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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 1949
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e 6 _  ...... I I II I I In Hood Lilliwaup Dance Entertaining To I I II/I II I I I I II Canal SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL" IIII .... II I I II I I I I II I __ - ..... I Johnson and family over the week end were Mr. and Mrs, H. C, OIson and family of Paulsbo. Communities TWO CATCH LARGE SALMON AS i SPRING HITS HOODSPORT AREA 85 In • " By Frances Radtke on Mrs. Helen Dyer. 00mmunay Jack Haller of Seattle, in corn- GUESTS OF Mr. and Mrs/Fred By Frances R. Hill i pany with Bill Essex of Hoods- It wasn't hard' to have a good lPort, caught 18 and 14 pound tiros at the "Hard Times Dance" salmon in the canal Sunday. Bob with which the Ltlllwaup Com- munity Club entertained members and friends Friday night in the Community Hall. About 85 in- eluding a group of teen-agars, danced to a program of record music furnished by Walter Hatch and Lewis Evans of the enter- tainment committee. Evans and Bob Moffet. the club president, took turns as Master of Ceremohtes, keeping the party going in happy style. SPRING ATMOSPHERE w a s given the hall with the purple and yellow decorations arranged by Mrs. Josie Paterson. assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Cliff Johns. The stage was framed in ever- greens with clusters of paper purple wisteria bloom, purple and yellow draped the upper halves of the long windows. Yellow flowers centered the buffet table where refreshments were served by a committee head. ed by Mrs. Emmet Williams. Mrs. Cliff Johns and Mrs. Fred For. rest are co-chairmen in charge of the club's social activities. Prizes for the most original "hard times" costumes were awarded Mrs. Bob Hill and Vic- tor Robinson, Mrs. Hill coming in an outfit so bedraggled that she were labelled "The Rag Picker's Daughter." Her heavy wool seeks and worn men's shoes weren't very good for dance purposes, so she changed her costume later in the evening. Robinson wore a cook's apron and cap, while his wtfe was a very Frenchy looking "maid," the idea being that hard times had driven them to seek sUch employment, COSTUME PRIZES were large pictures of Lllliwaup contributed by, era L. Markham, photograph- er. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Henderson were awarded a prize as the best waltzers, a figurine donated by the Lllltwaup Shopping Center. Misses Carolyn DeBard and Verna Schulke contributed to the evening's entertainment with a song, "Red Roses for a Blue La- dy.;' Lewis Evans and his daugh- ter, Sharon, did a special dance number. Aileene Williams and Sandra Evans were the winners in a teen-age competition called the "Freeze Dance," in which th dancing couples had to stand mo- tionless whenever the music stop. pad or be eliminated from the contest, 4-H Club Plans Bearden, who accompanied them, lost a large one. At least he can testify that the fish are biting as Spring approaches. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hailer spent the week end from Seattle visit. ing Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bearden and Dad Hailer. WORD RECEIVED by Mrs. Dorothy Palmer from Mr. and Mrs. Archie Calahan at Carmel. California. told of the fine time they are having on their vacation. The Calahans expect to return April first. Mrs. T. B. Smith wishes it known that she lost an amethyst ring somewhere about Hoodsport and would appreciate it if the finder will kindly get in touch with her. The ring was a keep- sake. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Hale over the week end were Dr. and Mrs. Harold Fowler and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Beitz, Janice and David, all of Tacoma. Mrs. Bessie Haie, Mrs. Shirley O'Niel, Mrs. David James, Mrs. Joe Hanson of Shelton and Mrs. Mark Ryan of Cushman were Tacoma visitors Friday at the Orthopedic Fashion show and luncheon benefit affair which is arranged semi-annually, and was put on by Rhodes Brothers in the Crystal ballroom of the Win- throp hotel, Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Millo spent Sunday visiting Mr. Millo's mother, Mrs. Ellen Millo in Se- attle. Mrs. Howard Lockwood spent Wednesday and Thursday in Taco- ma, a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Frankie McCotter, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lockwood traveled to Vaughn Sunday to call on Mrs. M. E. VanSlyke Mrs. Wilma Vail, Mrs. Cecil Gilbert, Mrs. Gladys O'Niel, and Mrs. Margaret McLean, all trav- eled to Aberdeen Saturday to call Lilliwaup Mrs. Anna Dickinson returned to her home at Oroville, California Monday after a three week visit in Hoodsport. Mrs. Katie Abbey, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Dickinson went to Vashon Thursday to call on Mrs. Mary Jane Kilby who is visiting her daughter• Mrs. Alma Heath. Oseal Ahl spent last week ill in hod with a severe cold. A SURPRISE PARTY was given in the Joe Huntley home Friday afternoon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Huntley's thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, There were sixteen guests, all members of the Eleanor chapter, O.E.S, social club. A beautiful picture was pre- sented to them by the group. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dens Haines Sunday night were Mr. and Mrs. Ernle Crane af Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunt- lay, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sauera of Lllliwaup. Sunday din- ner guests of the Haines were Mr. and Airs. Buford Rose and-son Darrell of Shelton. On week end before last, Mrs. aid Jarvls entertained Mr.. and Mrs. Harold Chambers and child from Tacoma and Mrs. Mabel An- derson from Seattle. The party enjoyed digging for clams. Monday of this week Mrs. Tens Wheeler left for Vancouver, B•C. Mrs, Dens Cox and Mrs. Dorothy Roberts were to accompany her as far as Bremerton, and she was to meet her Vancouver friends, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mattison in Seattle to return with them to Vancouver. Lights Flicker On And Off While The Little Egypt 4-H CIub met March 21 at the Dayton Com- munity hall. Business of tlc meeting includ- ed discussion of projects to be carried out this year, articles for the Kiwanis white elephant sale were turned in and the new record book was explained. Committees for the year were also chosen. Sharon yauglm presented Joyce Kid as a new member of the club and parent visitors. Mrs. Vaughn and Mrs. Leonard were entertained. Refreshments were served by Audrey Barley following the busi- ness meeting. The next meeting will be the first Monday tn April. S-W-I-N-G INTO SPRING •.. In fresh, orlp, olean olothes. Bring your suits, dresses, slacks 'n' sverythlng to Belfair Cleaners PHONE 5'3831 For Pickup and Delivery Service J.l /J L • '"STRAW" VOTE ELECTS Our Malts mid Milk Shakes... Made with Richer, Full- Flavored Ioe Cream and Syrups Home Folks! We Also Have Them To Take Out BELFAIR MALT SHOP Bill and Nellie Open 10 A•M. to 10 P.M. . . _ Lt v mmrqr qP,iF,v 1*qlF wv  By FraneAw R. Hill With a pleasant memory of three delightful weeks in Hawaii• Mrs. J. R. Debard returned home Sunday after a visit with her brother and, Capt. Chester E, Carroll, U.S.N., and Mrs. Carroll, in Honolulu. Mrs. DeBard flew over and made the return trip to San Fran. cisco by boat. Her daughter, Carolyn, who with the rest of the family met Mrs. DeBard in Seattle, was dis- appointed b#catse all .o. the 1 leil lt, whteh hsr motaer at&Fie ed thetrip had not Survived the voyage so she could see them. So enthusiastic was Mrs. DeBard about the trip and the beauty of the islands, that her father, John E. Carroll, plans to leave April 8 for a visit with his son. Capt, Carroll expects to leave Hono- lulu soon for a tour of duty in San Francisco. Friday, April 8 is the date of the next meeting of the Lilliwaup Community Club. This is a change from the regular meeting date of April 1, made because sol many of the women members are I attendinffa banquet that night of the Hood Canal Woman's Club. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ells of USk, Wash., visited relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forrest, in Lilli- waup, for several days, leaving Saturday of last week for Mt. Vernon. Belfair Eastern Star Members Large Affair By Chritine Aid Officers of Belfalr chapter U.D. order of the Eastern Star were dinner hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waggoner and Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Stokke, on Wednes, day evening, March 16. Following a seafood dinner at Hunt's Oyster House, all assembled for a special session at the Masonic Temple*at Belfair, where in the presence of more than 200 visitors from sur- rbunding chapters, Initiatory cer- emonies were performed by the officers of Belfalr chapter. Alma Bard, worthy matron, in- troduced Florence W a g g o n e r, worthy grand matron of the Grand Chapter of Washington, and A. W. Wooldridge, worthy pa- tron, sang "Child of the King," honoring her presence. Ross A. Stokke• worthy grand patron of the Grand Chapter of Washing- ton, and Margery Hemminger, grand Adah, were also presented and given the grand honors. Rainbow girls of ]elfair hon- ored the. grand matron by pre- senting her with a Ralnbew Gar- den. The silver wedding anniversary dlf 'Mr. and Mrs. Waggoner was .honored by members. Ross S(okke and his wife Mayme were invited to be their attendants. A gift for each celebrated year was present. ed to the honored couple. Ruth Stubblefteld, author of the theme, conducted the impressive ccremon. ies. The worthy patron presented Roan Stokke with a gift, a token of appreciation for all he had done for the new organization. COMMERCIAL CLUB IN HOODSPORT PLANS GALA SOCIAL The Hoodsport Commercial Club will meet Monday, April 4 at 8 o'clock at the school house to nmke final plans for their old time basket m)elal which has been arranged for Friday eve- ning, April 8. The social will raise additional funds to be used In defraying the cost of addi- tional street lights. Gentlemen will be admitied to the social free, while ladles will be charged one basket. The baskets are to be progresively auctioned, with prizes being awarded for the best and second best balkets. In addition two fllm, will be, shot at the social, and bingo will be played with Easter hams as prizes. The general public Is Invited to att trod. I I Spring In Tahuya Finds Marriage, By Effie L. Knowlton Daisy Hall and Beverly Bone were quietly married last week, and after a short honeymoon are at home on the lovely property here the bride has occupied for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs of Newberg, Oregon, paid a brief visit to Tahuya friends when an- route to Seattle. A CHANGE IN the landscape around the Rendsland home prop- erty finds the old teacher's cot- tage moved to the fill behind the Rendsland home and the Rod Godwin family ensconced. There is ample room for the Godwin stock here, and Mrs. Godwin will be handy to assist Mrs. Rendsland with her invalid mother. Lumber is being hauled onto the Hanlin beach property here for the building of the Hanlin's Repairs Are Made new home and lunch Fishing was fine at Bald Point Hoodsport residents spend much last week end, and the resort time these days waiting for the there was filled to capacity. Mrs. lights to go on. Repair work Rothleln Is now serving light on local electrical lines is pro- lunches to the hungry fishermen, ceeding but often it requires the which helps considerably after stopping of power several times several hours out on the water. a day. A FAMILY DINNER, honoring In one incident Hoodsport eel- this scribe's birthday, was enjoy- unteer firemen were summoned ed at the Huson home Sunday to put out a fire at the Gpte- evening. Tw.enty adults, including way Inn on Wednesday of last Mr. and Mrs. Larry Drake, Mr. week. It happened when Barney and Mrs. W. A. Kendall and Myr- Potts came to pay his rent, for lis Whitman partook of the boun- he saw smoke billowing from the tcous repast, wldch was topped door. Dropping to the floor and off with wild blackberry pie a la crawling into the house to see if mode. The birthday cake was Mrs. Winters, landlady, was In- served later in the evening. side, he found u kettle of corned Dorothy Wren returned to her beef burning dry.. Aberdeen home Monday after The beef had been set on the spending the .week end with rela- burner during a time when power tives here. was off. It began cooking un- Check off the date of fluly 29 expec'tedly wlien the eredtlit on your calendar for a hilarious good time. The Past Matrons of came on. . Mrs. Wi'nters wishes to thank Elinor Chapter are sponsoring all those who came to her rescue. "Amateur Night on Noah's Ark." Only damage done was to the Anyone wishing to compete should walls and ceiling which were contact Christina Ahl. Skits will smoked. Insurance covered the be limited to seven minutes. The cost of refinishing, prize, a pot of gold, will be award- ed according to the amount of Hospital Notes Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beebe -vvvvvvv,,vvvvvvv,vvv had as guests for several days CLINIC HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morris of Patients admitted for treat- Enumclaw. a cousin, of Mr. ment at the Clinic Hospital this Beebe. we ek included Marvin Biehl Cela Batten celebrated her Frank Ahl.'Mrs. John Rottle of fourth birthday with a party last Portland, Mrs. L R. McMuilcn, week. Enjoying the occasion with Mrs. Archie Dronen and Mrs. Jan- her were Eric, Douglas, Diane and ny Hinchcliffe of McCleary. 'Ad- Kurt Yates,;Victor, Teddy, Mel- mitted for sin•gary were Mrs. W. vm and Jerry Matson, Dean Rick- S. Sallee, Dolores Rutledge, James eft and her brothers Douglas and Horan and A. J. Brown• Bill Batten. Among those discharged were The same group plans to gather Roy J. Kimbel, H. M. Babington for Eric Yate's ifth birthday next of Lilliwaup, Mrs. S. K. Smith week. Mrs. Gaylord Beebe and Yvonne Morris and Margaret Mrs. Kgnneth Beebe assisted Mrs. Oltman. Batten with the party. That eve- I * * * ning Cela's grandparents, Mr. SIIELTO GENERAL andMrs. Charles Batten, of Lone ] HOSPITAL Rock, joins4 the family for a Patients admitted to the Shel- birthday dinner, ton General Hospital this week • • • ' included Oscar Ahl, Hoodsport, Mrs. Ivan Fawcett of Wheel- Edwin Larson, Otto Radtke of ing, West Virginia, and A. F. Hoodsport, Charles Johnson, Tom Yorl¢ of Tacoma spent the week Webb, Glendon Robertson, Char- end at the home of their sister, lea Lisk, Lelia Kclliher, and Mrs. Mrs. R. W. King. William Carlson. Mrs. Willis Waltenburg and her Patients discharged were Gaz- two sons Gary and Jimmy were ella Makoviney, William Bracy, in Seattle for a few days visit- Ramona DeLorme, Mrs. Andrew ing friends and shopping. Hopland and Ed Cormier. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearee spent several days in Seattle on VISITORS FROM SWEETHOME business and pleasure. They were Mrs. Roy Hall, the former Bes- accompanied by Richard and Rob- sic Warren, and a frieod, Mrs. art Pearcc. Richard is hopeful of Ruth Newton, were recent visitors receiving a medical discharge in at the home of Mrs. Hall's me- the near future as his injured foot ther, Mrs. Rose Warren. Mrs. is nearly well and he has discard- Warren recently returned from ed crutches for a cane. Glendale, Calif., where she visited W. F. Hagemeyer and his son her daughter, Mrs. Robert (Lil- Bill, of Meridian Lake, and Jack lien) Sternquist. Orchard of Seattle were overnight --------- ,, guests of the R. W, Kings• Mrs. William O'Brlen returned from San Francisco where she went for medical treatment feel. [ION ing much improved. She joined Mr. O'Brien who has been staying with W. M. Nance during her absence. U N I ON BABY GIRL Mr. and Mrs, Jerald T. Murray lity of 1414 East Dearborn became ua Meats parents of a daughter born March 24 at the Shelter General Hos- )ital. .... Nationally Known Groceries DANCE FRESH BEGINNING SATURDAY, APRIL 2 Fruits & Vegetables SPRINGwATER CAMP , d __--' I ....... _ , , "Continuing EVERY SATURDAY Night Phone 242 • LILLIWAUP • ILLNL00 HITS SEVERAL IN CUSHMAN AREA By Francm Radtke Mrs. Otto Radtke is improving in the Swedish hospital after her I II I I I IIIIl I Students Home From College Inese Lilliwaup Activity Students home for Sprin, vaca- tions from college increased local activity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burman of Seattle, son-in-law and daughter of the Lee Erharts, spent a few days here. Miss Shir- ley Dickinson of Shelton, student at Belllngham Normal, spent part of her vacation at the Erhart home. Miss Merrily Hill, U. of W. stu- dent, came home Wednesday of last week, accompanied by Mack recent series of operations. While Knutsen of Chehalis. They had she was being hospitalized, her first visited at the Knutsen home husband, Otto Radtke was taken before coming to Lilliwaup for the ill and entered the Shelton Gen- remainder of their vacation. vral hospital. He also is improving, On Saturday over 20 of ]er- and expects to leave the hospital rily'a former Shelton high school on Wednesday of this week. friends were guests at an "open Mr. and Mrs. Edward Radtke house" evening at the C. S. Hill traveled to Seattle on Friday and. home. Among those who dropped called on Mrs. Otto Radtke in the in were Shells McGill, Joyce Dur- hospital. They also visited Niel kee, Michael Barber, Bob Okano, Zintheo. who was feeling much improved.. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilcox in Eatonville Thursday through Saturday. Mrs. Lea Sandvig and Mrs. Alice Hill spent Friday through Sunday in Tacoma Mrs. Hill vis- ited . Robert Weber, and Mrs. Semdvig, her mother, Mrs. Wat- son. Mr. and Mrs. Del Laramie were guests a week ago Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ahern of Bremerton. This past Sunday they entertain- ed Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ahem of Shelton at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Etherington and daughter Carol of Milton were Saturday and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott. They brought rhubarb grown in their own garden, the first of the season. On Tuesday Mrs. Rea Howry entertained the Cushman sewing club ladies. They were thrilled during the afternoon with the first official visit of the new county bookmobile. When the automobile horn sounded nine ladies were on hand to explore the contents of the shelves and examine books to be checked out. Mrs. Frances Radtke took colored pictures on the mo- mentous occasion. Mrs. Edna Robinson was taken to the Shelton General Hospital Tuesday of last week for an oper- ation Wednesday. Mrs. W. G. Peterson has also been under the weather for the past week with a bad cold and complications. Virginia Lange, Albert McBride, Evelyn Fitzhum, Rune Langland, Richard Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bellinghausen, Bob Berg, Dick and Herbert Angle and Jack Killeen. HOODSPORT FIRE i DEPARTMENT PLANS DANCE AT UNION Members of the Holslmrt vohmteer fire department will give their annual fire, nan's danes at, the Masonic hall ht Union on April 28. Dancing will be from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a,m. Good music and a good thne is in store for all, the dance commit tt. premix. Wally Oliver, of the dance vommittee, ttid, "We are go- ing io impose on the good na- ture of dancers, letting them be the judge of how much to pay. Your donation tR, be your admission. NOW Is the Time • . . To Get Your Boat Shipshape For GOOD FISHING AHEAD Supplies and Equipment SMITH MARINE Phone Union 242 II ALUMINUM EMIL LAUBER PHONE 7 GERT H00DSPORT LUMBER Lumber, Building Materials, Hardware and Complete Builders' Service FRIGIDAIRE ES PLYWOOD - GROCERIF00. MEATS. LILLIWAUP SHOPPING (Where Buying Is A ON BEAUTIFUL HOOD CANAL L. A. Evans Lilllwaup 1.W1 W. RAU'S , Chicken " 3 MILES EAST OF UNION ' SpecialiZing In Butterfried Steak and Seafood Dinner  PRIVATE DINING ROOM WITH DANCE For Banquets and Private Parties Open Every Day Except For Reservations Phone Union 294 NEW LOW PRICE SCHEDULE AT Belfair Builders Supply (Formerly A. E. Visell Lumber Co.) DOORS ONE PANEL INTERIOR DOORS  ALL NE, W  ALL FULL SIZE CLEAR PANELS WITH SPLICED STYLE 2-0 x 6-8 x 1:/ ...................................................... 7. ...... $7.45 Each 2-0 x 6-6 x l:Ys ...................... .......................... : ............. $7.45 Each 2-6 x 6-8 x l:/s .............................................................. $7.45 Each 2-8 x 6-8 x 1: ............................................................... $7.45..Each 3-0 x 6-8 x 1:is .............................................................. $7.45 Each COMPOSITION ROOFING , ALL POPULAR BRANDS 210-lb. Red & Green thick butts .................... $9.25 per square 90-lb. Red & Green (nails and tar) ...................... $3.75 per roll 55-1b. Black (nails and tar) .................................. $2.85 per roll 45-1b. Black (nails and tar) $2.35 per roll No. 8 Sheathing (tar paper) .......................... $2.85 per 500 ft. PLYWOOD SPECIALS 36"x72"x3A Exterior SOIS .............. $3.25 ca. 12"x96"x3/4" Ideal for Shelving ...... $1.15 ca. • ! SHINGLES - SHAKES 25" Hand Split Shakes (4bundles) $12.95 sq. 16" No. 1 vertical grain clear shingles .......................................... $10.80 sq. i6" No. 2 Certigrade 12" clear ....... $6.45 sq. CEDAR PANELING lx8 & lx6 R/L Kiln Dried "V" Paneling Special ........................................................................ $139.00 M. WATER PIPE NEW GALVANIZED PIPE WITH COUPLINGS ...... /.,-Ineh .......................................................................... 18¢ per ft. :y-Inch ............................................................ ' .............. 22¢ per ft. ALL PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY TO YOUR JOBSlTE PHONE ORDERS TAKEN - BELFAIR 5-3512 '