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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday, I i [ , | , , n t it | | i|mn I I II I • , ,[ n , . • " I I n .... Farmer Union Held ,,a -- -. -- ----- --- ***r stine = words or lea, ,00,nimu . r-- -- ..-- .-... . .-- - charge) 75e elngie insertion, $L36 I  &apos; drJh" ['Uf' v I COMPLET LINE of garden tools. By Mrs, Earl Harrirnan two insertions, $ .50 thre inset- RAkes iron $1.35 to ,2,3b at liili- NESCO PORTAJI tlona. Addltl0nal lnaertio  rcst itardwarc. 3-31 laundry tray{, : The Farmers Union held an all each. Larger a4a at rate of 10c '0R SALE: one 2:unit---nilkingma: ] IIardwarc.easters' $19.,5 day meeting at the Harstlne corn- 5 words above 25. •  - a It /'h,   q   w #/g  vw,-  @t@]s tft chine. Call evenings or Saturday. IF--OII--S'AL'.'-''. munity hall last Saturday. .neaaer notices 15e per hne..TbC t, v4r -€ t.v John Eager. t. B.t. I, Box 57, ( 30 ft. long. Snal Harstine Women's Club meets mmtmum charge on earn notnce. 3-24-311 son motor Th,r Card of Than.lm, $1.00; original , T .... F()R--S---Ji-PC--Mor-M this Thursday" afternoon with .pgetry 50¢ per Inch, elumLfled dis- vwvwvv,,,,,v,v,vvvv,v vwvvvvvv•v,,v,,vvvvvwv [ v,vvv,vvvwvvvvv-v,vv,wwv .,vvvvwvvwvvvvvvww,vwvwvv, /or auto parts an' accessories First I binrUnning(to beC°nditlmcve° play rates on requesL , • ' Mrs, Llla Peugh at her Spencer A ett me Us acce te over  • and bii tttreete, rhone 695 7-4t1[ schools. Also h t d . ... . d Classified Service Classified Service REAL ESTATE WANTED =>'-- .... "-e--" " tlo" f--O- ...... Ing may be md| Cove home.  the telepnene from. phone arab- w,rvvvvwwwvvvvv ] V'VVW'VVV'V'vvVVVV'v ............ A ....... .vVVvvvvvvvvvvVVVVVVVVVv J'UId, AJ:Wl . seec_.n o. r gon [ tore. One chit a Mr, and Mrs. Roy Whaley of "''*" o..h a,.,,,, ,,.,.,,..  A..... ................ s grown t=A.L.: ax cmors, a I with trailer, id, 8J Shclton Were Stmday g'uests at Ithtnhe'iv°e"r -P o'lette ?: DAY OR NIGHT guaranteed service on CHIMNEYS CLEANED and re,,apped }.VE $12,000. cqu,y ,n $19; 5€. 00 1 WANTED: woman for general house- agener ecd Store, 21S S. Fi 3r.3S. I quire 518 Park S' , ^  •, ,"2".." .... • lu home or auto red os Free estimate] ,aa ove- "and fur-ace vacuunJ Seattle North end Lane wasmngon I work Three adults and all bay /r-, t= --,"-" r-'"mXt7 the John L. Hltchcock home. ,nser,on w v ,x .... o ..... - " • " ............... . - e 5 room hose " " ..... C,. ,* ......... ......... -WOOI)--R'--F, • ,, , ,,*, oh,', € sa u! gladly Wen ff desired. Reasonable cle ned Free estimates Phone 3486 waterfront pcprty .( . . . u.. [ m family. Go home nights. Phone  ..... ,..€,,. . a, vlo, [ Mrs. Altha Page spent this last t.'."_-'Wl ":.'. '.'=.'4.".7._" prices. Tee Pickup and delivery. [ a_ ng .... in, l,n,,|a Wh I 150 ft, frontage) to trace xor ioou } 541-R, JI$-lUttn. .# ......................... g''; t stove, fireplace i week end in Eugene, Ore., visit- , ............... a, ....... Closed Friday-evenlngs and Satur-[ ........................... P3 2"4fn' Canal house. Might yonsider water-! ......... NG----AND--'-DiS-(JiNG--'Henr= .... ,- v-=, .-I 732-J, ..... t,jf,m .__ days. or xeave w0rk at Klllmer Elee-, ......... "-- ...... } ,ront or view property near nelton I PLBOovWs5 n Call 62 R " 3.1. y }7-AN--D---'PR'A-YERS-- ann sprinKLing' ing her daughter and family, Mr. #r= .Zt tre. BURGESON" RADIO SERVICE TRANSFER HAULING DONE. Any Call Union 251. Fl-13tfn - Y ." '- ........... ::- ............... --- cans large tssortnent to choose i and Mrs. Clyde Crockett and also 11 Franklin. near Loop Field. Not] kind. Phone 765-J-I. Walter Buesig. I OR"SALE-2"hi-Is--,:,n-Iiald-"Lak-e:'i Gi%E2:n[i SHuO2aSysIHseO:rGaid Laatn r" t:rom' at hiilcrct Ha:w_ar_e. 3-31_ w|th matching.. small rugs pea:b her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. new phone Io. 845-W. 5-20-tin • t 3-24--4-14 [ 100 feet waterfront. Inquire C. A. [ Rty I Box 238 Shelton ' B3 17 I i."S-.i'E--'it trees, 2and 3 year [ nut bedroom eu -- -  ,"  PLOWING, BL:)ING. scooplng, exca- R "'" " , ....   - II kln¢ s " -. " ' . :_ _., Wanford Page. - ............... , ......................................... , ........................................... llill at Island Lake l-rodeo grounds ' ' -~- - " " " - olds well branched Wagener Feed --lr| b|ill |i • I-'/'-[ w.t. h .... .md. (t t.,t ...... SEWING MACHIN' Ft I It3-31--4-7 [ WANTED. Pit n bing work, a "' Store, 219 S |rst St. 3-3-31 set. Phone 595. Week end guests at the Hugo ....................... c .... ,.. .............................................. . .  ) ._ • ................ • f,PERT WORK. Reasonable -- - .  Guaranteed SartlSfaction. C. J. St nl .................................  ....... 'ruJllllJ[llt]) Phill'I) Hardie Route 1 Box 137 etl.tu o t v.,, h*.-e by t FOR SALE or RENT. ,ix room I ..... wt . a,.nm. Wo- Phone BE AN INSURAIC AGENTAuto, "gr,,U A. Glaser home were Mr, and ........................ , e ........................... nn n n phone 788J1. 3-10tin m'ove NO o house . three, laxgt, b)dr,oms, ' n- [ a • .q3 17 4 7 Truck Fire. Agents needed for Will deliver wt n Mrs. Vincent Glaser and Mrs, Hel. ','qiiT¢i'mWYi--=.--,'-E 0°urte°us2°d°tae';¢q.,'r,,.l w. trally mcatea in new ousiness ois- -'t'- ............. :-:--: ......  °-L...X---'.:- 1-1oodsport, Union, Bell'air Allyn. sack only. A. A. , en Frannich and son, all of Ta- •  a, I ontract l-m---I - .... |^, o 1 triet. Liberal allowance for reno-ICATTLE, want to nu .:It. or. x fll Pearson, District Agent, 121 247, Shclton. .. NOTI¢ .... 'E'&IG FINAl, ' dirt mta ',,, o"n  ",o"r "-"t'or"; vrwn'tzw°"SmrN--G MACHINE CO, rating and repairs. Inquire 408l angja.e ot ny.Klna. J. t;Larz. East Grove Street. Shelton. Phone F-O-R-"SXLE--2-4; ' ut, u,t, an EaTUN w R order 'ee'e':)r-¢ tore econ al0  4Us ave Olvmnia Franklin. ShIton. Can remodel to ( uox r.z,_ zma, _wan. ............ n. 654. 2--3---tZn burning furnace, € ....... .g,mv,,nv .m Wtl.,-.. tT ..................... provide spa('," fo" small busmess]WANTED: APPI'ES by the box. 'OR SALE' New l-]htmDahlre c2flcks' ietsr and auta Mr, and Mrs, Glen Harris, of .........  ........ " ...................................... - ........................... Belfair, spent Sunday visiting IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE FIJOOS-StDEDand REFINISKED: GAR.ANTEED nut? paintin(g. $50, at ych lacibarb,crflOP.hb:a pr- ] Phone 78_2-M. .................... H_3-31 Can take care of any oraer. Wagener 14-F-13. Miss Ollie McCay tralklng over old STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR New hardwooi |iora mat, .... a uLer's uoor o °n' -.n k ....  e s . . in. i WANTED: repair work or remodehng Feed Store 219 S. First S.L 3- I-I'T-GLC'N-' MAON COUNTY or new homes J A ehl,ffi'n,w utter uot,e nce na|. , - ,'-- ,, o• o- ,-. (f all kinds Any odd jib large or .............. .......................... 1----4 4 .............. " ........... " .............. -r--]) C)-R 5 '-'R 4 DEAL. }lillcreat llardwar times. Mr. Harris used to |Ivt. at IN ]PRORATE  . . 28, Belfalr, Phone Belfair 51. V3-3 -i SMALL HOUSE elosy re. modern, city I small. Also rototiller plowing. Call Ray's PJchfieid ServiCe Mt. View. Point Wilson 49 years ago. In tie Matter of the tate o[ 7-17-'47tfa. ,,,wrv, gas,. no rcasonaole oiler rejected. } 59-W. C3-31 " 3--31 Harriet A McMillan• Deceased. ?:U':-.-=-: ....  ............... Inqmre at Rayonier Credit Union {vvvv,-,v,--,w 7w-E , shotgUn, $3{}. Eg¢ Mrs. Dorothy Smith spent Mon- Notice i hereby given that Sanford ut} eorsetlere, Iernlce Stewart ]].tT. _r][]. or A. L..Gurnsey, 115 Roosevelt ] #v. .. L,,Z w.,w  ,,. . )-ear old. Phone day night at the home of her c De Leo Executor of the ltate of ale ro. l,rst [ree[. oarmen xor aaaaa Street, Sholh,n, 3-31--4-14  ]lr][. ]. lty, szuray stoe, in s$-,'}al go.eoLs 'OR'SA.L-,'--two--g 'o,*  'Mcdlllen doeaed hu fil- every figure type. Nylons and other vvvvvvvvTw.•vwwr,vv wa: ,=-;¢.=-.=--.i;:=l:"v=:=.:-I -,,w ,,,.,- colors. Wagener Fees .ore, 2.  freshen about.' daughter and family, Mr. and ............ " • " ' ma i s . .................. e ........ e,,-,,., ,vvvvvvvvvvvv,,vv,vvvv,,v First St 3.-o-al ed in the office of the Clerk of aald _.tar al . Appointments by Rhone. . . .. Olympic View Addition. See Mrs.  ....... "-" ..... == .---:--. - reasonable.-lequh Mrs. Jim Archer of Shelton. Court his final Report and petiUon.tor 97:r .... 3-34-Z-4-7 I..R SALE: bnsmess pro pcr.t..v .witu Martha Aleckson, McKinley and ] ............................. e.+  ONE-GALLON gas. pump, 3t gallon "Route 2. one nil! Mrs. Earl Harriman and son distribution, askinK the uourt to sezte TL-NG,- l r yar. cl. lyLng, un man. ntgnwBv Pioneer Streets. A3-24-31 ' e,,= r,,.( L,,_,,,y,2Zu .,,.,,,,nlc neavy tanz,.^... _ on.. eiectrm and R po . d I u : p pey nora nd knlvee ned. In ul q , . , . . - ,, FoR SAL:-boY'S;:) to the persons terat¢ eItitle and to 4 lev v,iton one sale. Phone 288 Shelton or 8179 FOR. S.ALE= bea}h pr,!perty approx,-[ side. Phone 110R. Mac_and Sth St t,cany new). 8 gauge 48 inserted Clyde were supper guests of Mr. i e rt istr b te the rort uucrest. l-rwe reaucea for UCK ................................. rooms anu atn au, t .... Y  s "- rloist cost $sb vmcca u tprac- vr°adL. --.i and Mrs. George Foutch and ram- discharge aald Executor; and that said |M. ][lt-4-t Olympia. $3-24--4-7 " .exy, eenremr.m z a,snorc.. I k'3-r/-z4-t--4-# tooth mill saw, 0:5 .h.p. outboara Size 8. 528 lrs] ily of Gig Harbor last Thursday Report and petition will be heara on ]FR ............................... ; ........ " ......... : F?--'----: slee in room centrall; motor. Sears I'OeeUCK. $40. Glen -0R--XL-'-Ju-bTe'. ................... - ot CrAIONS"a-nd n oute 1, Box 2o2 Shelton. I I  )R RE • - P g , , > ......... ,, w,,,,,,  B-1 (l)av. ready to go. One supports, phone 799-J for ap int- * " $3-31--4-14 located. Ph(n 643 o q A,M, at the Court Room ot the Pro- me,at or " ^* "' "----" -' ..... 7 ...... I '--* Fo"r'h Street C3 31tin ton). 3-17-1 ressor Inquire", evening. _ ne o. uay oz ,.r., oo, - " .......   e r ]n ulre 311 t,.u.u, .................. • .. r._ .-- . ^. ,A r .. * ,, = ,. o.,,. r,vc, WILL TRADE' ood business loati -  """" - . ,- • - ............. ,-r---.= ¢oute 2, Box 76 t , In their first month ot opera- teted in aid' ktate may appear .S[H,T].G: I. y',, !dOO bill- LJJ.&l .{A.IJ tO varx.JtJtO large shed with equipmen.t, for mak-' ! town. Apply 128 w.. Alaer. o ..... t tt'keoff May )e seen at 1411 " -R--[-L--7-16--- tL0n in the Berlin Airlift, the two and file objections thereto ann contest w.ntm@l. xa. Juula wpne, .J@  lng your own cement ClOaKS, 130 { ll,-o--- ] rrmd " $3-17-31 trailer. Phone 28- Navy squardons flew 5,249 hours, the same , e_l.Avm_. ¢ra" ArcatL .aa MODERN HOME on corner high ft. frontage on highway and located F-0'RNT 4 room house artly fur 2[-'-7"e'-=-" ....... <---------v--- Ridgeroad,. _ Ilted this 14th day of Mareh 1949.{jtm, ...... .? Why IO t 5 "O" "d lar' attic" between Union and Alderbrook Inn, • -a .th r._t.,= '2".'aJ e I2 I "u A: one.crib an? sprang m: i "i carrying 14,101 tons of cargo, ,m,. ' ' 'i£tT-?f--,.-TJ;.i;;;'--5--- - - -, .........  , rom xor ten or more o, .... '" .................. v - ,, . t ea mattress, a,so youth'S nea anu thoroughbred, col - 0 --U " --- "' " tn. ............. fireplace, hardwood floors, base lae motel Has cit water"ulit miles cast of Shelton Calla war mattress Phone ll0M I "-- HARRY DEY]TE, -- o.--pert ;."Maclne m;¢; " " g " Y e"' Y berger 760-R-1 " " 3:31 • " ' " " 03 31---4 14 Phone g60-R-3.. _L_ Clerk of tatd Court.. . button .holes, )0 a.m. to 5 p.m., ment, oll furnace, laundry trays, pole set ann wire run for .stove, "'"'-' .......  [ ............................ ::" .... - C)R---S.LF-.' deeP. By DORISANN MOREHOUSE, 408, Cots Street. S2-2Atfn Suace for 2 cars Terms e... lot e, grouna on leve{ with FOR RENT: partly furnished cottages [ FOR S A. E:.double white, lilac bushes. Denuty ---'C.--zr,---7_ --- ' ..,.:._,,:'_  , ". , " mgnway w{ raae or arge urn- one mile north of Hoousport  I vtx.s. uuames lenxz z Grove. tress. F4" .west.( PAT M-YR ' *--"*Mr''lf'tcC.'_ " '.'.' " ished house in Shelton Must be her month Inquire Dusty Rhodes] ' 3-31 condition, pride , . . .  .-. ,. .u.= . cl n F f " -- -----..---- .--:--.-- ...... 809-M, ' .L ; = u AtJornfy for Estate ..... Fourth St. Phone !. 12-gtfn THREE BEDROOM .ODF.tN oee iUninOr4 urther Infor, mation lesort; Phone Hoodsport 15-W:11;_ FOR SALE.'-'- ft. Zemth .refmgerator, J[ iqE'i; r COUN'I COMMI$81ONE]gS' l z.ply..mpc .Natlona_ l_lg.. ....  home on corner IO OgK Iloon$, __,,=uu. .... ,v,, o -. • wo-y.... ..................... o'u.s. Montgomery Ward washmg machine, eatue, warn. -lY-IH---4-7-1--4t t ,,mn n t _ . flrla e h-..lf.=t "ook bSe- FOR SALE: six-room house with batll )-8 c.TEiPI FOR HIRE. With Hippie White dining set box e; t)$'A95 at. Hi • PROCEEDINGR ....... v--- , ........... , an U I e e s ... €, ... , otr t d f I has .n nt. 7 acres of good blade, clearing teeth and logging springs inner pring mattress va- February. 1949 NO =" ........... ,,,.,, *-.,. ,,.t ,,,# , - ' , soft with year around creek running winch, Carder and DeRomier. Phone cuum cleaner. In good 'condfti0n, Monday, FebrlarY 7th, Board met in NwCE O ErSft "J.'{tle nrance-Atrac-2scrowa cement walk; on bus line, $6800. through yard, Can be made into a 562-W. C'-10-31 1603 Union Street, 3-31--d-14 •' • ' regular eemHon, present, Lyle O'Dell, members, also us|e .. Fauley, Cl '.rg TATE OF . WASHINGTON FOR 119 S 4th (Bet| Idg ) 8ielton Wn $800 WILL HANDLE this new ' " .... , o4 ,, Phone 62-R Mt View locKers Slar uc uozen. Ant you want. , i|ncr, es MASON COUNTY " ' P¢NE' , , o-.-o. Route 1, Box 32-B. 3-4tfn Hardware, 3-31 FOR SALE: 1,941 of'Ferrythe Board,receipts for week ending 'en-- • In the Matter of the Etate of Era- four room bungalow, with bath A----N-G-LESIDE ADDITION. fnr sale b FCR---RNT: two sleeping rooms, sac- lR-S-AI:.aAsawdust, two= dan with fluid rusty 5th were $26,50, DeposteU tn ma Pelllschek, Decayed. ason CoUnty agont for Puget and utility room; balance at $60 owner, three-year-old modern home. ond floor, garage if desired, quiet yard load deIWered, $5.00. Phone 852, NOTICE IS HEtRBY (HVEN: that ound T|Ue Insurance Corn- home close in. Phone 691-W. C.A. Flsk, treasury to credit of County Road letters of Administration on above party ot Seattle fund. Franchise granted to Bonneville Power Administration' over certain county roads. Claims approved as follows: Current Rxenae $802.54; County Road $10,- 94.36; Public Assistance $4019.54. Motim r/ed that shop mechanic wage be set at $11 per day and that Clifford Ford be rated as a grader- man at $11,00 per day. Letter from State Liquor Control Board re application for Class H l/- cerise by Alderbrook Inn, .Inc,, and transfer of Clnse EF license rom Bert Davis. L{lliwaup to "Lewis Alfred Ev- ans and Faith L. Evans and Wgltr R. HaU,h. Both applications approved, Tuesday, February 8th. Board met in continued session. All present. Entire day spent allow{rig claims as fo{10ws : Current Expense $3490._8_2 ; Public Health pooILng. $59,6S', Tu- berculoats Hospital $780.(}0: County Read, $4877.09; State Development Board $95.00; Fire Prot. Dist. No I, $97,00; Fire Prot. Dist. No. 3, $137,83; Soldier's Relief. $70,00. Wednesday, February 9th, Board mL All present•'. Minutes for January read and ap- proved. Resolution from Tahuya Garden Club re ewage disposal in Hood Canal' urea receives and referred to Health Department• Cotlnty Aud/tor directed to seeur.e resolutloz re operation of skill bah machines and punch boards In other counties ...Monday, February 14th. Board met. All_ msmners• preent. ' . . . Fy rsempta ot Sa.00 4pneO m treasury, also $0.4 payment of xerW fare for mall carrier, credit ounty Road fund, Claims approved a fellows: Cur. IXp. $89.50; Pub. Assist. $1179,79, ltds on county equipment were op- ,,ned and publicly reacx and placed on file In Cunty Auditor's office.. Meeting continued until Thursday. February 17th at which time awards w{l{ be made. Thursday, February 17th. Board tnct, , All members present. Board considered bids on equipment and cars,  Motion carried that all dump truck bids be rejected and that new cel[ published to be opened 0nay, Feoruary 21st, Board met. All present. This being time S,t for opening bids on motor grader, following bids wre opened: A. H. Cox & Co.; Pacific Tractor & Eq.; Service Equipment.Co. Pacific Hoist & Derrick; Howard Coo- per Corp, Upon dne consideration, mo- ion made by MiLche{l, seconded by Carr that bid of Howard Cooper Corpn. on Adams 512 be accepted. Motion car- ried. Regarding punhase of csrs and pick- Ups on bids which were ope))ett tin February 14tlt, motion carried that AI Huerby Motor Co. bids be aecept- od o, one 2 door sedan $872.71; one 4 door aedan at $96889; two Ford pickups at $.A35.98. -- Not.h:e. from Stat" IAquor Control 5oara o appl{eatlon for transfer of ClaS IF lfcenee from Verner West- rua, Maple Auto Court to Theodore T, Berry. Letter from Shelton Chamber of Commerce re tee of road roller for Shelto Golf Course. Ferry recelpts of $16.50 deposited in treasury. Dance license {ssuod Cioquallum om, Club for bneflt dance; March 5th, Remittance of $39 from She{ton Re- crc&tton Coc|l for rental of' apace in Welfare Bldg, for January and Feb- ruary deposited in treasury to credit of Public Assistance Fund, Wednesday, F0bruary 23rd. Board met. All prcsent. Resolution signed granting o{I and gas lea ior five year term on approx- imately 360 acres to Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Deposit of $90 to cover first years lease to Standard Oil Co. received and deposited ,tnc0unty treasurY, Monday', Ibruary 2th, Board met. All present. Auditors count of Treasurer's cash for February 1st approved. Dance license issued to Victor Corn- entltled eatate were granted to the underatgned on 4he,ath day of March, 1949, by laid SUperior Court. Notice .is ru.r!her giyen that all per- SoS haV|ng cainta agalnert said eatate sre hereby requ/red to aerve them, with the nece, ssary vouchers, upon the A dm/glatratrix of si_d _etate. or upon e attorney 0X recor¢l rot  estata, toom 5. Govey B., Shelton Wash- /ngton, being he:place d¢,stgnatod for the transaction of the btmnnea of said estate, and file the same With the Clerk of said., churl, together with proof of auch setc, within six t6) months after ute of first publleatl0n of this notice, to wtt, March 10th, {949, or said claims Will be forever barred. IC L M, BUNNLL, Adminiatrttrix of said Estate. J. W, GRAHAM' . Attorney for AdnlStratrtx, Govey Building Sheltoa, Wuh. 8-10-17-4-81--4t. lit r , MASON ODUNTT 1 ]ett " "lets t,tannry on above entitled stae we irt. riled, to ,the undersigned on the 5In ffa :of Match. 1949'by d .uP.ri0.r r C.ourL. . . o ca t! tva th r- y re. '9 rv them, eomx of aald et&te or upon Line attorney ot record for said estate, ]Room 5 Govey BId., heiton, Wash- lngton, being the pi&ce dirnated for the transaction of the businesa of aald estate, knd tile tle same with the tlerk of said CoUrt; together with proof, of such .rvee, thJn six (6) montna after ante of first pub]icatlem of thie nOtice, to wit, March 10, 1949, or aald Claims Will be forever barred. ETHA M, DUNBAR Execntrlx of said Estate. iI;. W, GRAHAM, ttorney for xecutrlx, .oom 5 G..vey B{dg.. nelton, washington. 8-10-17-4-31--4t. • NOT/(;E; OF "EAKI.G Notice IS hr by given that d public hearing will be held on Thursday, March 81. 1949 at 7:30 p.m. In the City Commllon room City Hall, SheN ton, Washington on the question Of whether or not approval should be granted for retching of the following described Lots from Commercial to Manufacturing (M-l) : Lots |. 2. 11 and 12. Block "C" Xneeland's Addition to Shelton, Waahiugton according to the re- corded plat" tbreof, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 8HELTON. 3-31--1t. NO. ib47 Nt)TICE OF IIEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTBIBETION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In tlw matter of tho estate of .GEORGIA ANNE McDONALD, also gno.wn, as SISTER MARY CARMEL- £*$'A. Qase¢l, , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat Josic McDonald Clinton, Executrix of the estate of Georgia Anne McDon- ald, alsoknown as Siler .Mary Car- mlita D,(eased has "filel ,  '- . with the Clerk .of the above entitled court her Final Report ad Petition for Dis- tributhm ak/nff the court to _sct{le ann approve the. same, distrlbut lhe property to the persons tbereto an- tiffed end to d{schargc the sald Execu- trix. NOTIC IS P"/RTHER GIVEN that the said Ilnal Report and Petition for Dlstr'lhution will ' be heard on Friday, the gth day of ,April, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'elo(.k In thr. for(,- noon at tle Court Room in the Court Honse In Shelton, Washington, Dated this 25th day ot March, 1949, HARRY DEYETTE, mun/ty Club for thre? rnnt, - Clerk Ferry receipts of $48.50 depositea CHAS. R, LEWIS, in t reasurS' to Co. Rd. tund. Attorney for sald Estate, Notice from State Liquor Board of Bell Bu{hling, 119 8outh ourth St, transfer of License ofVerner' West' Shelton, Mason Count),, Washington • 3-31--4-7-14-31-4t man to Theodore T, Berry, . Petltlo and bond of C. B, Cose]men et a! a:companied by waivers for ea- t&blishnent of road 3'/ miles t n ewvwvwwvvvvwwvwvv .... e e r ----- " ' length running .ast and w t th ougn . ... _ , . ..... Arcadia penlnau]a recelvea aaa re- Uilllllfl I'V|O Acceptance nf franchise , recelvcd   . . , from Bonneville Power Adm, and at. I I - tac=hed .to o.rigtnal franchise. I 1 ' ITYTlta'II oard aajourned until Monday, { I ' " • z tJz.Av£JZk MarCh 7th at I0 a.m. C I }I DECORATOR BOARD OF COUNTY ,OMM S- I . • .... StaiRS OF MASON COUNTY. ]i mIng, lapel' lla K- WA HINGTON, . Y LYL]$ O'DELL Chalrmnn { ing, SDray*Paintin, UI E, PA Ll or 0uty Auditor anl Ex-offic{o I write me, Star.Route, Allyn Clerk ut the Board. 3-31.-It. ]" , State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance ColMsion Coverage On Cars as Old as 1937 For Qualified Applicants Rates, Service for Policy Holders Transfers Now Available a BOB ERVlN MOTORS 63 Iouth Firat Street Phone 673 Member 'n' i Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W Cedar St. I Septic Tanks Cleaned " CHARLES JONES Cntents Hauled Away Quiak Service 1714 Entgth, Olympia Phoae $486 or Y01e I I I I WE REPAIR All makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES. Expertly and Reasonably Ill| ttKlrRIt KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tank (Any CapaetW) For Iamedlate Delivery PHONE 485-W II Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contract with the Mason County MediCal Am." Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store gnd & Railroad Phone i i i for IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS Bmm EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, t Bhelton, Wash. a month. Price $5975.00, S , $ • ONLY $3,250.00 for this 4-room modern furnished house in Olym- pic View Addition, WATERFRONT and CITY LOTS in various locations. • a a For Realty Buys Commit a Realtor M. €, ZINTHEO Phone 157 -- TtUe Ins. Building Sheltn I I I _ L ONE BLOCK OF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Four bedroom home on Southside hill. Lrge living and dining room w i t h fireplace, automatic dish- washer and built-in electric range in kitchen with pleasant dinette, Full basement with double garage, Automatic oil furnace with air- conditioner. Beautiful trrounding grounds---90x2,00 . Four room house, electric range and automatic water heater, elec- tric heat• Lot 60x100 ft. Four room house on lot 90x100 ft, Also 3 unimproved 50x100 ft. lots. Will sell separately or as a unit. Will make good rental property. Mrs. Claude Danielson at. 3,: Box 209-C Phone 348-W 3-17-tin FOR SALE Large building in good condition with business space and good liv- ing quarters, well located on main highway. Has two oil circulators and electric hotwater heater and fireplace. $9450.00. 5 room modern home in good con- dition with 3 bedrooms, gas auto- matte range, hotwater heater and oil circulator, ALso, small build- ing on property suitable for small store or repair shop. modern home practically new, with utility room, elec. h.w. heater, wired for dec. range, oil Circulator, washing machine, liv- /ng room ..g, 275-gal, o/l tank. Home doub|e constructed, insu- lated and weather proofed. Corner lot 100x100 with lawn. Garage attached. G.I. loan balance at 4% mterest, monthly payments $48.00 per month including insurance, interest and taxe& Priced to sell for $7350 with $2700 equity down ayrnent, FOR SALE 5-room modern plastered homo with large Upstairs room sealed with veneer. Fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors and full basement. Nice yard with concrete walks and driveway. $5,000 G.I. loan balance with monthly pay- ments of $54.00 including interest, taxes and insurance. $4950 down and assume G.L logn. FOR SALE modern home with large unfinished upstairs. Tqcluding el- ectric hot water heater, fireplace and oil circulator, Also wired for electric range, concrete walks sad good yard. Located close-in, $6,350 with $2,000 dowa and $50 a month to a reliable party, • • • Business building located on Sec- ond Street:. ,Well located for moat every type of business. 6-room modern home witl din- Ing room and 3 bedroom& in- eludes gas range, hot water heater and oil circulator. Lo- cated on Mt, View corner lot 60x120, garage attached to home. PHced at $5850 and contract can be assumed, Herbert G. Angle t]  In n U , "  ".i L ....... ' *um two bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, automatic oil furnace, full basement, bedroom finished in base- ment. Phone 314-W or inquire 1019 Olympia Ave. W3-24tfn F-O (by owner) farm s-ix" ml from Bremerton on highway 21-B. Five rdom modern home with fire- place, urnace, deep freeze, berries and orchard. Wri Box L, e-o Jour. hal, Shelton. L3-24-31 • WHY PAY REIwr hree small houses each on 60x100 t Iot. Pr/ced from $1500 to $2,000, Terms, See J. B. Schott, corner Laurel and K St. (Mt, View). 12.30---4-I4 FOR SALE: 60-toot Lot on South- side hill, 2nd and University. Very good location on the new sewer. Phone 543-W. O 2-24--4-7---6t i YOU'LL BE AMAZED! 40 ACRES, sawmill and machine shop, 50-60 thousand ft. timber on lace. 3-room home furnished. ice: $3700.00: down $1800.00. 6-ROOM, with full basement, barn, chicken house, small shop. 40 acres• Price: $37oo.,oo; down $1,000. 3-ROOM, bath, garage, Arcadia Street. Nice lot. Price: $5500.00; down $1500.00. 5-ROOM MODERN, downtown, lot 100x 105, corner. Garage. Price: $5500.00: down $1500.00. 5 ROOMS, bath. new home, Moun- tain view, 60xl00 lot. Price: $6800; down $1500.00. 3 ROOMS. bath, completely furn- ished, 2 miles from town. on Oak- land Bay. Price: $5900.00. 3 ROOMS. 2 waterfront lots, house all modern. Oakland Bay, 2 miles from town. Price: $6850.00. 2 MODERN HOMES. 62 acres deeded. 1400 acres free range. Barns, chicken house. 7 milos from city, Price: $12,000.00, terms. 3 ROOMS and bath, Island Lake. 50 feet watcrft'ont lot, 2. acres. Price: $3500,00; down $1500.00. 5 ROOM MODERN with unfin- ished upstairs, fully plastered. Mountain View. Price: $8750.00. down $1200.00. Waterfront Homes, Farms, Busi- ness Properties. See us before you buy or sell, WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 No. First Street Phone: 46 Days; 724-M - 537-R Evenings. , 3-31-1t v-v. qF,v qp v ,q v qv, • qe.q v qtP LOST AND FOUND LOST: ladies Wyh,r weist watch at Tropics dance hall Saturday night (March 12). Family keepsake,. L!b- ere reward. Return to chart,s WhLto Route 1 Box ll1-A (Kam - che).' ' " 3-17tin. Miscellaneous W%.A]. BUYING scrap Iron, Junk, tterles, used ears anu wrecks, d.r Bro. Garags, I mile south on Ulympla Hlway. l.4=ttn "ALCi(LIC8-"ANONYMOUS ""mets Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at Wo- man's Jlub Bldg,, 10th & Washing- 3 17tin ton. Olympia, gTash. - • RoTOTI LLr N t-'-h-d """ ; ,Td-"%qfc E Fnone 941-W. H3-31t fn. WANTED VoN0-VETERA'S ifc"-i/i-ST' retartal experience desires employ- merit in Shelton Write Donna H, emphill, 109 Jefferson St O ym- pin. Wash. " '3 --10-1 tELrABLB SENt OR- -'I|-[W-' Vr children day or rdgt in your hn,c or mine. Phone 885-R, K6-10tfn feed, Myera and Hanen Mk Fs .. OlDi Phone 4/St. l-lUn courteous ervice. Phone us coxtect. Elma_121-J. Grays Harbor Render- rag. Ine. -27tfn stumRage. Write Daniel and Flet- cher bogging Co., P.O. Box 35. Olal- ta. Wash. ll-4tfn. W] LLT Kg--CX -o¥--iii d¥6K- i ,i my home by day or n}ght, also your home evcn{ngs. rs. Ed Ber- gesoxl, 1411 Ralh'oad. Phone 272R. 12-gtfa. Q3-24tfn. C)I.--RENT: home 'and business prop- erty on main highway Hlllcrest. Will consider lease, to suJtab|e tenants. Phone Shelton 288 or Olymp|& 8179. St-U--4-7 on corner lot near Junior High School. Phone $43M or /nqulre at 1139 Franklin Street, 2-17-31 APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hllco Electric Floor Sanders Johnson Electric Floor Polish- era Sterling Electric portable hand Sanders '.-Ieavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone 56 2-10-tin FOR SALE FISHING SEASON ta very near. Get your outboard motors and tackle now. Avoid last reinsure rush. Wc have new and used outboard motors at Hincrcet Hardware. 3-31 also 80 gallon uressure tank. 800 feet outside wirmg. Tom Sergeant, Capitol Hill. 1-St fn -FI0b-R-dVEIG-' tile or linoldu,nl installed or lay it yourself. Easy terms, 3 years to pay, Lawton Lum- ber, 420 S, Flrt St., phone 56. FS-24---4-7 0R-SE: cb-pei;t--t%-5-t6h-co-': mercial refrLgerator unit, nearly new, H. Grave, Star .Route 2, Box 95 (Mat]ock road). 3-4-31 WRINGERS-ROLL-S " /Sr--fi- ak7d/ washers. Bring in )'our old rolls for replacemems. Ells & Valley Ap- pllance Center, 123  Second. Phone j s4. s--+7 FOR SALE: white spring ots for seed, also barley for seed• Bert Rau, Phone 9-F-12. 3-24-31 Ray's Richfield Service, Mt. View, 3-3-31 i i li i CHICKS - CHICKS ANY BREF-D - ANY QAN'IY U,S, Certified, U.S Approved Pullorum free! Also ducklings, goslings, tur. key poults, guinea chicks. FARMERS' SUPPLY llillcrest - Phone 812 2-PAotfn tt PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Sweringen Phone 405-W Star at. 2, Box 97, S helton 12-grin. FOR SALE: Chicken fertilizer, cow manure, Skokomish top soil, tractor plowing. Phone 483-W. O2-24tfn F()--gKEE{- 2i--ff:bT- ,;WFa,-v--, King outboard, old btlt good, 19:]9 Dodge 4-door deluxe sedan, '41 mo- tor, perfect condition. Will take older car. J. B. Schott. corner Laurel and K Streets (Mt. View). 3-31--4-14 G-ET YOUR fishing liceose now, w, have them. IIillcrest Hardware. 3-3t man scooter. 16 ga. bolt acti.n shot gun (J. C, Higgins). 1942 mode! gas range, standara size, all white enamel,pilot light. All in good condition. Phone 350-R or In- euire 223 North 5th R 317 tin $10.50, at Hillcret Itardware, 3.I7 FOR-"SALE- one'ltght-'we{ght- drag saw motor or will trade for % h.p. or larger electric motor. F, A. Mc- /ntyre, Star Rt., Allyn. 3-24---4 -7 -rOt SALE: Gibson tractor with in-'= plements. Two year old Island Belln and White Diamond grape plants. Phone 760R4 after 6 p,m. L, Grist, ate. 2. Box 135. 3-24---4-7 MILL WOOD $10 a load Delivered In SheIton Our Wood Is ways a Cord or Better to the Load. Enitai Lumber Co. Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 3-24-tin SUODIy on hand at Hillcrest Hr¢l- ware, 3-31 l ilHI HI fli After the Weddin' Here They Cue Buyin' Lumber From Coselmun And how right they are because 1STThe Price; it's lower, 2NDThe Grade; it's better. 3RD--The Selection; it's larger with more off grade, off size and short length sorts obtain- able at bargain prices, 4THThe 2x4's, $4S; good ones can still be had at $49,50 M, de- ltvered. 5TH--The rush; none unless price tlks for already the usual spring price rise for lumber has started elsewhere but not here • 6 IR LOGS custom sawed, WOOD  Some available again. Slabs, planer ends, edglngs, $11.00 load, about two cords delivered, RFD 3, Shelton, 2 Miles East' of Hilicrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign." COSEMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-1 Evenings I ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Frec Pickup and Delivery -- SIGNS -- Of All Kinds Neon Sales & Service MODERN SIGN SERVICE Pone She]ton 21 3-17-tin Phone Shelton 650 125 Cota --- Shclton Jack Manley 7-15tfn I Arcadia. 4=door edan. €ondttlofl. heater 1941 R&H ' 1941 /RD ! 1942 10 5-tern 1942 panel heate r .2.., ........ New I]: 1-ton KIMBEL! 1st & MIll AUT0 Trucks J 6 R.F. PHON FOR NICE FAT MARINI WORMS FOR FISHING See YoUr Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch Frank 1st & Harvard PoMpaid Anywhere In U.S. 3-10-tin il [ MISKELLA SUPPLY n Olympia Highway • Your "BEST BET" for 22 No REFRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Aluminum, Etc. Quality , 9-2-tin  , SPRING SALE -- USED 1941 Ford Super Station New Paint , Body 1941 Lincoln Club Coupe ...,. .... :..,,... Brand New Motor ' 1941 Pontiac Coupe .., ............. : ..... :,..,, Low Mileage . Good Alway& 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan ..--,":i, Radio and Heater ....... 1942 Chevrolet Sedan ............ ..,,. .... !. Good CodLtion , : 1938 Chevrolet Tudor l ..... : ........... :. New Paint - Good Motor 1937 Chevrolet Coupe Just the Car to Save Your 'ew" The Owners of These Good Now Ride, Drive and Get the AL HUERBY PHONE 16 FIFTH