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Lady Highclimbers play at Gig Harbor today
By EMILYItANSON O n low (Walker) both tired
emily@masoneou~ty.eom ~ Monday, hard but were short of win-
the Lady ning."
H i g h - Ly played on the No. 2
The Shelton girls' tennis c 1 i m b e r s doubles team with Desirae
team lost one match and won defeated Klokkevold. Ly said she
one match in the last week. C e n t r a 1 thought the doubles teams
On March 22, the Lady K i t s a p played well against Central
Highclimbers lost at Yelm 3-2. Kitsap.
5-0. " T h e "We did well in commu-
"There were a lot of close Yemas t e a m nication and consistency
matches," Shelton assistant Ly p 1 a y e d with forehands and served
tennis coach Dann Gagnon very well," better," she said.
said. "Yelm got an exchange G a g n o n The Lady Highclimbers'
student (Ester Hotova from said "CentralKitsap is next match is at 3:30 p.m.
Slovakia) that will definite- like us, a nonclub-playing today at Gig Harbor.
ly be seeded." school." "I think we'll do fine." Ly
He said that when a Shelton won all threesaid. "It won't be easy but I
team has a number one doubles matches and lostthink we can win."
player like Yelm's exchange the two singles matches.She said she thinks this
student, that helps the en- "I think the varsity will be a good season for
tire team, since the player played well." sophomore Shelton.
who would normally play at Yemas Ly said. "Our sin-"We have a lot of young
No. 1 singles shifted down gles struggled a little bit. people but it'll be good," she
toNo. 2 singles and so forth. Rebecca (Dicksom and Wi]- said.
iShelton: at: Yelm
Shelton vs.:Central
~a~h 22 ........ Monday
iNb~l Singles -- Willow Walker lost 0-6. No. 1 singles ~ Will0~:Walker:t6st 0-6,
0~6::: 0-6
:~!2:~gles ~ Rebecca Dickson lost 4,6, No,2 singles ~iRebecca Dicks6nlostO~6,
:~6: 2-6 ....
~:::I doubles ~ Allis0n Hunter and De~ No. 1 doubles -- C]~a Robbins;and::~;
~i~::~6~ke+Coid los~ 2~6, 4-6 lison Huntef:w0h 6~0, 6~2
N~::2::doubles ~ Clara Robbins and
Yem~s t~y ]oSt~ 4~6; 4.6
NO: :: :3 : doubles - Serena Ranney and No. 3 doubles ~ Serena R~ney and
~!~!~ : ylost 3-6, 4-6 Meghan Ranney w0a 6~0, 6-0
Crystal Arellano carries the ball for the Shelton girls' rugby
during its game against Kent on Sunday.
Courtesy of Chris Nesmith
15s team
Kent shuts out Shelton girls' rugby
By EMILY HANSON brook, the number one team in the nation,"
emi!y~masoncou~#y,~om, Nesmith said.
................................................................................... He said the Shelton girls kept Kent un-
der pressure that Kent is not used to seeing
The Shelton girls' rugby 15s team had a in Washington state.
tough gamelastweekend. "Normally, Kent pulls their starting
On Sunday, Kent shut out the girls 31-0. side at the end of the first half," Nesmith
"The girls played well against fifth-in- said. "Because of the pressure they were
the-nation Kent," Shelton head girls' rugby put under from Shelton, they needed to
coach Chris Nesmith said. "Kent has not keep the game up at a high level. The Shel-
had as tough of a match in Washington ton girls are back to finding their stride at
state since their inception in 1991." a national level game and are preparing
He said that Kent was the first girls' rug- for their match against Rainier Plateau on
by team in the United States. Sunday."
"They are a very experienced side, re- The team is set to play at 1 p.m. Sunday
cently returning from an international tour- at Oakland Bay Junior High against Rain-
nament in California where they beat Fall- ier Plateau.
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The dental team of Richard Downing, DDS
proudly welcomes the addition of
rgilI, DMD
Dr. Cargill, a Shelton native, graduated
from dental school at Boston University. He
is a licensed general dentist. He graduated
from Shelton High School in 2002, then
earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology
from the University of Washington in 2006
Prior to attending dental school, Zach
worked for a year in construction with his
dad's company. He and his wife Margie
(who is also from here) are the proud
parents of Leif, who was born on January
the tenth this year.
Zachary Cargill, DMD
General Dentistry
r FREE Whitening 1 ' New Patient Special
I for LIFE* II SnnO0 Cleaning, I
for Active & New Patients ............. , Exam & X-rays ...... > .....
Richard C. Downing, DDS
t626 Olympic Highway N° ® S helmn
o CareCredit" * C'haseHea~D'tdvar.,~<
(360) 426-4712 *
Here come the Oysters/And boy are they good!
Only improved with Ham/
Shelton Yacht Club members gather
Oysters for this year's Annual Oyster
and Ham Dinner at the Shelton Yacht
Club House at the Shelton Marina.
The public is invited to the dinner. On
the menu is pan fried oysters, ham,
scalloped potatoes, green beans,
salad, rolls & butter, coffee, tea, or
milk, and dessert. Other refreshments
are also available for an additional
charge. The cost is $12 for adults and
$6 for children under 12. Tickets can
be purchased at the door or from
any Yacht Club member. So come
on down, bring your friends, visit,
and have a great dinner overlooking
Oakland Bay.
This is the Yacht Club's 55t" annual
Oyster and Ham dinner. The proceeds
goto maintain the Yacht Club grounds,
and building. They also host a Special
Peoples party in December with Santa
Claus and gifts for the children.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2012 - Pac e C-3