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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. ME OWNERSHIP Deserves the Best Financing When you choose "the best of everything" for your new home, be sure your home fi- nancing plan is best for yOu. We can work out a plan to fit your needs• Let's talk it over• @ County Federal & Loan Association Icurity Bldg., Olympia, Wash. D I R ECTOR$ I, 8EARS K.L. PARTLOW DPIA-{ V. BRIDENSTINE FRED HOLM H.C. BRODIE THINGS AS THEY SEEM {Contilllled I"rom ]'age One) viollS ilff;til':;, aIl(I .'tmlethillg thai: (vel'y citizen will be proud to liave ontsi(lers exl)erience. The, iageani, the staging arm theme of! which htls low passed through preliminary plans will be an out- stranding event; while the parade lind the woo(h contests will sur- pass anything previously shown here. The dates of tile Anrmal Ma- son County Fore:;t Festival, the conllltlnity's occasion of putting its best foot forward, should bring lmndreds of visitols here and the program arranged for public pre- sentation is l)romised will amply repay them for comilg. e A r,cent letter to th( "Forunl" of The Joku'nal asks ]V[ason County people to kindly refrain I'FOln nlal'l'illg the beauty of OIlI' comlil'yside and the scenic gran- denr of our natural olitdoor at- tractions by Lhe dumping of waste matter and garbage ahmg rural roadsides, creating an eyesore that detracts from tile glory of OIlr greatest lla t Lll'al at.traction. l?imughtless I)eOtde resort to this method of disposing refuse and o t h e r unsightly rnaLerials of waste. Visitors, driving over our rm'al highways, viewing the many wonders of view over mountain and wooded scenes cannot help but have a poor estimation of the civic (:Ollsciotlsness of some of OUr residents as they come to unsight- ly mounds of garbage, tin cans and other castoffs which have been deposited at roadside. The (orrespondent's motto of "Let's Keep Washington Green a n d Clean," seems to be a good on. The University of Washington has one of the leading Oceanog- raphic laboratories of the world located on a 480-acre tract on San Juan Island. Do you like our poetry? We think it smacks of corn But when it comes to our new car We sure can blow our horn. It's full of zip, it's full of umph It's ultra ! ultra! Wow! You should come in and have a ride Why not do it now ? SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL [ ..... KIWANIANS HOST TO RAYMOND CLUB AT TUESDAY LUNCH Member: of the l,aymond Ki- wanis Club, headed by their presi- dent Harold Perkins, participated in an inter-club sesson with Shelton Kiwanians aL the regular weekly Memorial hall hmcheon sessiol Tuesday. The erltertain-: merit and program was provided by the visitors. Several delightful wmal selec- tions were given by Mrs. Vernal Jacobsen who was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Helen Davis. Mrs. Davis sang a song of her own composition, accompanying herself on the piano. Harry Richardson of the H.ay- mend c.hlb served as chairmml of the day and introduced the guest artists and the speaker, Itev. Ray Kaemmer who gave an inspira- tional address on the meardng of mankind. President Perl¢ins introduced his fellow club member visitors. They were Julius Wester, Fred Treg- askis, Ted Benney and Larry Tol- les in addition to the others who pa,'ticipated in the program. Chairman Bill Hawkins of the While Elephant committee report- ed that profits of over $250 were realized at their recent sale in ! Shelton. The proceds will be used by the club's boys and girls com- n]ittee projects. Double Birthday Party Given At Florek Home A birthday party giwm at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Florek recently honored Mr. Flor- ek and his brother-in-law, Char- les Lombard. Among the guests present were Mrs. Stella Florek, Tony FIorek, Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Austin and sons, Mr. and Mrs, Stan Zukowski, Joe Zukowski, Blanch Zukowski and son, including Ray who is home on leave from the Navy; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Okonek and daugh- ter of MeCleary, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lombard of Chehalls, Clara; Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lombard of Grapeview. 'Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage li- censes were filed during the week of March 23 to March 29 tn the office of Mrs. Susie Pauley, Ma- son county auditor, by the follow- ing couples: Eugene C. Peck, 21, and Evelyn t Marie Gillam, 20, both of 'tacoma; / M. H. Duncan, 47, Spokane, and Frances Benner, 48, Tacoma; E. I PittQndrigh, 56, Seattle, and Sally] Thomo.:!5_*b_yde__en- ...... / GOODWILl, TRUCK The Goodwill truck will be in Shelton on Thursday, April 7. Anyone wishing it to stop at their home is asked to call Mrs. Char- Latest Fashions [Mt. View Meeting 'll  h &J , (Continued from page 1) Ill teeen At steps that would have to be lrn. • A "1 n hurdled." vrevlew Anrll 5 ] Ql,O,nN. T.E LAW, Corre.l • k- .. I said "Any portion of a e.onnty The latest fashion news ana hues I ,,,,, ',,,,(i.,,,,5 inonrnorated t(  nv will he on review in the Pictorial "'.', ..... ','. .......... ]72. r- ,, s (i" ," " . . , CIty, Lying eonLlgtlolts t.u .;u : Pre-Vlew at 8 p.m. Aprd 8 m the e tv mty become annexed to such Junior tfigh Auditorium .... Lilting r t' hv* the fi|inp" )f a )et'L'on ¢r . . . C.j .....  I .....  ( ..... e I I backrolnld n]uslc will be J[urll- .... t"hv fh( O,VI ...... f 1,,, ]SS travel to color views as U.S. tub-  for general taxation for which an- ber presents A Honeymoon In Bet'- nexation is petitioned. muds, a movie in technicolor. "The city eolYulissi(aers can One of the highligilts f the eve-i then determine by ordinance ning will be a high school trio t whether the annexation shall he witi singers Norms Davidson, Ay- I made but the commiss oners shall hme Ix)nghnan and Mary Ann Ke'e- 1 haw 'no p'ower to include in the non. The grouI) is organized by iannexation any property not des- Mrs. R. H. Keenan. I eribed in Lhe petition. "There in another method which To climax the evening there will[ be many prizes, including door prizes from J ( .... Pennys and Lumbermen's Mercantile and five pairs of play shoes, courtesy of U. S. Rubber. RESERVE SEAT tickets will be on sale at J. C. Penney's and Ltlm- bermen's Mercantile from 10 a.m. until 5:30 p.m April 2 at 75 cents each. This week's advance tick- Mountain View area or a portion thereof can be annexed to the City of Shelto0, that being by a vote of the city and a vote by the area proposed to be annexed. These elections must prescribe to definite statutory procedure and will be determined by a majority vote." CITY OI,'I,'I(!IAI, present at TWO NEARBY POWER LINES INVOLVED IN CONGRESS BATTLE Two power line projects from Olympia to Shelton are included in a new public power project fight that flared in Washington, D.C. Monday when the ttollse Ap- propriations Comnlittee bronght out a $577,324,408 Interior I)e- partment money bill fro' the year beginning July l. REPUBLICANS wire freight the program in committee said Lhey would continue thc battle, t.epre- sentative Jensen, of Iowa, lead- Ing minority leader in the sub- eonmlittee that wrote the bill said the legislation was "another step in the direction of government control of all utilities." Inchlded in the am(rants for transmission lines ill western staten are: (11 Olympia-Shelton one line, $68,000, and {2) Olym- pia-Shelton two line, $232,000. Claude Danielson, manager of P.U.D. 3, said that the number one line in finished and has been m operation since antumn of 19'18. The number two line, he said, is ,eheduled Lo be in service el sales will be handled by the Mesdames C. L. Vralton, Floyd Cole, R. E. Grenberg, Herb Grell, Clyde Zeitler, H. O. Miller, Oliver Kelly, Donald Demmon and E. J. Burgoyne. Those wishing to purchase re- serve tiekeLs during tile week may phone Mrs R. L. Mitchell or Mrs. Steve Rupert. General admission tickets will be on sale at the door of the Junior High Auditorium the night of the performance. Girl Scout News There will be a com5ined Girl Scout Leader and Council meet- ing at the Little Hntlse Vednes- day, April 6 at 8 o'clock. Police Chief Cecil Clark honor- ed the girls in Scout Troop No. 2 wiLh a visit last wc'ek. He spoke to the girls about h)eal and state laws for cyclists. The girls that attended were Lynn Wagner, Barbara Bell, Kar- en McKinney, Karen Baker, Loutse Young and their leader, Mrs. Wendell Young. All of the.qe girls have been working very hard on their cyclist badge. Four little Brownie girls in Troop No. 9 celebrated their birth- days together last Tuesday. The guests of honor were Darlene Morgan, Margaret Fuller, Jeanne Holmes and Carolyn Marshall, Darlene Morgan and Margaret Fuller acted as hostesses serving birthday cup cakes. the meeting indicated that any by 1951, at it time when the first action forth(oming wonhl have to originate among the residents ell circuit' may become overloaded. I Mountain View. I A POLE and wiring crew will The meeting wan called by Dr. L. E. CMlanan, 1012 West Birch start work soon on a llower line street in behalf of some other! in the Mission and Tiger lake , area, north of Tahuya, Danielson has announced. The new line, for The only Soils Mechanics I, ab- oratory in tile Pacific Northwest les Lentz at 815-W. and one of the west of the ............................................................ [Mississippi is located at tile Uni- MT. VIEW COMMUNITY CI,UBIversity of Washington. The Mountain View Community[ A ').00-ton, 60-inch eyelotron is Club will meel. Saturday, April 2]under construction on t'he Univer- at 8 p.m. at the Airport Recrea-[ siLy of Washington eanlpus as lion lhall. Potluck supper will be/part of a long-range plan for ml- served and bingo will be played, clear research. residents. General sentiment seemed to be that Mountain View persons didn't feel that now is the right time to join Shelton. Some recognize that Shelton is growing rapidly and that in later years its absorptiol of adjacent areas is inevitable. Other in- dividtals feared that tile rapid and wholesome expansion in I Mountain View might be slowed I by the xarious restrictions con- tained in Citry ordinance3 if an- nexation took place. TIlE RAISING (IF taxes an,l creation of L.I.D.'s for improve- Iment purposes was diseused by some, as was the advantages the city could offer by way of water and sewage lines, police and fire protection. Home owners and businessmen in Mountain View are thinking about the problems. [ WhaL you believe must influ- ence what you are. What you 're determilms what you do, and what you do determines your vahle and hereafter. Ray's Jewelry 117 Cota Phone 633 CARPENTEK'S UNION NO. 1800 Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at, Eagles' Hall 8 I'.M. IIall Opeu Daily T:30 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Monday 'thru Fri, days Hall Phone 984 i Bus, Agent Willis Burnett Res. Phone 743-W ......... , , ......................................... ; ....... ,7,,,,- HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates * NO DELAY • Mason County Savings & Loan Association ll'itle Insurance Bldg. which 37 families are signed up, will provide elee.tricity outlets for approximaLcly 50 families. , I ,,,,,,, THE OWL SAID, "WHO? They knew that TAYLOR RADIO & ELECTRIC SERV- ICE was the place to go for their new radio, BECAUSE TAYLOR'S not only sells radio and Television sets  they service and repair them, too: All models for the car or home both Admiral and Motorola lines. For service cull, 128. i • i iiiii TO CHURCH S0000DAY[ SATURDAY, APRIL 2 ONLY TO CHURCH SUNDAY WASHING MACHINES Floor Demonstrators ;0 Saturday Special ................ *89.50 ................ *99.50 VAC. CLEANER ................. *36.50 FIRESTONE STORE METAL LEAF RAKES Saturday Special "" .................. $1,19 2-4.D WEED KILLER Saturday Special ..................... 79 ¢ H&RDWARE DEPARTMENT WHIPCORD PANTS Saturday Special " .................. *2.69 . RT WORK PANTS Saturday Special ' .... '1 49 MEN'S 8HOP ! 9 erca PORK LIVER SATURDAY SPECIAL ACON BY THE PIECE MEAT DEPARTMENT TABLE LAMPS, Regular ' Saturday Special $7 50 *4.95 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT CORDUROY JACKETS, Size 7 to 14 Regular Saturday Sl)eciai $12.95 *8.95 TEEN AGE -- 10 to 16 $14 95 $9 95 KIDDIES' KORNER CURTAIN YARDAGE White with Colored Figures Regular Saturday Special 69¢ yard ' 49 ¢ yard PLASTIC CURTAINS Regular Sizc 45 x 36 Regular Saturday Special $4 95 '3.19 • • • • e • * • • • , . • • • • . • • • . DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Regular $7 95 SHOE DEPARTMENT SPORI'ERS By Sandier of Boston Mcrry Jane, green smooth leather Saturday Sl)ecial *6.45 BASEBALL BATS Regular Saturday Special  ,- - ....... .a.zo ............. *2.79 (,. I. CAMI  S 1 eVES 1Lcgular Saturday Special $10 95 *8.49 SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT e LADIES', SLACKS Rayon Gabardine and Strutter Cloth. In Beautiful Spring Colors. Sizes 10 to 20, Regular Saturday Speciai $5.95 .................... *4.95 READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Ladies' Nationally Advertised Brand TRICOT KNIT BRIEFS Colors: Blue, Yellow, White and Black Regular Saturday Special 85¢ ..................... 69¢.. LINGERIE DEPARTMENT MUFFIN 'I IN.S Regular Saturday Special 55¢ ........................ 39* 45¢ ........................ 33 ¢ , , S  ,, FItI,N(H FRY BAKHS lc u lar Satu  d,y Special 69¢ ..................... 53¢. 59¢ ....................... 43* GIFT WARE DEPARTMENT