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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10,000 POUND mini excavator and operator for hire. 2 hour minimum. No delivery/pick-up fee. Call (360) 432- 3147. E2/24tfn HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn BOATS & MOTORS 2004 LUND aluminum 16', trailer, 25 hp outboard 4 stroke Yamaha, electric start, barely broke in. 4 swivel seats, fish finder, oars. $7,000 firm. (360) 426- 8256. W3/29-4/5 17.5' BAYLINER, 2007, brand new (less than 8 hours). Moving - must sell. Take over payments. (360) 432-9066. Y3/15- 4/5 You're always a WINNER with the great deals found in the Journal Classifieds! TRAVEL VEHICLES 33' HOLIDAY Rambler travel trailer for sale. Needs work. $375 OBO. Call eve- nings (360) 898-3783. J3/29-4/19 SECURITY CAMPER, hydraulic jacks, tie-downs, 3-way lights, furnace, guar- anteed no leaks or rot. Asking price $800. (360) 426-6792 evenings. T3/22- 29 1979 MAZDA RX7. Runs, needs work. $600 OBO. (360) 426-0921 leave mes- sage. C3/8tfn 1991 MERCEDES 300E, loaded. Excel- lent condition. Pearl silver/gray leather. Average miles. NADA book $5,425. Asking only $3,995. (360) 280-7751. 13/22-4/12 1984 FORD F250 4x4, diesel, heavy duty, runs good. $2,500 OBO. Call be- fore 8 p.m. (360) 427-5120. N3/22-4/12 1994 MERCEDES $420, low miles, very, very, very clean. $10,500 OBO. (360) 427-4174 leave message. 03/22- 4/12 1994 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille, loaded. Super nice, always garaged. Gets great gas mileage. $5,350. (360) 229-0399. Mc3/29-4/5 1994 FORD Bronco 4x4. V8, automatic, lots of options. See behind Treasures, at 305 W. Railroad. $3,500 OBO. Call (360) 427-3858. T3/8-29 CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1995 MERCURY Cougar XR-7. V8, new brakes, new battery, CD player, power everything. 114,000 miles. $1,800 OBO. (360) 432-1133. Please leave message. K2/22tfn NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta. Runs good, 182,000 miles. Power steering. 8-valve motor. Great 1st car or commuter. $2,000 OBO. (360) 432-7935. L1/25tfn CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call Chris (360) 4.90-0792. D12/14tfn SMALL WANT ADS PACK A BIG PUNCH!  Journal Classifieds Ev "v 426-4412 MSRP $15,g68 Sale Pdce $12,995' Vin # 47CTDDIR237P616688 FINANCING Available on select models TRAVEL TRAILERS 93 SKYLINE LAYTON 2210 RPtO6A SALE $71)1111 01 FLEETWOOD PROWLER 721C RPO59B SALE SLIME 04 NATIONAL SURFSIDE 2326C M131A !LALE S12,9B6 04 FLEETWOOD TERRY 722F RPIO7A SALE $tS,eBS 99 HOLLIDAY RAMBLER ALUM-LITE BP2385 SALE S18,SJB 07 ZEPPELIN 292 P2254A SALE $1111,9116 05 FLEETWOOD PEGASUS 290RLS RP110A SALE S24,MS FIFTH WHEELS 95 SAVANNAH 26 BP2378 SALE S12,StlS 93 SHADOW CRUISER SALE $12,9M CLASS C's & A's 99 BOUNDER 34V E2242A SAL I: SE4,OSB 94 CORONADO 33 P2363A SALE SE3,MB 99 PACE ARROW 35 PEz82A SALE $39,998 04 SUNOVA 27C 12404A SALE $$B,011 ;I n, )ULSBO RV '888"680"0111 19705 Viking Ave NW, Poulsbo, WA All offers sdect fo credit approval PEymerJfs based on Y/  caMI or trade, Plus lx,       1 ct*oG t ruling 0n roval by Itdll'. Terms: 1.8.4f for 168 ms, ; 2.7,9% for 240 ms, Prlcl alKI I   e ,   - daffiry PQ4 ch 1525 to $2,000. *% off RV's MSRP Ixk:€ on selected mode cannot be comtd     (4.,   n for 6 months). **4.99% fnalblg is  aelected utdbJ only, OAC. Avalbde 3/1]07-3/31/07. F amoorlt and trade acid  cotdd izfleot Ilrm/rae/pat. Actual ratml are 7,Dg%-B,9H, I order to qmdtfY, ou must e]e Intefet for  4.  M   of ymt first offer/vt (cams( be ceml w(l 25% off of MBRP or no b  6 Ms).      ( paymetdm} ktlmcest does aocrue end ts ot cidctdeted ito OdverSsed pcices,/UI offms e only valkl wl is      wl iny otfter offers. All units may be differt horn In sltowft a.d are 1 Dilly, The dealer   a     up  1135, Prlces me .st app "k;abte to dealers or resellers. Prlees/offers e Y     at  me of se.   4/7/D7. All Offers are nol valKI o s deab. See dealer for cop dllatl NKS7 Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2007 LAKE LIMERICK, near qew, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, $850 monthly plus de- posit. (360) 277-3474. B3/29-4/19 3 BEDROOM on two lots. $860 monthly. 20 N. Steel Ln. W. (Lake Cushman). Available 4/15. (360) 507-4430. R3/29- 4/5 LARGE ONE bedroom 5th wheel travel trailer, lakefront access, storage, laun- dry room. W/S/G, electricity included. $525 monthly, first/last, $150 deposit. No pets. (360) 426-2907. S3/29tfn UNION: WATERVIEW. 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Finished attic space. All appli- ances. $550, plus $550 security deposit. Shirley, Real Estate USA (360) 427- 4488. R3/29 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $640 monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country set- ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T3/8-29 ALL UTILITIES paid. Studio apartments. Downtown Shelton, handicap accessi- ble. First month rent, plus deposit. (360) 427-4200. F3/8-29 3 BEDROOM house. No pets. $750 .............. monthly, $40 credit check. (206) 818- STUDIO APARTMENT: $460, W/S/G 4489. Mc3/29ffn 3 BEDROOM Twanoh Falls home on Hood Canal with spectacular view of Olympics. 1 car garage with extra-large 2 car carport. Refrigerator, W/D includ- ed. Lofted ceiling with fan. Very large deck. $1,100 per month, first/last and deposit. (360) 275-7060. L3/29-4/19 $525:2 bedroom, 1 bath home in Sho- recrest. Water and sewer included in the rent, wood and electric heat. $500 de- posit. Call Melissa at John L. Scott/SHL. (360) 426-3319. $3/29 LAKELAND - FAIRWAY home. 3 bed- room, 2 bath, all appliances. No pets/ smoking. First/last, $1,150. (360) 710- 8543. P3/29-4/19 HOODSPORT - 3 bedroom, 1 bath house, all appliances, fenced yard, clean, no smoking, $850, (360) 403- 7261 C3/29-4/19 SMALL ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, W/S/G paid. Electric included. Deposit required. $500 monthly. (360) 426-2015. E3/29tfn TIMBERLAKES - 1 bedroom fixer, out- buildings, 2 lots. Lease to own. $795 monthly. (360) 692-4780; (360) 432- 8165; (360) 440-2254. A3/29-4/19 paid. Lawton Apartments, 711 W. Pine Street. (360) 426-0674. P3/15tfn ROOM FOR rent. Private room in shared house. All utilities including digi- tal cable TV, electricity, telephone, W/ S/G, washer/dryer. No drugs or heavy drinking. All for only $375 monthly, $150 deposit. Near Red Apple Grocery. Call (360) 490-4212. A3/15-4/5 SHELTON -4 bedroom, 1.75 bath home near downtown. New kitchen cabinets, carpet. Garage with opener. $1,040. (360) 280-1787 (local call) wa4rent. com. C3/8-29 GREAT LOCATION near Shelton. Se- cluded neighborhood and quiet sur- roundings. 2 bedrooms and large loft. Laundry room, storage, and carport. $950 per month, plus $1,000 deposit. Trash and water paid. $40 non-refund- able application fee. No pets or smok- ing. (360) 426-2720. B3/8-29 WE ARE accepting applications for low income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apart- ments for elderly. Controlled access, minutes from downtown shopping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn STORAGE AVAILABLE. Auto, boat, RV. Low monthly rates. Secure, fenced. 5961 Hwy. 3, Shelton. (360) 426-2907. $10/12 tfn 3 BEDROOM, Lake Limerick, North side. 1.5 bath, garage, washer/dryer, re- frigerator, yard. $950 plus deposit. Call Gateway Property Mgmt, (360) 426- 3988. W3/22-4/12 SHELTON - CUTE 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, woodstove, large fenced yard, convenient location, washer/dryer hook- ups, W/S/G paid, $750 monthly. Refer- ences required. (360) 830-0745. $3/22- 4/12 GATED COMMUNITY LIVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den, spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car garage, large master suite, natural gas forced air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access, RV storage, extra storage units, professionaUy landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000 per month. Call Lake Park LLC for more information 360-462-0171 2 BEDROOM, 5 acres, well. 4 miles out Cloquatlum Road. $895 monthly, first/ last. 1-360-978-5685. $3/22-29 SHARE QUIET country home near She I° ton. Private bedrooms, $335/mo. unfur- nished, $355/mo. furnished per person. Includes all, plus broadband and long distance. Credit check, nonsmoking, deposit, 6 ms. renewable lease. (360) 432-8269 or (360) 870-7506. H3/22" 4/12 OFFICE AND reception area plus seC- ond office for rent. High visibility and am- pie parking. (360) 426-7953. T3/15-4/.5 COMMERCIAL SHOP, close to Olympia near Kamilche. 2 large bays, office, stor- age and bathroom. No charge for sewer or water ($90 value). $650 rent, $650 deposit. Available on short notice. In- vest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.13/29 CLASS A medical space with high visibil- ity on Olympic Highway. 875 sq.ft, com" plete and ready to open practice. Waiting area. Reception area, 2 exam rooms, lab area and private office. Possibility of ad- ditional space if needed. Call (360) 432" 1024 or (360) 239-1714. G3/ltfn .._.....- COMMERCIAL/RETAIL Approximately 1,600 square feet of commercialre" tail space in prime downtown location available at less than 80¢ a square foot. (360) 426-9728. S2/15tfn _____.-- FREE UP your house. Small, afford" able office space available. 343 sq.ft. of newly remodeled space in high traffic location with abundant parking. Olympic Hwy. North, PUD 3 fiber optic Internet access available. Call Mike, (360) 432- 1024. G9/2 ltfn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this news- paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Famil- ial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodi- ans, pregnant women and people secur- ing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly ac- cept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings adver- tised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800- 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is ,=,, ,ou= 1-800-927-9275. 0..0...,. CASH AVAILABLE1 Real Estate or con" tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn C_ommun0000004 Mortgage Cente . Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or Refinance • Fixed and Adjustable Rate Loans • Construction • VA l z)ans • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 " 800-426-5657 294 Olympic Hwy. N. Thank You, Mason County, For A Great 2006! Call Wells Fargo Home Mortgage today- the nation's #1 retail mortgage lender. ' Vickie Nunez Home Mortgage Consultant 360-427-0388 Phone Brenda Thornbrue Home Mortgage Consultant 360-427-0388 Phone Christina Daniels Home Credit Solutions ® Home Mortgage Consultant 360-456-7830 Phone 10,000 POUND mini excavator and operator for hire. 2 hour minimum. No delivery/pick-up fee. Call (360) 432- 3147. E2/24tfn HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn BOATS & MOTORS 2004 LUND aluminum 16', trailer, 25 hp outboard 4 stroke Yamaha, electric start, barely broke in. 4 swivel seats, fish finder, oars. $7,000 firm. (360) 426- 8256. W3/29-4/5 17.5' BAYLINER, 2007, brand new (less than 8 hours). Moving - must sell. Take over payments. (360) 432-9066. Y3/15- 4/5 You're always a WINNER with the great deals found in the Journal Classifieds! TRAVEL VEHICLES 33' HOLIDAY Rambler travel trailer for sale. Needs work. $375 OBO. Call eve- nings (360) 898-3783. J3/29-4/19 SECURITY CAMPER, hydraulic jacks, tie-downs, 3-way lights, furnace, guar- anteed no leaks or rot. Asking price $800. (360) 426-6792 evenings. T3/22- 29 1979 MAZDA RX7. Runs, needs work. $600 OBO. (360) 426-0921 leave mes- sage. C3/8tfn 1991 MERCEDES 300E, loaded. Excel- lent condition. Pearl silver/gray leather. Average miles. NADA book $5,425. Asking only $3,995. (360) 280-7751. 13/22-4/12 1984 FORD F250 4x4, diesel, heavy duty, runs good. $2,500 OBO. Call be- fore 8 p.m. (360) 427-5120. N3/22-4/12 1994 MERCEDES $420, low miles, very, very, very clean. $10,500 OBO. (360) 427-4174 leave message. 03/22- 4/12 1994 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille, loaded. Super nice, always garaged. Gets great gas mileage. $5,350. (360) 229-0399. Mc3/29-4/5 1994 FORD Bronco 4x4. V8, automatic, lots of options. See behind Treasures, at 305 W. Railroad. $3,500 OBO. Call (360) 427-3858. T3/8-29 CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1995 MERCURY Cougar XR-7. V8, new brakes, new battery, CD player, power everything. 114,000 miles. $1,800 OBO. (360) 432-1133. Please leave message. K2/22tfn NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta. Runs good, 182,000 miles. Power steering. 8-valve motor. Great 1st car or commuter. $2,000 OBO. (360) 432-7935. L1/25tfn CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call Chris (360) 4.90-0792. D12/14tfn SMALL WANT ADS PACK A BIG PUNCH!  Journal Classifieds Ev "v 426-4412 MSRP $15,g68 Sale Pdce $12,995' Vin # 47CTDDIR237P616688 FINANCING Available on select models TRAVEL TRAILERS 93 SKYLINE LAYTON 2210 RPtO6A SALE $71)1111 01 FLEETWOOD PROWLER 721C RPO59B SALE SLIME 04 NATIONAL SURFSIDE 2326C M131A !LALE S12,9B6 04 FLEETWOOD TERRY 722F RPIO7A SALE $tS,eBS 99 HOLLIDAY RAMBLER ALUM-LITE BP2385 SALE S18,SJB 07 ZEPPELIN 292 P2254A SALE $1111,9116 05 FLEETWOOD PEGASUS 290RLS RP110A SALE S24,MS FIFTH WHEELS 95 SAVANNAH 26 BP2378 SALE S12,StlS 93 SHADOW CRUISER SALE $12,9M CLASS C's & A's 99 BOUNDER 34V E2242A SAL I: SE4,OSB 94 CORONADO 33 P2363A SALE SE3,MB 99 PACE ARROW 35 PEz82A SALE $39,998 04 SUNOVA 27C 12404A SALE $$B,011 ;I n, )ULSBO RV '888"680"0111 19705 Viking Ave NW, Poulsbo, WA All offers sdect fo credit approval PEymerJfs based on Y/  caMI or trade, Plus lx,       1 ct*oG t ruling 0n roval by Itdll'. Terms: 1.8.4f for 168 ms, ; 2.7,9% for 240 ms, Prlcl alKI I   e ,   - daffiry PQ4 ch 1525 to $2,000. *% off RV's MSRP Ixk:€ on selected mode cannot be comtd     (4.,   n for 6 months). **4.99% fnalblg is  aelected utdbJ only, OAC. Avalbde 3/1]07-3/31/07. F amoorlt and trade acid  cotdd izfleot Ilrm/rae/pat. Actual ratml are 7,Dg%-B,9H, I order to qmdtfY, ou must e]e Intefet for  4.  M   of ymt first offer/vt (cams( be ceml w(l 25% off of MBRP or no b  6 Ms).      ( paymetdm} ktlmcest does aocrue end ts ot cidctdeted ito OdverSsed pcices,/UI offms e only valkl wl is      wl iny otfter offers. All units may be differt horn In sltowft a.d are 1 Dilly, The dealer   a     up  1135, Prlces me .st app "k;abte to dealers or resellers. Prlees/offers e Y     at  me of se.   4/7/D7. All Offers are nol valKI o s deab. See dealer for cop dllatl NKS7 Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2007 LAKE LIMERICK, near qew, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, $850 monthly plus de- posit. (360) 277-3474. B3/29-4/19 3 BEDROOM on two lots. $860 monthly. 20 N. Steel Ln. W. (Lake Cushman). Available 4/15. (360) 507-4430. R3/29- 4/5 LARGE ONE bedroom 5th wheel travel trailer, lakefront access, storage, laun- dry room. W/S/G, electricity included. $525 monthly, first/last, $150 deposit. No pets. (360) 426-2907. S3/29tfn UNION: WATERVIEW. 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Finished attic space. All appli- ances. $550, plus $550 security deposit. Shirley, Real Estate USA (360) 427- 4488. R3/29 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $640 monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country set- ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T3/8-29 ALL UTILITIES paid. Studio apartments. Downtown Shelton, handicap accessi- ble. First month rent, plus deposit. (360) 427-4200. F3/8-29 3 BEDROOM house. No pets. $750 .............. monthly, $40 credit check. (206) 818- STUDIO APARTMENT: $460, W/S/G 4489. Mc3/29ffn 3 BEDROOM Twanoh Falls home on Hood Canal with spectacular view of Olympics. 1 car garage with extra-large 2 car carport. Refrigerator, W/D includ- ed. Lofted ceiling with fan. Very large deck. $1,100 per month, first/last and deposit. (360) 275-7060. L3/29-4/19 $525:2 bedroom, 1 bath home in Sho- recrest. Water and sewer included in the rent, wood and electric heat. $500 de- posit. Call Melissa at John L. Scott/SHL. (360) 426-3319. $3/29 LAKELAND - FAIRWAY home. 3 bed- room, 2 bath, all appliances. No pets/ smoking. First/last, $1,150. (360) 710- 8543. P3/29-4/19 HOODSPORT - 3 bedroom, 1 bath house, all appliances, fenced yard, clean, no smoking, $850, (360) 403- 7261 C3/29-4/19 SMALL ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, W/S/G paid. Electric included. Deposit required. $500 monthly. (360) 426-2015. E3/29tfn TIMBERLAKES - 1 bedroom fixer, out- buildings, 2 lots. Lease to own. $795 monthly. (360) 692-4780; (360) 432- 8165; (360) 440-2254. A3/29-4/19 paid. Lawton Apartments, 711 W. Pine Street. (360) 426-0674. P3/15tfn ROOM FOR rent. Private room in shared house. All utilities including digi- tal cable TV, electricity, telephone, W/ S/G, washer/dryer. No drugs or heavy drinking. All for only $375 monthly, $150 deposit. Near Red Apple Grocery. Call (360) 490-4212. A3/15-4/5 SHELTON -4 bedroom, 1.75 bath home near downtown. New kitchen cabinets, carpet. Garage with opener. $1,040. (360) 280-1787 (local call) wa4rent. com. C3/8-29 GREAT LOCATION near Shelton. Se- cluded neighborhood and quiet sur- roundings. 2 bedrooms and large loft. Laundry room, storage, and carport. $950 per month, plus $1,000 deposit. Trash and water paid. $40 non-refund- able application fee. No pets or smok- ing. (360) 426-2720. B3/8-29 WE ARE accepting applications for low income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apart- ments for elderly. Controlled access, minutes from downtown shopping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn STORAGE AVAILABLE. Auto, boat, RV. Low monthly rates. Secure, fenced. 5961 Hwy. 3, Shelton. (360) 426-2907. $10/12 tfn 3 BEDROOM, Lake Limerick, North side. 1.5 bath, garage, washer/dryer, re- frigerator, yard. $950 plus deposit. Call Gateway Property Mgmt, (360) 426- 3988. W3/22-4/12 SHELTON - CUTE 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, woodstove, large fenced yard, convenient location, washer/dryer hook- ups, W/S/G paid, $750 monthly. Refer- ences required. (360) 830-0745. $3/22- 4/12 GATED COMMUNITY LIVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den, spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car garage, large master suite, natural gas forced air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access, RV storage, extra storage units, professionaUy landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000 per month. Call Lake Park LLC for more information 360-462-0171 2 BEDROOM, 5 acres, well. 4 miles out Cloquatlum Road. $895 monthly, first/ last. 1-360-978-5685. $3/22-29 SHARE QUIET country home near She I° ton. Private bedrooms, $335/mo. unfur- nished, $355/mo. furnished per person. Includes all, plus broadband and long distance. Credit check, nonsmoking, deposit, 6 ms. renewable lease. (360) 432-8269 or (360) 870-7506. H3/22" 4/12 OFFICE AND reception area plus seC- ond office for rent. High visibility and am- pie parking. (360) 426-7953. T3/15-4/.5 COMMERCIAL SHOP, close to Olympia near Kamilche. 2 large bays, office, stor- age and bathroom. No charge for sewer or water ($90 value). $650 rent, $650 deposit. Available on short notice. In- vest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.13/29 CLASS A medical space with high visibil- ity on Olympic Highway. 875 sq.ft, com" plete and ready to open practice. Waiting area. Reception area, 2 exam rooms, lab area and private office. Possibility of ad- ditional space if needed. Call (360) 432" 1024 or (360) 239-1714. G3/ltfn .._.....- COMMERCIAL/RETAIL Approximately 1,600 square feet of commercialre" tail space in prime downtown location available at less than 80¢ a square foot. (360) 426-9728. S2/15tfn _____.-- FREE UP your house. Small, afford" able office space available. 343 sq.ft. of newly remodeled space in high traffic location with abundant parking. Olympic Hwy. North, PUD 3 fiber optic Internet access available. Call Mike, (360) 432- 1024. G9/2 ltfn PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this news- paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer- ence, limitation or discrimination." Famil- ial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodi- ans, pregnant women and people secur- ing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly ac- cept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings adver- tised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800- 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is ,=,, ,ou= 1-800-927-9275. 0..0...,. CASH AVAILABLE1 Real Estate or con" tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn C_ommun0000004 Mortgage Cente . Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or Refinance • Fixed and Adjustable Rate Loans • Construction • VA l z)ans • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 " 800-426-5657 294 Olympic Hwy. N. Thank You, Mason County, For A Great 2006! Call Wells Fargo Home Mortgage today- the nation's #1 retail mortgage lender. ' Vickie Nunez Home Mortgage Consultant 360-427-0388 Phone Brenda Thornbrue Home Mortgage Consultant 360-427-0388 Phone Christina Daniels Home Credit Solutions ® Home Mortgage Consultant 360-456-7830 Phone