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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IC ring By CARMEN YATES PIONE|:R Members of the Pickering '~'t)lllell"S ('lub are planning a combination rumnlage and bake sale this Friday and Saturday, March 30 and 31. The hours will be from O a.m. to 5 p.m. l)rop by and have a cup of coffee with the gals and look over the items in the rummage sale which are priced, very low to clear. Also save yourselves some baking by selecting some of the homemade goodies. $ women clu plans While waiting t¢)r the arrival of their plane back tt) the mainland United States they ran into Densil Page and his wife who were .jusl returning from a four-week trip l~) New Zealand and Australia. S(, the two couples enjoyed the trip back to Sea-Tat together chatling and catching up (m old lleW'-,. Densil's family, the Roscoe Pages, are also former islanders, as ale Phil and Dorothy, who were both raised on ltarstine. While In()nl and dad were enjoying a quiet week t() themselves lheir oldesl daughter, Becky, who was home for spring vacation tr()nl college kept things running on an even keel al home. Down al the lillle led school house the sixth grade is planning an aucli()n lifts Iliday, March 30, al 7 p.m. m lhe Pioneer gym. The pr()ceeds of this fund will go raising even h)ward lheir goal of a trip h) ('anada. Used and new ilen}s will be for hid. Concessions will also be sold. Also coming up this Friday the student council is sponsoring a kite flying contesl. There :He to be two divisions: primary fhsl through third grades and intermediate fourth through sixlh grade. Prizes will be awalded as follows highest flying, most unusual, prellicsl, funnicsl, smallcsl, and bcsl consl~uclcd. The cc, Illesl will sl:ll'l :.ll 2 p.tll. I)arenls are invilcd h) Cello and observe. l)on'l forgcl HIC Arl I'uir ell April 7. This Fliday is Ihc cul-()lT dale f()r enlries. Y()u In;ty pick up your f(lrltl al school. Alni()sl :111_~ category iltlaginablc will qnalify. l)on'l be bashful. If everyone were lhen, there would be no art lhiJ for the el)servers to enjoy. Thc I'T() I{xeculive I)oard will Illeel al Ihe sch()()l on Thursday, Malch 29, al I p.m. All ro(ml IllolhClS :llC u;rged h) altend. "l]mlsdtly is Ihc next dale for Ihe bookmobile (lhal's h)day). ('lean ()u{ Ihe cuphoards and h)ok undcl Ihc beds and hehind lhe L'~)IIC]I. l he Thurshm-Mas()ll County Ilealthm(H)ile was al Pioneer on Wednesday of this week sol up and ready li)r business for the first lime. 1)1)]' sh()ls were available as well as ()lher innoculalions or any ()liter lesling the patrons may wish litat arc available. The week prior to Easier is spring vacation this year. "lltc dates are April 16 to April 22. Shelh)n schools will also be t)n vacation during this same period. Angle travel see unusual thtngS How's this? ANGLE RESE 401 Railroad 426-8272 or Members of the orthopedic auxiliary from the Picketing area don't forget the meeting Tuesday April 3 at the PUI) at 7:30 p.m. to kick off this year's Penny Drive. The Campbells of Spencer Lake, Bert and Grace, ahmg with eight of their close friends celebrated their 13lh wedding anniversary at the lake Limcrick Inn last Saturday evening. Alnong those present was Edna Bomes of Seattle who was Graces' 'gal Friday" at Bert attd (;race's wedding. Phil and Dorolhy Chapnmn of Picketing returned last Sunday from a one-week vacation t() ttawaii. The couple landed Sunday aflerm)on in lh)nolulu in a light drizzle. ]'he first thing they sighted enr()ute to their m()tel room was a stack el hunber for a new building under corlslructi()n and a sign pt(Mailnmg il was a Weyerhauser proiecl. They spent three nights ()n the island of Oahu and while there took in points ()f intetesl by bus. They hopped across to the large island of tlih) (m a local plane called the Fun Bird which was dec()rated with ex()lic and colortul flowers. There they also spem three nights, however, on HOle they rented a car to lake m the Inany things they wanted to see. ]'tie mosl ilnpressive ()1 all the sights they saw was an active volcano which lhey had h) hike in a inile and a half to see. Thai old saying, it's a small world, seems l() apply to ahnosl anyone who travels nowadays. Alcholism plan being prepared As participalmg nwmbers in the Washinghm State Plan for the developlnent of COmlnunity alcoholism services, lhe Thurston-Mas()n County Conlmissloners have announced thai tile 1',~74 ('olnmunity Alcoholism Plan is now being written. The plan is to include an evaluation of all existing services as well as a conlmunily plan for implementing the Uniforrn Alcoholisln and Inloxificalion Treatment Act. The act requires communities It) provide an alternative plan to jailing persons who are drunk m public. Any interested citizen who wants to receive notices of the planning meetings or who has information or ideas on community alcoholism services is invited to communicate with: lrvin McArthur, president, Thurston-Mason Council on Alcoholism. P.O. Box 519, Shehon, 98584: phone 426-3363. Or, William Pickles, chairman, M.H and M.R. Advisory Board, (Community Services Board), Third Floor, Courthouse Annex, Olympia, 98501 ; phone 753-8071. Did you ever want something so bad it hurt? i j ', .... . . , / / Yippeel I! s coond-up t=me! We've '~/ ' (oeroled the fioest of the hord..tNe IenderosI, / ~rJ ,ost, beef in this moas Iowa. Come .a ma'.m .,/ .... \ ,utile up some beely borgains, ""i (_ .... ~, while choice cuts a,e priced so low ~,/" '.f,. CHOICE BEEF BLADE C',;T:; %'? ICH IN FLAVOR. LEAN GROUND BEEF°'RE ~ FRES,. ~,ROUND IN OUR OWN MARKET. L~.98 RI B STEAKS L,~. c~oIcE ~EE~ TENDEP, SUCCULENT STEAKS. I_~ 1.65 SPENCER STEAKS"~ CHOICE BEEF BONELESS, FULL FLAVORED STEAKS. Lg. 2.59 GERMAN BREADED U.S. CHOICt. BFEF CHUCK STEAKS WASTEFREE. LtS. U.S. CHOICE BEEF ~ONLLESS, ROLLED ROAST', LEAN TRIHMFD LB .i :-OR TRUE VALUE, BOLOGNA RINGS CL1DAHY BAP-S OUALITY. lO-OZ.PKG. 79 PERCH "KARO" BRAND...BONELESS AND FULLY COOKED. L~.85 POLISH RI NGS CUDAHY BAR-S OUALITY. IO-OZ.PKG. qSCAR MAYER SLICED BOLOGNA ROUND OR SQUARE STYLE ALL MEAT AND ROUND ALL BEEF. 3-OZ.PKG. SLICED SALAMI OSCAR MAYER COTTO OR ALL BEEF. 8-OZ.PKG. DETERGENT GIANT SIZE DETERGENT z2-OZ. Ht,NTS ASSORTED PUDDINGS ¢-50Z.TINS SPRAY STARCH'''AGARA COFFEE ,,BAN 1 . 05 BRIM COFFEE FREEZE-DRI ED RI, COFF %z.1 .29 22-0z.59 >LB.1 . 89 2-LB.2. 19 ;.0z. 2.19 II NORTHERN ASSORTED COLORS FISHERS 10 LB BAG DUCHESS qANDARIN ASSOOTtq KRAFT SLICED AMERICAN SHORTENING 3-LB.TIN STANDARD LARGE. LB. CELERY NO. l, REFRESHINGLY GeOD. SPINACH Foz pKGS 1 ,, FIG BARS VANILLA OR WHOLE WHEAT .(~t~, ~' SONSH,NE ~_oz.PKG 59 ~ ~-' A(il~ DUCHESS TOMATOES 4 29_nz.TINS1 L I GHTER SPONGES CONDITIONER CRICKET DUPONT MISS BRECK SUPER BALSAM .... E C' 9 8 -COUNT KG. 39 e-OZ.1. 09 AA 'lEDIUbl HAWAIIAN RED BLUE BONNET GIANT ROLLS ll-07.TINS 23-OZ.BOTTLES 12-OZ.PKG. 40-OZ.PKG. LB.15 BUNCH19 EACH r:IANT LOAF 49 >~:,cK 89 FIST 29 4 I6-0Z.TINS 1 DOZEN 46-OZ.TINS Gwe a kid a chance to walk Give to Easter Seals March 1 - April 22 BRIDGEFORD DEMI LOAF 5.75 OZ. PKG. ORANGE JUl CE JENOS PIZZA MINUTE KAID 12-OZ.TIN Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 1973 PEPPEROr;I, CHEESE, OR SAUSAGEI3.5-OZ. CAKE DONUTS BANANA cREAM PIES Ea. We specialize in decorated Cakes for all occasions. Phone 426-3377 U. $.D.Jl. FOOD STAMP ~ 1 COUPONS WE FEATURE DARIGOLD RANDOM CHEESE...LUXURY, MILD, MEDIUM, SHARP JACK, CARAWAY, LONGHORN, SWISS,RED BOY,AND EXTRA SHARP .- WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING -- EVEN A SMILE! iStore Hours: Daily 9 to 8 -- Sunday 10 to 7 PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 29, 30, 31 & APR. 1 LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED