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County commission roundup:
I EY CHARTIER, a fifth-grader at Pioneer School, shows off his science project, which
I asks: Does oxygen affect water pressure?
°"! P"
loneer School
Science time? Fair enough
Lr ' 9
students explor e topics
By KAREN EVERETT Laurie McGovern and Suzanne Hoss and science teacher
Jackson. Steve Valley organized this an-
Il The results of many scientific
IIhypotheses were revealed at the
Pioneer School Science Fair held
at the school on March 21.
This year 127 individual sci-
ence projects involving 149
Participants were presented by
students in grades K-8. Also,
classroom projects were contrib-
Uted by the primary classrooms
of Judi Enslow, Deneen Phelan,
,STAFF ACCOUNTANT, City of Shelton
ti$1i4::so°'lertfo r T:iriSo;/m2il::P°aS
range of accounting duties to complete
the activities and responsibilities of the
Financial Services Department. This is
a union, non-civil service position. Mini-
mum qualifications: Two years of col-
lege-level accounting coursework and
a minimum of two years progressively
responsible experience in accounting
or an equivalent combination of experi-
ence, education, and training that would
Provide the level of knowledge and abil-
ity required for the position. Desired, but
not required: Governmental accounting
experience; strong skills in using MS Ex-
Cel, Word, Access, and 10-key; ability to
multitask projects and a high volume re-
urring workload experience analyzing
nancial data or problem accounts. To
aPply, submit your application no later
than 5 p.m. on April 5th. City of Shelton
employment applications are available
as an MS Word format on the Internet
at or in hard
,Py format at City Hall at 525 W. Cota
reet. Completed applications can be
dropped off at City Hall; or mailed to Hu-
man Resources Director, City of Shel-
' 525 W. Cota, Shelton, WA 98584.
further information or to request a
reasonable accommodation to partici-
Pate in the selection process, please
Call (360) 432-5109 or email dbaker@ The City of Shelton is
An equal opportunity employer. C3/29
The fair offered students the
chance to explore and research a
scientific topic of their interest.
Some of the topics researched
were volcanoes, air and water
pressure, electricity, rocks, sim-
ple machines, weather, plant
growth, human anatomy, mold
growth, and animal behavior.
Individual cla,srooms visited
the fair during the school day
and in the evening many par-
ents, grandparents and commu-
nity members enjoyed seeing the
hard work of the participants.
"There was much excitement
as the students presented their
projects to the community,"
stated science teacher Martha
nual event. They expressed
their appreciation to the other
staff members for their invalu-
able assistance in making this
a wonderful experience for the
budding scientists. The Pioneer
Parent Teacher Student Asso-
ciation provided a treat tbr each
participant and ribbons were
presented to all.
ARE YOU interested in putting your skills
to use in a meaningful way? Come work
for Community Resources. We provide
in-home and community services for
people with developmental disabilities.
We offer medical, dental, and vision,
paid time off, regular pay increases,
retirement option with a 3% employer
match, short term disability benefits,
pre-tax health savings account and
more. No experience necessary. Com-
prehensive training starting at $8.60 per
hour. Flexible scheduling with a variety
of full time, part time, temporary, and fill
in positions. Apply in person at 208 West
Bay Drive NW, Olympia. For directions
or more info, call Heather at (360) 943-
6257 ext. 108. C3/29-4/19
CHILDCARE: WE are looking for a sitter
in our home, 4 days a week. Two chil-
dren, ages 10 and 5. Having your own
child with you is okay too. Great job for
anyone trying to stay home and make
some extra money. Please call (360)
427-4157, leave message. T3/29-4/19
Pamper Y0urself
OLYMPIC HWY. N., SUITE 220 Next to Les Schwab 427-1202
Loan to fund work
on Hartstene outfall
Supplemental budget appro-
priations and budget transfers for
the Current Expense Fund and
the Hartstene Pointe Sewer Fund
were approved Tuesday by the
Mason County Commission.
The budget amendments includ-
ed: $482,671 in supplemental ap-
propriations of unanticipated rev-
enue to the Current Expense Fund
with $41,100 going to the county's
planning division. The Harts-
tene Pointe Sewer Fund received
$398,493 by way of a Washington
State Department of Ecology loan
for design and construction of the
Hartstene Pointe Outfall.
Other supplemental appropria-
tions were: $58,980 for reorgani-
zation of central operations and
the county fair; $91,636 to the
office of the county prosecutor for
office support and an additional
deputy prosecutor; $40,000 to dis-
trict court for additional public de-
fender services; and $39,891 to the
Department of Emergency Man-
agement for operating expenses,
including reinstatement of a cleri-
cal position.
In other business conducted this
week and last, the commissioners:
Authorized hiring Gary Pierce
for the Union Community Park
attendant position. The effective
date of the contract is March 24
through September 30.
Authorized Chairperson
Lynda Ring-Erickson to execute
an agreement for environmental
services from Mason Conservation
Authorized an agreement t)e-
tween the City of Shelton and Ma-
son County for the employment of
court security and a transport o1:
Authorized the chairperson
to sign an interlocal agreement
among Mason County, Jefl'er-
son County, Kitsap County, Port
Gamble, S'Klallam Tribe and
Skokomish Tribe to establish the
Hood Canal Regional Septic Loan
Established authority and re-
sponsibility for payment of claims
and payroll as well as for petty
cash and change funds. Commis-
sioners also increased the petty
cash and change fund tbr Public
Health and the Department ot'
Community Development.
Awarded a contract in the
amount of $25,640 to Arcadia
Drilling, Incorporated tbr the
drilling of a well at the new pub-
lic works facility and maintenance
shop property.
Established a system where-
by the following county depart-
ments report directly to the com-
mission: Budget and Finance/Risk
(Please turn to page 8.)
Full Service- A/P, A/R, Payroll,
Accounting & Taxes
Business & Individual
Free E-File for our clients
Meet, drop or call-in consultations - Tax
preparation without leaving home
Great prices - We take the time to listen
Joanne L. Konrade, EA, PA
4773 East State Route 3
(above Oakland Bay Organic Fobm)
Shelton, WA 98584-0947
25 Years of Public Accounting
Enrolled to Practice before the IRS
Your Hospital
/s your elected Hospital Commissioners, we know you may
have questions about the Hospital District in Mason County -
Public Hospital District No. I. To help answer these questions we
have set up a Q &/ forum - right here in the local newspapers.
It is our hope this will be a piece of the overall communication
process that will be both informative and helpful in answering those
questions. In addition, if you'd like us to come to your community
organization to discuss the issues please contact Shelly at
(360) 427-9551 (from Belfair, (360) 275-8614 and ask for
/dministration) to schedule a meeting.
Please send your questions via e-mail to,
fax to (360) 427-6872, or mail to POB 1488, Shelton WP, 98584.
To be considered, all questions must include your full name, mailing
address and daytime phone number. /11 questions may be considered
for publication.
Mason General Hospital
Where caring counts. Feel the dtffirence. TM
Oakland Bay Pediatrics North Mason Medical Clinic, Mason County Eye Clinic
#l, Shelton, W/ 98584 (360) 426.. 161 I. from Belfair (360) 275-8614
Provider, Translation Services Provided, Se habla espahol
nission on/kcreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
County commission roundup:
I EY CHARTIER, a fifth-grader at Pioneer School, shows off his science project, which
I asks: Does oxygen affect water pressure?
°"! P"
loneer School
Science time? Fair enough
Lr ' 9
students explor e topics
By KAREN EVERETT Laurie McGovern and Suzanne Hoss and science teacher
Jackson. Steve Valley organized this an-
Il The results of many scientific
IIhypotheses were revealed at the
Pioneer School Science Fair held
at the school on March 21.
This year 127 individual sci-
ence projects involving 149
Participants were presented by
students in grades K-8. Also,
classroom projects were contrib-
Uted by the primary classrooms
of Judi Enslow, Deneen Phelan,
,STAFF ACCOUNTANT, City of Shelton
ti$1i4::so°'lertfo r T:iriSo;/m2il::P°aS
range of accounting duties to complete
the activities and responsibilities of the
Financial Services Department. This is
a union, non-civil service position. Mini-
mum qualifications: Two years of col-
lege-level accounting coursework and
a minimum of two years progressively
responsible experience in accounting
or an equivalent combination of experi-
ence, education, and training that would
Provide the level of knowledge and abil-
ity required for the position. Desired, but
not required: Governmental accounting
experience; strong skills in using MS Ex-
Cel, Word, Access, and 10-key; ability to
multitask projects and a high volume re-
urring workload experience analyzing
nancial data or problem accounts. To
aPply, submit your application no later
than 5 p.m. on April 5th. City of Shelton
employment applications are available
as an MS Word format on the Internet
at or in hard
,Py format at City Hall at 525 W. Cota
reet. Completed applications can be
dropped off at City Hall; or mailed to Hu-
man Resources Director, City of Shel-
' 525 W. Cota, Shelton, WA 98584.
further information or to request a
reasonable accommodation to partici-
Pate in the selection process, please
Call (360) 432-5109 or email dbaker@ The City of Shelton is
An equal opportunity employer. C3/29
The fair offered students the
chance to explore and research a
scientific topic of their interest.
Some of the topics researched
were volcanoes, air and water
pressure, electricity, rocks, sim-
ple machines, weather, plant
growth, human anatomy, mold
growth, and animal behavior.
Individual cla,srooms visited
the fair during the school day
and in the evening many par-
ents, grandparents and commu-
nity members enjoyed seeing the
hard work of the participants.
"There was much excitement
as the students presented their
projects to the community,"
stated science teacher Martha
nual event. They expressed
their appreciation to the other
staff members for their invalu-
able assistance in making this
a wonderful experience for the
budding scientists. The Pioneer
Parent Teacher Student Asso-
ciation provided a treat tbr each
participant and ribbons were
presented to all.
ARE YOU interested in putting your skills
to use in a meaningful way? Come work
for Community Resources. We provide
in-home and community services for
people with developmental disabilities.
We offer medical, dental, and vision,
paid time off, regular pay increases,
retirement option with a 3% employer
match, short term disability benefits,
pre-tax health savings account and
more. No experience necessary. Com-
prehensive training starting at $8.60 per
hour. Flexible scheduling with a variety
of full time, part time, temporary, and fill
in positions. Apply in person at 208 West
Bay Drive NW, Olympia. For directions
or more info, call Heather at (360) 943-
6257 ext. 108. C3/29-4/19
CHILDCARE: WE are looking for a sitter
in our home, 4 days a week. Two chil-
dren, ages 10 and 5. Having your own
child with you is okay too. Great job for
anyone trying to stay home and make
some extra money. Please call (360)
427-4157, leave message. T3/29-4/19
Pamper Y0urself
OLYMPIC HWY. N., SUITE 220 Next to Les Schwab 427-1202
Loan to fund work
on Hartstene outfall
Supplemental budget appro-
priations and budget transfers for
the Current Expense Fund and
the Hartstene Pointe Sewer Fund
were approved Tuesday by the
Mason County Commission.
The budget amendments includ-
ed: $482,671 in supplemental ap-
propriations of unanticipated rev-
enue to the Current Expense Fund
with $41,100 going to the county's
planning division. The Harts-
tene Pointe Sewer Fund received
$398,493 by way of a Washington
State Department of Ecology loan
for design and construction of the
Hartstene Pointe Outfall.
Other supplemental appropria-
tions were: $58,980 for reorgani-
zation of central operations and
the county fair; $91,636 to the
office of the county prosecutor for
office support and an additional
deputy prosecutor; $40,000 to dis-
trict court for additional public de-
fender services; and $39,891 to the
Department of Emergency Man-
agement for operating expenses,
including reinstatement of a cleri-
cal position.
In other business conducted this
week and last, the commissioners:
Authorized hiring Gary Pierce
for the Union Community Park
attendant position. The effective
date of the contract is March 24
through September 30.
Authorized Chairperson
Lynda Ring-Erickson to execute
an agreement for environmental
services from Mason Conservation
Authorized an agreement t)e-
tween the City of Shelton and Ma-
son County for the employment of
court security and a transport o1:
Authorized the chairperson
to sign an interlocal agreement
among Mason County, Jefl'er-
son County, Kitsap County, Port
Gamble, S'Klallam Tribe and
Skokomish Tribe to establish the
Hood Canal Regional Septic Loan
Established authority and re-
sponsibility for payment of claims
and payroll as well as for petty
cash and change funds. Commis-
sioners also increased the petty
cash and change fund tbr Public
Health and the Department ot'
Community Development.
Awarded a contract in the
amount of $25,640 to Arcadia
Drilling, Incorporated tbr the
drilling of a well at the new pub-
lic works facility and maintenance
shop property.
Established a system where-
by the following county depart-
ments report directly to the com-
mission: Budget and Finance/Risk
(Please turn to page 8.)
Full Service- A/P, A/R, Payroll,
Accounting & Taxes
Business & Individual
Free E-File for our clients
Meet, drop or call-in consultations - Tax
preparation without leaving home
Great prices - We take the time to listen
Joanne L. Konrade, EA, PA
4773 East State Route 3
(above Oakland Bay Organic Fobm)
Shelton, WA 98584-0947
25 Years of Public Accounting
Enrolled to Practice before the IRS
Your Hospital
/s your elected Hospital Commissioners, we know you may
have questions about the Hospital District in Mason County -
Public Hospital District No. I. To help answer these questions we
have set up a Q &/ forum - right here in the local newspapers.
It is our hope this will be a piece of the overall communication
process that will be both informative and helpful in answering those
questions. In addition, if you'd like us to come to your community
organization to discuss the issues please contact Shelly at
(360) 427-9551 (from Belfair, (360) 275-8614 and ask for
/dministration) to schedule a meeting.
Please send your questions via e-mail to,
fax to (360) 427-6872, or mail to POB 1488, Shelton WP, 98584.
To be considered, all questions must include your full name, mailing
address and daytime phone number. /11 questions may be considered
for publication.
Mason General Hospital
Where caring counts. Feel the dtffirence. TM
Oakland Bay Pediatrics North Mason Medical Clinic, Mason County Eye Clinic
#l, Shelton, W/ 98584 (360) 426.. 161 I. from Belfair (360) 275-8614
Provider, Translation Services Provided, Se habla espahol
nission on/kcreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7