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Superior court roundup:
Bail at $100,000 for teen suspect
Bail was set at $100,000 for
a Belfair youth who appeared in
Mason County Superior Court
last Thursday for identification
on potential burglary and stolen-
property charges.
The current case against Scott
Adam Waterbury, 17, of 120
NE Byerly Drive, was declined
from juvenile jurisdiction, the
court noted. Judge James Saw-
yer cited an extensive juvenile
criminal history, the extent and
nature of the current charges
against Waterbury, the involve-
ment of firearms and allegations
of intimidation of witnesses when
he set bail.
Sawyer appointed Ronald Ser-
gi to represent Waterbury and or-
dered the suspect to have no con-
tact with witnesses in the case,
including a co-defendant who was
also identified in court Thursday.
Appearing before the court
for identification on a potential
CJournal of Record
(Continued from page 30.)
Shore Road, Belfair, was report-
Firefighters and deputies re-
Sponded to the report of a struc-
ture fire on Mason Lake Road near
Trask Lake.
A possible brush theft was re-
Ported to be under way at Timber
Sunday, March 25
Skokomish tribal police re-
sponded to a report of vandalism
on Tribal Center Road.
Squaxin tribal police received a
Complaint of a theft of money and
cell phone from a residence on
Ta Sat Circle.
A caller reported that people
aoved from a home on Hemlock
Place, Shelton, leaving a cat and a
dog with 13 puppies without care.
A Belfair caller reported someone
left a sick dog tied and unattended
: at a place on State Route 3, and an
Agate Road caller reported coming
laome to find the family dog dead
not of natural causes."
A Lynch Road caller complained
of the theft of two bonsai trees
Worth $450.
Monday, March 26
Officers responded to the report
of a residential burglary and the
theft from an undisclosed loca-
tion in Thurston County of a silver
2003 Buick Regal at an address on
State Route 3 near Shelton.
Officers investigated a commer-
cial burglary on Log Yard Road
near Belfair.
A Crestview Drive resident com-
plained of vandalism to a fence.
: A safe and money were reported
stolen from a residence on Snow-
cap Drive, Tahuya.
Officers investigated a sex of-
fense complaint.
An attempted break-in was re-
Ported at a home on Highway 101
near Hoodsport.
A cell phone and an iPod were
reported stolen in a vehicle prowl
on Shelton-Matlock Road.
Officers assisted the state pa-
trol at the scene of an accident on
State Route 300 near Belfair.
A motorhome, possibly stolen,
Was reported abandoned on Weav-
er Creek Lane property, and a con-
struction worker reported finding
an abandoned vehicle in the woods
ia the Agate area.
Deputies were called to assist
quaxin Tribal Police at a possible
Urglary in progress on Old Olym-
Pic Highway.
Two callers alerted officers to
a brown-and-white calf walking
own the middle of Shelton-Mat-
ock Road.
The following restaurants and
Other food-handling establish-
ents were inspected during the
onth of February. Violations
listed in the "red" category are
those which involve practices that
Put the public at risk of foodborne
illness; repeated violations can re-
€6 "
tdt in enforcement action. Blue
Violations relate to food service op-
erations and cleanliness.
The number of red (critical)
items and blue (sanitation and
maintenance) items is not neces-
sarily the number of violations
found, according to an official with
the county health department.
The inspections are done by Jess
Mosley, an environmental health
specialist. Each red and blue vio-
lation has a different point score
depending on the hazard level.
Red violations have higher point
scores than blue because red items
involve a greater probability of
causing foodborne illness.
"Red section violations range
from five to 30 points. If a food es-
tablishment has 60 red points, it
might have only two violations,
but these would be two high-haz-
ard violations that would be very
likely to cause foodborne illness if
not corrected," Mosely says. "Blue
violations range from two to five
Routine Inspections:
February 6:
Sunset Beach Grocery, Belfair,
no violations.
February 7:
Union Square Dell, Union, no
Robin Hood Village Market,
Union, no violations.
Happy Hollow Country Store,
Belfair, no violations.
Alderbrook Country Store,
Union, five red, no blue (food work-
er cards not current), five total.
February 8:
Rise and Shine Coffee Compa-
ny, Belfair, no violations.
Courtney Southside Espresso,
Belfair, no violations.
Lupita's Tienda Mexicana, Bel-
fair, five red (food worker card not
current), no blue, five total.
February 13:
Urraco Coffee, Shelton, no red,
two blue (no current food estab-
lishment permit), two total.
Michelle's Homestyle Bakery,
Shelton, no red, two blue (light
shields missing in food prepara-
tion area), two total.
Opening Inspections:
February 1:
First Baptist Church Espresso,
Shelton, no violations.
February 13:
Lakeside Bistro, Allyn, no viola-
February 16:
Tobe's Bistro, Shelton, no viola-
Complaint Inspections:
February 6:
Zingaro's Espresso, Shelton,
septic system evaluation, no viola-
February 7:
Airport Grocery, Shelton, septic
system back-up, no red, five blue,
five total.
Temporary permits:
February 3:
Allyn Community Association,
Allyn, no violations.
.\\;i,,kN()N (,()i NTY
Children received a
good education before
the government decided
the schools should be
Iuss Denney
CLEANERS & TAILORS Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
and 215 South Second
years 426-3371
charge of second-degree burglary
and trafficking in stolen property
in the first degree, charges asso-
ciated with the same series of in-
cidents, was 18-year-old Michael
Taylor Waye of 190 NE Byerly
Drive, Belfair.
Because Waye had no signifi-
cant criminal history, Sawyer set
his bail at $2,500. He appointed
Charles Lane to represent Waye.
Both youths are to appear for ar-
raignment on April 2.
ON MONDAY, March 26, Ni-
cole Lynn Ralston, 29, listed as
a transient from Belfair at her
booking, appeared for identifica-
tion before Judge Sawyer. She
was arrested on the weekend on
suspicion of possession of meth-
At her identification, the court
was told she appeared to be living
in a vehicle. Sawyer noted that if
she is released from jail, she will
probably be transported to Kit-
sap County for a warrant arrest.
She is to appear for arraignment
on April 9.
ON FRIDAY, March 23, Bob-
by Dale Beasley Jr., 39, of 220
East Tahuya Drive, Shelton, ap-
peared for identification before
Judge Sawyer on a potential
charge of first-degree burglary
in a case that involved a dispute
with Rene Demmon.
Beasley told the court he does
not work outside the home but is
paid by the state to care for his
young son, who had a kidney
transplant. Ruling him indigent
for the purposes of court-appoint-
ed counsel, Sawyer named Sergi
to defend Beasley and set an ar-
raignment for April 9. He set bail
at $2,500. The judge ordered Bea-
sley to have no contact with Dem-
men or Carl Hills.
* Elmer H. Chase, 32, of Bea-
ver came before Judge Sawyer for
identification on potential charg-
es of criminal impersonation and
According to the report of the
officer who originally contacted
him for trespassing, Chase was
using identification belonging to
his brother-in-law, Leon C. Nor-
ris, to avoid being arrested on a
Washington State Department of
Corrections warrant.
Sawyer appointed Lane to rep-
resent Chase, but denied Lane's
request for a release on personal
recognizance, citing a history of
warrants. The judge set bail at
$2,500 and scheduled arraign-
ment for April 2.
, Darrin J. Pariseau, 38,
of 730 Taft SW, Port Orchard,
appeared after an arrest on a
charge of possession of metham-
According to an affidavit from
the Mason County Sheriff's Of-
rice, he was stopped on Sand Hill
Road after an officer noticed one
of the wheels on his vehicle was
wobbly. Pariseau was arrested
when a records check indicated a
suspended driver's license and a
subsequent search of his vehicle
discovered a case with a glass
pipe, a bag of a white crystalline
substance that field-tested posi-
tive for methamphetamine, and a
number of pills later identified as
Meperidine, which Pariseau told
the officer he found while "dump-
ster diving."
Judge Sawyer reported finding
probable cause for his arrest and
set conditions of release, includ-
ing weekly urinalysis and bail of
$5,000. His arraignment is April
Guilty t)leas:
Pleas made, trials averted
Jurors were reporting for trial
duty Tuesday when the defen-
dant in Mason County Superior
Court made a last-minute change
of plea.
Entering a plea of guilty to a
charge of failing to register as a
sex offender was Davey K. New-
by, 24, who indicated at his arrest
that he was transient. He was ar-
rested in January at the home of
a friend on Passage View Drive on
allegations that he had failed to
register his current address with
the Washington State Depart-
ment of Corrections from Decem-
ber 29 through January 21.
Newby entered the plea with
the aid of defense attorney John
Stanislay, admitting that he had
not met requirements of register-
ing his address as a sex offender.
He was convicted of third-degree
assault with sexual motivation in
September of 2000 in Thurston
County Superior Court. Newby
pled guilty to an earlier charge of
failure to register in November of
Other cases were resolved short
of trial during the past week. In
those cases:
• Julio Cesar Montano.
Carreon, 32, of 51 East Spruce
Place, Shelton, pled guilty on
March 22 to an amended charge
of child molestation in the first
degree, a crime which could send
him to prison for five years. Mon-
tane, who has no criminal history,
was originally charged with rape
of a child in the first degree.
Charges were filed earlier this
year after his wife reported to
law enforcement officers that she
found him in bed with a 5-year-
old girl identified as the couple's
niece. Information in the case in-
dicated he was intoxicated.
Deputy Prosecutor Rebecca
Jones Garcia told the court that
the prosecution would not support
a special sex-offender sentencing
alternative, or SSOSA, but de-
fense attorney Jeannette Boothe
said she would ask for the court's
consideration of that alternative
at sentencing.
With no prior offenses on his
record, Montane faces a sentence
of 51 to 68 months in prison and
lifetime conditions after his re-
lease, including the requirement
that he register as a sex offender.
Montane will be sentenced May
Two cases were resolved with
pleas during Monday's court cal-
• Christine Louise Van-
derberg, 48, of 41 NE Virginia
Avenue, Belfair, pled guilty as
charged to a charge of driving un-
der the influence. Vanderberg's
plea resolves her case for possible
diversion on an assault charge in-
volving a police officer at the scene
of her arrest December 29, 2006.
Vanderberg's attorney, Robert
Brungardt, entered the plea on
her behalf. In her plea statement,
Vanderberg told the court she
drove while intoxicated, admit-
ting that her ability to drive was
impaired. Judge Sawyer found
her guilty and scheduled her sen-
tencing for April 9.
• Owen Wayne Steven Man-
sfield, 29, of 6516 Sunnybay
Drive, Gig Harbor, entered a plea
of guilty to an orally amended
charge of criminal trespass in
the first degree, a charge reduced
from felony harassment. The pros-
ecution indicated a recommenda-
tion of a one-year sentence with
364 days suspended with credit
for the day Mansfield has already
In his plea statement, Mans-
field said he committed criminal
trespass on July 11, 2006, with
the police statement of probable
cause stipulated as the evidence
in support of his plea. According
to information filed in the case,
Mansfield was arrested at Union
Bay Cafe just after midnight July
12 of last year for allegedly threat-
ening to kill three people in the
bar's parking lot and swinging a
chain at several people.
Judge Sawyer set sentencing
for April 9.
On Friday, March 23, Jeffrey
Scott Howard, 41, of 100 East
Hedlund Drive, Shelton, pied
guilty to a charge of vehicular as-
sault. He admitted that he drove
after drinking on the night of
October 12, 2006, and was driv-
ing when his vehicle crashed. His
wife, Stephanie Ruth Howard,
was injured in the incident. Judge
James Sawyer set his sentencing
for April 30.
Casey Salisbury ~ Sheriff
If you have any information regardin[g current crtm__al activity of this or any other offender, please call 911.
For other inf0rmatlon on sex oftenders,
WHITE MALE - DOB: 03/22/55
5'-10" TALL - 210 LBS.
Benjamin Gauerke has recently moved onto private property and is no longer
transient. He was recently convicted of Child Molestation 3rd Degree, Mason County
Superior Court cause #02-1-00286-2. This conviction stems from when GAUERKE
was 47 years old, he sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl that was known to him through a
friend of his. Later that same week of the sexual assault, GAUERKE propositioned the
young girl for sexual intercourse. GAUERKE has other sexual assault convictions. On
07/01/84, GAUERKE was convicted of Indecent Liberties, Pacific County Superior Court cause #84-1-00051-0. This conviction
stems from when GAUERKE was 29 years old, he pied guilty to sexually assaulting an 8 year old girl that was known to him through
a friend. The little girl indicated that she was sexually assaulted on at least 5 occasions by GAUERKE. On 10/10/89, GAUERKE
was convicted of Attempted Molestation of a Child, and Dangerous Crime Against Children 2nd Degree, Maricopa County Superior
Court, Arizona, cause #CR8910847. This conviction stems from when GAUERKE was 34 years old, he sexually assaulted a 12 year
old girl that was known to him through a friend of his. This little girl also stated that GAUERKE had sexually assaulted her two years
earlier when she was only 10 years old, but the charges for that specific crime were eventually dropped. Due to all of GAUERKE's
sexual crime convictions, he is considered a HIGH RISK. NOTE: GAUERKE will be on Dept. of Corrections Supervision for
36-48 months. GAUERKE is assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender because of his continual
sexual assault record. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend.
GAUERKE has given his address within Mason County as:
Within the 3300 Block of W. Shelton-Maflock Rd., Shelton, WA.
Paid for by the Mason County Sheriffs Office
Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31
Superior court roundup:
Bail at $100,000 for teen suspect
Bail was set at $100,000 for
a Belfair youth who appeared in
Mason County Superior Court
last Thursday for identification
on potential burglary and stolen-
property charges.
The current case against Scott
Adam Waterbury, 17, of 120
NE Byerly Drive, was declined
from juvenile jurisdiction, the
court noted. Judge James Saw-
yer cited an extensive juvenile
criminal history, the extent and
nature of the current charges
against Waterbury, the involve-
ment of firearms and allegations
of intimidation of witnesses when
he set bail.
Sawyer appointed Ronald Ser-
gi to represent Waterbury and or-
dered the suspect to have no con-
tact with witnesses in the case,
including a co-defendant who was
also identified in court Thursday.
Appearing before the court
for identification on a potential
CJournal of Record
(Continued from page 30.)
Shore Road, Belfair, was report-
Firefighters and deputies re-
Sponded to the report of a struc-
ture fire on Mason Lake Road near
Trask Lake.
A possible brush theft was re-
Ported to be under way at Timber
Sunday, March 25
Skokomish tribal police re-
sponded to a report of vandalism
on Tribal Center Road.
Squaxin tribal police received a
Complaint of a theft of money and
cell phone from a residence on
Ta Sat Circle.
A caller reported that people
aoved from a home on Hemlock
Place, Shelton, leaving a cat and a
dog with 13 puppies without care.
A Belfair caller reported someone
left a sick dog tied and unattended
: at a place on State Route 3, and an
Agate Road caller reported coming
laome to find the family dog dead
not of natural causes."
A Lynch Road caller complained
of the theft of two bonsai trees
Worth $450.
Monday, March 26
Officers responded to the report
of a residential burglary and the
theft from an undisclosed loca-
tion in Thurston County of a silver
2003 Buick Regal at an address on
State Route 3 near Shelton.
Officers investigated a commer-
cial burglary on Log Yard Road
near Belfair.
A Crestview Drive resident com-
plained of vandalism to a fence.
: A safe and money were reported
stolen from a residence on Snow-
cap Drive, Tahuya.
Officers investigated a sex of-
fense complaint.
An attempted break-in was re-
Ported at a home on Highway 101
near Hoodsport.
A cell phone and an iPod were
reported stolen in a vehicle prowl
on Shelton-Matlock Road.
Officers assisted the state pa-
trol at the scene of an accident on
State Route 300 near Belfair.
A motorhome, possibly stolen,
Was reported abandoned on Weav-
er Creek Lane property, and a con-
struction worker reported finding
an abandoned vehicle in the woods
ia the Agate area.
Deputies were called to assist
quaxin Tribal Police at a possible
Urglary in progress on Old Olym-
Pic Highway.
Two callers alerted officers to
a brown-and-white calf walking
own the middle of Shelton-Mat-
ock Road.
The following restaurants and
Other food-handling establish-
ents were inspected during the
onth of February. Violations
listed in the "red" category are
those which involve practices that
Put the public at risk of foodborne
illness; repeated violations can re-
€6 "
tdt in enforcement action. Blue
Violations relate to food service op-
erations and cleanliness.
The number of red (critical)
items and blue (sanitation and
maintenance) items is not neces-
sarily the number of violations
found, according to an official with
the county health department.
The inspections are done by Jess
Mosley, an environmental health
specialist. Each red and blue vio-
lation has a different point score
depending on the hazard level.
Red violations have higher point
scores than blue because red items
involve a greater probability of
causing foodborne illness.
"Red section violations range
from five to 30 points. If a food es-
tablishment has 60 red points, it
might have only two violations,
but these would be two high-haz-
ard violations that would be very
likely to cause foodborne illness if
not corrected," Mosely says. "Blue
violations range from two to five
Routine Inspections:
February 6:
Sunset Beach Grocery, Belfair,
no violations.
February 7:
Union Square Dell, Union, no
Robin Hood Village Market,
Union, no violations.
Happy Hollow Country Store,
Belfair, no violations.
Alderbrook Country Store,
Union, five red, no blue (food work-
er cards not current), five total.
February 8:
Rise and Shine Coffee Compa-
ny, Belfair, no violations.
Courtney Southside Espresso,
Belfair, no violations.
Lupita's Tienda Mexicana, Bel-
fair, five red (food worker card not
current), no blue, five total.
February 13:
Urraco Coffee, Shelton, no red,
two blue (no current food estab-
lishment permit), two total.
Michelle's Homestyle Bakery,
Shelton, no red, two blue (light
shields missing in food prepara-
tion area), two total.
Opening Inspections:
February 1:
First Baptist Church Espresso,
Shelton, no violations.
February 13:
Lakeside Bistro, Allyn, no viola-
February 16:
Tobe's Bistro, Shelton, no viola-
Complaint Inspections:
February 6:
Zingaro's Espresso, Shelton,
septic system evaluation, no viola-
February 7:
Airport Grocery, Shelton, septic
system back-up, no red, five blue,
five total.
Temporary permits:
February 3:
Allyn Community Association,
Allyn, no violations.
.\\;i,,kN()N (,()i NTY
Children received a
good education before
the government decided
the schools should be
Iuss Denney
CLEANERS & TAILORS Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
and 215 South Second
years 426-3371
charge of second-degree burglary
and trafficking in stolen property
in the first degree, charges asso-
ciated with the same series of in-
cidents, was 18-year-old Michael
Taylor Waye of 190 NE Byerly
Drive, Belfair.
Because Waye had no signifi-
cant criminal history, Sawyer set
his bail at $2,500. He appointed
Charles Lane to represent Waye.
Both youths are to appear for ar-
raignment on April 2.
ON MONDAY, March 26, Ni-
cole Lynn Ralston, 29, listed as
a transient from Belfair at her
booking, appeared for identifica-
tion before Judge Sawyer. She
was arrested on the weekend on
suspicion of possession of meth-
At her identification, the court
was told she appeared to be living
in a vehicle. Sawyer noted that if
she is released from jail, she will
probably be transported to Kit-
sap County for a warrant arrest.
She is to appear for arraignment
on April 9.
ON FRIDAY, March 23, Bob-
by Dale Beasley Jr., 39, of 220
East Tahuya Drive, Shelton, ap-
peared for identification before
Judge Sawyer on a potential
charge of first-degree burglary
in a case that involved a dispute
with Rene Demmon.
Beasley told the court he does
not work outside the home but is
paid by the state to care for his
young son, who had a kidney
transplant. Ruling him indigent
for the purposes of court-appoint-
ed counsel, Sawyer named Sergi
to defend Beasley and set an ar-
raignment for April 9. He set bail
at $2,500. The judge ordered Bea-
sley to have no contact with Dem-
men or Carl Hills.
* Elmer H. Chase, 32, of Bea-
ver came before Judge Sawyer for
identification on potential charg-
es of criminal impersonation and
According to the report of the
officer who originally contacted
him for trespassing, Chase was
using identification belonging to
his brother-in-law, Leon C. Nor-
ris, to avoid being arrested on a
Washington State Department of
Corrections warrant.
Sawyer appointed Lane to rep-
resent Chase, but denied Lane's
request for a release on personal
recognizance, citing a history of
warrants. The judge set bail at
$2,500 and scheduled arraign-
ment for April 2.
, Darrin J. Pariseau, 38,
of 730 Taft SW, Port Orchard,
appeared after an arrest on a
charge of possession of metham-
According to an affidavit from
the Mason County Sheriff's Of-
rice, he was stopped on Sand Hill
Road after an officer noticed one
of the wheels on his vehicle was
wobbly. Pariseau was arrested
when a records check indicated a
suspended driver's license and a
subsequent search of his vehicle
discovered a case with a glass
pipe, a bag of a white crystalline
substance that field-tested posi-
tive for methamphetamine, and a
number of pills later identified as
Meperidine, which Pariseau told
the officer he found while "dump-
ster diving."
Judge Sawyer reported finding
probable cause for his arrest and
set conditions of release, includ-
ing weekly urinalysis and bail of
$5,000. His arraignment is April
Guilty t)leas:
Pleas made, trials averted
Jurors were reporting for trial
duty Tuesday when the defen-
dant in Mason County Superior
Court made a last-minute change
of plea.
Entering a plea of guilty to a
charge of failing to register as a
sex offender was Davey K. New-
by, 24, who indicated at his arrest
that he was transient. He was ar-
rested in January at the home of
a friend on Passage View Drive on
allegations that he had failed to
register his current address with
the Washington State Depart-
ment of Corrections from Decem-
ber 29 through January 21.
Newby entered the plea with
the aid of defense attorney John
Stanislay, admitting that he had
not met requirements of register-
ing his address as a sex offender.
He was convicted of third-degree
assault with sexual motivation in
September of 2000 in Thurston
County Superior Court. Newby
pled guilty to an earlier charge of
failure to register in November of
Other cases were resolved short
of trial during the past week. In
those cases:
• Julio Cesar Montano.
Carreon, 32, of 51 East Spruce
Place, Shelton, pled guilty on
March 22 to an amended charge
of child molestation in the first
degree, a crime which could send
him to prison for five years. Mon-
tane, who has no criminal history,
was originally charged with rape
of a child in the first degree.
Charges were filed earlier this
year after his wife reported to
law enforcement officers that she
found him in bed with a 5-year-
old girl identified as the couple's
niece. Information in the case in-
dicated he was intoxicated.
Deputy Prosecutor Rebecca
Jones Garcia told the court that
the prosecution would not support
a special sex-offender sentencing
alternative, or SSOSA, but de-
fense attorney Jeannette Boothe
said she would ask for the court's
consideration of that alternative
at sentencing.
With no prior offenses on his
record, Montane faces a sentence
of 51 to 68 months in prison and
lifetime conditions after his re-
lease, including the requirement
that he register as a sex offender.
Montane will be sentenced May
Two cases were resolved with
pleas during Monday's court cal-
• Christine Louise Van-
derberg, 48, of 41 NE Virginia
Avenue, Belfair, pled guilty as
charged to a charge of driving un-
der the influence. Vanderberg's
plea resolves her case for possible
diversion on an assault charge in-
volving a police officer at the scene
of her arrest December 29, 2006.
Vanderberg's attorney, Robert
Brungardt, entered the plea on
her behalf. In her plea statement,
Vanderberg told the court she
drove while intoxicated, admit-
ting that her ability to drive was
impaired. Judge Sawyer found
her guilty and scheduled her sen-
tencing for April 9.
• Owen Wayne Steven Man-
sfield, 29, of 6516 Sunnybay
Drive, Gig Harbor, entered a plea
of guilty to an orally amended
charge of criminal trespass in
the first degree, a charge reduced
from felony harassment. The pros-
ecution indicated a recommenda-
tion of a one-year sentence with
364 days suspended with credit
for the day Mansfield has already
In his plea statement, Mans-
field said he committed criminal
trespass on July 11, 2006, with
the police statement of probable
cause stipulated as the evidence
in support of his plea. According
to information filed in the case,
Mansfield was arrested at Union
Bay Cafe just after midnight July
12 of last year for allegedly threat-
ening to kill three people in the
bar's parking lot and swinging a
chain at several people.
Judge Sawyer set sentencing
for April 9.
On Friday, March 23, Jeffrey
Scott Howard, 41, of 100 East
Hedlund Drive, Shelton, pied
guilty to a charge of vehicular as-
sault. He admitted that he drove
after drinking on the night of
October 12, 2006, and was driv-
ing when his vehicle crashed. His
wife, Stephanie Ruth Howard,
was injured in the incident. Judge
James Sawyer set his sentencing
for April 30.
Casey Salisbury ~ Sheriff
If you have any information regardin[g current crtm__al activity of this or any other offender, please call 911.
For other inf0rmatlon on sex oftenders,
WHITE MALE - DOB: 03/22/55
5'-10" TALL - 210 LBS.
Benjamin Gauerke has recently moved onto private property and is no longer
transient. He was recently convicted of Child Molestation 3rd Degree, Mason County
Superior Court cause #02-1-00286-2. This conviction stems from when GAUERKE
was 47 years old, he sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl that was known to him through a
friend of his. Later that same week of the sexual assault, GAUERKE propositioned the
young girl for sexual intercourse. GAUERKE has other sexual assault convictions. On
07/01/84, GAUERKE was convicted of Indecent Liberties, Pacific County Superior Court cause #84-1-00051-0. This conviction
stems from when GAUERKE was 29 years old, he pied guilty to sexually assaulting an 8 year old girl that was known to him through
a friend. The little girl indicated that she was sexually assaulted on at least 5 occasions by GAUERKE. On 10/10/89, GAUERKE
was convicted of Attempted Molestation of a Child, and Dangerous Crime Against Children 2nd Degree, Maricopa County Superior
Court, Arizona, cause #CR8910847. This conviction stems from when GAUERKE was 34 years old, he sexually assaulted a 12 year
old girl that was known to him through a friend of his. This little girl also stated that GAUERKE had sexually assaulted her two years
earlier when she was only 10 years old, but the charges for that specific crime were eventually dropped. Due to all of GAUERKE's
sexual crime convictions, he is considered a HIGH RISK. NOTE: GAUERKE will be on Dept. of Corrections Supervision for
36-48 months. GAUERKE is assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender because of his continual
sexual assault record. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend.
GAUERKE has given his address within Mason County as:
Within the 3300 Block of W. Shelton-Maflock Rd., Shelton, WA.
Paid for by the Mason County Sheriffs Office
Thursday, March 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31