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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CALENDAR Friday 6 p.m., Shelton Kings Bingo and Tacos. a fund- ra;ser for the Shelton Kings youth football teams, will be held at Bor- deaux Elementary School. For more information call 507-6361. Saturday 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.. the Pied Piper will be pre- sented at the Shelton High School Auditorium. Tickets are $5 and are available at Sage Book Store and at the door. 7--8:30 p.m., Prostate Cancer Awareness and support group for men and significant others meets in the Skokomish Room, at Mason General Hospital. Contact Bill at 426-2486 for more information. Sunday 10 a.m.-noon, Kidz- town at Olympic Middle School for grades K-6. Crafts, games, breakfast, music, bible lessons, skits and small groups to help your kids get the most out of every weekend. For more information contact Melody at 427-9092 (every Sun- day). Tuesday 7:30 a.m., The Shelton- Mason County Chamber of Commerce Government Af- fairs Committee meets the first Tuesday of the every month at Roosters Restau- rant 3001 Olympic Hwy N, Shelton. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.. Shelton Timberland Li- brary presents The Dragon in Puppet Forest. for chil- dren. Enjoy Acorn & Rose Theater's puppet produc- tion of The Dragon in Pup- pet Forest. and then create your own simple puppet to keep. For children 5-12. but teens and preschoolers ac- companied by parents are welcome. Sponsored by the Friends of the Shelton Tim- berland Library. For more information call 426-1362. 11:30 a.m.. The Shelton Kiwanis Club meets Tues- days at Xinh's Clam & Oys- ter House. Lunch begins at 11:30 a.m, and the program runs from noon until i p.m. Programs cover a variety of topics from nonprofits, governmental entities, and community members. 6:30 p.m., Equestri- enne's of Mason County regular meeting at Lake Limerick Country Club at 790 E St. Andrews Dr. Wednesday 9:30 a.m., The Lewis- Mason-Thurston area Agency on Aging monthly meeting of the Advisory Council will be at 4419 Harrison Ave. NW, Olym- pia, WA 98502 Noon, Mason County Pi- oneers will meet for a lun- cheon at the Shelton Elks Lodge, 741 S.E. Craig Road. Darryl Cleveland will be the program speaker Noon-l:30 p.m., Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents Reading Not Required: A Book Group for Busy People, for adults. Join in a lunchtime book group celebrating the art of the short story. No preparation is necessary -- just show up and listen as librarians read well-crafted short sto- ries aloud, followed by a group discussion of the sto- ries and information about the authors. Arrive and leave as you please. Bring your lunch and a friend. For more information call 426-1362. 1-3 p.m., Support Group for Chronic Pain and Other Invisible disabilities please call for meeting schedule and further information at 742-6566. Meet every other Wednesday at the Mason General Hospital confer- ence room. 3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim- berland Library presents Teen Gaming Lounge. Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and other games, and have refresh- ments with friends. Snacks and supplies provided by the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library. For more information call 426- 1362. 7 p.m., The Mason Coun- ty Sportsman's Association general meeting is held the first Wednesday of each month at the indoor range located at 521 W. Business Park Road (at the Shelton Airport). 7:30 p.m., non-denomi- national, no collections, all welcome, teaching of Je- sus at Evergreen Elemen- tary Library, North Ninth Street. Shelton. Thursday 7:05 a.m.. The Shelton Morning Star Lions Club meeting at the Grill Res- taurant, 116 Railroad Ave. in the Mariano Plaza Suite 100. 10-11 a.m., TOPS meets at the Shelton Christian Church every Thursday. For more information call Ruth at 432-0870. 9 a.m., TOPS #1402 meets every Monday at the Harstine Island Commu- nity Hall, 3371 E. Harstine Island Road N. If you are looking for a support group to Take Off Pounds Sensi- bly, come and join us. More information please contact Marlene at 427-3873. 5:30-6:45 p.m., Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents PageTurners Book Discussion, for adults. Read or listen to "Rabbit, Run" by John Updike and join others in a conversa- tion about the book. Ev- eryone is welcome to join any or all discussions. For more information call 426- 1362. 7-10 p.m. John Lucas and Randy tinder will perform at Taylor Station, Restaurant and Lounge on Thursdays• SENIORCALENDAR Unless otherwise noted, all events take place at the Mason County Senior Activities Center at 826 W. Railroad • Ave: The Shelton senior center hours are from 8 a:m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday. The center's telephone desk (426-7374) is closed for lunch from noon until 12:30p.m. Thursday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga 9-10:30 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 9 a.m.-noon, EZ Crafters 10:30-11:30 a.m., blood pressure checks 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi 9-11 a.m., open line dance 9 a.m,-12:30 p.m, fabric sorting volunteers 11:30 a.m., John & Vern's mu~ic jam Noon lunch Sponsored by M~SAA: Sam's baked potato bar I p.m., MCSAA goes to the movies Saturday 10 a.m., Creative necklaces with Carmen 10 a.m., Intermediate watercolor class 10:45 a.m., Zumba Monday chess Tuesday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga. 9-10:30 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., sewing circle 10:45 a.m. Zumba Class Noon lunch: Swedish meatballs 12:30 p.m., bridge sign up day be- fore 1 p.m., board meeting Wednesday Foot care by appointment 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., AARP tax aide 10:45 a.m., Zumba class 8 a.m, AARP Driver Safety class 9 a.m., beginning line' dancing Noon lunch: lasagna 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi 10 a.m., intermediate/advanced line 12:30 p.m., bridge - sign up the day 9 a.m., beginning line dancing dancing before 10 a.m., intermediate/advanced line 11 a.m., music by Evelyn Trenck- 1 p.m., bingo dancing mann SHELTON OLD TIME FIDDLERS FEST 2 7th Anniversary Celebration April 6-7, 2012 Featuring State & National Champion Fiddlers SHELTON HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM PERFORMANCES FRIDAY EVENING, April 6th .......................... 6:30-9:00 pm SATURDAY AFTERNOON, April 7th .............. 1:30-4:00 pm SATURDAY EVENIN~t~pril 7th .................... 6:30-9:00 Dm !, ADMISSION Adults ................... $12.00 Family Package First Child (under lg),i ................ $10 00 Each Additional ,.1.,.,, .;,,:...$5,00 SPAGHETTI FEED Saturdm ~ School SUB Ticket ............................55.00 Ticket Outlets Shelton: Sage Bookstore ~: Music 6000 Yenney Music Tickets are also available: - At the door each performance D By calling 432-08/,5 2 p.m., treats from the center Noon, lunch: Swedish meatballs Noon, lunch: Swedish meatballs 12:30 p.m., game day 12:30 p.m., game day Friday 1 p.m., pinochle; mahjong; cribbage; 1 p.m., pinochle Come See Our 1st-Run I • M,OVi J CI DIA$ [ Sh library to holEdt [P play " "°°'-"°"' "''°°°'°'°- i Molly Piper's Acorn &welcome, too. The event is who lives alone in Puppet that is both hands-on and B~ O.,ya'4s, e:aSpm II ~2~ Additional Shows i Rose Theater will present free of charge and is spon- Forest. After the play, chil- interactivel The website of I~~ Fri-Sat9:20pm I a puppet play titled "The sored by the Friends of the dren will have the oppor- the puppet theater is http:// - : Dragon in Puppet Forest" Shelton Timberland Li- tunity to create their own' at 11 a.m. on Tuesday at brary, simple puppets to keep. The Shelton Timberland the Shelton Timberland Li- In the play puppets en- Ms. Piper teaches and Libraryis located at 710 W. brary. The presentation is act a treasure bunt with performs live theater arts. Alder St. geared to children ages 5 woodland spies (animals in The goal of the Acorn & For more information, to 12, but younger children nature who watch from hid- Rose Theater is to bring contact the library at 426- are invited if accompanied den places) and a meeting people and stories together 1362 or go to www.TRL. by parents, and teens are with a smelly old dragon with an ancient folk art org. Shelton's Best Kept Secret ursdays in the toun e ewYolk March 29, 2012.7:00- 10:00 p.m. John Lucas April 5, 2012 • 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.. Phil Barnett Amplified - Acoustic Guitar Easy Listening to Classic Rock Bring Your Voice Toot 62 SE Lynch Road I Sh¢lton ~! 426-8501 ) Union: Cameo Boutioue & Wine Shop Online at 3v e-mail at ~(;..q.~.~'~ck.~o!-~ I-he Shelton Old Time Fiddlers Fest is 0resenteu m/and is a benefit for SOCK (Save Our County's Kids) youth 3rograms in Shelton, ~,~y,~'#.,s.g~k,(,E~. Fiddle Fest is oroduced by the Washington Old Time Fiddlers Association. HAIR SALON Appointments ANYTIME just call ahead! Walk-Ins Welcome Open Mon-Sat from 8 'til Late! Ha Hurst, Owner (360) 432-3084 • (360) 640-0292 1623 Railroad Ave. Shelton, WA 98584 Where's The Fun? .......... ln Our ..... To Advertise call 426-4412 Call 426-4412 to subscribe 20]2 Kennedy Dinn Auction i, ii~:i::~!ii :::,:::~gday, :.~ril 1, 2012 Littl6 [i sino & Resort ...... Route Pre-Paid Tickets of 8 Mason C0un e $crais P.O. BOX 1272 98584 or sign up online at Attiditonal tickets available at ~i::id~or for ~75 each 360-427-27 iili!! ili Fro,3/30 - THURS. 4/5 Wrath of the Titans I Gates open at 8:00pro, show at dusk * 5 miles south of Shelton wvvy,'.skylinedrive-in,com • 24-hour phone 426-4707 I[±~ [~N.'W:'Ib'AI/~ [, lq I ~1 ~ ,l ;• • :/;t [ ~ :ll Find it in the classifieds SheltoiiMason County .... Call or email by Monday at 5pm Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2012 - Page B-3