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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 29, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 29, 2012
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SERVICENEWS SHS g training Air Force Airman 1st Class Chaun G. Orr graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included train- ing in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Orr is the son of Gary Orr of Blevins Road North, Shelton. He is a 2005 graduate of Shelton High School. He earned an associate degree in 2008 from Olympic College, Bremerton. A Septic Sense Workshop able feature of every rural Attendees will learn what will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 home. they can do on their own and p.m. on April 17 at the Pioneer The workshop describes when to call in a professional. Intermediate School located at the basic components of sep- Along with a septic main- 611 E. Agate Road in Shelton. tic systems and provides tenance discount coupon, ev- This workshop is intended participants a chance to ask eryone attending will receive to help homeowners avoid questions specific to their own a useful printed manual flushing money down the needs, they can use as a resource at drain. Experts will explain Those attending will re- home. what can be flushed safely, ceive straightforward infor- For information and to reg- how septic systems work and mation to help them maintain ister contact mary.dimatteo@ what to do to protect this valu- their septic systems, or 427-9670 ext. 682. 'All about 9-1-1' topic for April Mason General Hospital meeting Keeping diabetes under control is the best wa:¢ be prepared for a diabetic emergency, and to ad- to prevent a diabetic emergency. Ifa medical crisis dress concerns. were to arise, knowing how to deal with it ahead of The Shelton Diabetes Support Group, affiliated time is essential for the best possible outcome. "All with the American Diabetes Association, meets at About 9-1-1" will be the topic for discussion at the the Hospital: every third Thursday of the month next Mason General Hospital Shelton Diabetes from September to June. It is free and open to Support Group meeting from i to 2 p.m. on April people with type 1 and 2 diabetes, their friends, 19 in the Ellinor Room at the hospital, and family. For more information call Sue Bar- Local firefighter and paramedic, Jess Fulker- wick, R.N., C.D.E. at 427-7332 from Allyn 275- son, will provide valuable information on how to 8614, and ask for the Diabetes Wellness Center. Shelton High School crew gives away helmets Event will take place at skate park The Shelton High School Helmet Crew is hosting a Bike Rodeo and Helmet Giveaway at the Shelton Skate Park for local youth from noon to 4 p.m. on Fri- day. Bike helmets are avail- able first-come, first-served. Education stations, live mnsic, light refreshments and performances by BMX riders are also scheduled. Open for Business April 2, 20112 Cost Effective - Coordinated - Future Focused Fiddle Fest Continued from page B-1 shows each year, along with their older peers, parents and grandparents. "We seem to focus more on the young kids these days but that's how we go on preserving and perpetuating," Farr said. Students at SHS even get involved in the actual produc- tion of the show, she said. "It's the kids that are up there setting our mics for us," she said. "They're back there with the headsets talking with the lighting. The kids are running the show." For more information, call 432-0815. Tickets can be pur- chased via or by email at Harstine ilton, Connie Hawes and Pat Remine for past ser- Continued from page B-1 vices. Donna and Connie served on the original corn- for the big tasting. The regu- mittee that launched this lar meeting will start at 7 wonderful annual event. p.m.. Even if you don't make The committee wants to a chili dish, stop in, meet fel- recognize the continued low islanders and enjoy, support of the Commu- Senior lunch has nity Club, in partnership a new menu out for with Humanities Washing- April. On Wednesday, April ton and the Washington 4 they will be serving up State Legislature, for host- baked chicken, mashed pota- ing unique cultural enrich- toes with gravy, green beans merit programs, which have and Jell-O with whipped been open and free to all. cream. Then two weeks Lastly, kudos to the eommu- later on the April 18, you nity, which has continued to can look forward to taco support the series with the lasagna, green salad and donations that have kept the sherbet. These lunches are program self-supporting and open to all over 50 and their the communities splendid guests. The hall gets packed attendance. with some 100 people show- The Pioneer Kiwanis Crab ing up sometimes, so you and Clam Dinner was a suc- might want to get there a cess -- thanks to all who little before noon. For being attended. The food is always served this great food all great and there is lots of that is asked is a small dona- excitement during the live tion of $3. auction. The dinner will be The Harstine Island around the same time next Community Club thanks year, so mark your calendar profusely all the volunteers now. who have worked over the Donna Dowdney, of Harst- past few months to bring ine Island, will be one of the our fourth season of Inquir- exhibitors at the Gail Harker ing Minds to Mason Coun- Creative Studies Center in ty. Many hands make light La Conner. She would like work so, special recoguition to invite islanders to see her to Brenda and Dan Stain- art. Her projects present her brook and Carol and Bill work on two themes: Varia- Bush for managing the hall; tions on the Dance of Life Judie Schaaf and new com- and Fractals. Her designs mittee members Gary and explode, implode, encircle, Mary Sue Steinman for flyer spiral, branch and wander and brochure distribution; through space. Bill Burrows for Power She has worked to de- Point support and brochure 'velop fractal designs on design. Also, April Hansen, her computers for several Billie and Lynn Fish, Hosts; years. Fractals are complex Mike Plomski and Jeff geometric designs gener- Roberge, sound (a work in ated through mathematical progress); and Arlen Mor- formulas. You are invited to ris, Chair, administration attend the exhibition from and promotion. They want 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 14 also to thank Donna Ham- and 15. PUD 3 is pleased to announce that April 2 will be the first official day of business at the new operations center at 2621 E Johns Prairie Road The energy efficient facility provides for improved customer service; more efficient management of utility functions; lower cost of operations over the long term; and additional office space that will allow for continued customer-centered service for the next 50 years or longer. To enhance customer convenience, PUD 3 has a pay center in downtown Shelton .... .... . at 310 West Cota Street. The changes ...... will not affect the services available at PUD 3's Belfair office. During the month of March, PUD 3 departments such as engineering, energy conservation, and telecommunications will be moving to the new facility. Prior to April 2, customers may want to contact the PUD to coordinate business they may have with staff. Mason County PUD No. 3 - Clean, Renewable Energy Every Day Main Shelton Office - 2621 E Johns Prairie Road, Shelton, WA Shelton Payment Center- 310 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA Belfair Office - 21341 E State Route 3, Belfair, WA Shelton (360) 426-8255 - Belfair (360) 275-2833 - Elma (360) 861-4247 Outage Line (360) 432-1533 Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 29, 2012 - Page B-5