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Mason County leaders must keep unemployment in mind
ne year ago the Shelton-
Mason County Journal
penned an editorial taking
the city to task in reaction to 12.4
percent unemployment figures in
Mason County. Today we are still
asking the city to take the same
actions: create tax incentives and
simplify permitting processes.
While we are pleased to see
Mason County's unemployment
rate drop from 12.4 percent to 11.5
percent since last year, our elected i percent drop in unemployment mtmity can support, city and county government can
officials must work together in can make an enormous difference Mason County lost a lot of busi- make it happen by creating the
sending a strong message that in our community but lower un- ness since 2008, but we're encour- tax incentives and simplifying the
Shelton, and Mason County, is employment does not necessarily aged by the new specialty busi- permitting processes that we've
open for business, mean more people are working, nesses selling meat, produce and been asking them to do for a year.
To be fair, the rezone near the There are about 160 fewer em- beer that have opened. We are also Mason County is populated with
fairgrounds is a major step for- ployees in the county this year encouraged that fewer businesses hard-working people looking to
ward and the city staff is to be compared to last year according closed their door over the winter provide a safe, comfortable life for
applauded for the hard work and to the Washington State Employ- as compared to the previous one. our families. Our local government
dedication they put in to make this ment Security Department, and Single digit unemployment leaders have a responsibility to
happen. 11.5 percent unemployment is still and a more robust economy iscreate an environment conducive
We acknowledge that a nearly much higher than any stable com- possible for Mason County. Our to economic growth so we can.
A halfway house and a
Level 3 sex job assomemightsuggest,
brings to mind Charles
offenders Campbell, a rapist, who
had threatened his victim
s h o u I d not with death if she testified
against him, ran from his
work release job, killing her
be released by slitting her throat, her
young daughter's throat
and that of a visiting neigh-
Editor, the Journal bor's. Yes, he was executed
Why is it that Mason by the State of Washington,
County seems to be a Mec- but here innocent lives
ca tbr sex offenders? Why were taken as a result of
is it that level 3 sex of- his release.
fenders that are said to be What is it going to take
highly likely to re-offend, to make changes in the law
are turned loose and al- to safeguard our citizens,
lowed to register as a tran- our children? A Tim Eyman
sient? How often are they initiative? It seems to me,
required to report in and this sort of crime carries
what are they doing and a certain mental disorder
where are they going in and the release of certain
the meantime? Why should mental patients that are
another child, or adult for deemed to be a threat to the
that matter, need to feel community and they are
afraid or suffer from the released with nothing done
acts of these devious peo- to protect the citizens.
ple? Why hasn't a law been So, when do lawmakers
put into place to safeguard wake up, when it happens
us? No housing, no job, no to their families? While we
way of daily tracking. No can't stop all sex crimes, we
release, should certainly be trying
to prevent those that we cept!! Seek a partnership I began looking at the Bel-
know will re-occur, with Kitsap County, take fair sewer issues, I really,
Irene Goldsby the sewer straight up north honestly see glimmers of
Sheltonfrom the treatment plant hope! Keep it up!
and bring it toward the John Gunter
Bremerton airport! Belfair
Here's a And what does Mason
County get for it?
How do we count the Wild
solution "ways? First of all, the poten-
tial for many, many sewer Olympics
Editor, the Journal customers; Second, the
In the end, many mighthuge unmanned territory of
~ m
look back and say, wow!Phase 3in the sewer project ,ampa,gn
Why didn't we pursue this completed and ready for de-
earlier? Truth be told, it velopment; Third, external
was pursued earlier, but money coming into Mason in 5helton
localized business forces ap- County to help pay for the
peared to have shut it down. sewer; Fourth, a move ofEditor, the Journal
But no more! I could see business development away I recently attended a pre-
the spark of brightness in from polluting the Hood sentation by the Wild Olym-
the eyes of each of the three Canal and preparation for pics Campaign here in Shel-
commissioners last night the future Belfair Bypass ton. I am impressed by what
as Steve Bloomfield shared development; Fifth, a rock- I saw and heard. These folks
about his meeting with Dave ing commercial and urbanare working hard to protect
Garland with the Depart- development area in Bel-our rural areas and the
ment of Ecology about the fair and Bremerton exactly natural resources that our
Belfair Sewer. Presto! Mr. where it belongs; and final- economy depends upon.
Garland was elated with ly, commercial property tax As our population grows,
the brilliant solution accord- revenues coming straightprotecting wild areas of
ing to the commissioner. So into the county's veins! How forest and rivers becomes
what is this buzz spreading do we count the ways? more important to preserve
across the peninsula? Thank you commission- our salmon habitat, to en-
What a brilliant con- ers! For the first time since hance recreational access,
and protect our watersheds
that supply cold, clean
water to Puget Sound and
Hood Canal. Mason County
shellfish growers depend on
this clean, cold water.
Mason County gives a
unique experience of forest
and the free flowing South
Fork Skokomish River. I
want my grandchildren to
be able to enjoy the same
experiences that I and other
residents have enjoyed over
the years. I am glad that
Congressman Norm Dicks
and Sen. Patty Murray feel
the same.
To read the report called
"Draft Wild Olympics Pro-
posal would have little
or no impact to timber
industry, but would boost
region's competitive advan-
tages," go to http://
For a list of nearly 150
local business supporters
and others go to wildolym-
Patricia Jerrells
SheltoliMason County ;i
USPS 492-800
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County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584.
Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc.
at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington
Mailing address: P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584
Telephone (360) 426-4412,
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Shelton-Mason County Journal isa member of
Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association.
$37 per year for Mason County addresses,
$51 per year in state of Washington but outside
Mason County, $61 per year out of state.
Owned and published by
Shelton-Mason County Journal, lnc
Kari Sleight, publisherAdvertising:
Dave Pierik, St. Acct. Executive
Newsroom: Harvey Morris, ad representative
Jesse Mullen, editor Sharee Miller, ad representative
Kevan Moore, reporter Front office:
Natalie Johnson, reporter
Emily Hanson, sports reporter Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper
Adam Rudnick, copy editor Margot Brand, circulation
Cricket Carter, mailroom
Composing room:
William Adams, graphics
Becky Corr, typing
Kelly Riordan, production manager
Travis Miller press operator
Page A-4- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 29, 2012