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Shelton senior Colton Twiddy hits the ball against
Olympia during
the Highclimbers' home game on Friday.
Journal ~hotos by Emi
Shelton baseball team needs to build confidence in skills
By EMILY HANSON ~ "Our bats start- "Five errors in the field hurt," Eng-
e.mi~y(~?ma~o~,co~n~y.con~ ~ ed rolling," Eng- strom said. "We came back and shut
• :--____-----:::::::::::::::_---:---:::::---: strom said. "It was them down the rest of the game."
a close game. If we Junior Thomas Gettle led the
The Shelton baseball team lost would've played the Highclimber effort, hitting 2-3 with
five more games last week. way we're capable two doubles and three RBI. Senior
On March 21, the Highclimbers of, we could've won Curtis Wuestner hit 1-3 while se-
(0-7) lost to Olympia 14-0. MONDAY: it." nior Patrick Fabrizio hit 1-4, senior
The Highclimbers then lost at C. Kitsap ..... 11 Finally, on Mon- Colton Twiddy hit 1-3, senior Forrest
home on March 22 to Bellarmine Shelton .......... 6 day, the Highclimb- Puterbaugh hit 1-1 with one RBI and
11-1 and to Olympia on Friday 7-1. ers lost at home to Austin Wells hit 1-2 with two RBI.
"We showed up to those three TOMORROW: Central Kitsap 11-6. "Wells made a catch at the out-
games but we weren't ready to play," Shelton at "Monday was ab- side of the warning track on a deep
Shelton head baseball coach ErikYelm, 4 p.m. solutely outstand-fly ball and caught it at the fence,"
Engstrom said. "Our pitching was ing for the first and Engstrom said.
substandard." second innings," If the weather cooperates, the
He said the other teams were able Engstrom said."Our pitching fell Highclimbers are scheduled to play
to get some good hits in while the apart in the third inning after five er- at 4 p.m. today at Yelm High School.
Highclimbers weren't locating their rors in the outfield. They scored nine "Our outfield needs to see more
pitches and were leaving everything runs on us with three pitchers in the balls off the bat," Engstrom said. "As
up in the zone. third." a whole, the varsity needs to develop
"We hit routine ground balls andDespite the disastrous third in-more confidence."
fly balls," Engstrom said. ning, the Highclimbers played Cen- He said the hitting and pitching
On Saturday, the Highclimbers tral Kitsap close with SHS achieving for the team has already begun to
lost to Capital 6-5. seven hits and CKHS getting improvement.
senior Joe
during the
home game
on Friday.
Kentucky favored as NCAA champions by newsroom staff
I think it's safe to say that a good ma- feel pretty confident inFor the rest of us, if Kentucky doesn't defeated Ohio State earlier this season.
jority of people who have filled out~ my choice, make it to the championship round, the Rudnick switched from UNC to Ohio
brackets for the 2012 NCAA March ~ Reporter Kevan Moore bracket's going to bite, because Johnson State saying: "I like their big men" but
Madness tournament aren't too happy picked Michigan State to and I both have UNC getting that farchose Kentucky to win.
right now. win, which is unfortunate while Mullen has Syracruse, a team that Instead of UNC making it to the cham-
Here in the Shelton-Mason County for him, since they lost to lost in the regional finals to Ohio.pionship round, I'm switching to Ohio
Journal newsroom, we still have a sense Louisiville in the regional Earlier this week, I gave everybody State, since Rudnick knows much more
of humor about the whole thing, despite semifinals. Moore picked the chance to change one championship about college basketball than I do.
the fact that none of us picked the right Kansas to make it to the team to somebody who made the final Regardless of who we -- and everybody
final four teams. By EMILY championship round, sofour. else taking part in the fun -- have chosen
As many of you know by now, the final HANSON he'll still have the chance Johnson revised her championship for the final four, the games will still be
four teams are Kentucky, Lousiville, Kan- to get points there, teams, replacing UNC with Ohio Stateplayed.
sas and Ohio State. Copy editor Adam because she originally thought Ohio State For the national semifinals, Louisville
Most o~ the newsroom staff -- Shelton Rudnick picked UNC to win, but they lost would make it further than Kansas. and Kentucky face off at 3:09 p.m. on Sat-
reporter Natalie Johnson, editor Jesse in the regional finals to Kansas. Rudnick Mullen replaced Syracuse with Kansasurday while Ohio State and Kansas play
Mullen and myself -- have Kentucky to chose Kentucky to make it to the champi- for the championship round. He said he at 5:49 p.m. Both games will air on CBS.
win and since they're the only number onship round so he'll also have the chance thinks Kansas will defeat Ohio State in The national championship game is set
one seed to make it to the final four, I still to get some points in the finals, the national semifinals because Kansas to air at 6 p.m. on Monday on CBS.
Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 29, 2012