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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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' ii ) Le Forest Service, U.S. minimize c c~flict with other ! i 111 it of Agriculture this users ofpublicland. )Osed to designate areas Listed as examples of 5 national forests onmachines to be regulated were off-road recreationalfour-wheel-drives, motor scooters, .es Would be allowed,motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, t or restricted, dune buggies and snowmobiles. is Proposal was contained T h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e ~?.~.~ ~ ~:~ ( tentative environmental instructions require that forest a e.nt and forest service supervisors of the national forests ~e.d last week to the~_..;;intta Qualilstrative instructions off-roadC°nsider vehicleP°tential useeffectSin the°f! ~.~ ! ~ 0",~t'slCoun~;.l ~hn continuing planning process of their forests. The planning will • pro ide for include consideration of such 1on of areas and trails for things as compatability with other .ad Vehicle use, useuses of land areas, application of ii/ ~Ons and closures have local standards for air, noise, l etailed in the federal plant cover, soil stability, water " Public comments are quality, fish and wildlife and on both the regulations esthetics, safety aspects, potential environmental statement, conflicts with other users, i t bier, Forest Service, The areas or trails selected for ? nlent of Agriculture, restriction or ban must be marked i " ',ton, D.C. 20250, will with signs describing the mVnents on the proposed r estrictions. Conditions of as until April I and on limitation may be made to :!i~~ i ~ Vironmental statement include such things as time of Proposed actions would noise, size or number of vehicles. forest supervisors toThe limitations under the 1areas and trails where proposed regulations will not Vehicle use will be apply to official vehicle use; CUrtailed to some degree authorized vehicles under permit. ~ed. These designations lease, license or contract;military, t,ue Completed for all fire, emergency or law J forests, national enforcement vehicles; nor to ds and other lands vehicles used for prospecting or 'red by the forest service mining under provisions of the nber 31, 1976. Before General Mining Act of 1872. of areas or trails, Comments from the public on nohee will be given to the new regulations will be Public to participate in accepted until April 1 and on the • the action to be environmental statement until individual national May 1. The environmental comments from statement may be reviewed in the will be taken and, Washington office of the forest NURSING STUDENTS received clinical experience in Mason General ~ropriate, public be held. Thirty days following forest review of public as before final action ct in each of the forests. osal, growing out of executive to set up a of COntrol over linate use of off-road a protection to the ent, as a safety as for and other % and as a way to service or at regional offices in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Atlanta, Georgia; Denver, Colorado; Ogden, Utah; Missoula, Montana, Albuquerque, New Mexico; San Francisco, California; Portland, Oregon; and Juneau, Alaska. Copies may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service, Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia, 22151, for $3.25 a copy. FAME IS proof that people are gullible. Ralph Waldo Emmerson Hospital. Seated are Roberta McAbee, RN, and on the right, Colleen Marilley. Standing, left to right, are Rosemary De Furia, instructor Judith Maire, and Mrs. Barbara Strom. Former pastor scheduled as Reverend Eugene Knautz, former pastor of the First Baptist Church in Shelton, and now director of community relations for the Alcohol Problems Association will be guest speaker at the Shelton Assembly of God April 1 at 11 a.m. Mr. Knautz has been a marriage counselor af£diated with a national organization for many years. He has served as pastor of churches in Coeur D'Alene and Lewiston, Idaho; Spokane, Shelton and Yakima, Washington. He has conducted workshops in many Sunday School conventions in Washington. In several of the cities where he has pastored, he organized groups known as "Fishermen's Clubs." This was a weekly fellowship for men, with guest speakers and a Bible study presentation program. He will be speaking on the subject: "Marred and Made Over." mps, reservations will not be available "Campsite reservations will and the needed start-up funds will "Meanwhile," Odegaard said, not be, available in our parks this therefore not be available to "we urge campers to avail ear,v ' State Parks Director provide the reservation system to themselves of the state parks Charles H. Ode~aard.~ sa']d today, park visitors in 1973." recreation data center, toll-free In December 1972 the A similar plan approved by telephone information service, for Washington State Parks' and the commission-in i97L-, whicff current advice on campsite Recreation Commission. approved included entrance fees, resulted in availability and other factors a ilot reservation system a legislative directive to conduct a affecting outdoor recreation P covering eight state parks, to help study of state park user fees. It opportunities throughout the meet the needs of those campers was upon this study that the state." who are unable to arrive before present program was based, heThe telephone number, the parks are filled on weekends, said. toll-free from anywhere in A supplemental budget request The commission will continue Washington, is 1-800-562-8200. for the $79,897 needed to to seek funds for a reservation RDC operators are presently on implement the program was then program, with 1974 as the new duty 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday submitted to the. state office of target date, he said. through Friday. program planning and fiscal management. .,.- R In , "However," Odegaard said, irdlll~|~ iEIrM| 'OPP&FM did not transmit the El W| p" ,lll request to the 1973 legislature. ,,e Studded tire deadl,neApr,II Today leader" Washington State Patrol Chief Will Bachofner issued a reminder RQ-309S to all Washington motorists that as of March 26, only six days remain in which to remove studded tires. Effective April 1 troopers will begin routine enforcement against those still operating with studded tires on Washington s highways. By Washington statute, the use of studded tires is illegal from April I,,through October 31 of each year, said Bachofner. Pacific Zone ANNUAL SAT., MARCH 31 McCleary VFW Hall Tom Baze & The Noblemen Buffet & Ice $3 Per Person ;Reg. $49.95 AC/Battery. Built-in condensor microphone. For school, office, music and fun. McConnell's 124 N. 2ND, SHELTON * 426-6163 * FREE PARKING USE YOUR BANKAMERICARD OR MASTER CHARGE. Of Dayton THE BEST TIRE ROAD KING MAKES! Discount Priced .... 26.95 G-78-15 .... G-28-14 .... 27.95 H-78-15 .... LOWEST TIRE PRICES IN TOWN! EZE-RIDE OF MONROE PR. INCLUDES KIT REG. LIST $60.00 PR. HI-JACKER PR. INCLUDES KIT REG. LIST $65.00 PR. suPER 60 RAISED WHITE LETTERS 2-DAy SPECIAL G.60-14 .... G.60-15 .... Includes Excise Tax WITH THE PURCHASE OF EACH CASE OF OIL AT OUR REGULAR DISCOUNT PRICE HIGHWAY TREAD ANY SIZE Each WE HAVE KUP TIRE UP TO 12"' WIDE PLUS SALES TAX ONLY - NO SMALL PRINT ADDITIONS REG. LIST $20.00 4-WHEEL SET - MOST CARS EX. HEAVY DUTY PAIR LIFE TIME GUARANTEE NOT ONE OF YOU ARE 40% TOO MUCH FOR YOUR AUTO Thursday, March 29, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17