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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 t&apos;age 12 i il ii1111 ...... gttt talkers will not tray°Ira( pethr. ,, APglL ,*-Flt I'tlon pIcture theater opened, | 902.. Ill-Jefferson Davis fled  from 1865, Rlchmond. 4-U. S. Naw/dirlgibleI Akron wrecked. 19:]3, -First "balloon" tires made. 1923. (rye--First Olympic games ) held in Athens. I B5. [ 7..*.Reformed Dutch } Church organized. • 1628. 8.--First men enrolled in Civilian Conservation L,, Corps. 1933. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY 24-HOUR SERVICE ALL MEN DRIVERS I Offioe at the Bus Depot gtIELTON-MA g0N COl TNTY :TOURN AI . Thurzday, MaK I I I[ I[111 III IIIIIIil1111 IIIIIIIiil I I II III IIIIII II I - I II II II I I II+lll I I I I I  II I I I II III , l ' Sheltoni n"e "" "''" "" ........................ " ........... .=. .+. PlllPIlt'Se tf | J,C 9 IT S ALL IN KNOWIN 1 G . ans ar ":!il S00,.ial Ev00nt00 i)i"'hoped" Group HO00aOa'ALI00,OEM . '16 t (;oncert Program " ., • urt lC' ] (' ''ill" k l (I ] '   ..... ( ] { ] [''' '' ;' ] ] ]  ' ' ] ' ' l By C P S Bands ':: _ l _. -- -- "" - "" A E plai ed ,a,led ,o ,,,aw the ,ight .... P'se00t00 • . ";" re x n w+t00s frmn tiae lost littlo t?ov, a-- Nllelton tttwan/ans Vroudly vre : ' * * ;:; Barbara Nelson, Society Editor . Phone 100 ,, cording Io an A[' report t r(m ' An entlmsiasti(: auclienc(, qp- .}. " ;t'; An attempt t:- chtrifv the dif- Sa(,ranmnt(L Califm'nia. )lauded the fine concert program v........,.;..;.*...°.%..i..;..;.*;.%......%..;°.,,i...0.1,,... °..;..i.*;,..;,*a%*%*.i.,;.*i,.i.%.*;*%.*;,.°....%..i..i..i.°;.*;.,t * feren(',os bet\\;veen two women's IVin,dly Polic(,man P, ill "Wilson wesented March 24 by th,' Cot- put on ,a,., a,,,, The Whitman College lege of Puget Sound. department Of innsJc, Coneel't and Worlsh( I) bands, in the senior high sch()(d auditorium. Appearing in Sheiton on a Western Washin-ton tour the bands perfm'med during the after- noon fro" the enjoyment of the school students anti irl the eve- ning for the general public. The concel't Ill]lid, urlder tile di- rection of John O'(ounor, played vari0d selections by sueh noted composers as Hindcmith, Denza- I,nnK. Srnedvig, Morrisey, a]tl Sollsa. Student directors con- dut.te(t several numbers, ahd I,,ynn Sherwood, Shelton schools mn,qic, director, directed a SO/lSa lliInlbcr. ITnder tilt, directh)n of Ler'oy Ostransky, the Workshop band played n modern program with the band's arrangements (it l)Optl - lar melodies as "Body and Soul." "Mood Indigo," "Smoke Rings," and the novelty number "Ton- sillectomy. (I[TET IROM SFATTLE Miss Barbara Moore of Seattle, was the week end house guest of Mrs. Dorothy Watts. Miss Moore nd l$Irs. Watts were class mates at the University of Washington. Morgan & Eacrett Lumber Co. 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY Phone 656 for PITTSBURGH "PAINTS HAULING BUILDING SUPPLIES WE HAVE PLANTS NOW At Green House Prices TUBEROUS BEGONIAS PERENNIALS VEGETABLES BEDDING P(YIWED PLANTS Shrubbery and Berries Flowers For All ( 0ccslons COOK PLANT FARM 2 Miles Off Olympia Highway on Cole Road R. R. 3, Box 265, Shelton, Wash. IIII pARAMOUN T THEATRE Shelton, Wash. THE HOME OF THE FINEST ENTERTAINMENTDIRECT FROM SEATTLE'S LEADING THEATRES. Thursday - Saturday, March 31 - April 1-2 Atl, IMIItlCAN TOl b Walun Hill Hly Mudc, Note Adulta 50e This Show Sunday - Wednesday, April 3 - 6 JOHN WAYNE "The Three Godfathers" lJJI __ ILl II I I I Life at Children's Hospital Seen In Films Shown at General Meeting h]sl)iring atld onlightctling \\;v(,re patiorlis must also go to maintain tilt! coh)l' slid SOllrld Ill(Ivies Of :1 the hospital. day at the Orthopedic Hospital In order to visit the hospital, +i+t St,attic which was seen by vo appointment is n+.cessal'y for lnonll)ol'S ++f gtlil(Is and auxilial'ies ollt-of-towll persons, jllst, a (!all of tilt' Mas()ll Coultty Orthol)edic fl'om within the eity before corn- Association :it their general meet- ing ottt to the hospital. However, ing VJedm.sday e\\;,el|illg lit the if large groups a|'e i)lannmg to com'thouse, visit, tile staff would appr(,('iate The movie began at tile open- advance notice. ing of an average day, showing At, the conclusion of the movie, a great number el: afflicted chil- the business meeting was con- dren 'rod hopeful parents who tinued, during which it was an- flock to the hospital daily to be nounced that the Paul Bunyan treated lay the finest doctors in Auxiliary was sponsoring a Jnn-. the northwest, who donate+ freely ior Orthopedic, group consisting of and generously of their time and a proposed 14 members, No name skill. The infinite care and gen- has as yet been chosen, but the th,ness wtth which tile little ones association most warmly wel- are handled was apparent thru- comes then( to its midst, and Mrs. out the film. and the fact was McConkey urged that anyone stressed that each patient was a knowing of a pers+m m persons sick child and not an atlult, and wishing to join an orthol)edic should bc treated accordingly, guild or allxi| at'y contact Mrs. There wel'e even tiny infants who Lonis Van Arsdale by telephone were bottle fed. eacb being held tit 552-,1. This applies to senior by a nurse or aide during it feed- as well as junior persons or ing. groups. Surgery and therapy are only Mateyial for the Penny Drive part of tile numerous methods of wil be available next month and healing the sick or mjured child. Mrs. S. W. Price, general Penny Special exercmes, baths, massages. Dilly° chairman for the associa- and occupational therapy is aJso tion asked that all guild and offered to bring into play*mus-:hs auxiliary presidents who hail not damaged Mr weakened by disease already done so to turn in to or m'eident, net' as soon as possible the names Sun decks and play yards . . . of their Penny Drive chairmen so roonls for occupational therapy that plans may be gotten under- • . . a library on wheels, bringing way for the forthcoming project. to each confined child the wo- Three rembers from ibe Grape- derland of books, with trained view Auxiliary were introduced volunteer aides to rca4 to and [ and welcomed to the meeting and amuse the patients as well as to it is hoped with the anticipated instruct them. Teachers are avail- better Weather more members able to the child who is well I from out of the city groups will enough to contimm with hiSbe able to attend the next gen- sehooling, so that when he goes ] eral meet. out into the world a well child, he will not have lost too much hh time fr(un study. All of these Mrs. As.._augh Hostess ract,,,'s g<, toward not only heal- To Olympta Women mg tile ailing child, but to keep- Mrs. George Asbaugh was ing him happy in the process hostess to 15 members of the Of particular interest was the Olympia Golf Club and three Sllel- famed "£'eter Rabbit RoOm." To ton guests at her home M:arch 28. this gay room the little pat?€n( The day's activities began with goes before surgery. ']['here, in a 18 holes of golf at 9 a,m. at the fairyland of stuffed animals, dolls Bayshore course, Golf balls were and exciting toys of which he may won by Mrs. John King with low choose any one he wishes to take net and Mrs." Willtant Patterson wilh him, the anaesthetic is ad- who trod low gross. ministered, and the child never The women then returned to sees the cold white walls of sur- the Astbaugh home for luncheon gery. that featured a turkey won by So much good is being done at Mrs. Ashbaugh in a tournament the present time for children of played in Olympia and ice creant every race, creed and color, but that she had won at the Berne- so ranch more could be done it" dine Allen Friendship Breakfast. only there were more room to ac- Assisting Mrs. Ashbaugh with comodatc more patients. To this the luncheon were Mrs. Winston end. funds are being raised to Scott, Mrs. William McKenzie and add a. new wing' to the hospital, Mrs. Rolla Halbert through the Penny Drive which .......... is to be held in May, dues and loney-rasing projects of guilds Hoodsport Preschool and auxiliaries throughont the Change Meeting Date state. These sources of revenue, The Hoodsport Preschool group however along wit, h gifts from has Shanged the date of the i:neet- the public and feeh of grRternl ing ,set for April 5 to Tuesday, April 12. NllNG IN file fJLYMPI( The meeting will be held at the Mr. and Mrs. Louis VanArsdale, home of Bessie Hale in Hoodsport accompanied by Mrs. [linty Moore at 8 ll.m. Mrs. Laura Plumb, Shel- sl)ent the week end skiing at ton librarian will be the guest Deer Park in the Olympic moun- speaker. talns. They rel)oi'ted very good skiing co,lditio,s ............ at the p,,,r. 4Oth WeddingYear SltELTON V¢.C.T.U. Observed by Ryans The Sholton Women's Christian Celebrating their 49th wedding Temperance Union will meet April anniversary, :Mr. and Mrs. D. H. 1 at the home of Mrs Merritt Ryan were guests for dinner at Wingard. A pot luck lunch will the home bf their son and daugh- be served at 1 p.m. after which ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duane wil be the regular business meet- Ryan. ing aod .x pl"Op, Taln. All intere+sted women are+ eordi- New Members Welcomed ally invited to attend. ......... To P. Bunyan Auxiliary t NEll, ZINTIIEO RECOVERING The Paul Bunyan Orthopedic Following a isit with her ht|s- Auxiliary met March 21 at the , band at the Swedish Hospital in home of Mrs. Robert Fletcher. Seattle. Mrs. M C. Zintheo re- Mrs. Glenn Cortes asisted Mrs. ports that Mr, Zintheo is doing Fletcher as hosteu. i very well followinK a second op- New members introduced to the " eration last week and hopcs to group were Mrs. Robert Miller, return home soon. rs. William Rutter. Mrs. Doro- thy Watt, Mrs. Lloyd Griffiths, Mrs. Don McDonald and Mrs. Gn00HAM w.+e. woo. -The ptoJe committee, Mrs. John Roberts and Mrs. Dorothy THEATRE Watts, will report to the group at the next meting which will be held April 18 at the home of Mrs. CharleB Hokonson. Fri-Sal., April 1-2 Dot,ble Feature ST. MARY'S ALI'AR SOCIETY Bud Abbott, l,ou Cost°lie The St. Mary's Altar Society "THE NOOSE wt! meet Thurtiay, April 8th at 8:00 p.m. at the Church parlors. HANGS HIGH" MrS. Andrew Kruiswyk and Miss Hitting a new high in Irene Hughes will be the host- Hilarity.. esses. ........ Twenty-one ladies of the Parish - Second tilt - attended the communion breakfast "THE WESTWARD March 27th at the Shelton Hotel r  ,, Coffee Shop. 1RAIL The St, Vincent de Paul truck I,:tdie Dean and his horse, will be in Shelton Wednesday, "Copper" April 6th. Anyone wishing to Roscoe Ales, l)hyllis Plau- contribute may call Mrs. Robt. chats! Kieburtz, telephone number 712W. f! A Western Thriller.. Old papers and magazines are ......... o- ............ the only things not accepted. ,Nun-Man.. April 3-4 Iledy Lamarr, Itolr4 cure- TRIP T(3 NEW YORK ttling's Dr. A. N. Parrett. director of "LET'S LIVE research for Rayonler Incorpor- ated. left this week on a business A LITTLE" trip which will take him to New Anna len. Robert hayne York City. It's Riotous and Romantic!! Adults 50v Children ].5' ............. o ..... H001)SI00T Tuemlay, April 5 "The *,Vifliman Coih, ge (h0ir" ........ ° ........... lltF00lllE 'ed-Thur.. April 6-'/ l)ouble F( ature The Best-Seller Sensation Friday, April 1 MAN-EATER OF KUMAON" "And Then There Sabu, Joanne ])age Were None" Wendell Gorg Barry Fitzgerald -Second Feature- Walter Huston "TRAIL OF THE VIGILANTES Sunday, April 3 Fraachot Tone, Warren "Ox Bow William, Andy Devhte, Ineident" Mlsdla Atler o Henry Fonda - Dana Andrews Next Week: "Dot to the Sea in Ship No Sunday Matinee ot'thope(lic associati(ms establish- ted ill Mason collnty i:i now 1.11'1(](?1'- way by tie officer's and inelnh(q's of "the' Maso)l ("olnlty Associal.i(;Jl of the Children's Orthol)edic Ih)s- pital il| Seatth', on(, of tile ol'gan- izations involved in the nlisunder- standmg, according to Mrs. Roy C. M('Contey, president (if that gronp. The ason County Association of the Childr,m's Orthopedic Hos- pital of Seattle is directly con- nected wilh that tmspita[ and all funds raised by the guilds and anxiliaries in. this county are turned over to that establishment. The Children's OrthoI)odic Hos- pital, Mrs. M cConkey explain(d, takes cases fr()m ail over the t)a - (,if to Northwest. Mason county last year had 13 children trea'ted there at a total cost tt) the hos- pital of $g,800. Whvn a patient is unable to lmy any or all of the cost of the t:aI'e and treatment prescribed, tie hospital does so. It is through the work of the many guilds and auxiliaries of the Children's Itos- pital, both in Mason County and throughout the state, that ,the hospital is maintained and fin- anted. h the past few months, a see- end orthopedic association, The Tacoma Orthopedic Association, has been establishcd in Mason county. This organization has no connection with the nationally famous children's hospital in Se- attle, but is a separate group es- tablished to raise a building fund for a proposed children's hospi- tal ill Tacoma, according to M I [' s . McConkey. At present the Tacoma group has no actual hospital, but instead supports a children's clinic, Chil- dren from Mason county may be examined at the Tacoma clinic, but if any treatment or hospital- ization is advised, the ease may then be sent to tile Children's Of thopedie Hospital in Seattle. Mrs. McConkey advises that all persons interested in becoming ntembers of any orthopedic gronp in Mason county inquire at length into the connection of the group with the hospital in Seattle, as some local women have, through lack of knowledge of this similar- ity of names and purposes, affil- iated themselves with the Pierce county group. said: "Now see here, wise guy, if ymt don't sing I'll tin'ow y<)u so deep in the clink they'll have t+ pus l) the sunshine to yo))]" Said the little boy, quickly: "I'm Diekie Sharrah, I live at i015 Arcade Bonlevard, and l are four years ohl." VIITOR FROM ,UNNYSll)E Mrs. Robert Day and Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie of Stmnyside, Wash- ington are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter l)ay of Union. Mrs. Day, a former resi- dent of Shelton, and Mrs. kit(hie plan to remain two w(,,.tcs. FROM TACOMA Mrs. Francis V/aIIace of Taco- ma visited last week at the home I . !el hr parents, :Mr, and Mrs. W. I). Schweitering. l)orothy Schwei- lering accompanied her sister back to Tacoma and spent the week end with her, TRIP TO CLARKSTON Mrs. C. Henry Bacon and daugh- ter, Terry, left this week for a ten day visit at the home of Mrs. Bacon's sister, Miss Florence Payne of Clarkston, Wash. A CAPPELLA CHOIR] 1 [ DAY, APRIL 5 8:15 P.M. IN THE GRAHAM THEATRE Adults $1.25 Children 75¢ , THIS MAY BE A MAN'S WORLD . . . But His Clothes Must Please A Woman . . . Dress Up In Your Old Clothes Have Them Dry Cleaned Regularly at PANTORIUM ,CLEANERS & TAILORS 215 S ,. 2nd "St. Phone Any day now comes one of spring's biggest thrills-that first carefree cruise into the country on the wings of your Buick-with the air warm and full of promise, and you falling in love with your Buick all over again! We want you to get the most out of thls affair, ccrt. because we've been around Buicks so nuch  we have a deep and loving interest in them, too-so we've got everything all set in our shop to get your car all seLfor the season. spark plugs, buretor, radiator 0 system, bottery spark plugs, valve-tappet buretor, rate, wheel bearings, I gear. Changing your oil-flushing out your cooling system-these are only starting points for us l Any machine as fine as your Buick deserves a complete check-up and tune-up-and we have the men, the tools, the experience, to do . it as no one else quite can! Drop in this week and let us fix a time for bringing ydur Buick beauty up to its new-car thrill-level. For that magic Saturday morning, sometime soon, when there's a heady invitation in the air to get under way someplace-be ready! Buick +°+° Buicks +++t ,+P++:'+++'4+ +r ::+ a+ + ERVIN South First and Mill Streets, Shelton, Washington- cylinder hea connections. -- do complete t tune-up, Inspect i linings far weOr, and add wofer, s r