March 29, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 29, 2007 |
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SOUTHSIDE FILMAKERS are shown above with instructor Dan McGov-
College sows seeds
of educational fun
Zero-credit community educa- growing media, and resulting
tion classes due to start duringthe seedling growth success will be
coming weeks at Olympic College discussed. The class meets from 9
Shelton offer the opportunity to a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March
learn something new. 31. The fee is $40.
Besides those listed below, look Boating Safety. Be prepared
fbr more community education for the new regulations on manda"
classes to start in coming weeks, tory boater safety education with
Interested participants should this state-approved course. Learn
register early, since classes may be about boating equipment, trip
canceled due to low enrollment, planning and preparation, marine
For more information or to reg- environments, boat operations and
ister, those interested can call the emergencies. The class meets fro$
college at 432-5400. The campus is 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on two SaturdayS,
located at 937 West Alpine Way. March 31 and April 7. The fee is
The latest classes on offer include: $105.
Successful Seed Germina- Conversational Spanish IL
tion. Understanding what a This course is a continuation of
seed is and how the seed should Conversational Spanish I and de"
be handled is necessary for suc- signed to reinforce and introduce
cessful germination. Factors and practical conversational skills in
ern. Standing, from left, are Alexis Johnson, Angel Boysen and McGov- techniques affecting germination, (Please turn to page 28.)
ern and sitting are Alex Butler, Joe Strand and J.D. Clemons.
fly" gh'gh" ,"
Students In 1 In ndeo 8a.m. forone hourfirst Saturday eaeh month
For the fourth-straight year, nical specialist at the school. He sen said. "The pizza was yummy. All ages All stag('s Positiv’' training
student filmmakers at Southside concocted a camera angle look- This refers to the pie McGovern Pul)l)y K Basic obedience thru compctiti(m
School have won honors fir a video ing down from above a basketball bought for his students after the
they created, backboard in the Southside gym, video was completed, lndoor t,t('ility Local ('('rtiiied proii'ssionals
Each year, the Northwest as the students performed while The video may be viewed at the Karcn ( 360-432-1478 Ripp ( :}60-427-0701
Council for Computers in Educa- lying on mats below, school's Web site: www.southsi-
tion holds a film contest called The fictional acrobatic team in-
Digitalkies for students in kinder- eluded sixth-graders Alexis John-
garten through 12th grade. Sub- son and J.D. Clemons and sev-
mittals come from Washington, enth-graders Angel Boysen, Joe
Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Strand and Alex Butler.
This year, a group of South- The students collaborated on
side middle-school students won the video and the idea came from
second place with their entry, a similar movie McGovern saw on
"Southside Acrobatics." In a de- the Internet. The short video was
lightful video, they appear to defy less than three minutes long due
gravity with amazing acrobatic to contest requirements.
skills. Done in the style of an old- Strand said he liked acting in
time silent movie, complete with the video, while Butler said he
ragtime piano in the background, enjoyed working with others he'd Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
their secret soon becomes appar- never worked with before, adding
ent: Their entire act is grounded they're now his friends. (25 + Years Experience)
with just the appearance of high- The video took a couple of
flying acrobatics, weeks tocomplete, saidJohnsota.ox,o Ge 00ral Dentistry
The special effects were done She said she liked the whole m
courtesy of" Dan McGovern, tech- rience. "I kind of liked it all." Boy-
full service practice
Two planners get Green Stars
Two planners received Green County. He contrasted this with Restorative care (Crowns; Bridges, Fillings)
Star Pins at a recent meeting of very negative encounters he's had
the Mason County Ct)mmission. with King County. Extractions Full & Partial Dentures
Rebecca Hersha and Stephanie The women work in the Mason
Pawlawski were recognized ater County Community Development Repairs Relines
a man sent the county an e-mail Department. Pins were presented
commending them tbr being "ex- to them on March 20. Green Stars Most Insurances Accepted
tremdy responsible and respon- go to employees of the county who
sive" in their dealings with him received unsolicited accolades S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS
regarding his property in Mason from the public about their work.
In honor Of Doctor's Day- March 30 - we'd like to publicly thank the following doctors:
Aerial view of Mason
General Hospital
campus vVith more
than 100 physicians
in 20+ specialties.
Bonnie J Davis. M.D Dean E. Gushee. M D, Saad AI Alou, M.D Douglas E Lindahl, D.O.
MGH Medic:a/ MGH Medical MGH Medical Past Chief-of-Staff
Chief.of Staff Asst. Chief-of.StaB Se, cvera
00Maso n General Hospital
Where caring counts. Feel the difference."
Oakland Bay Pediatrics North Mason Medical Clinic Mason County Eye Clinic
901 Mt. View Drive, Building #1, Shelton, WA 98584 '"------------' '
(360) 426-1611 .............
TTY/TDD: (360) 427-9593 a Equal Opportunity Provider
Translation Services Provided Se habla espafiol
Free Physician's Referral Line: (360) 427-9551
Accredited by the Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
CeNter of
UAaIAraIC ,+i: it. l= it v
i i
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2007
Robert E Goad, M.D.
Philip W. Berger, D.O.
’ William R Brennan, M.D.
James E Clifton, M.D.
William A. Gavin, M.D.
Phillip E. Jones, M.D.
J. Gregg Julin, M.D.
Richard R Kennedy, M.D.
David H. Schoening, M.D.
Harton S. Smith, M.D.
John W. Waggoner, M.D.
Robert S. Wark, M.D.
Craig J. Wehrli, M.D.
Christopher L. Wolfe, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Roy G. Belville, M.D.
Carola E. Bonfante, M.D.
" Dean E. Gushee, M.D.
t John W. Hautala, M.D.
Carter D. Hill, M.D.
’ Joseph R. Hoffman, M.D.
Anurag Jindal, M.D.
4" John R Short, M.D.
Family Practice
4* John V. Butler, M.D.
’ Bonnie J. Davis, M.D.
4° Rebecca Hendryx, M.D.
Pen Hou, M.D.
’ Allen L. Millard, III, M.D.
:° Christopher W. Penoyar, D.O.
°: Timothy J. Weber, M.D.
Doris H. Wilson, M.D.
Harpreet S. Brar, M.D.
James F. Kruidenier, M.D.
Kathryne A. Wagner, M.D.
Doctors with office hours in Shelton
* Doctors with office hours in Belfair
Effective March 1, 2007
General Surgery
David M. Deitz, M.D.
Robert S. Hipp, M.D.
°° Vanni Manithram, M.D.
William D. Neal, M.D.
’ S. Garrett Ogle, M.D.
David E Tollefson, M.D.
Todd Woltman, M.D.
Internal Medicine
’ Chandar Bhimani, M.D.
’ Douglas E Lindahl, D.O.
Jose Jeffrey T. Reasol, M.D.
*:" Mark L. Schlauderaff, M.D.
Diana E. Velikova, M.D.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
’ Jonathan A. Gold, M.D.
Ronald S. Goldberg, M.D.
Steven J. Gorton, M.D.
Harry S. Griffith, III, M.D.
Nicole Lee Grous, M.D.
Min S. Kang, M.D.
James J. Lechner, M.D.
Dustan C. Osborn, M.D.
Paul A. Robertson, M.D.
Andrei Shustov, M.D.
Xiang Sui, M.D.
Joseph Ye, M.D.
u' Mark R Corley, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
’ Kenneth R. Sebby, M.D.
’ Michael G. E. Thomas, M.D.
Nisreen Fidda, M.D.
Jay M. Odell, M.D.
Dennis E Peck, M.D.
Terrence A. Schulte, M.D.
Richard O. Whitten, M.D.
Saad AI Alou, M.D.
’ Meltem Karatepe, M.D.
’ Robert D, Sewell, M.D.
Plastic Surgery
Arthur L. Foley, III, M.D.
Podiatric Medicine
Terrence E. Hess, D.RM.
John V. Rice, D.RM.
’ James A. Wright, D.PM.
J. Wa)4on Black, M.D.
" Robert L. Huck, M.D.
Austin C. Lampert, M.D.
:o Lawrence N. Bennett, M.D.
" James G. Bonifietd, M.D.
Gordon G. S. Dhanda, M.D.
o David J. Gacetta, M.D.
.*o Virgil E. Knackstedt, M.D.
’ S/even Lengle, M.D.
. Thomas J. Luetkehans, M.D.
Tremont V. Parrino, M.D.
Joanna A. Prescott, M.D.
,t, Kevin J. Reed, M.D.
Charles Shen, M.D.
Navneet K. Singha, M.D.
° David Stagnone, M.D.
’ Andrew R. Taylor, M.D.
* lan D. Timms, M.D.
Evert-Jan Verschuyl, M.D.
Surgical Assist
Michael D. Barnard, M.D.
Laurence E. Perrin, M.D.
Daniel M. Brown, M.D.
Donald R. Miller, M.D.
Mark S. Peckler, M.D.
i -+m I I I I Illlll
SOUTHSIDE FILMAKERS are shown above with instructor Dan McGov-
College sows seeds
of educational fun
Zero-credit community educa- growing media, and resulting
tion classes due to start duringthe seedling growth success will be
coming weeks at Olympic College discussed. The class meets from 9
Shelton offer the opportunity to a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March
learn something new. 31. The fee is $40.
Besides those listed below, look Boating Safety. Be prepared
fbr more community education for the new regulations on manda"
classes to start in coming weeks, tory boater safety education with
Interested participants should this state-approved course. Learn
register early, since classes may be about boating equipment, trip
canceled due to low enrollment, planning and preparation, marine
For more information or to reg- environments, boat operations and
ister, those interested can call the emergencies. The class meets fro$
college at 432-5400. The campus is 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on two SaturdayS,
located at 937 West Alpine Way. March 31 and April 7. The fee is
The latest classes on offer include: $105.
Successful Seed Germina- Conversational Spanish IL
tion. Understanding what a This course is a continuation of
seed is and how the seed should Conversational Spanish I and de"
be handled is necessary for suc- signed to reinforce and introduce
cessful germination. Factors and practical conversational skills in
ern. Standing, from left, are Alexis Johnson, Angel Boysen and McGov- techniques affecting germination, (Please turn to page 28.)
ern and sitting are Alex Butler, Joe Strand and J.D. Clemons.
fly" gh'gh" ,"
Students In 1 In ndeo 8a.m. forone hourfirst Saturday eaeh month
For the fourth-straight year, nical specialist at the school. He sen said. "The pizza was yummy. All ages All stag('s Positiv’' training
student filmmakers at Southside concocted a camera angle look- This refers to the pie McGovern Pul)l)y K Basic obedience thru compctiti(m
School have won honors fir a video ing down from above a basketball bought for his students after the
they created, backboard in the Southside gym, video was completed, lndoor t,t('ility Local ('('rtiiied proii'ssionals
Each year, the Northwest as the students performed while The video may be viewed at the Karcn ( 360-432-1478 Ripp ( :}60-427-0701
Council for Computers in Educa- lying on mats below, school's Web site: www.southsi-
tion holds a film contest called The fictional acrobatic team in-
Digitalkies for students in kinder- eluded sixth-graders Alexis John-
garten through 12th grade. Sub- son and J.D. Clemons and sev-
mittals come from Washington, enth-graders Angel Boysen, Joe
Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Strand and Alex Butler.
This year, a group of South- The students collaborated on
side middle-school students won the video and the idea came from
second place with their entry, a similar movie McGovern saw on
"Southside Acrobatics." In a de- the Internet. The short video was
lightful video, they appear to defy less than three minutes long due
gravity with amazing acrobatic to contest requirements.
skills. Done in the style of an old- Strand said he liked acting in
time silent movie, complete with the video, while Butler said he
ragtime piano in the background, enjoyed working with others he'd Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
their secret soon becomes appar- never worked with before, adding
ent: Their entire act is grounded they're now his friends. (25 + Years Experience)
with just the appearance of high- The video took a couple of
flying acrobatics, weeks tocomplete, saidJohnsota.ox,o Ge 00ral Dentistry
The special effects were done She said she liked the whole m
courtesy of" Dan McGovern, tech- rience. "I kind of liked it all." Boy-
full service practice
Two planners get Green Stars
Two planners received Green County. He contrasted this with Restorative care (Crowns; Bridges, Fillings)
Star Pins at a recent meeting of very negative encounters he's had
the Mason County Ct)mmission. with King County. Extractions Full & Partial Dentures
Rebecca Hersha and Stephanie The women work in the Mason
Pawlawski were recognized ater County Community Development Repairs Relines
a man sent the county an e-mail Department. Pins were presented
commending them tbr being "ex- to them on March 20. Green Stars Most Insurances Accepted
tremdy responsible and respon- go to employees of the county who
sive" in their dealings with him received unsolicited accolades S. Peters, DPD C. Ngo, DDS
regarding his property in Mason from the public about their work.
In honor Of Doctor's Day- March 30 - we'd like to publicly thank the following doctors:
Aerial view of Mason
General Hospital
campus vVith more
than 100 physicians
in 20+ specialties.
Bonnie J Davis. M.D Dean E. Gushee. M D, Saad AI Alou, M.D Douglas E Lindahl, D.O.
MGH Medic:a/ MGH Medical MGH Medical Past Chief-of-Staff
Chief.of Staff Asst. Chief-of.StaB Se, cvera
00Maso n General Hospital
Where caring counts. Feel the difference."
Oakland Bay Pediatrics North Mason Medical Clinic Mason County Eye Clinic
901 Mt. View Drive, Building #1, Shelton, WA 98584 '"------------' '
(360) 426-1611 .............
TTY/TDD: (360) 427-9593 a Equal Opportunity Provider
Translation Services Provided Se habla espafiol
Free Physician's Referral Line: (360) 427-9551
Accredited by the Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
CeNter of
UAaIAraIC ,+i: it. l= it v
i i
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2007
Robert E Goad, M.D.
Philip W. Berger, D.O.
’ William R Brennan, M.D.
James E Clifton, M.D.
William A. Gavin, M.D.
Phillip E. Jones, M.D.
J. Gregg Julin, M.D.
Richard R Kennedy, M.D.
David H. Schoening, M.D.
Harton S. Smith, M.D.
John W. Waggoner, M.D.
Robert S. Wark, M.D.
Craig J. Wehrli, M.D.
Christopher L. Wolfe, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Roy G. Belville, M.D.
Carola E. Bonfante, M.D.
" Dean E. Gushee, M.D.
t John W. Hautala, M.D.
Carter D. Hill, M.D.
’ Joseph R. Hoffman, M.D.
Anurag Jindal, M.D.
4" John R Short, M.D.
Family Practice
4* John V. Butler, M.D.
’ Bonnie J. Davis, M.D.
4° Rebecca Hendryx, M.D.
Pen Hou, M.D.
’ Allen L. Millard, III, M.D.
:° Christopher W. Penoyar, D.O.
°: Timothy J. Weber, M.D.
Doris H. Wilson, M.D.
Harpreet S. Brar, M.D.
James F. Kruidenier, M.D.
Kathryne A. Wagner, M.D.
Doctors with office hours in Shelton
* Doctors with office hours in Belfair
Effective March 1, 2007
General Surgery
David M. Deitz, M.D.
Robert S. Hipp, M.D.
°° Vanni Manithram, M.D.
William D. Neal, M.D.
’ S. Garrett Ogle, M.D.
David E Tollefson, M.D.
Todd Woltman, M.D.
Internal Medicine
’ Chandar Bhimani, M.D.
’ Douglas E Lindahl, D.O.
Jose Jeffrey T. Reasol, M.D.
*:" Mark L. Schlauderaff, M.D.
Diana E. Velikova, M.D.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
’ Jonathan A. Gold, M.D.
Ronald S. Goldberg, M.D.
Steven J. Gorton, M.D.
Harry S. Griffith, III, M.D.
Nicole Lee Grous, M.D.
Min S. Kang, M.D.
James J. Lechner, M.D.
Dustan C. Osborn, M.D.
Paul A. Robertson, M.D.
Andrei Shustov, M.D.
Xiang Sui, M.D.
Joseph Ye, M.D.
u' Mark R Corley, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
’ Kenneth R. Sebby, M.D.
’ Michael G. E. Thomas, M.D.
Nisreen Fidda, M.D.
Jay M. Odell, M.D.
Dennis E Peck, M.D.
Terrence A. Schulte, M.D.
Richard O. Whitten, M.D.
Saad AI Alou, M.D.
’ Meltem Karatepe, M.D.
’ Robert D, Sewell, M.D.
Plastic Surgery
Arthur L. Foley, III, M.D.
Podiatric Medicine
Terrence E. Hess, D.RM.
John V. Rice, D.RM.
’ James A. Wright, D.PM.
J. Wa)4on Black, M.D.
" Robert L. Huck, M.D.
Austin C. Lampert, M.D.
:o Lawrence N. Bennett, M.D.
" James G. Bonifietd, M.D.
Gordon G. S. Dhanda, M.D.
o David J. Gacetta, M.D.
.*o Virgil E. Knackstedt, M.D.
’ S/even Lengle, M.D.
. Thomas J. Luetkehans, M.D.
Tremont V. Parrino, M.D.
Joanna A. Prescott, M.D.
,t, Kevin J. Reed, M.D.
Charles Shen, M.D.
Navneet K. Singha, M.D.
° David Stagnone, M.D.
’ Andrew R. Taylor, M.D.
* lan D. Timms, M.D.
Evert-Jan Verschuyl, M.D.
Surgical Assist
Michael D. Barnard, M.D.
Laurence E. Perrin, M.D.
Daniel M. Brown, M.D.
Donald R. Miller, M.D.
Mark S. Peckler, M.D.
i -+m I I I I Illlll