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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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mother in Portugal returned last week following his trip of more than 20.000 miles. Anlong :pots visited (m his trip wore Lisbon. Madeira Island SouthhamptorL England, her- bourg, Fram:e and retmel to New York City on l:he luxury liner "Queen Elizabeth." Jose re- turned home via Florida and the Southern states. Mr. Faria reports that his mo- ther was in gooH health and that -he was extremely impressed with 45e T-bone steaks enjoyed on part of his tour'. Guild Members Hear Interesting Reports : The ayme Bell Taylor Ortho- pedic Guild members met at the home of Mrs. Vern Miller last Monday evening for the regular monthly guild meeting. A detailed report on the ortho- )edic film shown to the associa- ion members recently ws given by Mrs. George Wagener. Mrs. Pauline Payne Harris, who is ill charge of the humbermen's Mercantile s part in the spring fashion show sponsored by the Lincoln P.T.A., gave an outline of the fashkm show program planned for this year. High honors in bridge went tO Mrs. Oral Barnett and a delicious dessert was served by the hostess. $PISCOPAL GUILD MEET "S " The member," el St.. David. Episcopal Guild will hold a regn  tar meeting Monday, April" 4 at 1 p.m. in the guild hail. I Thin ,da Ma Page 4 ..... S,H_ELTON-MA, ON COUNTS JOt RNAL, -= , , Jose., .................................. Faria Returns V F W Allxlhar v" • ......................... Mz .......................  A m: ................... ,m m m, .................................................. An*hro,lo,qs*" ......... Is Rep°rt of ] ............................................  " - --i !i!-: • " "'" "  [[ 111  "  ' 1 " " lects "r Officers      'i' % ('uest Speaker Vrsid i SPECIAL ORDE00 rom 20,000 Mile Trap E e H ent s Trip Will , .lose Faria, who icft Shelton I B card Auxiliary November 23 of 1948 to visit his At their regular meeting Men- -- At P T A Meeting The America,, ,ogion u,,,,l, ' i Clay alight, the V.F.W, Auxiliary __)f :, • * • regnlar meeting will be b(,Id T,,es- OC(;ASI0 held election of offieers for the ' Eastern Star To Hold FOR ANY N Dr. Er'na Gunther, University day, April 5 at the Memorial Hal. eost, ing yeor. ewly eletod of, i. I stallatio Ceremony pA$i Bf cers are: president, Mamie Earl; l| n ,,1 w a s h i n gton anthropologist, During the meeting a r(,p.|' to spoke hel'ore a vmy appreciative will be given of the nation:fl senior vice-presidcnt, Bertha Tay- OIIr l'astry l)el)'trtnlt;nt is Prepared lor; lUrlior vice-president. ,luan- Installation serwc'es for the lain; Alma carte, marshal and 'udienee at the Lincoln P.-T.A, presidents offic.ial visit to the l)e- ira Potter: treasurer, Terry Ed- 1.949 officers of Welcome Chop- Esther Wiss. organist, meeting on March 24. Her topic partment of Washington wlli,'h FOl IAN(,HE -I)INNERS - ralston; see.retary, Beatrice Gray; ter No. 40 Order of Ea;tcrn This will be an open installa- "An Anthropologist Looks at was held in Seattle March 30. Race," is role that interests ev- Several members of tile Fred WHOLE WHEAT HEALTH ROLLS chaplain, Eva, Hanson: coduc- will be held at. the Masonic Tern- tion and tile public is invited to eryone today. tress, Mary Jadin; guarci. Grace pie Saturday, Al)ril 2 at 8?]0 p.m. attend. . B. Wivell unit attended tile (lin- with raisins, nuts 3S,L Mrs. H.unie Walton will be ill- Dr. Gunther stressed not the net" in honor of the national cinnamon anti sugar DOZ. LePage; three-year trustee, FJthol st'tiled aN worthy mat.r(m and Wil- few differences but tile many sim- president, Mrs. Herbert Goodc, el .............. Compton. bert ,2,,it,, as worthy patron. Mrs. Mrs. Dotson At ilarities among all ,'aces and Portland. which was given in Se- @ Appointive officers will bc an- Petra Sutton sssociate matron pointed out the great need for a attle. noun, ed later .,,, ,la,,nee Orn(,rt as ssociao Tuberculosis Meet better understanding. This, she ....... ORANGE ROLLS - PA,KER HOUSE said, can be reached through Delegates to district convention patron. Mrs. ,Tohn L, Dotson, president studying the history of other Nominations Named • were also elected. Those chosen The following offices will also of Mason County Tuberet|losis races and learning something of For State Elections MAYONNAISE from our kitchen as you were: Beatrice Gray, Terry Ed- be inst-dled: Florence Weeks, see- League and a member of the state their culture. Nominations of Mrs. Elwood would make it in your own home QT. ralston, Juanita Potter, Mamic, retary; Vr, ra Drfffield, treasurer; executive board attended the state A nominating committee was Mead for vice president and Mrs. "" Clark, Mamie Earl and Alma Gladys Martin, conductress: Carol executive board meeting of the electedeto select horniness for P.- Harold Wiseman for' trcasurer • White, Grunert, assoeiate conductress; Washington State Tuberculosis T.A. offices next year. Those el- were submitted to the executive Two new members were elected Elsie Wilson, challplain; Joetta Association In Seattle on March ected were Mrs. Stewart McGee, board for state board elections TRY OUR DANISH 8UTTERHORNS and initiated into the organ]za- Walton, marshal, and Gladys Ben- 25. Mrs. Gene Hanson. Mrs. John Eli- when the Jay-ettes met March 24 For That Sunday' Morning Breakfast tinn, Lois Barbour and Nellie Ri- on. organist. Mrs. Dotson reported that much ason. Mrs. Joseph Shimek and at the home of Mrs. Richard Ga]'- ter. Other officers will be Ahna Cat- progress was made at tile meet- Mrs. R. E. Grenberg. They will diner. . " " Installation of officers will take to, Adah: Edna Temple, Ruth; ing and that an interesting re- present a list of candidates at the place at the next regular meet- Ann Iatchelor. Esther; Hattie port was given by Dr. Byron April meeting. A feature of the evening was a , log night on April ]lth when tile Pierce, Martha; Ann Levis, El- Frances on the National Tuber- Refreshments were served by a surprise baby shower given in . V,F.W. post will also install their ceta: Fh)rence Meyer, warder; culosis Association meeting which committee of first grade mothers honor of Mrs. Joe Batie, .,, , '' ..... officers, This will be an open ten WaHon, sentincl; Margin VaN ice attended, including Mrs. Steve Rupert, Mrs. The dates for the state conven- meeting and the public is invited ley, soloist; Gudren Skagen, keep- Members of the executive board Les Shelver, Mrs. Clyde Zeitler tion were announced as being to attend. (r of the jewels; ard Minnie Hack, propose to recommend to IDeal and Mrs. Bill Redman. Mrs. Frank April 22, 23 and 24 in Tacoma, ......... register sentinel, leagues that one per cent of net Patehett and Mrs. Cross poured. The next meeting will be held Shower Given l).rin the ceremonies there seal stales bc sent through the The tables were decorated with Thursday, April 14 at the home will be solos by Ben Larson and state association to tide national Easter bunnies and baskets of col- of Mrs. Rex Howzy. For Mrs Swanson ,an,c, Needham, accompanied by association to be used for re-ored paper eggs made by first • Esther Wiss and Kae Jordon, also search work. Other business of grade pupils and teachers, Mrs. INITIATE DAUGIITER A baby shower, honoring Mrs. a violin solo by Fh)yd Witherow. the board included reviewing and Patchett, Mrs. Cross and Mrs. John Swansonf Jr. was given re- Installing officers will be Flor- considering the new budgets of Eliason. Mrs. George Durkee recently cently at, the home of Mrs. Jolm ence Weeks, William Batchelor. local leagues. The record player was won by had the honor of initiating her Swanson, Sr. of Capitol Hill. Myra Collier, Jessie Grisdalc, EL- The Mason County Tnbcreulosis Mrs. Eliason's room for 'this daughter. Joyce Durkee, a stu- Winning the prizes for games la Mc.Culloeh and Leo Martin, League will bold the April meet- month, dent at the College of Puget played during the evening were assisted by Minnie I-lack, chap- ing within the next two weeks at Sound, into her sorority, Delta Al- arry (Pete) Peterson and Miss whic.h time ne.w by-laws will be pba Gamma. Joyce was also the presented for approval and plans Open House Honors first sorority daughter to be initi- Evelyn Koch. Luncheon was Organ Is Subject fez the apnual meeting 'will be ated ht CPS. • " served after Mrs. Swanson had discussed'° Former Sheltonian opened her lovely gifts and the supper l)r,e was won by ,s Of Music Club ....... An open house given in boner WmBERT S. CaTTO Zonta Committees of Dr. Robert E. Brown was held Representative oT THE COLONIAL Monarch & Tone John Swanson A meeting of the Shelton Music  March 23 at the home of Mr. and Gueats present ineludel" Mrs. Club was held March 23 at the EQUITABLE LIFE L. H Plerons, Mrs. Harry ,Pet(,, Methodist Church. Judges Are Named Mrs. George Durkee, with Mr. and ASSURANCE SOCIETY Mrs. M. E. Kinsey serving as co- Life Insurance & Retirements ]Kell Frank, Operator - Pholle Peterson, Mrs. Galloway, Mrs. Mrs. John Steinberg gave an The Shelton Zonta Club will host and hostess. Aldercroft Nursery Clara Rayson, Mrs. Jack Stewart, interesting talk on the subject of hold a regular noon luncheon More than 70 guests called to Phone 591-W Mrs. John King, Mrs. Paul Koch, the organ, e×plaining fully the meeting today, March 31. at the greet Dr. Brown, who was well Mrs. Otto Grille, Miss Margic types, meehanisnl, method of Shelton Hotel. known in Shelton circles before Graffe, Mrs. Fred Sehultz, Mrs. playing and composers of music At the last meeting committees he was transferred by Rayonier KochJameSandTravat°'Mrs. JohnMiSSjohnsonEVelynof for tire organ, were appointed by Mrs. Ethel Incorporated to the New York Olympia. Sending gifts were Mrs. During the meeting Mrs, Har- Flatner to contact Shelton mer- branch. Stok ' "50 John Campbell, Olympia, Mrs. ve.y Itillman and Mrs. Steinberg chants on planning window dis- T d/ ill IIIIIID 111 1] llh er .... $8. Eva Mann. Mrs. Rowena [)avis, played lovely organ selections for plays for Forest Festival week. Lake Isabella Club 4" Beverly King, Betty t¢.ayson, Mrs. the enjoyment of the group. Named to eontact downtown mer- Lump $10 50 Louis H.edman. Mrs. Thornas:,on, Hostesses for the evening were chants wer', Mrs. Steven Raoney, Elects New Officers 4 r • • • • $ Mrs. Jake Grsffe and Mr.. Ken Mt's. Charles Lentz. Mrs. Bernice Mrs. Edward Sutton. Mrs. George Election of officers was held Andrews, Mrs. Ernest Crane. Mrs. by the Lake Isabella Club when Range $9 50 Kirkwood. Stewa,i, Mrs. W. 9". Roberts a,d Joseph Forres Mrs. Fred Beck- a regular meeting was held at "HAND CROCHETED .... • ............. Mrs. Ben Briggs, ........... with and Mrs. Ralph Crabill who the home of Mrs. Lydia Leggett. J Cel b SACOES APRIL FOOL DANCE will contact Hillcrest stores. Mrs. Ada Bassett was chosen as I.. ,,) (, 2 • The Shelton General Welfare I anet e rates as Judges when the president. Mrs, Vera Huntington, -.. ......  . CAPITAL 4th Bi thd " " ': ........... BEACON BABY Club announces that a special window are completed were Mrs. vice president: Mrs. Cora Drake. \\; ,...;j.......... BLANKETS meetlng will be held at te Mere- I Ollie Cleveland, Mrs. Bernard secretary, and Mrs. Lula Gunter, CITY RJEL orial "all next Saturday and all ] r ay . • ,.. _-; :, Winieeki and Mrs. Eugene Martin. treasurer. " . ..... "" members are urged to be pr.esent. I Janet Temple, daughter of Mr. - ........... The next meeting will be held \\;- /; :ii: ' "' ' QUILTED BABY , .,, Next Saturday is April Fool's] and Mrs. Robert Temple celebrat- FOOD SALE DATE April 13 at the home of Mrs. Lula /d: ....... ,' BLANKETS I : night at the Memorial H[all dance. ed her fourth birthday with a Gunter. \\;' i " ...... • The public is invited to attend, party at the home of her parents OF CLUB CHANGED .;;:'i,i':] DRESSES - TOWEL SETS i ":;: ...... ::: Door prize to be given and prizes on March 29. [ Several important notices are Daughters of Pioneers /::w ":5¢ = • \\; brought to the attention of Garden " ', : '". s ....... . PANTY & SLIP SETS for the p.¢rson with the sillies' Durinff the party games were Chlb members this week. he TO Hold E'eet'ou ii€  " looking hat. so put on your fun- played and recordings were made food sale date which was originaBy CREEPERS See nlest hat and come to the dance. " Mason County Chapter' No, 14 ,, set for April 9 will instead be held of the Daughters of the Pioneers cantile. \\;  ]! 504 N. Garrison St. Olympia Phone 5515 (Collect) , ALDERCROFr 0000SERY Buy Direct  Get Quality Direct from the GroundSave Money FRUIT TREES ......................................... $1.50 Priced to Sell--Over 50 Varlet|ea 2 to 4 yrs. old, Well Branched CAMELIAS, over ,50 varieties .......... $2.50 up EVERGREENS (coniferous and broadleaf) Galore. Ali sizes, give-away prices, priced according to size. SHADE TBEES 2.50 and up 20 Varieties, large and well branched HUNDREDS OF OTHER NURSERY ITEMS SHOP WEEKENDS IF POSSIBLE ALDERCROFT NURSERY 1 Mile East of Olymp|c Highway on Falrmont St. Wilbert Carte - Phone 591-W We do not believe in cold atorage plants. We grow most everything we sell. by the guests. Among those present were Jean Patterson, Dundee Skelsy, Joan Woods, Sharon Philips, Margaret Byars, band and Vickie MelnelPy, Vlekte Rucker, Ltnda Myers and Patty Sanborn ,)f Olympia. Unable t(I attend were Jana Runnion, J, L. Tiffany and Col- leen Dombroski. Two Shelton Girls Receive Nurse's Caps Carol Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huner of the Skokomish Valh,y and Margaret Valley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Valley, formerly of Shelton and now of Ohop were among 20 girls in their class who receiv- ed their caps at a capping" cere- mony heht March "16 at Eklind Hall at the School of Nursing for tbe Swedish Hospital. AMARANTH DANCE The Amaranth Social Clnb in- vites Eastern Star, Masons and their invited guests to attend a dance Saturday evening, April 23, at the Masonic Temple. for a timely new ldnd of operatin eeonomy I ' Seethese $nd.outdBtinctions I of the: new 1949 Studebaker$ i I New de€orator.fabric upholsteries • New J body etdors• vlf-sdjusting brakes • Vat/- ahle ratio 'extra-leverage" steering • Pan. I ovnic vieimt I liat:s centered between the | axlet • Low center of gravity • Gltre-proof f | "black tight"tttrttmtmt imn¢l dtalae Auto. i | marie hill holder (standard except on I | Champiom) • Automatic overdrive, Cli- i I ms¢ilt heat ing and ve=tilattrtg' white side" I • w=ll re41 =ad wheel trim tinge or disce J [ optional at eztra cost en all models. I ! I t.----------..------------ ..... J OULDN'T you like to keep more of year income . W untouched by outgo for car operation? Well, the answer is right before you in any 1949 Studebaker car. Gas economy is written all over every inch of a new Studebaker's flight.streamed structure. No burdensome dead weight squanders any of the gas you buy. " How much this runs into in savings, any owner of a postwar Studebaker will tell you. Stop !n and get the names of some people to talk to about it now, IRS AND COT ST EETS, S , WASH, O E $2 of Washington will meet at 2:30 CHII . "'-"' p.m. Thursday, April 7, at the j Reservations for the conserva- home of Mrs. Minnie Myers. = i tion luncheon tQ. eLheld April 4, This will be a regular 222 NORTH FRST STREET meeting at ]2:30 ll.m. in the Colo]l and elee.tion of officer's will be " • House, must be made by April 1 held. with Mrs. H. E. Munson at 325. An interesting day has been planned for the Olympic Peninsta District of Garden Clubs spring meeting which will be held April 25 at Alderbrook Inn, f Registration will begin at 10 a.m. followed by the business ses- sion and election at 10:30 a.m. The Shelton club will combine with the Canal and Skokomish clubs as hostesses for the luncheon. Spec- ial gnests for' the day will include state officers, Mrs. H. D. Hayes, Mrs. Boyd Andreus, Mrs. Killian honey of Bremerton who is the PRICE. ]h.]h]h'EC T corsage chairma and will bring supplies for clubs needing them. During the afternoon program,  i LE WHEAT _ " l Mrs. Ula Rutherford. whose dem* LIBBY'S CRUSHED PLAIN OR WHO onstrations of Christmas decora- tions and arrangement were so PINEAPPLE 29€ [l'I I FIGBARS 2.1b pkg,.[ enjoyed in December, will demon- No. 2 Tall Tins • • strate spring arrangements. All elubs are urged to have a good membership representation at the meeting. Reservations are '  TI'MBERLINE 1 TALL TINS & to be made by April 20 with Mrs. FELS NAPTHA  N?. ington.H°ward Knutsen of Union, Wash- SOAP ........ 3 bars 25€ 3 PGS 22€ ! DOG F0 Capping Ceremonies / GOOD HOUSEKEEPING  , Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeAloon TOWELS i attended the capping ceremonies PAPER 2 rolls 27 €. PAPER NAPKINS at the Virginia Mason Hospit, al • * • School of Nursing March 25, at which their daughter, Dorothy N J McAloon and 20 other students I received their caps. Dorothy is a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School with "the class of 1944, Sheiton Mixed Chores Plans For Music Wek The Shelton Mixed Chorus, un- PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb, 39' FLORIDA ORANGES der the direction of Mr. Sherwood, " ....... will be one of the individual chor- al groups Wla'ich w/ll participat HEAVY COLORiD HENS .... lb. 5S€ ...... in, the coming Music Week-Sun- Fresh, Dry Picked ....... day Vesper program, COLORED FRYERS lb. 53¢ UTAH TYPE The Mixed Chorus is a corn- " ............... munity group and rehearsals are GROUND BEF b. 39€ CELERY open to everyone, men, women, " ....................... boys and girls, Monday, April r4 Best In Town 8p.m. at the senior high music room will be the next meeting. SWISS STEAK .......................... lb. 59€ lb: 10 € .,BOW CHVRCH MET BACON SQUARES ................. bv; 29€ Rainbow Sunday Is April 4th. COLORED HENS * FRYING RABB .............. All Rainbow girl s are urged to that Sunday. The girls will meet U,S. No. 2 Arizo in front of the chureh at 10:30. Buy Your Ticket to "The Wee Pots" CARR-'I00 A bruneh will be held in the Ma- " SPUDS sonic Temple immediately fen AGED GOOD GIADE BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS lowing church. All Rainbow girls AND STEAKS* RABBITS * COLORED FRYERS 35 2 and the advisory board are in- Bulk Kraut- Bulk PIckles ,,,ed. 50-1b 1 1 ......... • , .sac€ . CORREAS VISIT OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Correa and their two children will spend the Food week end in Portland, Ore., on a ORDER MEAT BY PHONE -- CALL FOR UNTIL 7 P.M. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ';m visit to his sister's home, the Needham scene of a family reunion. There will be 11 children and 20 grown- ups in attendance. Mr. Correa' twin brother from Minneapolis wtl/ be a guest. DAFODIL ALE I The a... manbow Gir BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY d&ffodll imlo wtll be held 8at- rdtt AmPr:., g U , MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop. PHONI!I ii : also he In the downtown area. i