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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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m Obituaries Larry DelaForce Longtime Belthir resident Larry DelaForce died February 26 at his home. He was 81. He was born Qctober 4, 1925 in Spokane, Washington, to Hel- len (Jacobson) McArty and John W. Dela- Force and was raised in Mo- koti, North Da- kota, and Port Orchard. He attended South Kitsap High School be- fore joining the Army Air Forces during World War II. Serv- Larry ing from 1944 to DelaForcc 1946 he earned the American Theater Serviceman Medal, the Victory Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Service Medal and the Good Conduct Medal. He was also a student at the University of Washington and Olympic College in Bremerton before going to work at the Puget Sound Naval Ship- yard. In 1951, he married Dorothy I. Anderson in Bremerton. They moved to their home on Hood Ca- nal in Bel/hir in 1957. He retired from the shipyard about ten years ago. He was preceded in death by his sister, Carole Dunstan, of" Seattle. Survivors include his wife Doro- thy; his sister Darla Turner of Las Vegas, Nevada; and tbur nieces and three nephews. A private thmily service was to be held and interment was at Tahoma National Cemetery. Ar- rangements are by Miller-Wood- lawn Funeral Home. Teri Terry Teri Lee Mertes Terry of Bremerton died on Friday, March 16. She was born in Corvallis, Or- egon, to Ray and Lucy Mertes. On June 16, 1973 she mar- ried Roy Terry in Bremerton. Mrs. Terry was employed by the North Mason School District for 16 years and fbcused much of her time on chil- dren with spe- cial needs. She was also employed as a TeriTerry flagger for Local 252 Union. Mrs. Terry was a member of the Denim Dolls drill team and the Harley Hog Motorcycle Club. She loved horseback riding, be- ing a 4-H leader and coaching kids' sports. She took her last horseback ride on Green Mountain on Friday, March 23. She was preceded in death by her son Paul. She is survived by Roy Terry, her husband of 31 years; her son Jason and his wife Tanya; her daughter Wendy; her grandson Paul Kegan; and many other fam- ily members and friends. Memorial services were held last Saturday at Belfair Assembly of God. The family requests that any memorials be made to "C0rey's Day on the Farm," 7249 Roundup Lane NW, Silverdale, 98383, or by calling Coleta Cory at 692-4769. An important legacy Complete obituary information is not only an appropriate tribute to the deceased but a part of his- tory. The Herald provides forms and is happy to print information on the lives of residents and for- mer residents. Please stop by our office in the Log Plaza if we can be of any help. RETIREMENT MAY BE FAR OFE BUT THE APRIL 17 DEADLINE FOR IRA CONTRIBUTIONS ISN'T. If yo,, haw',ft don," so ah'eady, thm'e's still tim,' to n,axi,uize your 2006 IR: contribution. I':en if v,., already have u,, IRA elsewhere, it's easy to transfer to an l'Mwa,'d Jones IRA and b,,gin rc('ei'ving th,, fa,:e-to-face 'i} learn more about the advantages of an Edward .|ones I HA, call or visit today. David M. Hawley Jr. 23781 Itwv. 3, # 101B Bcllair, WA 98528 (360) 275-7177 Member S;PC Edward Jones Attend health forum Editor, The Herald: new and sewarate hospital dmtlct stop this process. I am deeply con- I want to encourage local citi- zens to attend the health care fo- rum on April 14. During the thrum our commu- nity will have an opportunity to learn about Harrison Hospital's very exciting business plan to im- prove our local health care servic- es. The basics of the plan include a local developer building a brand- new clinic that Harrison will staff with new doctors and provide ex- panded services including after- hours urgent care. The plan also includes Mason General eliminating their taxing authority and control over North Mason and the establishment of a with local control over tax rates and the future of local health care. This is the exact plan the commu- nity has been asking for the past 10 years. The details of the plan will be explained during the thrum being held on April 14. This is the most exciting opportunity to im-, prove local health care that I have seen in all my years in Belfair. Ultimately, this improvement in local health care will be measured by the number of lives that will be saved. Sadly, I have already heard half-truths and propaganda from a fbw self-proclaimed experts who are agenda-driven and trying to cerned that this exciting opportu- nity to improve local health will be squashed by a few toxic and nega- tive people broadcasting false, self- serving misinibrmation. If these few people are allowed to continue their propaganda they will do so at the expense of our community's health. The best way to learn about these new opportunities is to at- tend the forum and ask ques- tions. I will be returning home to moderate the event because I am concerned about our community's health. Michael Greene Belfair and Reno, Nevada ANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL 5419 GRAPEVIEW LOOP ROAD R.S.V.P.: [[00]l_00Miller Remodeling Buildin on Your Dreams with Quality and Service • Design/Build • Remodels • Additions • Restorations • Custom Homes 360-275-5702 360-426-2058 Visit tt) read :d)()ur (mr ,’aqt approach • Driveway Gravel Custom • Bark (U-haul) ..... • River Rock • 25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs. • Topsoil • Compost • Cedar and Alder Chips CLOSED SATURDAYS • U-HAUL IT ONLY Volunteers sought for a wide variety of jobs The Retired and Senior Volun- teer Program has several volun- teer opportunities for North Ma- son residents. Anyone interested in helping out can call 360-426- 3405 for infbrmation, referring to the numbers at the end of the items listed below. • Home care assistance: Help the elderly and physically chal- lenged remain independent in their own home by assisting with light housekeeping, yard maintenance, home repairs or transportation to medical appointments. CCS Chore, Services (36339) and Faith in Ac- tion-West Sound (47315). • Gardening or handy work: The tranquil Harmony Hill re- treat center in Union is looking for volunteers to assist two or more hours a week to keep this healing resort beautiful for cancer patient retreats. Gardening (36512) Han- dy Work (36451). • Senior nutrition assistant in Belfair: Help the senior nutrition program staff prepare and clean- up after the Tuesday and Thurs- day senior lunches and home- bound senior meal deliveries at the Mary E. Theler Community Center (47794). • Youth mentor/tutor: Help tu- tor youth in reading, writing and math or teach them new hobby skills at The Boys and Girls Club in North Mason (36533). • Literacy tutors: Tutor North Mason adults in reading, math, and writing, GED or English as a Second Language (ESL) for Mason County Literacy. Past experience as a tutor is not needed. Excellent training is provided (36585). '99 4x4 Bedliner, crewbox CROWN AUTO SALES Next to Shell NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair 360-277-3028 TEP MEETi N GS See Bob, Mark or Jackie '91Supercab [ A/T, 4x2, bedliner, grey THANKS • .’EWAR00AN00 For • 11 • 32-POINT SAFETY CHECK Ye • NO or BAD CREDIT  "OK" • GOOD SELECTION People dealing with alcohol is- sues may note the following meetings. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 42 Old Belfair Highway Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step Study, Legacy Wednesday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big Book study Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m. fbr women, 9 p.m. candlelight. Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30 p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of every month. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Allyn Historic Church  P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza. KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 A section of lhe She#on-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapevlew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.  State Route 3, Allyn Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big Book study Al-Anon 42 Old Belfair Highway Monday: 7:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous Fiesta Restaurant 23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair • Wednesday: 6 p.m. More information on AA is available at 275-9868 or 275- 4395. For AI-Anon, call 275-3833; and for Narcotics Anonymous, call 432-0542 or 731-5051. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 29, 2007 Quality companies at the prices you need! Come in and see Chris Ladner, Artcmia Settle, and our team of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs! A.SoI Arnold & Smith Insurance Agen O, Phone: (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848 11 NE Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528 I M 2( m Obituaries Larry DelaForce Longtime Belthir resident Larry DelaForce died February 26 at his home. He was 81. He was born Qctober 4, 1925 in Spokane, Washington, to Hel- len (Jacobson) McArty and John W. Dela- Force and was raised in Mo- koti, North Da- kota, and Port Orchard. He attended South Kitsap High School be- fore joining the Army Air Forces during World War II. Serv- Larry ing from 1944 to DelaForcc 1946 he earned the American Theater Serviceman Medal, the Victory Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Service Medal and the Good Conduct Medal. He was also a student at the University of Washington and Olympic College in Bremerton before going to work at the Puget Sound Naval Ship- yard. In 1951, he married Dorothy I. Anderson in Bremerton. They moved to their home on Hood Ca- nal in Bel/hir in 1957. He retired from the shipyard about ten years ago. He was preceded in death by his sister, Carole Dunstan, of" Seattle. Survivors include his wife Doro- thy; his sister Darla Turner of Las Vegas, Nevada; and tbur nieces and three nephews. A private thmily service was to be held and interment was at Tahoma National Cemetery. Ar- rangements are by Miller-Wood- lawn Funeral Home. Teri Terry Teri Lee Mertes Terry of Bremerton died on Friday, March 16. She was born in Corvallis, Or- egon, to Ray and Lucy Mertes. On June 16, 1973 she mar- ried Roy Terry in Bremerton. Mrs. Terry was employed by the North Mason School District for 16 years and fbcused much of her time on chil- dren with spe- cial needs. She was also employed as a TeriTerry flagger for Local 252 Union. Mrs. Terry was a member of the Denim Dolls drill team and the Harley Hog Motorcycle Club. She loved horseback riding, be- ing a 4-H leader and coaching kids' sports. She took her last horseback ride on Green Mountain on Friday, March 23. She was preceded in death by her son Paul. She is survived by Roy Terry, her husband of 31 years; her son Jason and his wife Tanya; her daughter Wendy; her grandson Paul Kegan; and many other fam- ily members and friends. Memorial services were held last Saturday at Belfair Assembly of God. The family requests that any memorials be made to "C0rey's Day on the Farm," 7249 Roundup Lane NW, Silverdale, 98383, or by calling Coleta Cory at 692-4769. An important legacy Complete obituary information is not only an appropriate tribute to the deceased but a part of his- tory. The Herald provides forms and is happy to print information on the lives of residents and for- mer residents. Please stop by our office in the Log Plaza if we can be of any help. RETIREMENT MAY BE FAR OFE BUT THE APRIL 17 DEADLINE FOR IRA CONTRIBUTIONS ISN'T. If yo,, haw',ft don," so ah'eady, thm'e's still tim,' to n,axi,uize your 2006 IR: contribution. I':en if v,., already have u,, IRA elsewhere, it's easy to transfer to an l'Mwa,'d Jones IRA and b,,gin rc('ei'ving th,, fa,:e-to-face 'i} learn more about the advantages of an Edward .|ones I HA, call or visit today. David M. Hawley Jr. 23781 Itwv. 3, # 101B Bcllair, WA 98528 (360) 275-7177 Member S;PC Edward Jones Attend health forum Editor, The Herald: new and sewarate hospital dmtlct stop this process. I am deeply con- I want to encourage local citi- zens to attend the health care fo- rum on April 14. During the thrum our commu- nity will have an opportunity to learn about Harrison Hospital's very exciting business plan to im- prove our local health care servic- es. The basics of the plan include a local developer building a brand- new clinic that Harrison will staff with new doctors and provide ex- panded services including after- hours urgent care. The plan also includes Mason General eliminating their taxing authority and control over North Mason and the establishment of a with local control over tax rates and the future of local health care. This is the exact plan the commu- nity has been asking for the past 10 years. The details of the plan will be explained during the thrum being held on April 14. This is the most exciting opportunity to im-, prove local health care that I have seen in all my years in Belfair. Ultimately, this improvement in local health care will be measured by the number of lives that will be saved. Sadly, I have already heard half-truths and propaganda from a fbw self-proclaimed experts who are agenda-driven and trying to cerned that this exciting opportu- nity to improve local health will be squashed by a few toxic and nega- tive people broadcasting false, self- serving misinibrmation. If these few people are allowed to continue their propaganda they will do so at the expense of our community's health. The best way to learn about these new opportunities is to at- tend the forum and ask ques- tions. I will be returning home to moderate the event because I am concerned about our community's health. Michael Greene Belfair and Reno, Nevada ANCHI'S BARK AND GRAVEL 5419 GRAPEVIEW LOOP ROAD R.S.V.P.: [[00]l_00Miller Remodeling Buildin on Your Dreams with Quality and Service • Design/Build • Remodels • Additions • Restorations • Custom Homes 360-275-5702 360-426-2058 Visit tt) read :d)()ur (mr ,’aqt approach • Driveway Gravel Custom • Bark (U-haul) ..... • River Rock • 25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs. • Topsoil • Compost • Cedar and Alder Chips CLOSED SATURDAYS • U-HAUL IT ONLY Volunteers sought for a wide variety of jobs The Retired and Senior Volun- teer Program has several volun- teer opportunities for North Ma- son residents. Anyone interested in helping out can call 360-426- 3405 for infbrmation, referring to the numbers at the end of the items listed below. • Home care assistance: Help the elderly and physically chal- lenged remain independent in their own home by assisting with light housekeeping, yard maintenance, home repairs or transportation to medical appointments. CCS Chore, Services (36339) and Faith in Ac- tion-West Sound (47315). • Gardening or handy work: The tranquil Harmony Hill re- treat center in Union is looking for volunteers to assist two or more hours a week to keep this healing resort beautiful for cancer patient retreats. Gardening (36512) Han- dy Work (36451). • Senior nutrition assistant in Belfair: Help the senior nutrition program staff prepare and clean- up after the Tuesday and Thurs- day senior lunches and home- bound senior meal deliveries at the Mary E. Theler Community Center (47794). • Youth mentor/tutor: Help tu- tor youth in reading, writing and math or teach them new hobby skills at The Boys and Girls Club in North Mason (36533). • Literacy tutors: Tutor North Mason adults in reading, math, and writing, GED or English as a Second Language (ESL) for Mason County Literacy. Past experience as a tutor is not needed. Excellent training is provided (36585). '99 4x4 Bedliner, crewbox CROWN AUTO SALES Next to Shell NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair 360-277-3028 TEP MEETi N GS See Bob, Mark or Jackie '91Supercab [ A/T, 4x2, bedliner, grey THANKS • .’EWAR00AN00 For • 11 • 32-POINT SAFETY CHECK Ye • NO or BAD CREDIT  "OK" • GOOD SELECTION People dealing with alcohol is- sues may note the following meetings. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 42 Old Belfair Highway Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step Study, Legacy Wednesday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big Book study Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m. fbr women, 9 p.m. candlelight. Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30 p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of every month. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Allyn Historic Church  P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza. KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 A section of lhe She#on-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapevlew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.  State Route 3, Allyn Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big Book study Al-Anon 42 Old Belfair Highway Monday: 7:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous Fiesta Restaurant 23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair • Wednesday: 6 p.m. More information on AA is available at 275-9868 or 275- 4395. For AI-Anon, call 275-3833; and for Narcotics Anonymous, call 432-0542 or 731-5051. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 29, 2007 Quality companies at the prices you need! Come in and see Chris Ladner, Artcmia Settle, and our team of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs! A.SoI Arnold & Smith Insurance Agen O, Phone: (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848 11 NE Old Belfair Hwy., Belfair, WA 98528 I M 2(