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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I thus better to say destroying - According to the Constitution the President's ability to conduct ::the President is Commander-in- the war to its final and best reso- Lliefofthe armed forces. In time lution. war, as declared after 9/11 by We can not afford to be a paci- esident George W. Bush, it be- fist country. We are not a selfish, Came incumbent on the citizens "look out only for ourselves" ha- this country to do all within tion. Like it or not, we have an itheir power to assist the military obligation to use our time and tal- :t0 bring the war to a successful ants to support others who have end with as few casualties as pos- a greater need when in a time of iilible. . . crisis. It's similar to being a father :i In 1862 John Stuart Mill, m of a family. The father is obligated |he Contest in America, wrote, to care for his family, to protect it, |Nar is an ugly thing but not the to support it and to help those in |liest of things: the decayed and it to grow into useful, supportive [.Taded state of moral and pa- members of society. Where others |(tic feeling which thinks noth- than his family are in desperate I,g worth a war, is worse, need he must share his time and In the conduct of the war the talents to help them; otherwise es{dent has many sources of he becomes a tyrant. aformation, hopefully based on Know the difference between CCurate interpretation, that are violence and force. Today they are Upplied to the executive branch used interchangeably. Violence *Y U.S. intelligence assets. I is the use of force in destructive 8Pent 15 years (1967-1982) in ways for evil and anti-human the U.S. Air Force Intelligence purposes. Obviously it is immoral Service. During the early years and should be under restraint. the majority of intelligence was Force, however, is human power gathered and analyzed by human applied for the individual and iltelligence resources, otherwise common good. Force is not only known as "Humint." As techno- permissible, it is necessary for an logical intelligence-gathering sys: ordered society and a peaceable io terns became available "Humint culture. its Vas de-emphasized in favor of the After being required to make , technological systems, a decision about stopping tar- ='  When George W. Bush came rorism from reaching our shores .el :to office intelligence in most President Bush chose to use force rtJ eases was being interpreted from to stop barbarism via terrorism e. i advance d technological systems, in Iraq. Yes, mistakes have been :v ]The sad fact was that few on- made, but he alone is privy to the i the-ground highly trained intelli- intelligence gathered to give him ence personnel ("Humint") were the knowledge necessary to prop- €1 ill place to verify some of the facts erly conduct the war. "The buck  that the President had to rely on. stops with him." It is not the leg- t Therefore, misinformation about islative branch of government nor be Veapons of mass destruction had public opinion that has the neces- a major influence on decisions sary knowledge to know when a laade by President Bush and "enough is enough." ) Other military personnel in the Let's not have another fiasco COnduct of the war. Since 2003 a similar to Vietnam and Korea auch greater emphasis is being which has brought us to where llaced on "Humint, so the intel- we are now. If we "dut and run" iead00-g0000000000_C]ournai: Ignorant way of thinking 0000:IDon't hamper effort ltor, The Journal: before the job is done we will have failed all the wonderful people who have put their lives on the line to live according to the rules established by our Constitution, many of whom have been se- verely injured or have given their lives for that which this country stands. "Freedom and rights for all!" Jack Mallinger Shelton out requiring the necessary proof of the cause or contribution that humans provide to global warm- ing. Since they have no proot, the EE mob will be uncertain if this cost will fix any human-caused problems. I believe we are in the midst of a naturally occurring climate change. I object to the theory that humans are completely or even substantially responsible for global warming. Humans may contribute in a very minor way, but most global warming is occur- ring naturally. There are many qualified and reputable scientists who agree with this cause of glob- al warming also. Provide proof that humans cause or heavily contribute to global warming and I will join the choir. But this must be hard proof, not emotional conjecture nor future predictions nor opin- ions. Ardean A. Anvik Star Lake ligence being supplied the Presi- dent is much more valid. [y I People in the military know a’ their obligation is to support the g Commander-in-Chief. Sadly, the American public has been sup- pa l)lied with much misinformation through a biased media. Unibr- tUnately, many elected officials  (for reasons known only to them- Selves) are hampering - maybe hampering is too gentle a word, Editor, The Journal: The Democrats are ruining this country? (George Van Cleave let- ter, March 22.) What an incred- ibly ignorant way of thinking! It is people like him who are destroying the entire race of mankind! His hateful thinking and stupid- ity lead him down angry, violent paths. Suicide bombers think like that. Nazis, white supremacists, religious separatists and millions of others think like him. He be- lieves it is treasonous to speak out against a President and his flunkies who have lied to us! They have lied to us over and over. They have led our country into an illegal war which has meant the deaths of at least 800,000 people! This has profited our great and wonderful leaders and their friends. All they had to do was lie and tell us we were in grave dan- ger from weapons of mass destruc- tion and terrorists and people fell right into line. People like George can't or don't bother to really look clearly at anything. If he is so ready to fight these terrorists that threaten "our" home, why is he not scream- ing at our Commander-in-Chief to actually send our young men and maybe even himself to the coun- tries where the terrorists came from? Maybe Saudi Arabia would be a good start. Don't tell me Saddam was one. He was not. He did not tolerate terrorists in his country. Yes, he was horrid, but our President is responsible for almost as many deaths himself now! There are plenty of "bad leaders" who have killed far more of their own people. Oh wait though, they don't have oil! As for freedom of religion, I think that would include many Americans who are Islamic and deserve respect. Jesus would not be happy with George's way of thinking. Jesus' commandment was to love one another! He told us to love our enemies. George is not a Christian. Christ did not ]Offer hard proof I challenged the religion of global warming in a letter two eeks ago and stirred up a hor-  Illet's nest. Three writers of letters .}, Ilast week did not read my letter A [iaCcurately. I wrote, The theory h I that globa" l warming is caused by € lmans is hogwash." Ms. Fran . oyer, Mr. Greg James and Mr. I Lloyd Prouty all assumed I meant  global warming does not exist. L, I Ms. Katherine Farr was the i ] 0aly one who caught onto the ihct i I that I objected to humans as be- " ling the cause of global warming, illtit she changed my verb from :, } e.ause to contribute. Those who be- " I .lieve humans cause global warm- | g are environmental extremists !  i ]s.(] Moyer suggested we find a!ternatives. To create suggested lk |alternatives, the EE cabal will |aact laws to eliminate some  I freedoms, wreck our economy and d$ [ erregulate our political system. [ hey will enact these laws with- * Residential* Commercial. Guaranteed Quality - ... Same-Day Service on Most Glass * Auto Glass Specxalist" • Mirrors • Contractor's D00scounts • • Rock Chip Repairs ,., D 1714 Olympic Highway North ,[:/ ,. Monday-Friday8:30-5 can 426-3163 .._'-:I f r 5521CM PUSH MOWER • Honda 5.5 hp engine • 21" cutting width • Discharge standard YT1942T TRACTOR • Kohler Courage engine 19 hp • 6-speed gear transmission • Cutting width 42" • Cutting height 6 positions • Cup holder spread hate. He did not brag or call names. He was not a bully full of ignorance and anger. George is an embarrassment to all of us. As long as there are people like him there will always be war, terror- ists and needless killing. His way of thinking is EVERY- THING that is wrong with this world. Remember, suicide bomb- ers and men who ran death camps all thought they knew the "One True God." God did not know them. "Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. I never knew you." Sadly people like George are so blinded they are unable to see any truth at all. My family has also been here since the mid-1600s. Remember that our forefathers, who by the way were not mostly Christians, committed treason against our English king at the time. If they had not been willing to speak up against tyranny we would be Brit- ish today. If they, like George, felt it was wrong to speak against their Commander-in-Chief then, where would we be? Of course if George lived back then he would have stood by his king, just as he does today. It is time we as Americans im- peach the liars and thieves who are running this country. If you must fear someone, fear our Com- mander-in-Chief who has in the span of seven years turned Amer- ica into the most hated country and given us a debt so large my great-grandchildren will still only be paying the interest. That debt did not include any real help to millions of us who have little or no medical insurance and have a hard time just making it from day to day. How much of the billions spent on this war could have bettered our homeland and made it truly safer for the thousands who go to bed every night cold, hungry and sick? How much could have been spent cleaning up the drug-in- fested neighborhoods and better- ing our schools so we really could leave a better place for our chil- dren? Oh but, once again we have no oil for our leaders to profit from. Our dying children in Iraq and here at home are just a means to their glory. They will not miss them. They will not weep on their graves. Deirdre A. Tobey Skokomish Valley Husqvarna Tough Name. Tough Equipment. TM 65225L 1 / AUTO WALK [ AUTO WALK / $521CHV I " Bri? gs & Stratt°n 6'5 hp engine I I: hJd:00 g'ne I ' 22 cutting width .......................... : I • Cutting height • Discharge standard - 9 positions each wheel • Rear discharge (side optional) • Auto choke feature 306.95 YTH20B42T TRACTOR Briggs & Stratton engine Cruise control 18" turning radius Cutting height 6 positions • Electric clutch blade engagement • Cup holde 9.95 125BT "1 BLOWER • 1.5 cu. in. (25cc) engine • t50 mph air velocity • Lifetime ignition warranty ,0000Hardware First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6:00 Sunday 8:30-5:00 YTH 1 $4XPT TRACTOR • Kawasaki V-Twin OHV,15 hp engine • Hydro transmission • Cutting width 42" • Cuttin height 6 pos,tions • Headlights • Cruise control • Cup holder QCT342 COLLECTION SYSTEM • Impact-resistant hard plastic • (3) 32 gallon t'ermanex containers • Full bag indicator Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 I thus better to say destroying - According to the Constitution the President's ability to conduct ::the President is Commander-in- the war to its final and best reso- Lliefofthe armed forces. In time lution. war, as declared after 9/11 by We can not afford to be a paci- esident George W. Bush, it be- fist country. We are not a selfish, Came incumbent on the citizens "look out only for ourselves" ha- this country to do all within tion. Like it or not, we have an itheir power to assist the military obligation to use our time and tal- :t0 bring the war to a successful ants to support others who have end with as few casualties as pos- a greater need when in a time of iilible. . . crisis. It's similar to being a father :i In 1862 John Stuart Mill, m of a family. The father is obligated |he Contest in America, wrote, to care for his family, to protect it, |Nar is an ugly thing but not the to support it and to help those in |liest of things: the decayed and it to grow into useful, supportive [.Taded state of moral and pa- members of society. Where others |(tic feeling which thinks noth- than his family are in desperate I,g worth a war, is worse, need he must share his time and In the conduct of the war the talents to help them; otherwise es{dent has many sources of he becomes a tyrant. aformation, hopefully based on Know the difference between CCurate interpretation, that are violence and force. Today they are Upplied to the executive branch used interchangeably. Violence *Y U.S. intelligence assets. I is the use of force in destructive 8Pent 15 years (1967-1982) in ways for evil and anti-human the U.S. Air Force Intelligence purposes. Obviously it is immoral Service. During the early years and should be under restraint. the majority of intelligence was Force, however, is human power gathered and analyzed by human applied for the individual and iltelligence resources, otherwise common good. Force is not only known as "Humint." As techno- permissible, it is necessary for an logical intelligence-gathering sys: ordered society and a peaceable io terns became available "Humint culture. its Vas de-emphasized in favor of the After being required to make , technological systems, a decision about stopping tar- ='  When George W. Bush came rorism from reaching our shores .el :to office intelligence in most President Bush chose to use force rtJ eases was being interpreted from to stop barbarism via terrorism e. i advance d technological systems, in Iraq. Yes, mistakes have been :v ]The sad fact was that few on- made, but he alone is privy to the i the-ground highly trained intelli- intelligence gathered to give him ence personnel ("Humint") were the knowledge necessary to prop- €1 ill place to verify some of the facts erly conduct the war. "The buck  that the President had to rely on. stops with him." It is not the leg- t Therefore, misinformation about islative branch of government nor be Veapons of mass destruction had public opinion that has the neces- a major influence on decisions sary knowledge to know when a laade by President Bush and "enough is enough." ) Other military personnel in the Let's not have another fiasco COnduct of the war. Since 2003 a similar to Vietnam and Korea auch greater emphasis is being which has brought us to where llaced on "Humint, so the intel- we are now. If we "dut and run" iead00-g0000000000_C]ournai: Ignorant way of thinking 0000:IDon't hamper effort ltor, The Journal: before the job is done we will have failed all the wonderful people who have put their lives on the line to live according to the rules established by our Constitution, many of whom have been se- verely injured or have given their lives for that which this country stands. "Freedom and rights for all!" Jack Mallinger Shelton out requiring the necessary proof of the cause or contribution that humans provide to global warm- ing. Since they have no proot, the EE mob will be uncertain if this cost will fix any human-caused problems. I believe we are in the midst of a naturally occurring climate change. I object to the theory that humans are completely or even substantially responsible for global warming. Humans may contribute in a very minor way, but most global warming is occur- ring naturally. There are many qualified and reputable scientists who agree with this cause of glob- al warming also. Provide proof that humans cause or heavily contribute to global warming and I will join the choir. But this must be hard proof, not emotional conjecture nor future predictions nor opin- ions. Ardean A. Anvik Star Lake ligence being supplied the Presi- dent is much more valid. [y I People in the military know a’ their obligation is to support the g Commander-in-Chief. Sadly, the American public has been sup- pa l)lied with much misinformation through a biased media. Unibr- tUnately, many elected officials  (for reasons known only to them- Selves) are hampering - maybe hampering is too gentle a word, Editor, The Journal: The Democrats are ruining this country? (George Van Cleave let- ter, March 22.) What an incred- ibly ignorant way of thinking! It is people like him who are destroying the entire race of mankind! His hateful thinking and stupid- ity lead him down angry, violent paths. Suicide bombers think like that. Nazis, white supremacists, religious separatists and millions of others think like him. He be- lieves it is treasonous to speak out against a President and his flunkies who have lied to us! They have lied to us over and over. They have led our country into an illegal war which has meant the deaths of at least 800,000 people! This has profited our great and wonderful leaders and their friends. All they had to do was lie and tell us we were in grave dan- ger from weapons of mass destruc- tion and terrorists and people fell right into line. People like George can't or don't bother to really look clearly at anything. If he is so ready to fight these terrorists that threaten "our" home, why is he not scream- ing at our Commander-in-Chief to actually send our young men and maybe even himself to the coun- tries where the terrorists came from? Maybe Saudi Arabia would be a good start. Don't tell me Saddam was one. He was not. He did not tolerate terrorists in his country. Yes, he was horrid, but our President is responsible for almost as many deaths himself now! There are plenty of "bad leaders" who have killed far more of their own people. Oh wait though, they don't have oil! As for freedom of religion, I think that would include many Americans who are Islamic and deserve respect. Jesus would not be happy with George's way of thinking. Jesus' commandment was to love one another! He told us to love our enemies. George is not a Christian. Christ did not ]Offer hard proof I challenged the religion of global warming in a letter two eeks ago and stirred up a hor-  Illet's nest. Three writers of letters .}, Ilast week did not read my letter A [iaCcurately. I wrote, The theory h I that globa" l warming is caused by € lmans is hogwash." Ms. Fran . oyer, Mr. Greg James and Mr. I Lloyd Prouty all assumed I meant  global warming does not exist. L, I Ms. Katherine Farr was the i ] 0aly one who caught onto the ihct i I that I objected to humans as be- " ling the cause of global warming, illtit she changed my verb from :, } e.ause to contribute. Those who be- " I .lieve humans cause global warm- | g are environmental extremists !  i ]s.(] Moyer suggested we find a!ternatives. To create suggested lk |alternatives, the EE cabal will |aact laws to eliminate some  I freedoms, wreck our economy and d$ [ erregulate our political system. [ hey will enact these laws with- * Residential* Commercial. Guaranteed Quality - ... Same-Day Service on Most Glass * Auto Glass Specxalist" • Mirrors • Contractor's D00scounts • • Rock Chip Repairs ,., D 1714 Olympic Highway North ,[:/ ,. Monday-Friday8:30-5 can 426-3163 .._'-:I f r 5521CM PUSH MOWER • Honda 5.5 hp engine • 21" cutting width • Discharge standard YT1942T TRACTOR • Kohler Courage engine 19 hp • 6-speed gear transmission • Cutting width 42" • Cutting height 6 positions • Cup holder spread hate. He did not brag or call names. He was not a bully full of ignorance and anger. George is an embarrassment to all of us. As long as there are people like him there will always be war, terror- ists and needless killing. His way of thinking is EVERY- THING that is wrong with this world. Remember, suicide bomb- ers and men who ran death camps all thought they knew the "One True God." God did not know them. "Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. I never knew you." Sadly people like George are so blinded they are unable to see any truth at all. My family has also been here since the mid-1600s. Remember that our forefathers, who by the way were not mostly Christians, committed treason against our English king at the time. If they had not been willing to speak up against tyranny we would be Brit- ish today. If they, like George, felt it was wrong to speak against their Commander-in-Chief then, where would we be? Of course if George lived back then he would have stood by his king, just as he does today. It is time we as Americans im- peach the liars and thieves who are running this country. If you must fear someone, fear our Com- mander-in-Chief who has in the span of seven years turned Amer- ica into the most hated country and given us a debt so large my great-grandchildren will still only be paying the interest. That debt did not include any real help to millions of us who have little or no medical insurance and have a hard time just making it from day to day. How much of the billions spent on this war could have bettered our homeland and made it truly safer for the thousands who go to bed every night cold, hungry and sick? How much could have been spent cleaning up the drug-in- fested neighborhoods and better- ing our schools so we really could leave a better place for our chil- dren? Oh but, once again we have no oil for our leaders to profit from. Our dying children in Iraq and here at home are just a means to their glory. They will not miss them. They will not weep on their graves. Deirdre A. Tobey Skokomish Valley Husqvarna Tough Name. Tough Equipment. TM 65225L 1 / AUTO WALK [ AUTO WALK / $521CHV I " Bri? gs & Stratt°n 6'5 hp engine I I: hJd:00 g'ne I ' 22 cutting width .......................... : I • Cutting height • Discharge standard - 9 positions each wheel • Rear discharge (side optional) • Auto choke feature 306.95 YTH20B42T TRACTOR Briggs & Stratton engine Cruise control 18" turning radius Cutting height 6 positions • Electric clutch blade engagement • Cup holde 9.95 125BT "1 BLOWER • 1.5 cu. in. (25cc) engine • t50 mph air velocity • Lifetime ignition warranty ,0000Hardware First & Mill, Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Monday-Saturday 7:30-6:00 Sunday 8:30-5:00 YTH 1 $4XPT TRACTOR • Kawasaki V-Twin OHV,15 hp engine • Hydro transmission • Cutting width 42" • Cuttin height 6 pos,tions • Headlights • Cruise control • Cup holder QCT342 COLLECTION SYSTEM • Impact-resistant hard plastic • (3) 32 gallon t'ermanex containers • Full bag indicator Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5