March 29, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 29, 1973 |
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I 15 words or less -- $1.50 "
• ] 0 cents for each additional word over | 5.
J I • FOUR (41 insertions for the price of ,
>' ~.,, • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . ~ ~
,- " ,o'..'
fo; SOP; .... For Sole ..... Pets, Livestock Help Wanted Personal Services Red Estate
........ , machine water heater, large lot.
.-- 1% ACRES, 140 saltwater front.
-------~-----~-~ ~,,~ ~w snarpenmg, speeay, p m T3/29-4/19
~ro(< Phone 426 6687 H2/17tfnJ
PEACEFUL VALLEY Stables -- F A B U L O U S- -2-Vz-ac~es.
horses boarded and trained, year Attractively wooded, near
around indoor exercise arena freeway, just south of Shelton.
stalls runs and pasture. Call Ken Only $3,500 cash. Shelton Land
or Lee 426-5749 evenings, and Homes 426-5555. 3/29
P10/19tfn - TWO BEDROOM mobile home
FOR YOUR regular or corrective $8,500. Phone Lima 482-3171.
horseshoeing call Dave Robison, V3/29tfn
491-5235. R9/14tfn
21/2 ACRES, creek, 2 bedroom
OSBORNE'S EXPERT home home $19,500. This is
repairs and remodeling, sma jobs exceptionallv nice wi~h huQe
too. References on request. Phone evergreens, good road frontage,
426-6241. O10/5tfn shop and drilled welt. Terms.
Shelton Land and Homes
ROTOVATING AND plowing. 426-5555.3/29
Please call 426-1502 after 4 p.m.
$3/22-4/12 i wu I~t-ur~uunn name mecu,L
----" - h"
~~ ra nge, oil heater, was Ing
m we wan[ ~o [nanK a=l aT me
SHELTON JANITORIAL serv ce $4 695 cash. 328 So. 3rd. Owner.
carpet cleaning our specialty: J3/29
phone 426-8936. $11/30tfn
Older 6 bedroom home needs
• r Hum Mr t~ats[one,~ttorney AUTO PAINTING, reasonable work Close in, on y $13,950,
prices. Also trailers etc. All work terms Shelton Land & Homes
guaranteed. Phone 426-4322, 426-5"555. 3/29
1202 Cota St. R7/20tfn
~lrqL~'~ PLUMBING and Repair. 1V2 baths all drapes and rugs,
TEACHERS PART-TIME for missed. Her son daughter and ~ appreciate. Call 426-6161 after 4
~~( buy Inc. £ meals r ugl~l u p h~'t~ fenced y x~ ~ g/z montn m p ~< ' or ~erman a n -- -~---~----- ----- --- --- --- --- --- --- ~-- ----- --- -- - or 426-8938. P3/29 r lease
/iitemized iiiir " T~.^ Arcadia Rhodie$ Br°wnls ~'~" deductions Road ..... 426-3773 c..+ only J J _ .... =~^ iIl, i I ~17nloDl[" DIg ............... Irup~ace, Kneeland Center covered 3/29 patio, vmwice
i- ,.,> I I
,•, m
, m)
. ~, ~ ~
- Used C=. ------------------------------------
..Worry about your FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE range 30 1966 CHEV Caprice, excellent m- .,m m. • J STRONG BACK to dig trench L I--(3 H T F I XT U R E need
~!ng _soiled just get inch, avocado; usecL '-J^mo.nths. running condition. $800 or best I'~r~ ~l~_~l'~nng I and post holes. Lake Cushman. replacing? Call The Handyman.
Lug snam DO and rent ~-xcellent conDition :l, ZUU. Phone -- I Approximately 10 hour job, $30Fas[ service. 426-1508. K3/29
~Pooer, ;1~. Rex Floor 426-5269. C3/29 offer. Will trade for small station
wagon, 426-6374. W3/15-4/12 Custom cutting and wrapping. I cash. 49 1 -4886, Olympia
;Z3 Olympic H~ghway ~ Old fash'--n=., ed cur nn= done and I evenings. C3/29 WITHREDUCE EXCESS FLUIDS
wagon, real clean, runs good Z1PvPeeto°nl~ al~oduSl~tu.sageldmaa~nedI EXPERIENCED COOK wanted, Dex-A-Diet capsules at Nell's
used twice, i~ew. $60.1963 PONTIAC Tempest station . I ~ Fluidex Lose weieht with
disc. Dow~-r lift nr~in Phone 877-546 , oodsport. $225. 426-3830. 13/29 - , u ' I call 877-5264 Hoodsport, Wa Pharmacy. O3/1-29
~,.can be used as disc G3/29
naumo. I E3/29
"1129-4/19 " ~ 68 GMC half-ton six-cylinder, Homo MoatServico I DENTAL ASSIST~-N---~. ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION
,_ QUAKER OIL stove, oi tank and excellent condition. $1400. en Pr ' and referral center 428 Birch St
~LE -- new win~ new rack. Phone 426-1702. J3/29 426-3577 after 6 p.m. C3/29tfn GI n & B.J. obst I experienced, for clinic on S h " I ÷ "" D~,,,.,~, ~')~ A,~n:';'
rid!e, bit, b~oks, ~ i426-1415 KamilcheI Skokomish Indian Reservation r...~....~X ............. " .....
~Jhin~], mscellaneousBEAUTIFUL TRI-PLY stainless '41 BUICK Special 2-door rebuilt - ' starting mid-April. Call 3.'/~[[n
u~'ridav ~n,~i ..... ~" steel waterless cooKware, motor, $400. May be seen ~ 206-838-0790 for application.
Lifetime guarantee. Reasonably
~__ priced. 426-t468 for appointment evenings only. Call 426-1975. I LIVESTOCK I 63/29 v~_-~_-~_-~_=~_.-_-_-_-~_-_-~
nI/LLING afternoonsto see. R3/29-4/19 L3/29
I an .......,, I Cads of Thanks
uS. Call 426-6209. SMALL D2 motor, completely CADILLAC, 4 door hardtop, I I~RIIIImlll I ' a a; . ~._-_-_-._-._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-._-._-_
~---------~~ overhauled, $400. Large portable1960, air conditioner, radio, I mml,~vm, mmlv i Experience in research or census .............
;P R O T i~- P T t"~ O steam cleaner $400. Washer and power seat. Tires, motor, body,I , ~. ~. ....h+ r~=h,, ~lv~,~ I work helpful Send brief resu e .....
, L,~u~,~uu~,,~ .... • ......, * ,~ ,'. ,~'. ..~o,~n Seattle neiahoors ann Trienos aT
I ....... : . " ~_ i [o r.u. ~ox ~ouu,
good condition. A good second I tar sale on Drool I W~h ~-~^~ ~o~ • ~ ,,=m2.4/5 ' Timberlakes Mr. and Mrs. Chuck
Iqunae ch=;.... fin, " dryer. 426-4947 after 5:30 p.m. car. $500 cash. Call 426-4296., , ......~¢~. =o~,, .... ~.- . __ .. , .........
)tat'or, roiFa~vav"b~e~d~. R3/29-4/S
I ~.11 ~. I _ J__ I ~ /-~Elams, Mr. and Mrs. r_mll I-(elnl,
C~aft boat and mo~)~' ~ Mc3/29-4/5
I Kill ~,~-nrn~aner I W~,~T~n D~=CT~ nur Mr and Mrs Florence Sigo All of
"~/29-4/lq " MUVII~I~ -- L~K~r_/r~ulu ~ m .... ~ ......... m ................. RED se, • • •
, m -- * firn= '- "n nhvsician- our friends Deputy Leon Smith
m i par[-.,,,,~ worK h, '- " = M " -' :'" ...... '
_ " sale Saturday, Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 automatic, new carpets, vinyl top,
i Dk,... &@A_@&~I I office. Call 426-2606. C3/22-29 G" ' "" ' " "
I " "" .......... I erald WhiTcomD ana wiTe with
L.'LiS'Bluelikel'u-st'~e;"n"w ~n Ren~"~'" p.m.1128ArticlesBirch. Z3/29f°r men and women, dependable,s3/29 lady's car. 426-4885. I ~.~A.~7 I WANTED PAPER bo,, downtown all of their help and kindness at
n-P°oer $1 Coast to R SALE used SCM No 44 • -" -"~-'" -'"-"'-"---- "1 ,nop. V_vnone~. water'., $90 .n~r month. .nlus
98366. T2/8tfn 426-4748 D~/22-~q depos=t. Apply 9's Fa=r Harbor
': 2/8tfn -FARFISA COMB organ and ~~ " .... Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028.
i Leslie speaker, like new, $1,000. WAN.TED: CEDAR logs--second ~ N3/29
$1,600 value new. Call 426-6539. Sporting GO0~S ,rowm nr ,,,,~ ...... ,h ........ .. ...........................
drv D-eli'~'~',~"",~" c~'~'~'~"carer serving hot meals. Hours-. .....................
P3/ltfn _.._:._ - ................ anytime 426-5335 $3'22-29 ur~rur~,,=n,-u u,,,- bedroom I Tax returns in theI I
...... ~I"ZU/M to $220/M. Versapanel,-"" ..................... apartment with range,
I~PlI--,~-- USED LOWREYorgan, Starlight inc. 426-5571 or 426-5504. DAY CARE -- ages 0-7 hot refrigerator, wall-to-wall I convenience and privacyI I ...... .._._-:T'/ I
|~m||l~ll~ model, $495, Johnny's Music 18' Tollycraft, glass hull, head, 50 V2/15tfn m=~ ~n~ near Mt V ew carpeting. Available Apr I1
i w=mv~m. Box. 12/7tfn hp and 71/2 hp motors, trailer ................... -- " -- Pine - " Jot your home, Fully I I ..m. IUKg & A$$0C J
,,= excellent condition. $1050. I _ , School, weekdays only. Call Lawton~pts. 7Z~ .L3/22tfn
426-1361 after 1 p.m. 83/29 m Old Coins, Gold Coins I 426-6576. K3/15tfn ------------~
nmlw' driveway or the permanent Old I W re old k --~ REDECORATED FURNISHED I=,0" I I'"'''°°'w' 426"~6' I
~llllm solution, concrete paving. HONDA MINI trail 50cc $95. I g ass a , oa I INTERIOR EXTERIOR painting, apartments -- 2 and 3 bedrooms,
Graystone, phone 426-3344. Ph-one Union 898--2452. F3/29I furniture old clocks, I texture and glitter. Free no pets. Edgewood Apartments /Serving Olympia andI "
'-"~/Iblb 12/7tfn 15FT. camp trailer, double tanks, Isterling sliver items, oldI ~ti]~t~tes" Phone 426-5741. U~g|h.~sy 101, 426-5093. Shelton8years.
n Most anvthinn in hood I CHILD CARE weekdays -- hot ONE BEDROOM furnished S~..~
3 = = ard Infants to 5 ment downtown, adults
_0nestln: sprayer/compressor, was $339.99, ~26-1551. L3/29 J condmon. W II buy old I years Mt View, 426-2126. References. Call 426-3563. m OLYMPIA943-8095 I I _ ._ .
SEPTIC TANKS now $199.88. Price good through 12x12 TENT excellent .. • . apart • I,¢BI$$ONIERE
IEI3~rtP~ March 12, one only in stock, condition, must sell, leaving state- Jestates. 426-2126. I ~t,n I I
~---M"- ..... IX SearSs2/22tfnin Shelton, 426-8201. $75. Scuba equipment, fuHffs;t LL3/15-4/5 I LICENSED CHILD care--Agate PROFESSIONAL OFFICE s ace I Koal Estate
426-1610 before noon or ar~er b " area hour or day. Experienced -- will remodel or redecoratPe to
• GRAVEL MOST POPULAR sizes of tires except wet suit, :~o u,~, ¢,.
~,ers Ca ,~00'~ ~0,~,t,o ~ I~~
~.~ and batteries now in stock. Call " • " • suit. a urt Mann for details.I THE i I COUNTRY LIVING
)A~ Sears 426-8201. S2/8tfn ~---- -~-------------------- -, 426-6592. 12/28tfn - --, . , i AT ITS BEST
,,~/%.s I ~, ~;-- :;:;-- ~---- ~11
.......... Ln,t & Found TRAILER SPACE available at the .......... m • J " ing 70' waterfront
i 1130 E FAIRMON/ i • IO" " "
'~LCOME I and wrapped. Expert cutting and -~,--:Z~-----------~-- .... -" !"" Pines Trailer Park. Call 426-3273. • " I I Threets sec~uaedad o0n near Grapeview.
""---.-.~.i.~ w r a p p i ng. Shelton Foods. 1 FT camper trailer, 1 2 x60 DELUXE 2 bedroom ~------------------'----- O10/12tfn
1968 _4 •
426-6523. S3/27tfn self-contained, heater. $1,275. mobile home. 2 years o d aboveLOST NEAR Skok Reservation ~ |1 Call 426-2879. for II II toEXCellentaravel beach.View andpricedeaSYtoaCCeSSsell @
free eshmates tfn
2ROSSFROM PASSING FANCIES by Jan 426-4577.-F3/22-Z~ average with new king-si~e bed. Irish setter pup, 'Junior," white FOR RENT: trailer space close to I - 11/9 rn~ 1$1~5.00 per front foot -- terms
Now financed WSECU, consider star on chest 898-2317. Larry downtown. Call 426-4426.
L~OLFcn~,,~¢~ Danford. An illustrated book or NEW LEFT-HANDED 7MM, bolt car in trade. 426-6403. ¢,n=.~,~i~ 7~/~q 10/8tfn - - lavailable.
~no "" ..... verse andprose. $1.95at the action with 9 p~w~red scope. B3/22-4/12 ................ ~ I HAND SAWS !1 $48,000:5 B.R., 3 baths and
• ~_ Journal and book stores. 1940 Scott, 150an. ,uu SUZuki, ~ ~+~ PROFESSIONAL OR business I ........... I I lots at privacy highlight this
~6~9 D2/24tfn New and used.par~s tar ~UZuki,10x45 SPACEMASTER, ~/z ..~ - ~ ........ space for rent o , I ~ TAULI= :SAW:5 I | secluded country home for the
VENINGS ~ HodaKa =,, _ _.. bedroo . 10 50 Paramount, 1 ................ ~o downtown, 900 sq. ft. 426- 481 I Cacao=Man J m large family. Many extras and
FOR SALE -- Large selection of • --'d Ma,CO, PluS tOols, ms x ,+-'b~nepnerajz,+~ aT~er" oL'°mmUeju ~/~PU ./~Lall 4
426-6044. B3/2Z-z~ bedroom. 426-3242. B2/15tfn " : " " or 426-4895. W9/28tfn I ~mm~.~r--=l=.=w m I acreage too!
9/3tfn reconditioned ranges, I 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) I I
.. ~ refrigerators, washers, dryers. 9 FT. cAMP tr~lilee~ 16 ft. boat . • HOUSING FOR rent. 877-5527T I " Iw/beautiful hardwood "floors
I FOR SALE BY OWNER I ........... ~....L11/2tfn $33,000: Large 2 BR home
: ~"-~ _6/sEells & Valley Appliance Center.tfn -, ,- "'~d(~I~'~ra(~3~'22 29 w°rk" Call I Beautiful 12x60--197Omob e| ~---'-------~ .............. , llots of storage and all
m~:!I ~ ~ i home, fully skirted located at THE I luI_L;I_ U ......... I I conveniences plus large garage
I PINES, Shelton. Near stores & m illq~llllU num~) /
tilt-trailer,..^2 Jife vests, ttitteS~ I SChOOlS. 2 bedroom argo roomy | I MT. VIEW i I Edward L. Tufts I I and shop. Secluded location on
I kitchen includin~ appliances. I ~--=--------------~------------------------'~----------------------- i Ivl m. • IL vv / I Route 1 Box 296 I
I year-round creek only 2 miles
Batnroorn has washer & dryer . - --
cover, _~.,,~_~ .o: ~,, 426-3oo4 I ,. ,uoeo. 6x7 ft storage shed Altl 8x40 1957 Capr,, 2 bedroom I Shelton, Wash. 98584 I I from town.
[f°r $5'500- F°r" appointment" call l furnished, $950. Phone 426-2774. I PHONE426-387_4 1,1525,500: Large three B.R.
after 5:~u P-'". no/6-29 426 5218. M3/8-29 I G3/22-29
I ....... inn I I home completel car eted
I - 9/2~ tfn I I built-in appliances in the
I Bu,dozng Hau' o , . y p
For lawns and shrubbery
I kitchen. Two baths heati ator
= I Delivered by truck load tivesta& tm ~ M T I .... I ~~e2:nTdHAntlques- ...... I II fireplaceolympic Mtns.and terrifc v ew of
H r ll: I anywhere. F.E. Ogden Ell ~1~ • ~ • I2 Bedroom -" Unfurnished
SEA.LPO~2TS/AMES~E ki-~ens, 6 n Available NOW -- No Pets ] I ~SCOpe &.Sight Mounting I m $65oo: Lovely view lot with
.- =o.-'-- I 426-2570 after 5:30 p.m. ~/,~.~;~, .,U. Call 426-4693- MOBIL! HOMES I CONTACT M~,~, I I ~s~ot~c o~e--,tera,,ons, I m;0 .waterfront and 230' deep.
I' 'Wa'r're'nA: imrd I Im°b''e home.
heifer I ,. I I I$ 0,000: 20 acres and they aro
: ena & ~ravem I ~. Holstein steer calf'P~ ~nd calf ~ at Toylor Towne
~air. HMS Ca.'-.""';.== 1415 ~ I getting scarce. Year-round
,I~KIY Mix:rUShed ROck 1-13/29 [~e ~zo- " ~ e...:----:-- ~__, I creek located west of Shelton.
I MOVE IN TODAY J I I ITermsw/°n'y
$2,000 down.
--------------U~-~w.~------~ iP .PPOintm.n,¢ Kentwood & Hunt I One and Two Bedroom I ' r~,,,~7',~ r~.~L.~...^ , | 60 Acres: Shelton Valley for
34 4 ,,,,l'aM°nt4264i~877.54¢,au~y.:., ...... 3.3'7tfn p.m. ' ts, I 4~L6~sN Ahe~lt~° I I
IApartments, with carpet, drapes J J ........ '= ....... u~ J i convenience and privacy. Can
GE NG, 8 ve .... ,.~ complete Mobnle Homes I , I p be divided.
• -,ith +=~'- 3 ..~ v ..... • & appliances no pets
4-speed, 6 cyl., goD ....... A b ..... horse Pace I J Ap I I n
$250. Ca11426-8836~ $3/29 Now featuring an historic advancement in mobile homeefferso. J Call 426-1641
i .inancing. Our Kentwood is the only mobile home in I 2329 Jefferson St. |
POURS 1971 VALIANT, exce!l,e, nt ~ S, profession i Washington state presently qualified for FHA financing, m Mgr. Apt. 9or I| BevThome$on426-8615
Its,- condition, below book at ~ouv. cl pping and ,~o~ ,,rnoming. Call
Mrs. Ki--h;,, ~'~'...";n.ointment. 10:/; fdiown payment -- /eSwS ithtsn 8% simple interest rate to I Phone 426-5407 28tfnI ~---------------"--------------------" | Keith Anderson 42,437,
= Phone 426-4892. W3/29 4~,-,, .............. edbuyers. 12&l now on display, l ,2/ m i'
CHED 1972 DODGE ½ ton pickup, "_.'~~31tfn ........
power steerina, power disc brakes,
UCKS 7 tires plus "
automatic Irons, __-- Curhll Ilre~l~lina Swil'vi¢e Open daily including Sunday ..~ LaBI$SONIERE
canopy, $3,000. 426-20~z
A,rDort Grocery. A3/29-4/19 ART,F,C,AL ,NS.M,NAT:ON JIM YOEST TAYLOR TOWNE ...... ~141r#i;l~ ...... " ge 5bedroom home. I A ENCY -
N| Oairy on4 ES 3-5001, ES 7-6733 AI Logan 426-5568 ,~-. - ............... near Shelton but secluded. Under I Pc,-~- ,'=u~u,- - uP~:)u~ANCE
barn, creek, trees, some pasture, I-~- ...............
)N 66 FORD ~k ton P
Street2/l~.. ~anC~elne,over'69 Kitpayments,8 ft. OH campers1600. LENNY I-"=1"1" .... Y at Gorst, Wa. Shelton, Wa. HORSESHOEING -- JIM $70,000, possible trade Call Vi, I ~.~ ~• ~u -,-, ......
~._ ~.,4~4~ tfn Brummitt - extended service call Shelton Land and "Homes, I p~z ouu/n /rlIHU ~/,
.... 426-5627. W3/29 - 357-6151. B3/29tfn 426-5555.3/8-29 I
Thursc/av, March 29, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19