March 29, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 29, 1973 |
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ive consumer ints
"" I ea g ,noo 0 : o.,ume, vs t.e co.sume, mo .men,. .o,,, .,r
Inlures _., ve,yon is interested in the Exp|oiters by Sidney pollution to the great hot dog
Iii~LLOGG any weight on her legs until they the year. Attending the meeting ~ stretching their dollar. The MargolJus is a revealing report on controversy.
"LIMERICK W^. arehealed, were Steve Bennett, Tom
ts finall-. .-, ~,"' A1 Gronseth of North Saint Redburn, Tom O'Brien, Carol !7 Shelton Public Library has amoney traps, deceptive Books from the Shelton
are blo~Yrniarfweo. ,he Andrews Drive was elected Kramer, Gregg Lasseson, Marti H number of books that bring the advertising, credit plans andPublic Library can help you
~il | problems of the consumer to paCkr~geingourthatint~h;iSmP~ng become a skillful, sophisticated
g along me . T "
and the to'" . chairman of the board of trustees Jones, amml Kellogg and :~:i light., Y shopper, getting good value for
irds ha ...... ores aria for Fire District No. 5 lastsupervisor Les Kostya and his I ~ :i~ I Who,, Put the Con in m;r~place. ~ores.of inside t~s every dollar you spend. The
:ff us'~lae 2~?rneo ann Tuesday night, wife, Marie.
E i~':~ I! Consumer. by David Sanford is y at the mmgs yo o y library is onen from 10 a m to
lifted s-ip.. g starteo AI and his wife Patti Steve was elected treasurer of ~' ..... " "
it Was--u i its' out to! circulated the original petition to the club and they will hold their m | more than a simple expose, for it are revealed m each of the 16 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
II | gives concrete advice on how to chapters on medlcmes, cosmetics, Monday through Thursday and 10
q e a altlerenr . " " - t'meri " "~ " mane rat " -'
start tile LaKe l cK rife nrst y- sag project this 1 i survive in aworld of promotional foods, rugs, furmture, homeP.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and
lnd A1 decreeD, .... since it Department in the firstSpringca°ft 1969.. weekenduseWithcarsa car wash at thee m i{ / II traps and start fighting back. improvements, etc. . Saturday.
~t da,, o" " - AI served as the p am of clubho • will be wash d 1 [~!: II In .,riot War on the
beautifu~Pdang atl~ea the department, followed by the for $1 and washed and vacuumed • [i: : ll Consumer' Ralph Nader, James
• 'bra*^ ~ , Y. Ylate Dr. Bob Wells and now the for $1.50. ~ ! Tax bull us nn Ridgeway, Robert Coles, David I _ _
~01~,'bu~Y ptaymg a position is held by Glenn March 20 the department of THE FINAL CHECK for $195 for ,money raised in the walk . Sanford and others speak out on [ The Tux Shop
~o .... t when ~ary Robbins. fisheries stocked the lake with for the retarded earlie was presclted to the Exceptional committee such subjects as food, drugs, ]
if! Foresters last week. Here, Ran Sanford, right, chairman of A bill which would affect the insurance and consumer J Complete Formal
the walk,, presents the check to John Schrieber, director of propelt- y taxes o( Skokomish protection. . They assert that
Exceptional Foresters as Les Hein, representing the Mason Indian T " ' .~..,h, ;.. the consumers have had virtually no I Wear Rental Service
• rlbe 1S cur~.ttt~y .t . .. "
County Chapter of the Washington Association for Retarded state S ..... W ...... M .ns voice in areas where decisions are [
Children looks on The walk brought in $4,258 57 of which Comxn" ~ .... ~y~ a,,u~= made and that corporations have [ _ ,, ,,
the Exceptional ForeVers received $1,945, Rainier,..ShCh? ) prU e iy public land is not kn°w nglymlsl; thRPUblic" l r,Coll.o,X
parent clubs $965. 3, the WARC $716.31 w't t assessed for "ro ..... taxes This " no gh. t of theI /I/I IliW1/ '
remainder Din for campaign ex enses L ..... e ". American Consumer" bv DorisI
g g P • um woum reouire payment at _ - n _-~1 ~-
• . ~ ..... Faber resents man as ects of ~"
~ property taxes Ior puoiic lana P Y P I
which is rented to private
.... individuals. |
• Hazel Kissler and Bill and Vera Southside Thus, the tribe would have to J -
~s gets request Gaffney, just to name a few. mhl-- . . l. pay taxes on any land it rents to I Shel,,-, |IL. un ')AA7
ammersley" " . Glenn Robbins. Lake persons not members of the tribe uuvuu =-um,~ lWVO~.'-¢v~
ifir°rt'an'ainhe~r'o'~'';'~O'i=~::;;;;; fig to near OlK • I
At the urging of the Yakima ]
?f Permission will now "Copies of a Shoreline attendedy a school on fire ~lkmt,BtBl~A.,..~" , ,, ,n ""',, m,P' ,tdlIMP~lh~"mA"L~ Indian ..... Nation, Representative .... I | ,. ,u,uoy,e ..... A"ril 7t,
u trying r~ewnouse, t~epuollcan, I
!he Army Corps of Management Act permit, or a prevention and industrial ByMRS. RAYKRATCHA demonstrations. Saturday Mabton, successfully amended the | ..........
, In Some cases inletter ofexemptionfromthelocal housekeeping. SOUTHKIDE PTO meets demonstrations were given by bill to exempt Indian lands, and J Installation C)t Ottlcer$
~r.alpermits for minor government, must accompany the Sunday John Smyser of April 2 at"7:30 p.m. A school ('heryl Corey, Terry Stoner, Joy the bill was approved by the J and Purple Bubble Ball
xn navigable waters application as well as written Olympia stopped by the club toboard member will be there to Nestell and Valerie Rains. House of Representatives. I
~rt. assurance that all other local reminisce witt~ a few old friends.
.~iUncement was made requirements, such as obtaining a John worked at the club as a ,~xn 'qn ,h ...... ;', lev,, which will The meeting was adjourned However it must now pass - l
be voted on April 10 for $15 000 and Cheryl Corey and Terry w~th the amendment - in theI ake LJmerack -- Cocktails 7-8 -- Installation 8-9
-~ng Seattle District building permit, have been dishwasher in thesummer of
the purpose of which is t{)r ~a'new Stoner prepared lunch. The next Senate. | Dinner and Dance 9 to 2 P.m.
I' teutenant Colonel satisfied." 1971.
school bus. . I $12.50 per couple -- L m0ted to 90 members only.
~deller, Jr. The change All applications for such Mrs. Juanita Comer of meeting is March 31, reported Senator Gordon Sandison said - .
Southside Homemakers met ValerieRains. the bill had better titan a l
" to mean shorter construction should be made on Tacoma hopes to make Lake at ihc home of Shirley Stites Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Archer fifty-fifty chance of getting out of l
v time for shoreline the regular permit format and Limerick her permanent residence March 20 Attendinu the meetinu and grandson Shayne Spencer the committee, l Purchase ticketsat...
.nets who apply lot a addressed to the Permit Section, by April 15. She recently bought were M~)nna He~nis Evelyn Saturday drove to Port Orchard "But you never know when | .... , .....
• " the nQmnn s Mooo :mop
~neers permit. Army Corps of Engineers, 151q the Zelanzy's property on Kreifels Ruth Chambers Jane and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. someone will testify and sway I Y
, and state agencies Alaskan Way South, Seattle, Ballantrae Drive. Hendric'k Jo Ann Herrick andCharles Moore of Port Orchard committee to a 'no' vote,' he I NauJt's Fina Service
'ached agreement that Washington 98134. Application Floyd Joneshas agreed to Shirley Slites and Mrs France Schamp of said" m . , , ......
~ermission may be forms can be obtained from the coach a Little League ball team. • " H a e " the ossible m Luml~®rnlon • ¥oearlon I'lonlo$
Members decided not toPhilomath, Oregon. e dd d that p l
? hollowing types of permit section, telephone (206) Iris twin sons, Ran and Rick, attend the mini convention at Mr. and Mrs. John Cooksondefeat of the bill would not hinge I
r)Vate and public ~142-4040. - both play, as does Brett Haskell , n .......... I Wo k Pa,ty ,a~t ou.u y .............
~ats(not connected to In cases where letter permits and Lewis Wells. Cheh'dis and members looked and Jackie visited Mr. and Mrs. on the Indian exemption r ~... ,~., c. "~'~a" of ~.'~" m....,~.
, " - .... ovel sore r IhCll )ro Kay r--ratcna ~turaay evening alnenament
~"private moormg can be used, it is anticipated that Weekend guests at the home • e ideas fo ' [ jeers " " " " " [
lor the next meeting. .....~__~...~,:~ ............................................. .~
te Water intake lines the processinl~ time will be ereatlv of Ed and Barbara Single were ~~v:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:;:~:~:~:s:~:~:s:~:~:;::~:~`;~:~~~`~a~:~:::~:s~:~:~:~:~:~:s:s:s:~:;:~:s:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:s:~:~:~:~:~*~:~:~:~;vva:~:~:~: