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March 29, 1973 |
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~=¢,~ ............ the i~st date of publication of this last date of publication of th s
J WHEREAS in accor~an~eLw~t=hiyh~°'~u~~ ................ notice• Publicat!on dates of this NOTICE TO CF
notice• Publication dates of this
, .¢ OLat~: r-Ilvlruiml~[Itdl I"OIICy /'~Ct notice are March 22. 1973 No. 4-~
of 1971 the.Board .has ex.ami.ned the proposed actions included in the &;,,'r~ ~A=rth 29 lq7~ " notice are March 22, 1973 and IN THE SUPERIC
W~d~on ~ounty ffoao Lonstruction Proaram for 1973 and ................ March 29, 1973. THE STATE OF
WHEREAS, certain projects n the program ire m nor in nature 3/22-29-2t 3/22-29-2t IN AND FOR MA
cons=sting basically of restoration of the existing roadbed and surface or ~ ~ IN PROBATE
the replacement of an existing structure in the same location and NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF SALE OF IN THE MAT
Itr~Ll"Y G. JOhnBrokerBrUsh, Jr. I existingWHEREASconditions.these proposed actions will not significantly alter basic NAGEMENTFOR SHORELINE COUNTY PERSONAL ESTATE OF E
in the Mason County Road Construction Prooram for 1973 *r~hUJ~,L,~ DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Sale No. 76, 80 & 81 NOTICE is he1
~'T~./ICT'~~' I 161801 m icHi hwa Sout• declared to be minor in nature and environ~nentally insinn]fi~'/~;~ Notice is hereby given that NOTICE IS HEREBY the undersignl
I Y P g y n : . = .......~ Perry tAi• Sa er has filed an orderGIVEN:of Thatthe BoardPursuantof Countyt° an appo nted and hi
BEAUTIFUL MOBILE HOME LOT has electric, water, septic I 426-1600 ;TIE°Mw Executor of tl
s ROAD LENGTH WnD~" "rv,-,~- applicat'on ~or a substantial
Commissioners, made and enteredELEANOR M. RE
tank, driveway, landscaped• Saltwater boat launch and heated I SUE " ........... NO. NO• NAME ..... .T,-r_. development permit for the
• ww U/%I~IIIF-L~>p uroKer
swimming pool privileges. $3,500.00. I " (MI.) (See Code Below) construction or development of a on the 13th day of March, 1973, that all persons
~,~ ............ stream crossing located in the there will be offered for sale to against said decea
• uo .-uvu cresw~ewurwe u.~u D Southwest quarter of the the highest and best bidder, for required to serve
60' LAKEFRONT LOT between Shelton and Olympia | HOOD CANAL SPEICALI 105 5180 McEwan Prairie 2 50 CD Southwest quarter of the cash, by the County Treasurer at verified, on said £
$4,495•00. " 106 3963 No• Island Drive 1.26 D Northeast quarter within Section public auction at the front door attorney of recor¢
I Oa~;e;rS/e~vi~g'150::aeoyesl~eern~ 108 3568 Ballow 0.20 C 5 of Township 20 N., Range 3 of the Court House in Shelton, below stated, and
96' SALT WATERFRONT on south side of Hammersley Inlet I clams fish'in ...... ,,.,~ ~,.... 109 3111 Hartstene No.-So .030 CD W.W.M., in Mason County, Washington, at 10:00 A.M., with the Clerk i
only 4 miles off Highway 101. Electric, water and tide lands. | bonu~ a d~;,l~'~;;;'~"~;,~ 110 2350 Agate Loop 0 20 CD Washington. Said development !s Monday, April 9, 1973, the together with l
Excellent fishing & boat launch. $8,695•00. I home. 2 bedroom's'~'~2 "l;at"l~'s 201 7039 North Shore ~'13r.) I (Deck only) proposed to be within Johns following identified and described s~rvice within fol
, , . I excellent condition' Boat ~,'202 8379 Mission Cr• 0.70 E " Creek and/or its associated personal property; said bidding to a ter the date of f
VACATION HIDE-A-WAY. Solid 20 x24 cabin on concrete • motor all thi "f r AIt. 7963 Mt. View Dr. wetlands begin at the minimum bid as set of this notice, or t
foundation with floored attic. Walls insulated. Free standing | ¢,25 00() s o amy lWooten Lake) 1 05 D An ' - . out below on each item, set by barred. -
At 4436 ~choolHd 040 E . the Board of County D A T E u
fireplace• Very useable but needs finishing. Electric and water. All I .... • Y person Desiring to
in a woodsy setting. $4,500•00• I ~)~JumLe Y; a~anObd~ ~ i __......_ ___!e!e ~-': ........... " .... express h=s v,ews or to be notified
.~u~ Jt~Jz uio ~rcao,a u '4~ L.u -f .......... Commissioners: PUBLICATION Mi
• u ~ne ac~,on taken on Tnls
306 200 Satsop-C oqua um 1 10 D • • One 1969 Plymouth, I.D. No. /s/Gerald L W
• application should notify the
iPHt~k/PUSLALTAEKcEondi2ti:edl~a°ur;ifh?;leva~Ve=tahreat~c;~.0ga.rage th~ingal~J;rType of Work Code'. (C) Grading, Drainingand/or Gravel Surfacing Board ....... ~, M=¢ on ~ounty" . PM41KgD255251, Minimum Bid Gerald L. Whitl
n (D) Light Bituminous Surface Treatment Commissi .. :....;.;._ ^..,. -- $600.00 (Sale 76) Executor _
one,~ ,,, w,,u,,~j u. ,,,~
, $8,000 ymore. 3 bedrooms, !E) BAr~Ph:l~nCs~rnC~?te Pavement interest within thirty days of thePM41K9D229392,One 1969 Plymouth,MinimumI.D. NO.Bid AttorneyGERALDatL'LawWHII
IMMACULATE 2 BEDROOM on spacious corner lot. Nice garden| paneled living room, large new ( I g last date of publication of this -- $600.00 (Sale 80) Suite 2, Angle Bldg
area. Cherry trees. PERFECT HOME for a young in heart couple. | utility room, view of rots. 855 notice. Publication dates of this une 1969 Plymouth, I.D. No. P.O. Box 869
No down payment just closing costs on V.A. or FHA loan. Close I Fairmont. DATED this 19th day of March, 1973. notice are March 29, 1973 AND PM41K9D229347, Minimum Bid Shelton, We. 9858
OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON 3/29-4/5-2t -- $600.00 (Sale 80) 426-5524.
GOOD 3 BEDROOM HOME within walking d stance of schoo I . . une 1970 Plymouth, I.D. No.
2 bedroom al electr c 1500
Another good home for the young family. Recently renovated• | _, • , /s/Martin Auseth
Assume existing contract after reasonable down pavment | sq. ft. Carport,workshop, /s/ William O. Hunter PM41NOD255870, Minimum Bid
-- $750.00 (Sale 80) ]
$14,000.00. " " | storeroom. Underground /s/John Bariekman RESOLUTION No. 309 une 1963 Ford, I.D. No.
I utilities, excellent well, septic ATTEST: /s/ Ruth E. Boysen ...... WHEREAS, Mason County 3P54C158632, Minimum Bid -- NOTICE TO CI
.~/L~-,L plans the construction in 1973 of $150.00 (Sale 81) No 43
the Pickering Road Project Prior to the sale, the vehicles THE SUPERI0
approximate MP 3.00 to MP 3.94 may be seen at the Mason County WASHINGTON
RESOLUTION NO. 306 and '
WHEREAS, in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act W H E R EA S t h e ea r v Road Shop, located on John's COUNTY ..
DATED this 15th day of ESTATE OF DAI~
Deceased. ..
COMMISSIONERS OF that the undersig
MASON COUNTY, appointed and h~
WASHINGTON personal represen
/s/Ruth E. Boysen estate. Persons
Clerk of the Bo~rd
to serve the same:
3/29-4/5-2t against the deceaS~
on the unders!
attorney of reco~ ]
RE-BID stated below an,
tank, all app lancesdra es /s/wm~am u ~unter ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS with the Clerk (
MUSIC TEACHER, HAIR STYLIST, ETC., this new 3 bedroom | . _ " ., P ,
carpets d acresor rwac
home is ideally located for you and it has all the nice th ngs you | .. , ^ . P ' Y.
expect. Let us show it to you! Only 10% down• $24,750.00.I ~.ome in & make an offer.
GORGEOUS, LARGE, LAKEFRONT HOME. 90' waterfront. 3 | HILLCREST LOCATION i ....... Prairie•
of 1971 the Board has examined the proposed act one inCluDed m the completion of this project is
bedrooms 2Vz baths, da-lite basement home. 2 fireplaces plus a | Cozy 2 bedrooms, living room Mason County Road Construction Program for 1973, and considered to be an urgent public March, 1973. ,
bar-b-que fireplace in the kitchen. Huge rec. room could handle | larae kitchen utility room' WHEREAS, certain projects in the program although not strictly necessity n order to replace an
two pool tables. Gas & electric heat Double garage with remote I lar~ ..... ;.' .... ,~^.. ,
- • " • • . I ge~ot bUxzu'~ ~u ~UU. minor in nature are to be constructed predominantly on existing existinq section of roadwav which
door opener. Too many Tea~ures to list. Only a personal / ' ' location, and nvolve ica of the r . because of its narrow-width,
inspection can show you what this home has to offer. | m^==, .......... ,~ WHEREAS, the work i d consists bas Y estorahon irregular surface, and poor
$40,000•00. | r~WllLY LIVII~I~.~ and upgrading of an existing facility in the same location, and alignment presents an ever-present
l Older roomy 3 bedroom 2 WHEREAS, these proposed actions wilt not significantly alter basic and very real hazard to the traffic
baths, br~ ht sunny breakfast
SOLID 3 BEDROOM HOME over 1250 sq. ft. on 1 level. Plus 5 I "g . existing .... enwronmental cond~hons, usinn= the road-, and whi~h-~ •
room partial basement close of said properties, and
acres of good land with a considerable amount of timber. Drilled l . • ' - " .... 7,,..
[o store & scnools )~ 3uu the Mason County Road Construction Program for 1973 though not conditions, lack of right-of-way,
well. House needs some work. $14,750. I . , . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that certain projects in because of poor soil and drainage
strictly minor in nature as regards the construction work involved are and n certain Iocat ons s subiect
5 ACRES ON SKOKOMISH RIVER with good 2 bedroom home. | INVESTMENT hereby declared to be environmentally insignificant, as follows: to severe littoral and wave erosion
Large utility/hobby/shop area with concrete floor. Wood and / DI~nDI:=ID'rV ITEM ROAD LENGTH WORK TYPE is becoming prohibitively difficult ELECTRICAL WORK together with !
electru: heat. Pasture and garden area. $14,500.00. / r,,v-,-,,~= No. No. Name (Mi.) (See Code Below) to maintain, and Sealed proposals for the service w thin to "
l 4-unit apts. Shelton . . $39,500 WHEREAS, the relocation on ELECTRICAL WORK will be March 29, 1973, ~1
COUNTRY SECLUSION on this 28 acre spread. About a 5 acre l 4 unit apts. Olympia . $24,000 adequate right-of-way acquired by received for the following project: be forever barred.,
open pasture surrounded by trees lies above county road. l 5 homes, rentals .... $50,000 purchase will afford the owners of P R O J E C T : 7 2 - 3 1 /s/MARION, ~.
Driveway into property. Small quonset building. Nice creek, l 3 commercial lots ... $18,000ITEM ROAD LENGTH WORK TYPE adjacent property convenient C O N S T R U C T I O N O F MARION JO! r
Exceptionally nice. Off McCleary cutoff Road. Assume contract l
balance after down payment• $22,500.00. / Open Weekends! No. No. Name (Mi.) (See Code Below)acceSseliminatetO thethe barrierC°Unty whichr°ad andthe HOSPITALHELIPORT 2100MASONsherwoodGENERALLane JoHNPers°naIc. R AGAI~Repr '~
204 4164 Skokomish Valley 1.00 CD existing road constitutes between Shelton, Washington Attorney for Esta !
80 ACRES. MATLOCK. Secluded. $24,000.00. / Call evenings: 426-8540 303 1550 Lynch 0.65 CD improvements on those properties BY: COMMISSIONERS, Title Insurance 13¢ I~
305 1873 Binns-Swiger 1.55 CD and the tidelands forming a part MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 122 Railroad Ave t
I 426-1182 426-1600 Type of Work Code: (C) Grading, Draining and/or Gravel Surfacing ai~ H ~- " "- i ...... 2100 Sherwood Lane Shelton Shelton, Washing! )
IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT HERE -- COME IN I , (c) Light Bituminous Surface Treatment .......... vv r ~t/~3, tne :>rate Washington. '
AND ASK US TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING | ................ r-nv,ronmental ~rotection ~c~ aT
FOR! / r-- (~,/~spnal[IC Moncre¢e ~avemu.~ ....... TIME: 9:00 A.M. DATE: ~ "
; U, u~J .... }L/tJI~LIUII file an environmental impact Electrical Contractors may NOTICE TO C !
aAL=. ANYTIME 426-1141 .......... statement pertaining specifically view and obtain drawings,
DATED this 19m any aT Marcn, 1~/5. ' tn the nrni~,~t ~nd NO. 4 I
"Equal Housing Opportunity" I 1 2 beclroom house completely I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -- -W-Hr-F-~F'~/~=-'~ clrRff nf fh~= specifications and contract THE SUPERIO!,
/I furnished lake privileges Architect, HAROLD E. DALKE, COUNTY .,
COR.ER ,ST, CEDAR SHELTON /I a V: v,,eges J OFMMaArtSiOANuCsOhUNTY, WASHINGTON required env~;'onmentai i'mpa'c't documents from the office of the WASHINGTON '
/,/. ......... - statement has been prepared and AIA, & ASSOCIATES 428 Cedar IN THE MA j
• * * /s/Jonn uarmKman I ESTATE OF DA~ I
• I e,room* A:frame partly I ...... will be distributed as required by Street, Shelton, Washington.
I I / furnished, 902, waterfront. " I A//l::.b/............ IS/ ,um ~_ uoysen Law and the Department of The Owner reserves the right Deceased. H"
: • cology guidelines pertaining to reject or accept any or all NOTICE S
! Llstln s Wanted! l~V~ib~lheed-htOoml~e.. • . ~O-vme~.~ielmYI 3/29-1tthereto, proposals and to waive that the undersill
~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT informalities. 3/29 It appointed and I'~
: RESOLVED that the County
• • Engineer is hereby directed to personal represe~'
estate Persons
I H00D CANAl REAl ESTATE I/W3ai :nd i I make available in his office for " e '
• * *othe o N OATsC[~F HNETA RI~NG'v"~'ON NOTICE OF,ru. =nu~,- L,,.,-APPLICATION publiCE v" examination the ,,Draft RE-BID toagainStservethethedeCsa' '='
erfront s fr m OF L I D No ~4 , .......................... n ironmental Impact Statement ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS on the unde
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT . ,cl. mad cop,es of same to the CONCRETE WORK attorney of rec(
I I | $3550to $9000 . I .............. r~ r.,,. ~uo=).~,,. ,~- an " "
that the assessment roll for L.I.D. Notice is hereby given that The Office of The Governor Sealed proposals for the stated below a= .
'I • Rlal Estate Specielists for 22 years on Hood CanalI i Over Lake I roIIow,ng:
No. 24 has been duly prepared as John F. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. The EcologicalCommission CONCRETE WORK will be with the C er~
"th "
I • Two offices to serveyou I / ~ "Z" Tw'~=" I provided by law and filed in the Barry T. Elslip and Mrs. Richard The Department of Ecology received for the following project: together Wl , ,
/ I/ ~e I office of the Clty Clerk of the F. LaFromboise has filed an The Department of Fisheries PROJECT: 72-31 servlcewlthinT ;
• Jan. & Feb. Sales Volume highest in our history. 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN development permit for the B E I T F U R T H E R HELIPORT MASON GENERAL be forever barre( .
City of Shelton, Washington. application for a substant al The Department of Game C O N S T R U C T I O N O F March 29, 1973 '
HOSPITAL 2100 Sherwood Lane /s/MILDRE.
be held on Tuesday, the 24~h day concrete bulkhead located at Lots receive written comments on said Shelton, Washington MILDRED ~
I NEW LISTINGS I | 426-3748 3/291 that the hearing on said roll will construction or development of a RESOLVED that the Board will
1 In Hoodsport - 3 bedroom home on one plus acres, large living I __ of April 1973 at the hour of eight 16 and 17 Lakewood Pat L and Draft Environmental Impact BY: COMMISSIONERS, Personal R~ r
o'clock p.m. in the CommissionLots 29 and 30 W.W. Seymour Statement until 11-00 A M, MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL JOHN C. RAG .
| room with fireplace, dining room, fruit trees, chicken coop and | Chambers in the City Hall, Tracts No. 2 within Section 12 of Monday May 7 1973 at which 2100 Sherwood Lane Shelton, Attorney for Es! ~c
I ~ ...' ....... " ........... ", .. -. zime all comments wm De
i fish pond. $25,000• Shelton Washington Township 22 N Ran,,e 2 - -,.. - , . .... Washington Title Insurance E ,
~tye~er~l'°~a°e:rer ~as~'in;to~. ~aadS~l;vel~ol~Uenn~Y; c°nsLdered, antevavlatted;anFdith=e~ TIME: 9:00 A.M. DATE; 122 Railroad AV ;
I " Tuesday, April 10, 1973 Shelton. Washin( I
Business site 440 ft. on Hi hwa 101 -- 5 acre level tract nicely I~joI PublKatmns Shelton Washinaton proposed to be w*~, .. u.....,E - ............
wooded. Ideal trailer park sigte. $;8,500. I ~ ' - 3/29-4/5-2t Canal Southshore "and/or'U~ts P--nvironmental Impact Statement Concrete Contractors may
view and obtain drawings, ~ "
"ated we'" - ~ Will De airected, specifications and contract
assocl uands. DATED this 26th day of documents from the office of the
| For prompt, professional and efficient action, call . . . I NOTICE OF GROUND Any person desiring to March, 1973
NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER express his v!ews or to be notified BOARD'OF COUNTY Architect, HAROLD E• DALKE,
/ I APPLICATION No. G2-20672 N A T I O N A L F O R E S T, application should notify the CityMASON COUNTY Street, Shelton, Washington. Written exa~
| II/ ~= I ~ I Im -- -- I STATE OF WASHINGTON WYNOOCHEE BLOWDOWN of Shelt~n or the Board of Mason WASHINGTON ' . The Owner reserves the right position of pat
/ MOO11 u=nal IaAOI I fllfe I DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND SALVAGE SALE, located County. .ommissioners in writing /s/ Martin Auseth to reject or accept any or all City of Shelton
/ ................ I TAKE NOTICE: within T.22N., R. 7 & 8 W., and of his Interest within thirty daysChairman Proposals and to waive the Civl ServiC
/ Union .......... 898 2145, Hoodsport Ul~ ~11 i PARTNEThat OLYMPIC TRAILS informalities. 3/29 It 7:30 p.m., April
" " 1 RSHIP of Seattle, T. 23N., R. 7 W.W.M., partially of the !ast aate of publication of/s/William O Hunter
surveyed. Public notice is hereby this no~).ce• Publication dates of"s" Jonn ..... Dar"'leKman Hall. ,Applicants
/ | Washington on December 29, given that pursuant to the this no~!ce are March 29, 1973AT3L~T. 5 10' with weiaJ
1972, filed application for permit provisions of Section 5 of Public and ~pr, ~, 1973. /s~ Ruth I=, Bo-sen have a high sch0
to withdraw public ground waters Law 273 78th Congress (58 Stat 3/29-4~5 2t ~! ..... ~ - be between 21 ,
' " ~ / " L.lerK OT me Hoard
--~-~-~---~-------~--~----~ ~---~--~------~-------~_-~-~-v-_._ through a well situated within 132-16, U.S.C. 583-583-i), and 3/29-1t Applications are
o -o o Government Lot No. 3 of Sectionthe Cooperative Agreement for OTICE ~ ~ CALL FOR BIDS Hall, SheltOr
I--I I.JJ'.,,,,~1,.,,,. I~ PIl~Kalh~llS 34, Township 24 N, Ran e the Manaaement of the N OF HEARING ON Sealed proposes will be returned to th
.... ~ : ~m_~B'M~ ~_._ "~U~" ......... W.W.M., in Mason County, i~ th3e P~rtlc,Pahtienlgt o~Orest Proper~iaetSii; ZON/~GcMAPOF NOTICE OF HEARING received at the office of the City later than April
..... ~'-~--~--------------~----~ ............... -----~amount of 150 gallons per Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, JohnGraY,.5
NOTICE OF CLOSING COUNTY ROAD mon~ite, subject to existing rights Sustained Yield" Unit" entered~" into FINALpETITI~NREPORTF~AND Shelton, Washington until 11:00 Shelton CiVl~
OF REGISTRATION PROJECT No. 762 ", each year ~or the by and between the Un ted States N O T C E ~ H ~ D ~ ~ v .......... ,v,. ,vn .... a:m., April 2, 1973, at which time Commission
EN .. ,--n~o~ UI~/I~II~U/IUI~I I~10 4~'1~i5
GI NO TIcBEOOII~s HEREBY 7621;ot;: moantsterc~fdCoRn'l~ N;n sP#;PP~);-e ot community domest,c ~m%merriC~oamnd athe Si~nPteO;hG/V b;fTrh~t .~ Hearing will be IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF t.ney Will be opened and read
a alOUd by the City Clerk-Treasurer,
.. VEN: That the Registration County Road No. 1583 known Protests or objections to ~,0~nb~r 12~/946~e~n;fst~ma~dPlec~;e:diang Commission, FOR MASON COUNTY for:
uoo.~s ~or the portions of Satsop, locally as the Cole Road and .app.roval of this application must Furnishing one 1973 4-5
MatlOCk• and Dayton precincts, more specifically located in'SWt/4 !ncluoe. a .detailed statement of markedu-r u~-'h-r~ w,~¢ ............. u~,yna~euD( ...... nou r u,^=Y' Ap_ril/.30 11,p M1973'inat the~ho ~c~,,,-=ln the Matter,~,,,~,.,~,of the,..,.~.,,,^,~.rEstate of cubic Yard dump truck. NOTICETO
~YLng wnolly or partially within Section 33, Township 20 Ranae me .De.SIS tar objections; protests for cu**;nn ,,,ill h,= ~,,J,~ *,~ ~"lti nurn" "" • ............ ,-~ ~r-,v,,ou,~ o,,-vv~r~--, Specifications may be
}ne ooundaries of School District 3 and NW¥~ Section 4 TS 19 1~ must De accompanied by a two ¢: .... "-" ~'--':--- ~ ...... ~,,-. ,-~-, ,yse r~oom of the Hood Deceased. obtained at the office of the City THE SUPEF1 '
r~o 311, Mason Countv,, ,,.'~ ' ' " wailers ($2 00. ) recording fee and ~at~l;?~Nashl~g~;n, on°ArrprPfn3y'. - ' ~a~in;U~:~)°n~rnHi~sghnSCwhl~?~'t The. . ~omln,strator^ J.A.C K J..or saiaSTEWART'~-state, nas Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, WASHINGT(
Wash l, n~.on, will be closed for IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED filed w,th the Department of 3m :Y;~ii~U;tr ~lamse()nre~=oeWn/he wo bidder may withdraw his IN THE I
u~L~'INAL REGISTRATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY _r-COlogy, ~oumwest Washington 19: ThimSu~ acSc~lpt pZ:r;Inga~yPt~f filed with sa!d Court his final Shelton, Washington. COUNTY
onl.~pril 1, 1973, unt!l the day COMMISSIONERS that it istheir He.gional Office, Olympia • • report anD petition Tar
M board feet is: Douglas-firWest Shore and " f .... bid after the hour set for the ESTATE O
ortlons o the
' th dlstr,butlon, asking the Court to
:u,.uw.,nga special Election to be intention to reconstruct on wasning~on 98504, within thirty$62.06; western hemlock and Sou Shor ,,~P u.....~ r~, ....
neJo oy .School District No. 311, existing right-of-way 0.20 mi.(30) days from April 5, 1973. -- ....... ............... '--='-n ..... e ............. ; settle Said report, distribute the opening, of bids or before award ALLISON, De
umer conlTerou~ ~p~cle~ ~z~ o~. ~j,,,v =,,u room .... • .... oT contract unless said award is NOTICE I
on ~uesoa , Ma 1, ]973 Prmc= I Quant]l
~rtuu~,,,-~ .. ." ...... ".. "1~.. ties are: 3/29-4/5-2t " • ' " An • --~=pu,~. proper~y to me persons thereto
Addlhonal deposit required for Y Intere~+^-, ...................... delayed for a period of thirty (30) that the und
.. .:---.,,-v,-~, ~eglstration Llnlal Llraoing 11 Sta. ~ ~,--~- -,: ..... ' ;~¢= ='~ ---~ -,,near at o-:~ .~?,=u ~,=,>u.. ,,,,=~ entltleCl and to Olscnarge said
~,o~,, ,.,,~u~,a, ,=~,u.u~ I~,=, ,',, o~'," =,=,u Plearino to be nearo Aa,~ ,, ..,,..,.^,. c.., days. appointed an~
~OOKS will remain open for Gravel Base 6SOC.Y. - - = .................... o=,u report and
board feet for all species• The for ora,g, alnst said Zonin,. Man ................ The City Commission reserves personal repr
TRANSFERS only, through April Top Course,, 200 C.Y. _ ....... ~aaiti- - ~ ~'. I~¢=t,[~on Will De neara on me zu
;~as° s:l~°?l~;~t5?(~0 ~e°WMnC~oa~ held in°noal.~Hearings wi!l be day of April, 1973, at 9:30 a.m. the right to reject any and all bids estate. Pers
15, 1973. Said Transfers covering BeT CI. A 2500 S Y NOTICE OF MEETING against the de
°nly thev°tersm0ving from some Culv. Pipe 12" 160 LF" The reoul~r Anril m~H,~,, ,.~ feet for all sneci~ ~ .......... -~ throughout.._~ner .locations !n the Courtroom of said Court, and to waive all formalities.
at^hera_Precinct to the andthat said work is to be the Board-of-Direc~torsof-S'l~'e~to'~n , ........ ~,uu .... e~.ount in , CITY OF SHELTON to serve the~
T,mber" shall be given" Domestic vallaole'A copy of the z~Y'in,,,4 Ma~, is Sk-,the,,,=,~u., wasnlngton'C°unty" Courthouse at Helen W. Stodden on the un¢
a,.,uvr a_,,_,~u l~r~cmCtS, pertormed by (day labor) in School District No. 309 will beProcessing except all of the a " in the M .... ~'--:---~1 ....... " . Clerk-Treasurer 3/22 29 2t
• . o:,u,, n,=~,u,,= U~ll=.D THI r attorney of re
DATED this 21st day of accordance with the Washington held Tuesday, April 3rd, instead Alaska yellow cedar if any, Planning DIrector,~ ~ffir~ in the M~.-h ~ S 26 day o stated below
March,.1973_ State Standard Specifications for of Tuesday, April 10th. determined pursuant to public courthouse. " ............. "L";--'.~'°'- with the Cle
Mum r:.. uoysen Road and Bridge Construction as 3/29-1t " DATE- /~/r~aine P'rovince
hearing.s to be surplus to needs of ..... ~. ~.,uthis 26th day of MASON COUNTY CLERK together wii
AuditorMason County & Registrarwa for adopted by Mason County. ~-------- Domestic users and processors is M~,~I~'S=C~~. ROBERT / SNYDER ~~ service within
, - B E I T F U R T H E R exempted from Domestic n,A~,~.COUNTY Attorney for Estate March 22, lg
3/29-1t RESOLVED that the above NOTICE oF HEARING Processing. Bidders are advised ~L,J~INGCOMMISSlON 125%N 5th NOTICE TO cREDITORS will be foreve~
described County Road Project is FINAL ACCOUNT No. 4339 that violations' of the Domestic James/'S/~y ,larnes. E. Connoll"y o~helton", wasmncjton ...... No. 4365 /s/Eliza~
necessary and proper, and the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Processing requirement ~" Connollv - ~ ..... IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ELIZABP-
# 0/"~ LL
estimated costs of said project are O F T H E S T A T E O F constitutes breach of contract and ~ 3/29-1t ~ THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ALLISON
======,~ herewith set out in detail as WASHINGTON FOR MASON may result in contract FOR MASgN COUNTY PersonalF
n ~-,~,,., f II
,~r,~,=:=-r~¢==U=NT ~-~, .... O owe: COUNTY IN PROBATE cancellation, or in refusal to -'OTIC" - In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN C RA(
~,.,v~,~.,~---,-..- .-v~ mu:~ En in "
,,enu~.T PAUl=U~_ g eerlng $ 300.00 IN THE MATTER OF THE award timber sales to the violator, ~ F APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION JEROME KERHART, Deceased. Attorney for I
................ Dad Construction $7 200.00 ESTATE OF NELLIE MAE or debarment or suspension from.._NAGE~.HORELINE FOR SHORELINE The undersicjned is the Title InsuranC
~ea,eu ~,u~u~=,s for T
A¢~U~/'IF D~/IMt~- =,=11 =- OTAL $7,500.00 WRIGHT, Deceased. bidding on future timber sales. If M/*DEVEL~IMT SUBSTAN.T_IAL MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL appointed and qualified personal 122 Railroad.
race|yea ........... rot the TOIIOWln project- her ..... he County Road Prolect NOTICE IS GIVEN that the requested by the State of Notice is~ENTPERMITner DEVELOPMIENTPERMIT representa.tive of said estate. Shelton, Wash
....... . g-. ,, ~ : e~n described ~s HERE'BY Final Account and Petition for Washington or by Grays Harbor - ~ert M e._ eby gwen .that Notice Is hereby iven that Persons navmg claims against the
~. v ,, .~. n ,., ~.. , v~" ~ ~ ¢ -r ,-, ,, r T "~ r~ N "~,.,~ = n ECLARED. to be a public Distribution has been filed with or Mason .Counties,. or .by any R°;lication'~ith has fired State Department of Figsheries has deceasea are required to serve the
u~,,~-~D-r ~¢~J P_==~u¢:~ nec~.ssdy, and the County Road the Clerk of the above Court and person cleemea to nave a =Yvelopmen~ or a SUbstantial f ed an application for a same. in DUplicate; duly verified,
HOSPI~ALn~' "--r~-'2"-'"'~-"~'"ZLUU bnerwooo""%""'-'-'~'Lane ANDe'ngmeerA is HEREBY ORDERED the personal representative seeks reasonable interest in the de struction-~ Permit for the substantial development permit on tne unaers~gned or the
Sn~con, ...... wasmnoton ana" -r UTHORIZED to report settlement of the account, proposed sale, or in its terms a co n~ k b u Ik~r=devel°pment.°T a for the removal of the remains of attorney aT record at the address
~,- ...... ~:uu~¢'~ ~,.n~.^ "" u~.~:~'^T~roviP oceed thereon as by lawdistribution ..... of the estate and public hearing will be held in the rO~latcn,_ ~ wash:"" -earl. Ioc=tea.= ..... at an- om'~ ~a~.~ ~ ............ anu trap ~ocateo at. stated below and file the same NOTICE
~uesoey," " ~pril': ....... 1U, |~J/~ P ADOPTEDded" t bdlSCharge'f which, matters have office of the- Forest Supervisor.. poz lOW-snip ..... 'ngton Lot ~z ~. ~ocna~,~ ...... o~=~ec* ............. P'arK WI/HIN": with the CI.e.rk of this Court, NOTICE
.................... his 26th day of een set or hearing on April 20, Federal Building Olympia, of .... , , 22 N, Ranae 4 Section 29 of Townsh=- ,~ ~,, together..wlth proof of such THAT th4
~spnalt P'avlng ~.on[rd*.tu,~ March, 1973 .,,~ ............ , .,v,., ,n " ,= ,-.,
....... ,:~,o, a~ ~:~u /~ M, m me Washington, on the 20th day of W.W....÷, ,,, POtlatchMason Ranne 6 W W M i,, ~==^n service w~m=n tour months after CommissiO!
may view end obtain Drawings, BOARD OF C " " • u---, wa • = ............
.... aUNTY Courtroom of the above-entdledApril 1973, at 2:00 PM, local Co ........ Shlngton Sa~d County Washin,,÷,-- ¢=id March 15, 1973, or the same will Shelton, Wal
specifications ancl contract COMMIS~I~n¢ ~c r^ ,.+ i • . eve~u~,,,,~-~ IS " -, . =-",, .....
........... • .,~ ...... t me Requests for public hearln d Pro Deed to be
documents from the office of the MASON COUNTY, /s/Walter H Wright " • • g -,- n Hood ,, P . development s pro Deed to be /s/Elizabeth R. Crelling Monday Api
will not be consioerea unless WlU'_':~tedw~,, ~-anal and/or its within East Fork ~tso" Ri,,,,r be forever barred, public hew
~[,~?'~c~©HA~R OLD E. 2D~cLeKdaE~ WASHINGTON Personal Rei)resentative - . • ssoc,o =,,a~ ~ -~
received in the office of the a .... de. and/or its associatedwoH=.,.~ ELIZABETH R. CRELLING City Hall or
. --'..~, ~.r..~, '~ .o ~.... S M.rT,n/A ~~ i:i~/! f;~ !ii~!;~! !;iil ~b~ii~ !:il a~B~0pp:i~i~: o PC! ~: s ~~i, !iI
- /./ " useth NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL 3583 Fawcett zone chan~it
Street, ~helton, Weshington. Chairman ACCOUNT I Tacoma, Washington Tract 18 o~
The Owner reserves the right /s/William O. Hunter Glenn E. Correa ROBERT L SNYDER No. 37, in a¢
to reject or accept any or all /s/John Bariekman Attorney at Law Attorney for Estate ordinance NC
proposals and to waive Attest: 12] S. 4th 125V~N. 5th JudsonH
t coun Y elan
informalities. ~ .... /s/Ruth E. B oysen 3"29 "" Shelton, Washington Olympic National Fores . .- :-,teres~ ..... !~ ere in writing Commissioners in writin~ nf hi~ Shelton, Washington Chairmar
hi.5 "' ~ Wlthl --=
o/--:,-~ ~mrK of tne ~oara ~ "~ 3/29-1t 3/29-4/5-12-19-4t of n thirty days of interest within thirty days of tl~'e 3/18-22-29-3t
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 1973