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Charmaine Lucille ~ her dogs,
Wilson ~ and help-
Charmaine Lucille ing other
Wilson, 75, died Thurs- people.
day, March 22, at Shelton Her
Health and Rehabilitation son Paul
Center surrounded by her Wilson;
family. She was a resident daughter
of Lake Limerick for 40 Carmel
years. More-
She was born on April Charmaine house;
21, 1936 in Upland, Ind. to Wilson grandchil-
Ralph and Anna Goodwin. dren Ryan
Following school she served Taylor,
in the Air Force. David Wilson and Tara
She was an Avon Lady Vander Pas and great
for many years and en- grandchildren Ian Ander-
joyed serving all of her son and Ava Taylor survive
many customers in the her.
area. She was an active There will be a private
member of the Lake Lim- family celebration of her
crick Country Club. Her life.
interests included crochet- Memorial donations may
ing, (making items for chil- be made to Adopt-A-Pet
dren through the Mason at 940 E. Jensen Road,
County Food Bank), jigsaw Shelton, WA 98584 or
puzzles, collecting, garage Kitten Rescue at 420 S.E:
sales and RVing. She en- State Route 3, Shelton, WA
joyed animals, especially 98584.
James A. Murdock
Shelton resident James A. Murdock
died Thursday, March 15, 2012 in
Olympia, WA. He was 84 years of
age. James was born in Carbonado,
WA to George H. and Daisy L. (Carl)
He served in the United States Army
from January 9, 1946 to December 23,
1948. He held the rank of Private 1st
Class and ws an M-1 rifle marksman.
He married Dolores (Cornelius) Murdock in Seattle, WA on
September 18, 1965.
James was a real estate agent in Belfalr, Allyn, Vashon Island, and
Shelton for many years.
His interests included hunting, fishing, and gardening. James was
a family man.
He is survived by his wife Dolores Murdock of Shelton, WA; son
Wayne Curtis Sandvig of Auburn, WA; daughters Linda Piersee
of Portland, OR, and Sandra Kelloniemi of Kirkland, WA; sister
Joyce Thornberg (Bob Kunkracik) of Naselle, WA; sisters-in-law
Mary Jane Murdock of Palm Springs, CA, and Doreen Mathews
of Portland, WA as well as numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by sons Warren Sandvig (2009) and
Jeffrey Sandvig (2009), and brother Bill Murdock (2010).
He will be interred at Tahoma National Cemetery in Kent, WA.
Services were held Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.
Arrangements by McComb Funeral Home, Shelton, WA.
For your convenience, online condolences may be sent to the
family at our website:
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Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
Aria Cruz Casauay from 1979-1991. He was
Ana Cruz Casauay, 79, a member of the internal
died Sunday, March 25, at consultant group known as
Shelton Health and Reha- Operations Improvement
bilitation in Shelton. She that was charged with seek-
was a resident of Union. ing out ways to improve the
She was born Aug. 19, productivity, safety, and
1932, to Teodoro Cruz and quality of all the Simpson
Trinidad (Mesa) Cruz in Timber Co.'s operations--
Ordot, Guam. including its plastic pipe
She married Mike division and its paper man-
Casauay in 1950 in Ordot, ufacturing division.
Guam. He founded Read Right
She was an attendant in Systems, Inc. in 1991. Since
the healthcare field, that time, the company
She enjoyed gardening, has established reading
flowers, plants and fruits, intervention projects in 44
Her family stated that she states, Canada, and China
had a green thumb and and has served more than
could make anything grow. 90,000 students.
She enjoyed making floral He co-founded and
arrangements. She was served as the President of
Catholic and volunteered The Literacy Alliance, a
many hours to help the non-profit charity, steps are
church, being taken to rename it to
She is survived by her Lee Gilles Foundation for
daughter Arleen Pruyne of Literacy.
Union; son Michael Casa- He enjoyed music and his
uay of Spanaway; sisters family said he had a beauti-
Delores C. Root of Uvalde, ful voice.
Texas, Josephine C. Pedro He is survived by his
of Oahu, Hawaii and Su- wife Dee; brothers Floyd
sic C. Pon Cavage of San Gilles (Barbara) and Pete
Diego, Calif.; six grandchil- Gilles; children Steve, Greg
dren; nine great-grandchil- (Rodica) and Laura Ford
dren and three great-great- (Stu); seven +grandchildren;
grandchildren, two stepsons, Shane Tad-
She was preceded in lock and Kyle Tadlock and
death by her parents, hus- numerous nieces and neph-
band and brothers Jose, ews.
Macario, Teddy and Jesus. A remembrance gath-
A funeral service will be ering will be held at 4:15
held at noon, with a view- p.m. for an opportunity to
ing at 10 a.m. on Wednes- mingle and socialize with
day, April 4, at St. Edwards the service at 5:15 p.m. on
Catholic Church, 601 W. C Saturday, March 31, at
St., Shelton. Father Ronald the Shelton Civic Center,
Belisle will officiate. 525 W. Cota St. in Shelton.
Forest Funeral Home of Memorial donations can
Shelton is handling the ar- be made to The Lee Gilles
rangements. Foundation for Literacy. All
funds will go entirely to the
Leon (Lee) Gilles non-profit effort. Contribu-
Leon (Lee) Ora Gilles, tions may be sent to The
73, died Saturday, March Lee Gilles Foundation for
10, in Savannah, Ga. Literacy, 310B W. Birch St.,
He was born on July 29, Shelton, WA 98584.
1938, to Harry Edmund
Gilles and Hazel Lamp Megan Rose Grey
Gilles in Elgin, Ill. Megan Rose Grey, 18,
He attended Northwest- died Wednesday, March 14,
ern University, graduating at Mason General Hospital
in industrial engineering, in Shelton.
and then went to Stanford She was
University where he com- ~ born Oct.
pleted a Master's in Busi- @ 20, 1993,
ness Administration (MBA). at Mason
He joined the Peace Corps, General
serving in Liberia, Africa Hospital
for two years as middle in Shelton
managers for the govern- to Fredric
ment in Monrovia. Grey and
He married Barbara Ray Yvonne
in Liberia in 1964. they Megan Groenhui-
were married for 24 years. Grey zen.
He married Dee Tadlock in She
1995. was ac-
He worked for Simp- tive in Shelton Schools
son Timber Co. in Shelton and was attending the
Life Learning program at
Olympic College as a joint
venture with Shelton High
She enjoyed work-
ing with special needs
students at Evergreen
Elementary and Olympic
Middle School. She was
a center for her Special
Olympics basketball team
and her family shared
she was proud of beating
the Shelton High School
staff in their yearly wrap
up of the season on Feb.
23. She participated in
youth group at Shelton
Christian Church and
enjoyed listening to Celtic
Thunder or the Jonas
She is survived by her
sister Christine Borden
(Jered), nieces and nephews
Jocelyn, Robert and Maver-
ick Borden and aunt Dina
She was preceded in •
death by her parents,
brother Robert and grand-
parents Cora and Dirk
Memorial services were
held on Wednesday, March
Wanda A. Hardie
Wanda A. Hardie, 63,
died Friday, March 23, at
her home in Shelton.
She was born on May 9,
1948 in Wenatchee to Dan
and Myneta Clement.
She graduated in 1967
from North Thurston High
David J.
on Nov.
10, 1978,
in Lake
Nev. She
Wanda " was previ-
Hardie ously mar-
ried, that
ended in divorce.
She worked for Wash-
ington State Department
of Labor and Industries
and retired to become a
stay-at-home mom and a
bookkeeper for her hus-
band's business, Dave's
Construction and Con-
She enjoyed bowling,
spending time with her
children and grandchil-
dren and collecting light-
She is survived by her
husband David J. Har-
• die; sons Todd F. Frost
(Brenda) and Jeffrey D.
Frost (Jeanine); step-sons
Dale V. Hardie, Darren J.
Hardie and Dean E. Har-
die (Leah) all of Shelton;
mother Myneta Clement
of Lacey and brothers
Mike Clement (Kari) of
Tumwater, Creed Clem-
ent (Sandy) of Olympia,
Steven Clement (Diane)
of Olympia, John Clement
(Colleen) of Tumwater, Co-
rey Clement of Shelton and
Randy Clement of Lacey
and several grandchildren
and great-grandchildren
and numerous nieces and
Her father Dan Clem-
ent and grandson Andrew
James Frost preceded her
in death.
Memorial donations can
be made ro Providence Hos-
pice in her name.
Freda Gynhild
Freda Gynhild (Paasila)
Hendrickson, 89, died
Wednesday March 21, in
Vancouver, Wash. She lived
most of her life in Aberdeen
before spending her later
years at Mason Lake and
Shelton. The last year of
her life was spent in Van-
She was born in 1923,
in Nedervetil, Finland, to
Ture and
~~ Cecilia
ated from
wax High
School in
Freda She
Hendrickson married
Otto Hen-
drickson in 1945. They were
married 63 years.
She worked as a Rosie
the Riveter sanding tent
poles for the U.S. Govern-
ment during WWII.
She also worked at a
chair factory and as a seam-
She was an active mem-
ber of the United Finnish
Kaleva Brothers and Sis-
ters Lodge 9, serving in
all capacities. She enjoyed
her years with her fellow
sisters in the Kaleva Girls
She was an active
member who frequently
helped organize many
Finnish celebrations with
food, music, crafts and
other traditional aspects of
Finnish culture.
She attended Trinity Lu-
theran Church. She enjoyed
singing in the choir, music
was her family said was a
self-taught musician who
learned violin, harmonica,
accordion, organ and could
always tap out a melody
on the piano. She enjoyed
dancing many polkas,
schottisches and waltzes.
She was a regular con-
tributor to the Finnish Vel-
ljeysviesti Newsletter and
enjoyed painting, bead-
work, stamping and other
newfound craft ideas.
She is survived by her
children Karen (Hendrick-
son) Hansen of Puyallup
and Daniel Hendrickson of
Vancouver; grandchildren
Gina, Troy, Hilary, Angela,
Erik and Darren and four
great-grand.children Hai-
ley, Hanna, Arabella and
A funeral service will be
held at 11 a.m., Saturday
at Harrison Family Mortu-
ary; 311 W. Market St., Ab-
erdeen, WA 98520 followed
by a graveside service at
Fern Hill Cemetery. A re-
ception will be held directly
following the graveside
service, at the Aberdeen
Museum of History; 111 E.
Third St., Aberdeen, WA
98520. Remembrances in
Freda's name can be made
to the UFKB&S Scholar-
ship Fund at PO Box 546,
Montesano, WA 98563.
To sign the online book of
memories please visit www.
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