March 31, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Calling All Hill-Billies
Old Time & Scandinavian Music
Every Saturday Night
9:30 p.M. to 2:00 A.M. m With Music By
and His U,E. Chamberlain Cowboys
radio musicians and singers featuring Jeannie,
row-girl yodeler, Johnny Williams and his
Hill-Billy Harmonizers at the
Sehneiders Prairie
$ Miles from Olympia on Shelton Highway
Now On Display at
COmplete Richfield Oil Products
Complete Automotive
Body & Fender Repair
and Car Painting
AUgmenting Our Former Services of
g and Rebuilding
-- Trucks--- Tractors
Logging Equipment
Pick-up and Delivery Service
Bv I nternational. Harvester
" ]Plymouth - International
SOUth 1st at Mill St. Phorte 601,
Steers, Lambs, Hogs
To Converge In Auburn
For Livestock Show
I Allnlrn. .hnior livestock rais-
er,'; and their fattened steers,
lambs and hogs will converge on
Xul)ucn for the fourth annual
N,)rthwo:t .hmi(n' Livestck Show
April 12, 14 and 15.
tv rail an(N truck, from the
rcli;inig Auburn community and
fl'()lTt :IS 'i'i.l' twa' as Palotlse, lllem-
I;ers of the li'ittlu'e Farnmrs of
Amcric:l and d-H Clubs will move
their (::irefully groomed prize stock
to the show. Closing date for
entries iv April l,
Spor, sored by the Aubnrn Cham-
ber of Comnmrce and the Grange
l,iwstoek Marketing Association,
the show will attract nearly :I50
l)uring the three-day show sleep-
ing and eating accommodations for
the exhibitors and instructors will
he provided in the Army's Auburn
(leneral Depot, which adjoins the
Auburn Union Stockyards where
the show will be held.
V V VV v,qFqwqe"w, v V v V v ,v- IO, V V ,I,V,qp, V'v Ii
Mrs. Bessie Evers of Coos Bay
()regon, spent Tuesday with her
folks, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Green,
and her brother, Mr. and Mrs.
F'(,rrest Green.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Harris of
Montesano and Mr and Mrs. Hen-
ry Sandstrom of Hoquiam were
ttinner guests Sunday of Mr.'and
Mr':. Elvin llearing and Mrs. Anna
Mr. md Mrs. William D. Coole
frorn Vancoaw, r, B. C., and Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Taylor of Olympia
spent Wednesday with the latter's
daughter and husband, Mr. and'
Mrs. Forrest Green.
Mrs. Sam Bye, Mrs. A. Port-
nmn, Carl Portman and Mrs. Marie:
*MeRcy attended Pension Grange
at Agate Sunday.
Mrs. Marcia Shorter and Bliss
Iez Shorter of Shelton enjoyed
Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Ehner Bradberry Sunday.
Clinton Painter and Ruth Ken-
nedy spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing.
Mr. and Mrs. Ancr Bateman
and family of Dryad spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Herd-
well and Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Cowboy Association
To Meet April 6 At
Evergreen Rider Club
The Northwest Cowboy Rodeo
associati(m is holding a meeting
April 6 at the Evergreen Riders
club house at Sheltou Airport,
Betty Hill has reported. All mem-
bers are requested to come.
Evergreen Riders are busily
preparing for their rodeo planncl
for May.
Members have cleared nearly a
quarter of the track at Island
Lake in their spare Lime Sunday
afternoons. They were greatly
surprised and ,relieved to see how
quickly the rocks are coming off
the track.
Between building gates, bleach-
ers, fences and raking rocks, the
members manage to ride a few
hour:; during work days.
namber I[uides a call to you
the nation almost as
as You can walk next door
I. Your voice highway--a pair of tiny wires--
is labeled with your t lephone number at this
central office distribut g frame. From here, the
wires lead out of the office, through cables, to
our telephone. They also go the other way-on
into a special section of complex equipment that
has the specific job of handfing your calls.
is a job for trained
they find an available
the central office
is often checked
,dded calls.
g telephone serv-
3' Someone callS your.number.., and, in a
ts ou ICK up your receiver to
matter of momen ,y P _
answer. Perhaps the call is from just across the
street. Perhaps it comes half-way around the
earth. But your number guided it to yottr tele-
phone.., and no other. Seems almost like mag;
When you think of it... another of the little thin
that add up to good telephone service for you.
Pacific Telephone
@ and Telegraph Company
Give Oadly to the Red Cross
(Crowded out last week.) net" Mr. Reed was presented with
By Mrs. Esther Shepherd a birthday gift. Guests were Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Austin and and Mrs. Marvin Morgan and
Glenna of Bremerton visited with Rebecca, Mr. and Mrs. John Reed,
his parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Wm Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm Morgan
Austin Sunday. and Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs David Valley are Tulen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
t},(, parents of a baby boy born se, D_ahl a.nd.d.aughteraeM'. ;:
last Friday in the Shelton lmspital. ] rs. lt;rnest lalr a=na ., . ..
c. Dale Harthnl, Mary Austin, ipock U] oalpn d Reerf
Freddy Lindsey and Harry Austin mnaxd Aaams, mrs._J._ _ ,
visited Mr J. D. Campbell ell r. ann honer co,guest, Mr. lxeecL
Roekey Bay Sunday:
The birthday cluVb which met A dance was given at the Vic-
at the home of Mrs. Sam Corliss
last Thursday enjoyed a delicious
pot luck luncheon and pleasant
INITIATION by the Allyn Acorns
of 10 new members in their 4-H
club took place Monday evening
at the Allyn school. This makes
a membership of 27. Their lead-
ers are Dick Valley, Mrs. Clem
Sargent and Mrs. John Scho-
field. There are 13 enrolled in
the Junior 4-H club.
Parents and friends who at-
tended the initiation enjoyed a
very entertaining and instructive
evening. Refreshments of coffee,
cake, ice cream and pop were
served by the 4-H'ers.
=l: =!; *
Mr. Pierce, father of Mrs. Al-
bert Larsen who celebrated his
81st birthday recently, left for
Warsaw, Ill. for a visit With rela
Lives. . ]
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleveland l
in company with Mr. and Mrs. J
Will Cleveland of Chehalis, Wash.
are at prescott visiting in Oak D
Harbor with Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
REI,ATIVES gathered Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Reed, St. honoring Mr. Reed
wire celebrated his 79th birthday.
Dinner was served in the after-
noon followed by a large cake
beautifully decorated. After din-
Lincoln School
By Fred McGee
Basketball is one of the inter-
esting subjects of physical educa-
tion. This year the four sixth
grades have been divided into A
and B squads for each room.
The awards will be presented
to Mrs. Sherwood's room for the
A squad title, and Mrs. Stansell's
room will be presented with the
B squad title.
The list of players is as fol-
lows !
Mrs. Green's Room
Darhl Avery, A squad captain;
George Daily, Donald Gamber, Pat
Getty, Mervin Hellman, Charles
Holman, Tom Kelly and Ray Ken-
Peter Frank, B squad captain;
Jimmy, Brown, Kenneth Brown-
field, Henry Cook, Jimmie Cox,
Eugene Howard, Bill LaMent,
Fred Myers, Bobby Sallee and
John Shafer.
Mrs. 8heewomi's llioom
Eddie Hellman, A squad cap-
tain; Gary Barnhart, Dic Brad-
ley, Don Oregoon. Howard Hyltn,
Mike Lumsden, Stanley Lynholm
and Roy Skagen.
B squad members are Harry
Blevins. Harold Drake, James
Fetterly, Etavin Goldsby, Gordon
Grant, Billy Holder, David Rae,
Duane Rogers and John Woko-
Mrn. Hyatt'a Room
Bernie Howard, A squad cap-
tain; Erie Erickson, Neff SelJes-
tad. Don Pauley, Pat Kendall,
Frank Simmons, Roger Scott and
Roy Cotton.
In the B squad are Carlton
Story, Richard Kelly, Dave Koz-
louske, Fred McGee, Milton Sher-
wood, Larry Swank, David Wet-
ter and Wayne Wtckizer.
Mrs. Stmmetl's Room ,'
Richard Edgeiy, ak S qUa[ cAp-
tain; Mike Byrnes, Jonn Dickin-
son, Willis Got, ichard Clifton,
Gary Hawkins, Budly Ht, Mike
Meyer and Marvin V. Bargen.
Members of the B squad are
Kenneth Archer, Don. Brownfle|d,
Frank Clark, Gary Hanson, Klth
Crabill, Fred Hunter, Eddie la-
koviney, Richard Schnel'der, Ralph
Steward and Dol WesrnaiL
Scholars in the news! Gerry
Brunstrom and Marie Ftsk were
listed among those on the honor
roll at Washington State College
for the first sefnester.
Gerry Hendryx and his wife, the
former Donna Jean Cagno,
were seen at the Military Ball,
THE TWO WEEKS vacatl0a
from SC notes was due partly to
mid-semester week and a c01d
which plagued your correspondent,
, The Shelton gang is just as active
- as ever.
While preparing for the exams
one evening in the library, ,we
, saw among others GUy Be ckwith,
Keith Herzog, Maxcella Allen'anl
M a r y Eltason. Mtd-semestdrS
came a little early this year, as
spring vacation will be April 2 to
April 9r
Bill Valley has been elected to
the board of control of his fratern-
ity. His cousin, Bud Valley, son
of Gilbert Valley of Olympia, is
the social chairman for the same
group. A great deal of confusion
has resulted since the beginning 0
the term when Bill and Bud moved
into the same room In tle fratern-
ity. It would be much easier but
it seems all of their belongings
bear the inscription "B.V." Oh,
well, its all in the family!
in the home economics building
Tuesday, we found that a group
of the Shelton kids were going
home with Merridee and Frank
Guyer. Joan Rucker will be trav-
eling with some sorority sisters,
Bill and Marjorie Ann Valley are
going with Reinold Anderson.
The others I have talked to were-
n't sure just how they were going
to travel.
With the BIG vacation about on
us the fever to gt home lm nount.
ing. Shelton Will really lbok god
to all of us!
tor Hall last Saturday night for
the benefit of street lighting of
Allyn was well aended and en-
Joyed by all. The orchestra was
exceptionally well liked.
Olaf Enos of Brledtblik visited
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buding last
Bubbler Fountains
Not Sanitary For
Use In Schools
Old fashioned "bubbler" drink-
ing fountains and the common
drinking cup for schools in this
state can be replaced for very
little money to comply with
school snitation regulations, the
State Health Department said
this week.
PARENT GROUPS and school
authorities were reminded that
spring and summer clean-up cam-
palgtls minor remodelling and
new construction offer a fine op-
portunity to comply with all state
reglflati0ns for school sanitation,
said Emil C. Jensen, Chief of the
Engineering Division, S t a t e
Health Depal"tment.
"All school sanitation regula-
tions apply to public, private and
parochial schools and are mini-
mum requirements to which local
health departments may add reg-
ulations in the interest of student
health. It is particularly import-
ant, that school Water supply rules
be maintalned," said Jdnsen.
For only $2, according to Jen-
sen, the average "bubbler" type
drinking fountain can be con-
verted to the approved sanitary
jet type.
buildings is required to meet pub-
lic health standards of the State
Health Department for sanitary
quality. On new construction of
school buildings, only pressure
Water systems axe approved.
Where possible, Jensen said,
drinking fountains of a sanitary
type meeting the requirements of
the American Standards Associa-
tion are to be provided, with a
ratio of one fountain for each
50 pupils in elementary grades and
one fountain per 100 students in
junior and snlor high schools
and colleges, tn no event is there
to be less than one drinking
fountain on each classroom floor
of a school building.
Where drinking fountains can-
not be provided, Jonson said that
single-ervice drinking cups are to
be Supplied. Use of common drink-
ing CUl or containerS is pro-
hibited under all circunstances.
State Health Department reg-
ulations forbid drinking facilities
in toilet rooms o schoobuildings,
old or new.
HOT AND COLD or tempered
running water must be provided in
lavatories on all new construc-
All schools conducting athletic
or gymnastic activities are re-
quired to provide showers, Jen-
sen continued. The ratio is on
showerhead for every six users
with the number of users to he
based 'on the greatest demand dur-
ing any one period. A mixing
valve or other controlled supply
must be provided to prevent any
burns from ht water.
Parent a n d school groups
thVottghout the state inay obtain
school Water suppty regulations
fOP sehool buildings from local
health departments. Local health
departments and the State Health
Department also are available for
cohSultatlon *on school clean-up,
renovation and construction prob-
leans involving sanitation,
,v qv,v,we,,qr v 'v ,vF,r,qw qr 'v qv v v 'r 'uw v v'qr 'v
Cloqua!lum Grange
The benefit dance committee
reported a sum of $46.42 has
been raised for Sister Makoviney,
who is in the hospital again.
Al LeGault, Mike Zeh,nak and
J. H. McAIfrey, of the dance
committee, wisl to extend heart-
felt thanks to businessmen and
residents of Shelton and Elms who
helped make the benefit affair
for Mrs. Zella Makoviney a suc-
cess. The group also thanks Bey
Whiting and her band and the
individuals and organizations who
generously' contributed.
Sister Loertscher was voted al-
ternate delegate to the State
Grange eoffvention.
A dance is being planned with
date to be announced later. The
proceeds will go to benefit the
4-H camp at Panhandle lake.
April 30 is the date of the next
Keno party.
A paper-sack lunch will be fea-
tfii'ed at the April 8 meeting.
Air Drift
by Kurt Mann
The months seem to roll around
pretty fast. It is once again
time to report the periodical visit
of the CAA inspector, which was
made this past Tuesday by Jerry
Casey. The// inspection included
that sf all aircraft on the field
and the written examinations for
commercial pilots' licenses.
Among those who were expected
to take tests, at the time of this
writing, are Ed Richards, Looter
Joslin, Frank Travis, Will Fisk
and several others.
Warren Ellison has been spend-
ing every available moment re-
building a J-3 Cub which he ac-
]qutred, some time ago. Warren
]is working somewhat under pros-
]sure as he plans to return to
[Montana sometime in April for
]a season of spraying, and judg-
ing l'rom when we last saw the
plane, there's still a lot of work
to be done.
According to a report by Robert
Ward, Seattle P.-I. aviation scribe,
Senator Warren Magnusen of this
state has introduced a bill, which
If passed is expected greatly to
reduce the red tape now involved
for GIs who wish to take up
flight training . We certainly
agree that something needs to be
done to ease the restrictions now
Gene Rauscher, a graduate of
the local flight tlaining school,
is a visitor in Shelton this week.
Gone has been in Salt Lake City,
Utah for a number of months, and
now plans to go to Alaska to seek
his fortune. Ivan Ruff. another
flight enthusiast, and who is now
enlisted in the Navy, is in Shel-
ton on an 18-day leave. He plans
to get in a few hours of flying,
while here.
I 1 I ql
219 S. let St. Phone 28
Pa 3
By Bonded, Licensed Electricians
207 Cola Street Phone 664
For Lower Cost Fire-Safe Construction,
Use the Smoother Surfaced, More Uni-
form concrete blocks (which cut laying
time and labor costs) made by
To Each Person Presenting the
Coupon Below Properly Filled Out
March 31 - April 1, 2
IIAmit. one coupon per family) I
Name ....................................................................
Address ................................................................ '
120 South Third
Shelton, Washington
foot if'you want to gamble for
Get a definite, specific contract
Insurance from us. Rub a rabbit's
fun but to be sure, insure with us.
and know your exact cost.
All SUlmrstitious folks know that a rabbit foot to be really potent
must be the left hind foot of a wild hare, shot with a silver bullet,
in a graveyard in the dark of the moon, on a Friday the thirteenth,
by a red.haired, cross-eyed bow-legged man riding a white l-tome.
It is hard to find a qualified rabbit's foot and it is very poor busi-
ness to trust to luck for protection. Get Fire, Automobile,'Burglary