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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Pioneer Primary School Librarian Deborah Allen buys books for the
school library using money from student fundraising efforts, like the
Box Tops for Education.
Pioneer leads in recycling program
By NATALIEJOHNSON Nationwide, more than 200,000 wrap-
natalie~,masonco~nty~com pers and bags have been kept out of land-
fills through the Cheese Packaging Brigade,
according to a TerraCycle press release.
Pioneer Primary School is small, but its Throughout the brigades, more than two bil-
students are making a big difference through lion pieces of garbage have been kept out of
recycling, the waste stream, the release also stated.
This year, Pioneer Primary School is one While most students at Pioneer Primary
of the top 100 collectors in the country for the participate, it isn't a competition, Martin said.
Kraft Cheese TerraCycle program's Cheese The students work hard to collect the items to
Packaging Brigade, which has 5,000 collect- help their school.
ing organizations nationwide. Students at the school have the option to
Pioneer parent Jennifer Martin brought participate in half a dozen different recycling
the nationalTerraCycle program to the school programs like TerraCycle, Martin said. In
last April. addition to helping with those programs, she
"It started out looking for an earth day proj- also collects Box Tops For Education for the
ect for the Girl Scouts and sort of ballooned," school.
she said. "I basically set it up and run it for Each box top earns the school 10 cents, and
the school." Pioneer Primary gets about $1,000 each year
Now each classroom in the primary school from the program, which it uses to buy books,
has a box designated for TerraCycle items, said school librarian Deborah Allen.
Pioneer Middle School also has a designated "We do not have a budget, have not for
pick-up location for the recyclables. In the years," she said. '%Vithou~]~he box tops w~e
program, Martin said, different recyclables would not be able to buy bool~."
are sorted into "brigades." Allen said she appreciates'how hard Pio-
These brigades can include pens, markers, neer students work to raise money for pro-
cheese or candy wrappers, plastic containers grams at the school. Every time she has the
and more. After the kids collect the recycla- funds to buy a new hardback series, the stu-
bles, Martin picks them up from the school dents get very excited, she said.
and sends them back to Kraft, which sends "It's like I'm showing them gold. It warms
the school money in return, my heart that the kids love these books," Al-
Since last Earth Day, Aprill 22, the pro- len said. "It makes the kids feel really good."
gram has earned $700 for the school, Martin Everett said the funding the TerraCycle
said. Third-grade teacher Karen Everett's program generates helps the school go beyond
class used to throw away used glue-sticks and basic classroom education.
markers but now they can TerraCycle those Sprecifically, the money goes to pay for as-
items, semblies for students. Soon, a ventriloquist
Students can also bring TerraCycle recy- will perform at the school, Everett said.
clables from home to contribute to the pro- "We wouldn't have money to pay for those
gram. things unless there's fundraising," she said.
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Here come the Oysters! And boy are they good.
The public is invited to the dinner. On
the menu is pan fried oysters, ham,
scalloped potatoes, green beans,
salad, rolls & butter, coffee, tea, or
milk, and dessert. Other refreshments
are also available for an additional
charge. The cost is $12 for adults and
$6 for children under 12. Tickets can
be purchased at the door or from
any Yacht Club member. So come
Only improved with Ham!
Shelton Yacht Club members gather
Oysters for this year's Annual Oyster
and Ham Dinner at the Shelton Yacht
Club House at the Shelton Marina.
on down, bring your friends, visit,
and have a great dinner overlooking
Oakland Bay.
This is the Yacht Club's 55t" annual
Oyster and Ham dinner. The proceeds
go to maintain the Yacht Club grounds,
and building. They also host a Special
Peoples party in December with Santa
Claus and gifts for the children.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, March 29, 2012 - Page A-3