were Robm. Donna and Audrey Tibbits and Clint, Lester and Cindy Tibbits. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stuller were Mr. and Mrs. VVayne Lathes of Ta- coma, MR. AND MRS. L. A, TODD called on Mr. and Mrs. Ted erry on Tuesday evening. The Merlin Rickards family had Saturday dinner in tle home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Byrd, Sko- komish Valley. Donna Hulbert had as Sunday dinner guest Sharone Shawsted, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tibbits. Bill and Keith motored to Chehalis Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits. Saturday visitors in the Pete Bloomfield home were Mrs. Les Bishop, Kamilehe and Mr. Mrs. Floyd Waiters and children. Vcarl Bennett. of Seattle was Sunday dinner gest in the home of his sister, Mrs. Alma Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd visited Friday in the boise of :Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Todd and Saturday aftemmon Eldon Jr. visited with him grandparents. Mrs. Clyde Ruddell was elected P.T.A. president for the coming year at Mountain View school She is at present publicity chair- n an, John Schur is spending spring vacation Uis week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Schur. John attends the University of Washington. WC vceleone to our eorflnlurlity, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hawkins children, who are living at Dayton new car. On Sunday, they motored corners. P,A00s USED 1361 DODGE LA CER ...................... $139'5 4.dr,, radio & heater, stick shift 1961 FORD FALCON ........................ $1495 radio, heater, auto, trans. 1956 PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN +495 .1955 FORD 6 STATION WAGON ........ $495 engine rebuilt 1956 PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN ...... $39'5 V-8 engine, standard trans. WE ARE NOW it] our new building at Railroad a/nd Front Street. PLANS for our Grand Opening will be announced later! PAULEY HOTORS Railroad & Front St. Phone 426-8183 PROBLEMS. 140BBY CRAFTS' PAINTING * CAR SERV- hr. NG • PLUM 1NG REPAIRS • WOR- "1110P HINTS ND PROJECTS • tAWN AND GARDEN' IG CARE • ELECTRICAL REPAIRS • I DME REPAIRS AND UP- )RTCUTS • HOMEMAKING HEIEPT :SE ,t WORKING" KITCHER IIPS,WOC WORKING" DECORATING • RADIO & FV REPAIRS • FURNITURP IIEPAIRtN ° FURNITURE MAKING • INTENANCE • BOATS • IPROVEMENT pROJECTS. 1001 WAYS TO SAVE MONEY AND HAVE FUN TOOl SAVE HOHEY, IISE AHO WORKI TRIPLE PAC i°;;g:e'sLil;nau'a+e' Salami' Ib4 SALMON STEAK Silver Red Idea, 1 To Broil, Cut ]b Thick & Even HALIBUT CHEEKS .ow..,o 15 Ad Prices Effective March 28, 29, 30. Limit Rights, Please COOKIES RIPPIN ooo0 4/Sl Flavors .................... .KLEEHEX .=,.. co,o+ 4151 400-Ct. Boxes ............ FIG BARS ....c...+ .o. 39* Chewy! 24-oz ............... Hunt's, Zesty Flavor! Stock Up Now On 20-oz. Bottles TOMATO CATSUP Sugar Crisp (9-oz.), Alpha Bits (8-oz.), Toasties (12-oz.) - -Mix or Match! POST CEREALS i !! BABY FOODS Strained 10/$1 Gerber's Varieties, 4 -oz. Kraft, Smooth and Rich! Save Now on the 24-oz. Jar MAYONNAISE FRUIT DRIHKS Sono, J,m O..noo, .... II/-JL Grape, 46-oz .............. CORN OIL MARGARIHE+ +o.00oo00o 4/'1 1-LB, PKG ................. Pure Vegetable Shortening! Big 3-lb. Tin +SNOWDRIFT CORN Florida U.S. Fancy Large PlumP Ears, NEW LOW:PRICE EA, BANANAS ...+ oo,.. Fry;t POTATOES °+ w.+,c. 10 S5€ New Spring Crop S ONIONS OREGON NO. 1 MEDIUMS 3-LB. PLIO BAG 23 € PAS WASHINGTON GROWN FANCY NO, 1D'Anj°us LB. 2129 € i ._, n See yonr hmttvay Produce Department for in-season Strawberries, CantMoupes, Watermelons, New Peas, Beets, Greens and Cherry Toma- toes. 6/49" instant (o+ffee 2/29' MAXWELL HOUSE 10-oz. jar 1 20th CENTURY