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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 2012
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Found Continued from page A-1 the searching again on Saturday. The investigation did not discover any signs of foul play. Deputies say the incident was simply a father-and-son outing that turned tragic. When the canoe was recovered two life jackets were discovered in the ca- noe. Neither Victim was wearing a life- jacket when they were recovered. Deputies encourage anyone on or near the water to wear life jackets. This is especially necessary for chil- dren whether they can swim on not. Deputies also said the water tem- perature of the lake at the time of the incident was a very cold 40 degrees. The life of anyone falling into the lake when it's that cold would be in danger ff not rescued within a few minutes, officials said. ."We Make House Calls" I i ,m Need a roof? 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Roy Crews require dry weather to pave Weaver Creek Bridge Work halted until temperatures we get a little break it shouldn't take more than a consistently stay above 50 degrees week and a half." The contractor's road crews still have a tempo- By NATALIE JOHNSON department began work re- rary bridge in place to re- , ~u, talie@rnasoncoun( placing the aging Weaver route traffic when the seal- ......................................................................... Creek Bridge, which wasant and asphalt is applied built in 1964, in October to the bridge. The Mason County De- 2011. Once the Weaver Creek partment of Public Works The project is finishing" Bridge is complete, the announced last week that up right on time, Matthews county will move on to the work on the Weaver Creek said. The bridge replace- older Hunter Creek Bridge, Bridge in the Skokomishment project cost $760,000, built in 1956. Valley is nearly complete. 80 percent of which was"That one is now re- However, construction funded by federal moneystricted to one lane, it's crews will be stalled until allocated to Mason County sufficiently deficient," Mat- Mason County gets some from the Washington State thews said. sunny weather, said Brian Department of Transporta- Rotting wood pilings un- Matthews. interim public tion's (WSDOT) Bridge Re- der Hunter Creek Bridge works director for Mason placement Advisory Com-have made its outer edges County. mittee, unstable, he said. "We need a couple of "We estimated it would "It functions just fine if days where the tempera-be done by the end of Feb- you put all the load in the ture stays consistentlyruary and the contractor middle." he said. "If you above 50 degrees," Mat-met its deadline even with kept driving on the outer thews said. rain and a little, snow," he lanes it would rapidly dete- Until the weather is reli- said riorate." ably warmer, construction Waiting for the right Construction on a new crews can't apply a sealant weather to apply the seal- bridge over Hunter Creek to the concrete bridge. Af- ant won't require the coun- should begin in 2013. ter the sealant sets, paving ty commission to approve a The Hunter Creek Bridge crews can lay asphalt down change order on the project, project is also funded by an on the bridge whenever it is or cost the county any extra 80 percent federal grant convenient. Matthews said money, Matthews said. administered through the Construction crews also"By contract we're al- WSDOT Bridge Replace- need to install guardrails lowed to shut down the ment Advisory Committee. along the approach to the project and complete itThe estimated construc- bridge, he said. when we have the right tion cost on this project is The county public worksweather." he said. "Once $1,120,000. years, the population has soared as high as 150 inmates. The sheriffs office uses several Continued from page A-1 strategies to keep under the 104-inmate cap. '~Very often, we overpopulate for a short Overall. state prisons are running at well period and then people are released," Chief over capacity and 6-foot-by-9-foot cells at the Byrd said. "In certain cases, if we have to. Shelton prison, which serves as an intake we have sought permission from the court center for almost every other prison in the to release people early. Also, we rely on ad- state, often house three prisoners at a time. ministrative bookings, where suspects are But things aren't much better at Shel- brought in, fingerprinted and give a promise ton's other detention center - the Mason to appear in court. Now. that's not the case County Jail. when it comes to felonies, DUIs, domestic "It's crowded," said Chief Deputy Dean violence and cases where the person is per- Byrd. "It's not overcrowded, but we are run- ceived to be a threat to the community." nine at or near capacity on a daily basis and But Byrd said that the jail population sometimes over capacity. We don't have any total isn't nearly as concerning as the type breathing room." of people that make up that population and If the local prison is the "Shelton Hotel" the costs to house them. and the jail is the "Shelton Motel," neither "We're housing a lot of people with medi- one have vacancies, cal and mental health issues that are abso- Following budget cuts and a reduction in lutely killing our budget." Byrd said. force in 2008, officials put a 104-inmate cap One inmate in custody for a DUI, for ex- into place at the jail. The jail population on ample, has racked up "tens of thousands of Tuesday morning of this week was 100, but dollars" in medical bills, Byrd said. He said the number is almost always in flux. Offi- another current inmate, who burned down cials also did away with a "direct supervi- her own home, can be found "climbing the sion unit" in 2008 that was a less restrictive walls, yelling and screaming and causing environment where model prisoners could disturbances on a daily basis." be supervised by just one officer. :'It's almost like going into an insane asy- When the jail was built in 1986 it was lum." Byrd said. "In my opinmn, the jail is designed for 45 inmates, but officials subse- not the place to be housing mental health quently went to double bunking. In recent patients." We Like To See you Smile! As parents, we cherish the smiles on the faces of our kids. It makes all our efforts to bring them happiness worthwhile. We feel that way about our patients as well. We want to be sure you have a great experience at our office and we put in extra effort to make sure that happens. No matter what dental care you might need, our goal is to make sure you walk out of our office smiling because ..... we like to see you smile. Steven H. Bowers, DDS, PS ] Cosmetic & Family Dentistry ]t - )_ ]_ 360-426-1664 l l 717 West Railroad Ave, Shelton L Evening appointments available Always Welcoming New Patients Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2012 Ask About The Les Schwab Revolving Credit Plan ~~l SHAUB-ELLISON C0. MORE THAN A TIRE 5TORE • ALIGNMENTS • BRAKES • SHOCKS * BATTERIES * SIPING • WHEELS Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.m.-sat 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (36o) 426-3333 !