March 31, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 31, 1949 |
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Coats ,
tills, ' Inc.
Simpson Employees
To Display Hobbies
In Forest Festival
Hobbies of Simpson Logging
Company employees and their fam-
ilies will be displayed here during
the Mason County Forest Festival,
May 12, 13 and 14.
Marian Gaffney of Joint Power i
is chairman of the Simpson Hobby t
Show which is being sponsored by[
the Simpson Recreation Assacia-
The exhibit is to encourage the
showing of home craftsmanship
and collections, Miss Gaffney said.
Employees wishing to enter' exhib-
its may either register with Miss
Gaffney at the Joint Power office
or write the Simpson Logging
Company here.
Mrs. Mary Carlson Ost, 68, died
March 18 at a local hospital and
the funeral service was held at 2
p.m. March 21 from Witsiers Fun-
eral Home with the Reverend Paul
Sweeney of Hoodsport, officiating.
Sure'icing are her husband, Fe-
lix Ost, Tacoma; two sons, George
Ca)lson, Shelton, and Isaac Carl-
son, Alameda, Calif.; a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Catherine McManemy,
Aberdeen, and four grandchil-
George Spalding, 88, Grays Har-
bor pioneer and Satsop valley resi-
dent for more than 50 years, died
at his home the morning of March
25. The funeral arrangements
were made through the Whiteside
company, Elma.
Mr. Spalding was well kn(nvn in
Shelton and Mason county.
Hc is mlrvived by six sons,
and Alvin, all of Elma; five daugh-
ters, Mrs. Lee Valley, Elma; Mrs.
Frank Bieniek, East Hoquiam;
S ppl F Mrs. Cline Ellison, Tacoma; Mrs.
-- u les ixtures Oe0rge Kelly, Elma, and Mrs. Blair
Thompson, Whites; numerous
4 Sizes 2 Styles "B" Hearing Aid Batteries grandchildren and great grand-
their own electric wiring . . . I have everything
SUpplies from the entrance cap to and including
and appliances for the complete job. Information
sizes and types of material and correct method
to meet the National or State Electric Code.
a Few Items At Bargain Prices
a Lamps on Hand -- 6 Watts to 1000 Watts
Complete Informatio, on Electric Heating
ci-- "
: 'l'l"rT--YOUr Best and Cheapest Servant!
. A. Carr """ '"'°""°"
PHONE 645 Shelton
children; a sister, Mrs. Peter
Schafer of Aberdeen and a brother
in Germany.
Festival Parade
Chief Shapes Plans
(Continued from page 1)
ions; Fred Beckwith, street con=
cessions; L. A. Carlson, prizes and
Roy Kimbel, logging how; T.
E. Deer and Herb Grell, ;fire pro-
tection; Bill Dickie and Dave
James, publicity and program; Les
Fields, C. Henry Bacon and George
This Week's ""
3" . C;, V-edged PRICES
Tractors SERVICE
Adams, invitations; George Her-
mes, queen committee; C. Nolan
Mason, Paul Bunyan committee;
Bill Rawding, street dance; Rudy
Oltman, Hank Hadsell and Roy
Ritner, pageant.
INDIVIDUAL committee names
will be announced ins c o rain g
weeks, Werberger said. The Shel-
ton Jtmior Chamber of Commerce
has been invited to take charge of[
street decorations, and members of
that committee will be appointed
soon. Werberger said the Ameri-
can Legion will sponsor the post-
er contest as in former years, and
the Veterans of Foreign Wars will
assist with special features.
Festival Queen Mary Carnes and
her princesses, Ella Mae Noble,
Betty Newman, Chl'oe Dickinson
and Lois Ayers (of Mary M.
Knight High School) visited the
Forest Industries Nursery at Nis-
qually Monday and posed for pub-
licity photographs among thous-
ands of seedling trees. These pic-
tures will appear in Pacific North-
west publications prior to the fes-
i qr vv v v vv v v ,,mp v v ,i,, v ,w,,r ,ip.v ,r ,v vm,
t wv, v,v,v-v v v ,w v v'v v v 'w 'v 'v v •
ORDINANt!E NO..l.07-ll)l)
AN ORDINANCE r,,paling or(li-
uanc(' No. 377 anti licensing and l'(4u-
lating taxicabs and drivers thel(..f
in t e City of Sh(.Iton, Waslflngt,)u;
and I)r( v cling p,maliics for th*' vi()-
htli()n thereof.
So('Iioo I. That lh,' li('cnsing ()f
laxival,s, th(' €!xantining nf the qu;dil'i-
(.all,ins t)f applicants to driv(, hixi-
Cabs. aud th(! livensing of drivers as
h.r, qnatler t)rovided shall be tlltdor
the supervision of the (?it), Clol.k. :lllit
the inspection of taxicahs, illsD(,t'-
lion o1; all equipnn)tlt t)a taxicobs in-
(']ndiilg meters and the enfor('.in4 the
provisions (if this ()rdiaance shall be
under tile supervJsi,,n of the Chi,'f (if
eel ice.
S(.cti,m 2. That no taxicab shall )v
or be operated Ul)()n the s r,,,.qs ( f
the City of Shelton without l:itst ob-
tan ng a license to d() s,). Such It-
tense stroll he issued l)y the City
Clerk attd only after the Cily Com-
mission, shall find that the publi(:
tony( nience and necessity rel|utr,, the
t peration thereof, Sucll license if
issued shall be from May 1st to April ]
3bth of ac.h year and shall be effectiv,,
for Stlch period of tlnle nnless SOOII(,r [
suspended or revoked. Applications ,
for license, for taxicahs shall tie made [
I)y the owner thereof Ul)On blank [
forms to be furni, hod by the City
Section 3 That no taxicab shall hc
licensed unless the sanie is in a safe
condition for use as snob. nor nnless J
satisfactory evidence has heen fur-
nished that Sect ons 6397-T2 and f
6397-28. Ren)ington's Revi.'F'd Statutes l
of Washington 194l Sapplbmenl. have
been eomplied w th.
Section ,I. That the l tense fee shall I
be. $25.lX) per annum for (!ach taxicab
licensed. "In the case of licenses is-
sued on or after November I of each
year, one-half only of tile ah()ve fee
shall be paid. Such license shall n()t
be transferable.
Section 5. The Chief ,)f Police and
Police I)enartment shall maintain con-
stant vigilance (,ver all taxicahs to
see that they are kept in a condition
of continued fitness for public tlm?
lind to this end he and ns off cers
shall inspect all taxicabs on the ('ore-
plaint t)f any ('itizen. t)r from Lisle to
time as they nlay deelll necesstll.y ()r
Sot,(ion 6. That every person driv-
ing a taxicab must I), licensed as
such. Each applieant for a driver's
license shall
(at Be of the age of 21 :,'ears or
(b) Be of sound physique, with good
eyesight, and not mbjcct to epilepsy.
vertigo, heart trouhle or any other
infirmity of body or mlnu Wn,eh
might render him unfit for the safe
operations of a taxica}).
(c) Be able to speak, read and write
the Englislt language.
(d) Be of clean dress and person and
not be addicted to the use nf Intox-
i('ating liquors or narcotics.
Section 7. That every applicant for
drivers' license und('r tim ltri)visi,)ns
of this ordinance shall present to the
City Clerk satisfactory evidence of his
fitness to opel-ate a taxicab before
a license shall be issued to hhn.
Section 8. That the license fee for
driver's license sitall he $3.00 per an-
num and such license shall not I),.
transferable. The City Clerk will Jsstle
to a satisfactory applicant a card duly
signed hy the City Clerk each year.
Section 9. N,) persolt owning, oper-
ating or ('ontrolling any taxicab within
the iimils of the City of Shelton shall
charge to excee(l the following rat,,s:
(at For the first (me-third ndle ,,)'
fraction iherenf for one person. $.40.
(hi For each succeeding one-third
mile or fraction thereof $.10.
((9 For each ad(litlonal lerson for
tilt" whole journey, $.25.
(d) For each three minutes of wait-
ing time, $.10,
(el Provid,d that no ,harge shall
l)" ilia(to for (!hildren nnd(,r six years
of age a('companied by parents or
American farmers marketed Waiting time shall include the time
when the taxicab is not in ruotion I.)e-
about 31 billion dollars of produce ginning wilh the arrival al ttw lilac(
lnSt YOUr according to the U S t I wh ('h it ht h ,on calh,d (,r lilt
s,r/42q'$ 4 t atdt,t¢t@, ,:, tt{ Ill¢ c()nsunled Willie, stall(hag at the
L, epa...=.,, . s,." ..... . - direction of tile passenger, hut no
was 3 per cent above the previous ¢hat s
"' , 'ge . hall be ntade for tinm It)st
year and probably established an
all-time record. Inasmuch as pro-i
duction expenses also ware greater, ]
net income was down slightly from I
L _ 'i .v i ou?_y a r ..............
• n Lumber
Q0 Operated by Everett Dillon and Joe Simpson
SOUth First St. Phono 56
317 Railroad Phone 48
We Have Our Spring Assortments of
Now In Stock
A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Selection
Until Graduation Time
, ...... ,
....... :..3 ............ : ......... : ......... ' " -:" .................. ............... "...,.
One used 16x8 .(,r t8x8 Quick
Chant'( Lathe. single phase motor:
geared head; independent chuck;
st(,a(ly rest ('enters ; face I)late ;
tool post, two 3/8" Armstrong
tool holders; right and left; one
:%" herlng bar.
The Board reserves the right to re-
ject any or all bids.
Dated this 28th dny of March. 1949.
:l-3J -- 4-7-14,--3t.
Too Late to Classify
FOR RENT: small furnished house.
$40 f)('r )nntllll. SuLtahle for ('OUl)h
or working pair. Walking distance
fl'otll city center, htquir(" 1Rex .].
r-o Journal° 3-,TI
FOg SALE: 5 acres, in Skt)k()mtsll
Valley. 5 room house. Interior un-
finished. Wired for rang. Has well
and (tre(:!k running across back end
of properly. Mr. Einatr Kjeshu. Plox
262 or inquire at third house on left
past Fiv Corners on Lost Lake
Road. K'3-17-31
%-R-- s A-KP, i--f0bfe ;; ff i;' .ii,i f i:i:(.; t: T,.
first aud second class tidelands. i
:tore cleared. Gooff view of Mt. 1Rain-
ier and lnar[ne Ira(fit' int. Shelton.
Leslie Yotmglove, Rt. 2, Box 269.
Shelton. 3-31--4-14
wisl)ing to donate I)Io,,d for a t)'ans-
fusion please go' to the Medical
Lahoratory. Security Bldg.. Olympia.
Wash, and .state bh)od is for ssme.
......................................................... Ma-Sl
FOR SALE: almost new wood I'll|
with Therm (fil burner, insulated
tank cud uoils. $75. Kilhner El,'('tric.
N,). Cots St. 3-31
"FOR SALIi elgJat cleared }ii.ty ],;tS,,
Priced for qnick sale, $]000. Will
slr 6plt,lv. "InSide lots $150.
corner I€u:'$775. Ideal building site.
Phone 823-J or 605. P3-31
for inefficiency of the taxicah nr its
operator, n()r f()r th(, tiln(! COllSUln(Ni l i i i
by I)l't!ll]atul'e l'(sl)ntls( to a call, " .....................................
N(, l',,tul'n charge whatever slla]l be L O G S
nlade I'or any distance travelled within
the City of Sl elt(n regardless of the PAYING HIGHEST CASH
c(,mmen,'emtmt or finish (,t' th( trill PRICE FOR LOGS
Taxicabs operated for hire hy the Delivered To Our Mill
hour shall nnt charge rates in excess
of the following:
(at Four-passenger capacity exclu-
sive of driver, for the fh'st Italf-hour
or fraction thereof. $2.00.
Ih) lt)r the first hour, $3.50.
((.) For fifteen nlinute periods or
fractions thereof, thereafter not total-
ing a full hour, rate of $.75.
d) Vehicles six-passenger capacity
exclusive of driver, for the first half-
h.ur, or fraction thereof, $2.50.
(el For the first hour. $5.00.
(f) For fifteen minute periods or
fractions thereof thereafter, not total-
ing a full hour. rate of $1.00.
If demanded by the passenger the
driver in charge oI a taxicab shall de-
liver to the person paying or the hir-
ing of the same at the time of aueh
ynyment a receipt therefore in legible
pe or writing containing the name
of the owner, driver and license num-
ber of the taxicab, and any lten for
which a charge is made. the total
and the date of payment.
lutes ms to fares shall be deter-
,'the officer In charge of the
station and both laasa-
enger and driver .all comply witl
uch determination.
' Section 10..Every person owning or
engaged In the business of operating
any taxicab shall keep a record of all
trt!rm mde, together with the inforln-
athm required upon the Passenger's re-
c.etpt which record shall be open for
inspection at all reasonable thnes by
the Departn)ent of Liceases of the
State of Washington showing mteh
vehicles to be properly honded or in-
sured Ior t protection of the publle,
and also the Hcenses and permits Is-
sued pursuant to city ,)rdtnances.
Section 11. Arty driver of a taxicab
or for hire car en)ployed to carry pass-
engers to a definite point sitall take
the most direct route poLble that will
carry the psenger safely and ex-
pedltiousw to his destination.
SectiOn t2. It shall be unlawful for
ally person to drh'e or operate a taxi-
cab while under the influence of in-
toxicating liqueurs or narcotics.
Section 13. It shall b unlawful for
arty person to refuse to pay the regu-
lar fare for a taxicab after haviag
hired the same.
Section 14. It shall be unlawful for
any person to eruJse, drive or operate
an uUhired taxicab rel)eatedly or per-
sistently to and from and upon any
public street in the City of Shelton.
Section J& Tlmt licetmes Issued pur-
suant to the provisiomt of this ordi-
a/me ma. bo reroked Or stpeled
)y resoluuon ot me Clty Comratsaion
fpr good cause shown or whenever it
,shall find that the licensee or the
owner of any taxicab ])as wllfully vio-
late4 any of the provlslons of this
ordlnarme or permitted the same to he
violated; provided, however, no sach
license shall be revoked or suspende
unless charges in writing shall first
be fJ|ed with the City Clerk setting
forth with reasonable csrtainty the na-
ture of such charges agal,st said li-
censee or taxk:ab owner. Upon the fil-
ing" of charges as aforesaid the Com-
mission shall fix a time and place tlo'
the hearing of said charges, and a
c()py of the charges as filed, together
with notice of time and place of hear-
ing,thall be served upon licensee or
taxldab owner at least 5 days prior
to date Hxed by the Commlssh)n for
hearing. Service (if said notice may be
made by leaving a copy with some per-
son of suitable age and discretion it
the place of business or by ra ling a
copy of said notice by registered mail
Io said licensee or owner. At the
hearing on said charges the licensee
o,. taxicab owner sltall have the right
to appear and defend the charges and
if so desires to be represented by eotm-
Section 16. Upon the revocation of
any license for cause the unearned
portion of the license fee shall e re-
turned to the lieensee.
I ¢ttoa 17. That it shall be a mJs-
l demeaaor £or any prson to violate
I or fail to comply with. any of the pro-
| for the violation or t'aflttre to comply
[ wLth the provisions of this ordinsnce
I I shell be _ptmlhed by fine not cx-
I''elSg'" ('Jrte-Hllrdre-.DoBri 'Or" bY"
i intprmonment in the City Jail for a
(C,ntinued fr(,m page 1) reslllt oiL" further list. of wood pro-
chairman of the meeting, present- ducts. He demonstrated that the
ing the witnesses to Colonel Hew- U. S. government has a deep in-
itt and other exhibits that had terest in Mason county because
been collected in support of the o.f the partnership the government
Shclton contentions, has joined in witt the Simpson
The first witness, Gcorge Drake CcmHmny on the hundred-year sus-
till behalf of the Simpson Logging tained yield contract.
Company, gave facts and figures MR. 1)RAKE furthcr testified'
as to the high total of the corn-
that a conservative estimate prov-
pany's freight tonnage that was
shipped by water freight. He also ed that almost 4,000 people of the
testified as to development of the community depend for their livelt-
company's activities and pointed hood on the Simpson Company.
out that present figures Would be Mr. Faubert il reply to ques-
increased in the future as the (ions by Colonel Hewitt said lhat
the specific improvements requir-
)(.,'led n()l ex(:eeding thirty days. or ed would be the elimination oi"
|IV |)O I sll(*h |'ill(' lII).d ilnl)risonlenl.
S(,vtioa D/. That if any st,,'lion or Cape Horn and improvements ill,
provision .r 1,art tIwreof ill this ordi- the vicinity of SkookuIII point,
nanc.e shall he adjudged to be invalid completion of whieh would give an
(,r un,.onstitutionai such adjudk,ation
shah not affect the valid ty of the unobstructed and straight chan-
,,rdinan,'e as a whole or any section, nel from Arcadia to Shelton.
prnvision or part thereof not adjudged
invalid or mconstitutional. OTliER WITNESSE, mot of
Sectil,n 19. That ordinance No. ,'Y77 them representing tugboat oper-
of the City of Shclton be anti the same ations, and all convinced flint the
is hereby repealed.
Section 20. This ,,rdinaneo shall take improvements asked would make
,q'fect on the first day of May, 1949. their operation safer and more
Section 21. This ,)rdlnanee it (levis(- expeditious, some of them testify-
e(J to be urgent and necessary for the ing in person, while others slll)-
mitted signed atements Includ-
preservation of the publh" health.
peaee and safety of th,' inhah|tants ,)f
th(, C.ity -f Shblton.
Passed bv the City Cornlnissir)n this ed: Henry Foss, of the Foss Tt|g-
29th day oI" Marc)t. t9,t9, boat and Barge Company, To-
/s/ IIARRY CARLON. Mayor coma; Mr. Fo and Mr'. Car-
Altst: tander of the Puget Sound Freight
/s/ ALMA K. CATTO. City Clerk
AI)provod as t(, form: Lines; Mr. Grlffith of the Wash-
/s/ GIACNN E. CORREA, ington Tug and Barge Company;
C tv Att,)rney. 3-31---lt. W. D. Johnson, of the Petroleum
Navigation Company.
Orville Sund, of the Foss Com-
NOT/CI0 IS HEREIqY OIVEN, that pony; Mr. McCullough, of the Ta-
on Monday. April 18. 194{,) at two p.ul., coma Tug and Barge Company;
sealed bids will be reeelved )' the Oscar Levin, of the South Olympic,
1.h)ard of County Cornmisslone)'s (,f
Itts¢)lt Cclnty. Washington. at their Tree Farm: Carl Neal, of the
of(it.(, in the Court House in Shelton, Olympic National Forest; Mr.
for the purchase of the foil.owing: Francis and Mr'. Davis, of the
Standard Oil Company; Hal el-
stead, of the Shelton Port Dis-
trict, and Wilbert Ca(to of the
same group.
WINSTON CO', manager of
the Shelton Rayomer division mill
presented a signed statement for
his company, while H. Enzo Loop,
representing Shelton's city gov-
ernment, Lyle O'Deil, the board
of county commissioners, Rudy
Oltman of Shelton schools gave
facts t h a t demonstrated the
growth of the community in in-
dustry and population.
F. W. Mathias, representing the
Olympia Chamber (if Commerce,
spoke of his organization's inter-
est in the project and gesture of
support for the Shelton request.
W. L. Jessup, Journal publisher,
made a few introductory remarks
at the opening of the hearing
while State Representative George
Adams summarized the testimony
at its close.
hall was packed to capacity by
those who attended the hearing.
The testimohy now shall be
given stndy by the army engin-
eers and with what supplemental
information is provided, a deci-
sion will be reached and recom-
mendation prepared.
ServiCes in l.O.O.F. Hall
., John DeBoer, Paste F
,, Snnday,.school .for all ages and
.Adult Bible class, 9:45 a m
Divine worship, 1] Ser-
mon topic: "Un-swerving pur-
pose." Special music at morning
Adult confirmation instruction
7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Mid-week fellowship meeting at
R.F.D. 3, Shelton, 2 Miles East the parsonage, 627 J Street on Mt.
of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road View, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday..
to the "sign."
The meeting date for the Ra-
Slabs, edgings and planer ends. chael Knot Orthopedic Guild has
loa delivered, about 2 been changed from April 15 to
cords. April 29.
The meeting' will be held at the
COSELMAN MILL CO. home of Mrs. William McKenzie.
Phone 867-R-1 Evenings Mrs. W. L. Jessup will be co-
................................... hostess.
...................... - ......................... i .......
Prices start at 3 for$1 and up.
)I' * *
Pansies and Primroses
Are Ready
1000 feet north Allyn
Canal unction.
Clean Cotton Rags } .2 ,ffrYa
JOURNAL IU Mt. vw- p,,o,,e ,,-w ii
From where I sit'... @Jot'Marsh
, Talked?
Ih: t ::::r lik. tl is:;hse odpd:as €riFt ri= thhe::b:r sil;si:' :::e,n y ¢:
year-old daughter is talking about
"a real gone guy--solid--out of this
world, but def."
"Now what kind of language is
that?" Hap barks. "Can't she speak
, ,, ,, i ...... ....... 1 III
Students Honored
Melbers of the Gi]'is S,,xtotLt,
inchld0 Shh'h'y t]uih%', Vil'gil]a
Cooper, Pat (filmer(. (b,rrv Ca|q-
son. llal'y Clrllcs l)](l l',eltv New-
don't take a good long look at our-
selves. Sure, there'll always be
some differences. I'm on4 of a
temperate glass of beer and maybe
you wod prefer glng ale--bt/
let's just live and let live:Because
when we go ot of our way to find
"I'll trsslate it for you," Ma things to find fault with in,others,
Hooper says, "in the language of chances are they can find a few in
the twenties, when you were about us, too.
twenty years Diff. 8he simply meatm
this feUow is the 'cst's wlkers:
Remember how we used to tslk tf'z
sometimes?" Hap went Imek to
reading his newspaper.
., ,,,
Walter L. Marble
Repreent ing the ,
MI,'/PRt)PO [ ,ITA N [I1
Life and Per)nal Accident
I at1(1 |h,allh Insurance
man, and [IC.C(IP:ll)tl[List ii; ,Inset 1904 Stevens Phone 854
Swanson'. Tho,ee ill the vi,,li)) trb)
at'e C'Dale ilarthitl, I,.tll:Ty Gid- i J I I I IIIII llllilll I
di.l|os and Dick lak,,r.
()'FLIER S()LOIS'I'S and g)'(III),
receiving fine ratings :uld conl-
ments at the (:(mt(,st were l,,,ah
McGraw , piano; Erll(stille (i'.i;|llo
S()l)rano; Paul "W|'cnl tr(mlb(me,
and the brnss sext.ctt(,, Clirl. Trio
irol)l thc Choir, a s(,C()lld (.] i l'i.;
Trio, and tlic Girls (;lee (Hub
* $ :!)
I,yn|l She|'wood, hip'h scho(ll
inusic tqachcr, and ]:]elh ,]oh)on 1
grade school intl:ic instructor, are
attending InllSi(t e(Itl('tltor's c()}i-
fercnce ill Po|thlnd, Mat',:h 3() W, D. Coburn, Secretary
to April 2.
.......... II ..... L I - Ii iI1 _L
Well Drilling
Water Wells --'rest Holes ,
Shelton Lodfle No. 1684"
1st an(1 3rd Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m.Eaghs Hall
Marvin Leman, Governor
Bedell Drilling Co.
(formerly Davidson Drilling Co.)
Route 3, Box 101, Shelton
I II Ill
Hampshire 1 or 1000
from breeding flock 7th
(:HICKS best in egg production In
entire U.S. in 1948.
. t tm
i " i
219 1st St. - Phone 28
/ " :.
! !A $C EHIN00.00
Then Trade Now
Before It Is Too Late
Killmer Electric
207 COTA ST.