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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 8 AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS, i A chicken in every pot isn&apos;t just a catchy l)hrase for poUtici- ass to toss around, as far as {leorge Wag(mer is concerned. The proprietor of Wagener Feed Store is going to do his level best to put one in every pot in Mason County this week end, for today, tomorrow and Saturday he offers ten white leghorn cockerels ab- solutely free to one member of each family who presents the properly filled-out coupon to be lound in the Wagener Feed Store advertisement on page 13 of to- day's Journal. This is an annual (,vent, Mr. Wagener puts on as a goodwill and advertising promotion. All he 'asks is that no marc than. one member of a. family present cou- pons and that each person bring his own couiainer to transport the chicks. Did anyone ever give you a ]ww tire7 Ray lluelmlann and ISHI Jackson ; will rhey offer to give absolutely ' free a fifth tire to anyone who purchases a set o:f four new Arn]- strong polarubher passenger car tires at Ray's Iiehfield Service on Mt, View.' It is an el for to introduce these new tires to Mason county's mo- toring pnblte. The tires are uncon- ditionally gnaranteed against de- tects, stone braises, blowouts, rim cuts, and other thing,% detatls of which may be learned by reading the advertisement on page 10 of ttlis edlti(m. BOB ERVIN and most of his atdes at Ervln Motors turned car- penters for a few hours last week mad when they finished hammer- ing and sawing a new fence sad sign decorated the used car lot for the Buick a.geney here. * $ $ Vacation ia over already for this year for Jack Catto, proprietor of the J. L. Catto Hardware store on ttailroad Avenne. He returned Tuesday afternoon from two weeks of complete relaxation spent with his three grandchil- (h•en and his daughter and son-in- law. Mr. and Mtm. George Benolt, at Sausilii.o, Calif. During his absence Mrs, (;all() 4hq)erated the hardware store, II you'll turn to page 11 of this edition you'll find some sensa- tional furniture news, hnmense savings are offered by the Lum- hermen's Mercantile COral)any on davenos In a big sale made [)o.- alble beeanse a nationally known fnrniture manufacturer has been forced to liquidate 260 davenos. They come in six different price Progress Grange Host To Pomona Agatc Grang was host to Ma- son County Pamona Grange on Sunday, March 27. Tom Vander Wal had a freak a.c¢ident in the s#oods last week when he was st, ruck in the Cb by a h)w branch, cutting his face Im.infully and calisir|g rlnrnerotlS bruises. Last report is that h(, is recovering nicely, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Whetham ha, moved from the Hamilton pldee to a hesse on Beverly Heights in Shelton. Ttle Marvin Horton family has also moved into town, vacating a, cabin at Spencer Lake. Mrs. John Vander Wal is spend- tag a few days visiting relatives in Issaquah this week• The Harry Hamtlton family drove to Gig Harbor Sunday to spend the evening with friends there. Friday night there is a meet- lng of the school club. Another card party will be held this week end at the Agate scltool house. This is the last party of a series. We have been trying to raise money to Install , septic, tank far tho school. ra'nges and in six different styles, with savings of as high as $45' available on the reduced prices. Visitors Keynote Week Of Activity In Grapeview Area By Lydht Wren Mrs. Emma Anderson of Ho- quiam, Mrs• Edna Stevens' mo- ther, visited over the week end, On Monday Mrs. Stevens drove her mother back home again. Leslie Rice, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les Rice was lmmo , from school last week nursing an , abscessed tooth. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Bucking- ham were hosts at a dinner party at their home last Saturday eve- , ning. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank Paynton, Mr. and Mrs, :Cliff Barrett and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tschida. Irene S. Reed High School pn- pils attending the Kelso Solo En- semble Cont(,st from here last Saturday were Lcah McGraw and Panl Nrcn, AT TIlE GRAI'EVIEW Com- munity Club card party last Fri. day evening, Mrs. Ethel Buclchg- ham won first prize, Mrs. Ann Schwtnn was Second high, Cleln Hell, low, and Mrs. usie Syr- jala won the floating prize. Pro- ceeds from the party went to the :Bookmobile unit. John Stevens and Mrs. Buckingham, as part- hers, had 1500 trump. Connie (Bryant) Cronquist won the electric mix master as first prize at the Eells and Valley Ap- pliance Cdnter in Shelton a week ago last Saturday, Connie signed ut) about a half hour before the drawing. The school bus was oJ'f the run a week ago Wednesday due to a broken spring. Chester Hansen had the misfor- tune of Imving his left eye in- jured by a piece of flying steel at his place of employment in Seat- tle. Grapeview Community.Club will hold its regular meeting" at the school house on Friday evening: April 1. Mrs. Alan Kimbal is back home again, very much tmprdved, after several weeks spent in hospitals in Shelton and Seattle. TIlE FAIRVIEW Grange open meeting on the school llouse grounds last Sunday was a pleas- ant affair. Ground was spaded near the school house with plants and shrubs installe<l for future beauty 'there will be two more ,if these meetings during the year to which the publtc will be in- vited. We enjoyed the group picture in last week's Journal showing the Wee Pot men in dancing cos- tumes. That heel and toe routine was graceful as anything but some are still wondering if our local boy, Bill Seiners. was just hiding his face with his hand. SCOUTS GET READY FOR SPRING RALLY Boy Scouts of Tulnwater Area Council Ilave been practicing all year for two events which will take place in April and May. One of the events is the District Scout Rally held in every district of the council. Purpose of the rally is to bring together the scouts, scourers and parents of scouts for a program of competitive games and scouteraft, Mason District Scouts will meet April 23 at Walker park for their rally. Second event is the Council Camporee May 1 a n d 15 at Millersylvania state park, 12 miles southwest of Olympia, At the camporee very scout troop in the council will be on the grounds to demonstrate camping skills. Each scout, patrol and troop will be competing against their own records in workfig toward the mark of "class A camper." SHELTON tt0SPITAL PROJECrS AIDED BY COMMUNITY GROUPS One of the most extensive do-.given, Any orgauization or indi- nations made to the community-[vtdual desiring to help In any way owned Shelton General Hospital ]is asked to contact Mrs. Isabel during the past year was the gift IThompson, superintendent, for of acoustical tile for the offices further details. anti corridors by the Zonta Club ......................... following its hospital tea last summer, Tle out-growth of this gift has been a realization that a non-profit lmspital needs constant support in order to keep up the higll standards to wllich Mason county citizens have aspired in the past, The hospital clean-up program, ,tarted last spri))g througll the concern displayed by various civic clubs, has never been finished. TVO iOOM WERE complete- ly renovated by individuals in memory of members of their fam- ilies; the local doctors paid for the re-decorating of a. first-floor annex ro(,m; and the Kiwanians donated the cost of re-conditioning the interior of the nursery, There the work Ires stopped except for the few donal.lons made numthly aa nlenlol'iBIs which are He[ ttsi(h' in a room-Improvement fund to defray tle cost of rcplaci,ag old and obsolete lamps, chair& foot- st(mls a, nd tables, Rayonier's Canteen Fund. the profit taken from the candy and cigarette nmchincs and l)reseuted regularly to tile hospital for the past five.years, ham mad,- It pos- sible to buy nine lamps and mx footstools. FnndN given recently in memory of one wolnan, flnqollllt- ed to enougll to l)urchase a nlneh- needed four-wheeled chair. TIlE COST OF papering the average retire $:tt tle Shclton Gen- eral Ilospital is apf)roxtnlatC]y 100. t .linl IIOL (,vcrstelpHlg the budget (if nl¢isl, civic (irgitliiza- 11()1114. lliSl o|' tlw l'OOnlH dl) intl. llal't anic, tal phlcard Oll tire door designating tile name of a club or individual interested tu its ira- keep. The new type hospital chair coats $50. and only one is avail. able to patients able to be out of bed, The regular roonl-tmprove-I nlent fund can ala, ys be added to if smaller ff¢llounts arc Io be" District Federation Of Women's Clubs To Hold Ju.e 1 Conclave By Frances R. lull "ttome and the Community" is to be the theme for the spring convention of the District Feder- ation of Women's Clubs to be held Wednesday, June 1, at Alderbrook Inn, Names of speakers will bc announced later• according to District President Mrs. Frank Willard of Shclton. CONVENTION PI,ANS were made at a meeting last week of the executive board of the Fed- (,ration. Belfair Woman's Club will be the hostess grasp for the conven- tion, with Mrs, Mary Wing, gen- eral chairman• New officers to be elected at the June I convention include tt president for a two-yenr term, second vice president 'and first director, Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, Star Route 1, Shelton, heads the nominating committee, and Mrs. Warren Lincoln, the resolutions committee. Reports of club presidents on the year's ac.tivlties of their groups will occupy a large part of the morning session at the con. clave. There will be a luncheon at the Inn, CLUBS REI'RESENTED at tile board mc('tbg included the Bcl- fair rolnan's 'Chlb. the Hillerest tfoulcniakpr's Chlb. the Hood Can- al Wontan's Club. Lalcd Isabella VVoman's Club and the Shelton iVolllait's Chlb. Wolncll', l'Onl) irltercsted in affiliating with tim Dtstrte, t Federation of Women'i Clubs are urged to contact Mrs. Frank Willard. Club press sorapbooks will be judged at the convention and the winning booh entered in the com- petition at the state convcntioll to bc h{ll ind¢crc%t" iat June. .... "' " ................. °,'* "" "i " "'' ........................ SHELTONMASON" * ...................... COUNTY JOUPNAL ÷ ,,,i Thursday, BUY CgFFEE THIS WAY SAVE FROM 5€to I0 € II 00ou/ t[ ITh00 B U I Your Food Dollar { Roasted in small batches, ! 1 these fine coffees are hur- ! tied to Safeway from near- ! by modern plants. Flavor ! and freshness are shielded ! nature's way-in the whole u ! bean. The full flavor is re- u leaaed for the first time u when the coffee is ground ! for you-in the store. I ! S  a mm mm mm Jm  U mm n  ia ntJm mm i Jm Jm  II I   n i nm P R,POUND No expensive container needed for these coffees. Be- cause their freshness and flavor are locked in the whole bean until you buy, they can be packed in simple pa- per bags. And the saving in package cost goes to you! Enjoy good coffee without paying a big price. StrawberrY, Raapberry, Cherry, Orange, Lemon or Lime JELL.0 DESSERTS 3 pkgs. 20* Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry, Orange, Lemon or Lime JELL-WELL Desserts 3 pkgs. 17 € Westfarm, Festones in heavy syrup PEACH HALVES ... 30-oz. 27  t i EDWARDS COFFEE Rich coffee always tastes better • . and Edwards is always rich! 1-LB. CAN 54¢ 2-1b. aa¢ 4-LB. CAN 1.97 Can Highway, unpeeled, in heavy syrup. 30-oz. APRICOT HALVES. 2 cans 39* VBreez¢" mild flavor, rich in quality CHEESE FOOD ....... 2-lb. 7,5 ¢ LUCERNE t m GRADE , MILK Homogenized or regular. Lucerne Is richer. Fresh every day! Quart 18 = *LUCERNE HALF & HALF ....... PT, 19€ "kLUCERNE COFFEE CREAM 2-PT, 22¢ *Blossom Time COTTAGE CHEESE LB. 25¢ _ . i i SPOTLIGHT VALUES 5 Delicious diced fruits FRUIT COCKTAIL .. Fancy, twice-rich, 47-oz. TOMATO JUICE .... Tender, young green peas GARDEN PEAS .... 30-oz. 32  2 lge. 49 ¢ 2 cans 33* EVISCERATED .... \\; Fryers PAN READY Cut Up, Grade "A" young tender fryers. No waste to pay for . . . economical! LB. SLIC BACON Cudahy's "Gold Coin" Mild Eastern 49 ¢ Cured ............ LB. Fricassee Fowl Pan Ready, Cut up, 69 ¢ Grade "A" ........ LB. U.S. "Good" Standing RIB ROAST lb. 67¢ Pure, fresh, ;ill beef - Lb. GROUND BEEF 45¢ Round Bone, shoulder - Lb. PORK ROAST .. 47¢ Rib End, h)in - Lb, PORK ROAST .. 57¢ All pure pork, link SAUSAGE .. lb. 55¢ Tender, skinless WIENERS .... lb. 49¢ SMOKED PICNICS Morrell's or Rath's Short Shanked. 6 to 43 ¢ 8 Pounds ..... LB. -- Sea Food -- Pan-ready sLeaks, SALMON ........ lb. 63¢ Ready to fry SOLE FILET .. lb. 39¢ Columbia River -- 3 LBS. FRESH SMELT .... 25¢ Pan-ready steaks HALIBUT ........ lb. 53¢ Whole, Pacific FRESH CRABS lb. 29¢ Young, golden kernela KERNEL CORN 16'oz. 20 ¢ Durkee's Oleomargarine.. YOUR ORDER,TAKEN 21bs.67€ ASPARAGUS Tender, young all-green spears. Fancy quality, aelected stoak. De- licious, eerved creamed on toast, First of the Season AT A POPULAR PRICE Florlda, Large Sweet CELERY ORANGES LB. 71A € Utah type rune U.S. No, 1 criap stalks .... POUND Nw Potatoea 1 € POTATOES LB 7 IA Fancy and Extra Fancy ROME APPLES Fhncy and Extra Fancy W!NESAP APPLES Arizona Marsh Seedless GRAPEFRUIT ............. F'esh Green Buds BROCCOLI "Snap-Top" Tender CARROTS ................. Mcdlum, Mild .......... lb. 141/2  .. 4-lb. bag 49* lb. 8V2' ................. lb. 19' . lb. 81, € YELLOW I)RY ONIONS ...... lb. 5* GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY PINEAPPLE Priced Low Libby's Crushed 15 € or Sliced, No. 1 tin Sliced or Crushed 31 No, 2 tin ................ s,,0od 35 ¢ NO. 21//2 tin .......... .o.eda,e !!: 30¢ No. 2 tin .... TUNA FISH Torpedo, Light Meat Tuna Flakes 6-OZ. T,N 29 ¢ ENRICHED "HOME TYPE" (25-LB. $1.95) Kitchen Craft FLOUR ].89 50-LB ............................................................. RICH-RED, TANGY Taste Tells CA'[SUP lS, 14-OZ. BOTTLE ............................................ FANCY QUALITY, L!4bby's,CATSUP .................. LIBBY'S, CRISP AND TASTY SWEET PICKLES 11y2-OUNCE .................................................... CANTERBURY, BLACK (48 BAGS 49¢) TEA ,BAGS 16 BAGS. ........................... , ............................. Gentle IVORY SOAP (2 LARGE 29¢) MEDIUM SIZE ............ ROUND, GOLDEN PARTY CRACKERS TEA TIMERS l-LB. PKG ........................ ! ......................... PFICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAy & SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST, AND 2ND, 1949, SUBJECT TO MAR- KET CHANGES AND STOCK IN SHELTON. NO SALES TO DEAL- ERS. SORRY, WE MUST RE- SERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, t'. 01 #0¢45t NOB HILL COFFEE Vacuum-packquality and flavor plus tore-round freshness and thrift: LB. 46 ¢ AIRWAY COFFEE Mild and mellow-the world's most popular flavor in coffee LB. 44 ¢ Mrs. Wright's BREAD White or wheat enriched. Feels 1- tender and eats tender] Top quality! Lb. *Cracked Wheat l-lb. 14€ *Raisin Bread .. 1.1) STRAWBERRY JAM "Empresa," impo.ed 69 ¢ Canadian Jam! ...... 2-LB. *. Empress Raspberry .... 2-lb. 55¢ BUTrER Guaranteed quality, Parchment wrap POUND Large size, Washington DOZEN 58 ¢ , Pineapple Juice, Libby's ...... Apple Juice, Church's ................ Tomato Juice, Sunny Dawn .. Tomato Juice, Libby, 18-oz ....... Mayonnaise, Piedmont (pt. 39¢) Mayonnaise, Nalley's ................ pt, White Magic Bleach, qt. 15¢, Johnson's Gto Coat deal (2 qts. 1.47) .. 2 Wrigley Gums (ctn. 20, 67¢) 3 pk' Hershey's Chocolate Kisses .... 7 o0 Jelly Beans or Orange Slices. Swedish Mints or Choc. Drops YELVEETA Kraft's Famous Cheese Food 2 %'79  Libby's Co0t Ready to 12-OZ. TIN ROYAL SATIN, ALL-PURPOSE SHORTENING 3-LB. CAN .................................................... PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENINGS CRISC0 or SPRY . 3-LB. CAN ...................................................... DARIGOLD OR CHERUB (2 TALL 23¢) EVAPORATED MILK TALL, CASE (48) ...................................... PET, CARNATION, BORDEN EVAPORNrED MILK TALL ........................................................... ; .... CAMELS, RALEIGH, LUPKY STRIKE CIGARETTES PACKAGE ........................................................ ACME BEER CASE (24) ................................................