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March 29, 2012 |
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Shelton senior Sara Minighin flies over a hurdle
Minighin took third place with a time of 19.72.
Journal photos by Emily Hanson
during the 100-meter hurdles event at the Highclimbers' home meet against Gig Harbor on Friday•
By EMILY HANSON "Nathan has worked really hard in "Every day, the kids are getting the offseason and it's really showing," better and more confident," Sells said.
........................................................ Sells said. "His training partner, soph- "I'm seeing a lot of kids discover their
omore Cody Williamson, is also doing capabilities, some things they had no
Both the Shelton boys' and girls' very well. Cody placed second the 1600 idea they could do."
track teams lost to Gig Harbor at a meter against a very strong Gig Har- The Highclimbers have two meets
home meet on Friday. bor field." this week. The first is at 3:30 p.m. Fri-
Gig Harbor defeated the boys' team Sells said senior Indi Endicott had day in Shelton against Central Kitsap.
87-48 and the girls' team 97-52 in the an outstanding meet Friday. The second is a relay meet at 1 p.m.
Highclimbers' first dual meet of the "Indi won the 300 meter hurdles, Saturday in Shelton.
season, won the javelin beating his personal "I am really excited for Friday
"I was very pleased with how therecord by 10 feet, placed second in the against Central Kitsap," Sells said.
meet went on Friday," Shelton head high jump and third in the 110 me- "We are two very well-matched teams
track coach Doug Sells said. "Despite ter hurdles," Sells said. "Indi is a big so a team win in this meet is very
large numbers on the Gig Harbor side, point-scorer for the team. He is very possible. Everyone is now starting to
Shelton held their own and had a lot versatile which means we can place settle into the events they are comfort-
of good performances. Many races you him in the events we need him in to able in and they are producing very
would see a flood of blue uniforms for score team points." exciting results."
Gig Harbor and just one or two red Friday was the debut of the Shelton The relay meet on Saturday is the
Shelton uniforms sticking out." spript relay teams, first time Shelton has hosted such a
Sells said he has seen some very~'~]~oth our girls and boys 400 me- meet.
nice and surprising performances from ter relay teams won their event and "This is going to be a very fun
individual athletes so far this season, completed their first race in smooth meet for everyone," Sells said. "Eight
"Senior Nathan Morgan showed fashion," Sells said. "I wanted them to teams will be attending and each
massive improvement, winning thehave clean hand-offs and to get the ba- field event is held as a relay event.
3200 meter with a very big personal ton around the track without dropping This means that three athletes from
record," Sells said. it, which they did." "each school get to compete and corn-
Morgan's PR for the 3200 in 2011He said there are a lot of positive bine their scores for the win. We will
was 11:14.30. On Friday, he finished things happening with the track team also have many running relays on
the event with a time of 10:26.32. at this early point in the season, the track."
Shelton senior Lolly Jones hurls the shot•
Jones took first place with a throwing distance
of o4,o,,
t~ O •
Chris Frost
spins to
throw his
discus. Frost
took 12th
place with a
distance of
Page C.8. Shelton,Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 29, 2012