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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 1949
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DEN FAL-HEALI H PROBLEMS SET FORThe WELFARE ,00v0000(OUN( '..r SESSI000000 ) SEATTLE ,>is...t .-.lth .nd W.l-., loa, d!00t'.ts will be Trcl/IrlS fare Council will hold its monthly able to 'Ll)pear on P.-T.A. pro- nleethlff ill l he Welfare bnihlhlg grams and talk on sodium fluor- ilk Shelton Friday, April 8. The ide, ils benefits qnd limitations. APril ]st meeting will tm h'eld "tt 1:30 p,m \\;¥e believe that if parents are Portland 1st, and there. arrive at Seattle instead of and train 402 ,pril will depart STATION in. St. Station. and Sumner, Union atioas, instead of North. at Puyallup, stop Puyallup NORTHERN PACIFIC All cmmly P.-T.A.'s or parent's groups may send deh, gates to hear tle latest reports regarding a propnsed dental-health proR ram 1%1 school children. "IVE IIOPE TO have Dr. W. Philip Phair, head of the dental section of the State Department cf Health, meet soon with our planning committee, said Mrs. C. E. Hill, council eh'drman. "He can be of great assist'race in planning of our prograrn, which would in- clude sodium flu oridc treatments, education and stimulation of cor- rective dental work for our school cbildren. "Our first job is to get. public- ity through the P.-T.A.'s and the papers to reach the parentg and secure their cooperation. We want them to know what sodium fluor- itlP can do and what other mea- .qures should be taken in the care of children's teeth. We hope that OUR NEW DINER TYPE willing tn pay,q small fee to hqve their children recewe this pre- ventive care, we ea.n employ a hygienist to give the treatments Illtfier tilt' s/lpervision of a den- tist. 0 DR. IKEN'NIETII L Partlow. district pnblic health officer: Dr. R. W. Norvald: t.udy W. Oltman, city schools superintendent: WiN liam Goodpaster. county schools superintendent: Mrs. C. E. Hill and Mrs. Charles R. Savage, of the Welfare Council, and Mrs. Fred Snelgrove, of Lincoln P.-T.A are the planning committee. Members of the Hood Canal Woman's Club are backing the county-wide dental-health pro- gram as their special project for the year. Recomrnendatiolm Of Farmers Asked Here ':For Conservatiou Farmers of Mason county now have an opportunity to cooperate In the 1950 Agricultural Censer- ST. EI)%VARD'S ('IIURCI! Rex'. Mark Wleehmann Sunday, A1)ril 3 is Passion Snn- (lily. First Mass is at 8 :t.m., an'd second 'High Mass is at. 10::10 a.m, The gospel is St. .lotto, ehaltcr 8, verses 46 to 59. Ser- mon subject : Suffered l.hldor Pontius Pilate, 'Was (:sucified. Died and Was Buried, Catechism for the children, and church md Bible history instruc- tion for all hiRh school stu(lenta at. 9:45 a.m, Wednesday evening ar 7:30 o'clock is devotion sernlon alltl benediction. Friday evening at 7:3/) o'clock is Stations of tile Way of the Cross and benediction. Friday, April 1 is the first Friday, sacred heart devotion after the 7:213 o'clock Mass. The next inquiry (:lass will be held in the basement of the church at 8:15 p,m,, April 6, Dayton Ladies Club To Meet March 31 With Mrs. Dennis By Rose Beers Dayton Ladies club will meet March 31 at the home of M'rs. Charles Dennis with Mrs. Delores SGN COUNTY JOURNAL.. Pa .MOU NT (ILl VE I, IYT|! ERAN f aliiiiiimBQ, AT TH$ (]IIJP,(tl .' Mr. View Alliance Chapel m. H. Alhaeh, Pastor 4b J- Rev. Thee. W. Chapman, Friday: Tile Church Cottncil will 9:15 am. Smulay School hold its" regular monthly meeting I1 a.m. Morning ,qervice at 8, 1).m. Order of business ill- 7:30 p,m, Inspirational Service ehMes a brief exmnination of the A Ih,'n'ty \\;rele(mC to All ,Junior Membership Chlss. Sunday: Sml(la y School and I .  , " .................................. Adult Bible (:lass begin m 9:,15 I a.m• Services begin aL 11 a.nL The" :M, mntain View Branch Slulday School begins at 9:30 a.m. The (,uarterly Felh)wship Dinner will be held in the parish hall begin- rang at 6 I).m. Tuesday: The Sunday School Teachers' Bible Class meets m the home of Mrs. Alfred Miehaelson. 212 Wyandotte, at 8 p.m. Wednesday: Sixth in the 19,19 series of Lenten serwees will be- in at 8 p.m. Continuing with the general theme: The Seven Ways of Sorrow, the meditation will be based upon the*,theme: Tlie Way tn Calvary's Cro.;s. The Choir meets for rehearsal immediately alt.r Lenten services. FIRST METIIODIST CllURCll Rev. Wayne Wright. Pastor Divine service is at lI a.m. Sunday, April 3. A fellowship hour with refreshments follows the service. Sunday School starts at 9:45 a. m There s n class for every age group. Come and bring your cAll- FIRST BAPTIST CIIIJRCII Fifth and Ceta treets ,1. l). Bovee, Pastor Warren lime, A,sitant Bible School. 9:,15 a.m Sunday marks the begimnng (if a new qnarter's work. AIJ lmI)ils are urged to attend, Morning worship, 11 a.m. War- ten }tale, assistant pastor, will bring n message entitled. "God's tiabKation.' Yotmg People's ServiceK 6:30 Three groups meet for Bible p.m. study. Evening Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Bovee. pastor will  bring the evening message. Prayer and Praise Service on Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Choir practice immediately fol- lowS the pz'ayer service. If you have no church home the Baptist Church cordially invites you to attend its services and en- joy its fellowship. Mount Olive Church 11OO!) ('ANAl, COMMINI'rY CIIUR('II Tile next prayer rlletq itlH (()l the BeacoB Point el'ca will l)v held at the hollle of Mrs. Halllt)s(nl. April 7th ISe It)oiling forward I() It1(, coill- illg" Ol all(" filnl. "\\;r()ice tit the Deep." which will be shown by the (.burt'h on April 15. UNITY TRUTII (?ENTER Minn Hockett. Leader 408 Cota Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work, Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation Hc'tling Work - All Welcome St. David's r El )iseol)al ChUrch 4th & Cedar St. Chlli,']l Scti,,,I tall Kladl's). (t r, :l,lll. rilll'lllllR Pl'lylq ud ;4llllllil. lll Ill, I{0v. Frillitqs I!, lii|ll Reeler ,i i i BAPTIST CHURCH ,I. O. BOVEE, Pastor VVARREN HAI,E. Assistant Preaching services: Bible School. 9:45 A.M. Morning V¢orshlt), 11 A.M. Young People's. 6:30 p:m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. We preach Christ Crucified, Risen and C(aning Agalu. A cordial invitatloa is exteuded to all. KITCHEN OUR DAILY 75¢ SPECIAL INCLUDES Soup. Salad. Entree -, Coffee • Hoinem-ade Pies and Doughnuts ",. TRY OUR SEAFOOD 0yt{era, Scallops, Prawns and Trout gToP,INN CAFE CK and 'BO' WALLACE OPEN 'ROUND THE CLOCK We Pack Workers' LUrlches ration Program, to cooperate by Swearinger, hostess. making recommendations on prac- A CANNING demonstration at tires and provisions that should]Irene S. Reed high school last Thursday afternoon was highly go into the 1950 ACP. Bert Rau, chairman, says that appreciated joy the Dayton corn- the county committee has received munity homemakers who attended. Those who were present in- a reqnest from the chairman of the Washington S&ate ProduCtion and Marketing Administration committee for recommendations for the 1950 Agricultural Conser- vation Program. Recommendations must be sent to the gtate Production and Marketing Administration Office by April 15. In making recommendations for for new practices or changes, the county chairman said that the ob- jectives of the program should be kept in mind---to assist farmers in carrying out needed soil and water eonservati0on that would not be carried out without pro- gram assistance. The chairman stressed the point that commit- teemen and farmers have a re- sponsibility to the rest of the county to use program funds to get all conservation possible for each dollar spent. it' • s Forest Enemy No. 1 HE rising generation is America's grtest asset. th: at Is tree of tte, as it is of boys and girls. When fire sweeps iSug h acres of growing seedlings, part of the future of America uestroyed. du_ young tree is in its period of most proituctive growth. It is pro. wnfl new wood for tomorrow--fDr tomorrow's lumber, paper, ply- a us, plastlc d dthr chemical prodUcts. But fire kills seedlings, "makes it difficult for new seedlings to grow in the scorched earth. An° rest fires can be preented only with the help of every citizen. fi'¢'.,.ney WILL be prevented when all of us eealize that every forest "taxes at the future of our country. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ROY j. KIMBEL ENTERPRISES M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION CO RAYONIER iNCORPORA00 chided the Mesdames Andrew Scott, William Rayson. Lawrence Bailey, Archie Lemke, Steven Beers, Archie Vaughn. Kenneth Myers and Mrs. Gladys LaMent. Mrs. Helen Matthews is spend- irig a few days with her daughter and family, Mrs. Andrew Scott. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. McFarlane and daughter, of Seattle, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Beers. Mrs. McFarlane also visited her aunt. Mrs. Rose Phillips. DONNA SCOTT had a St. Pat- rick's day party at her home• Girls attending were Jean McRae Given Johnson, Connie Cowan Della Adams, Doris Swearinger, Audrey Bailey and Marion Slater of Shelton Valley. Charles Krautz, of the American Union school missionary in Ta- coma, was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. And- dew Scott and family• Later they, drove to Harstine Island. T,4kKING ilER CUE from a sow south of Shelton that had two separate batches of piglettes in a week. a pure-bred Guernsey cow. owned by Leo Wickizer. had twin calves March 22. a bull and a heifer. W a y n e Wickizcr, originally planning to raise one calf for his 4-H project, now has two calves to work with, a double project. Far Eastern Institute was es- tablished at the University of W..!n.gton ia 1946 t. pr.oile additional opportunities for studh" in a field which is continually growing more important. PROFESSIONAL CARDS B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON ATTO R N EY Angle Bldg. Shelton Phone 166 HERBERT BOTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVICE Title Insurance Bldg. PHONE 170 Shelton, Washington CRMG P. ELIO ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 ClttBLE8 R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW 119-121 South Fourth St. Bell Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY T LAW Title InsuranCe Buildlng Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton • ± ELLIOT B. SPRING Aocountlng Tax Servloes Bookkseplng Systemo 123 4th St. Phone 565 I HERBERT G. ] ANGLE [ OffiCe at An,gl Building WITSIRl I.TNERAL ,HOME • LIOriltd :lbiltpers .= , W'. A, Wll2imS, Prop. Phone 150 ,'- .gheRon, Wash. t ill I GLENN E. C0RREA ATTORIIEY;AT.LAW Oovey illdg. Phone 22 dren. Yotmff Adult. will meet Sun- day evemng for a progressive din- ne'. Meet at the church promptly at 5 p.m All young adults are invited. Evening worship and song ser- vice at 8 o'clock The service will be antler the auspices of Young Adults. Choir practice is Thursday: Junior at 3 p.m., high school at 7 p.m. and senior at 7:30 p.m. A sticl¢ of chemicals tn wax- like form has beeq developed for removing the stains of grass, ink, etc. 1 I z I Don't Crush Flowers To Catch The Beauty of Far Away Hills GEMS FROM REV. WRIGHT'S UNDAY MORNING SERMON If we stand on a knoll straining our eyes to catch the beauty of distant mountains, we may be crushing the wonders contained in flowers beneath our feet, the Rev- erend Wayne Wright intoned while illustrating a point in his sermon at First :Methodist church last Sun- day morning. With cool, blustery winds fan- ning Shelton, bathed in Sunday's p'ale March sun. about 125 mem- bers of the Methodist congrega- tion came together to worship God, to glean lessons on life as ex- pressed by Christ• THE CORE of Rev. Wright's sermon revolved upon the poten- tial greatness of life offered with- in .the scope of each individual's horizon, if that attainable horizon is rmt destroyed by lusts which "draw our eye .to mountains and ourofeet over flower beds," The pastor decri.bed several in, cidents in which happy and con- I tned persons lost everything dear to them because their instincts for greed flare blindly when a thought pointing to great wealth wa opefied In their minds by idle gosMp. ONE MAN SOLD his 4and and security and "farmed" out his fine family to search the earth for dia- monds. Years later broke, dis- couraged and disillusioned, he re- turned to his former abode, now in the hands of another, to learn that diamonds had been found in the stream beside the house. In search of illusive wealth he'd lost his home health., happiness and family. He committed suicide. Life is what we make it, the ser- mon pointed out. Whatever comes to us must come, if we are to enjoy and appreciate it fully through our own efforts applied to the op- portunities around us, in our homes, our communities, our towns. "HOULD WE abandon what we have in order to roam the land "searching for diamonds," we are Holds Fellowship Event A Fellowship Dinner, a regular quarterly highlight in the congre- gational life of Mount Olive Lu- theran Congregation, Cascade and the Highwayl will be held in the parish hall next Sundsy evening, beginning at 6 p.m. The dinner will be ..... food and entertainment alike. As well as serving the purposes of Christian fellowship, this par- ticular dinner is in part a celebra- tion of the purchase of an elec- tric range for the church kitchen by the Lutheran Women's Mis- sionary League• [ Next week we'll take gems from another sermon in another church here for our special Journal page. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Unreality" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read next Sunday in all branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts. Golden Text: Psalm 119: 65. 104 "Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O Lord, according uu- to thy word . . . Throngh thy pre- cepts I get understanding: there- fore 1 hate every false'way." The following verse from James is included in the Lesson-Sermon: "If ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory noL and lie not against the tth. For where envylng and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." From "SciefCe 'and lealth with Key to the Sc'rlpfuf;es" by Mary Baker Eddy is the following cor- !laLi$ . statement: "Man's en- "l/vefhcnt to the most relentless masters---passion, selfishness, en- vy, hatred, and revenge. --is con- quered only by a mighty struggle • . . Here Christian Science is the sovereign panacea, giving strength to the weakness of mortal mind - strength from the immortal and omnipotent Mind.---and lifting hu- manity above itself into purer de- sires, eve into spiritual power and good-will to man." ST. DAVID'S JEPISCOPAL CiIURCH Fourth and Cedar Rev. Francis H, Ball, In charge Church school starts aL 9 a.m. Sunday morning• Holy communion Lchorall with sermon, 11 a.m. Monday afternoon the Women Guild will meet at 2 o'cl,.mk. Wednesday, mid-week service, will start at 7:30 p.m. Services on Palm Sunday, April 10 are scheduled for 8 a.m., 9:45 a.m., and 11 a.m. apt to lose everything substantially BIrIST WOMEN SOCIETY important in life. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Rev. Wright's sermon, typical of The Women's Missionary Soci- those given every Sunday moFn- ety of the Baptist Church will at- lag in each chtlrch tn Mason coun- tend a Spring cdnference on Wed- ty, lends us a strong point on the nesday, April 6, at the Bethseda ultimate purpose in life. Baptist Chupch in Tacoma. weexLV C00OSSWOR00 00UZZLe 1 | i i  I i I I l' I I i I .... I I i • Here's the Answer HORIONT&L &9 C,iurch parts 1 DepJctlat stat{) lWiilan bird Pfirt Of "be" IPr0verb 7 Stains I aouzh iava 12 On ho lags belind I J|l Mend C6nftptUoUi " gHriiaee 13 Eiiilisli :IN BI3I 3 .l.lfil-ll IIO I[NI i I 1 Military bugle call | Merit , ,, 3Too I1 ! H I=IV; J.IoO Itll I,V rr'l   1 ]i i f0rll!ed by IS1"1] t 0( --I V[qtl'lX c0bustion 25 Wed 45 MUSical $ Near IS Myself 27 Crimson istrument Ob|erv 28 Malt drink 48 Portuguese 8 Pientless 30 Born coins 31 Relative 48 Kind of fish (abbr,) 41} lotmd 32 Female saint 50 To cut pi'ovincial divlMon child 24 Type measure € Den 28 Pkld iotice 10 Withered 27 hort-napptut 13 Within fabric 14 Railroad 29 During "its (abbr.) . - history', it ha)Y/Chargcul aroma floWn the ---- 111AlJtant o! France,  D/I ti, Spain, Mexico,  -" !n, Sta [, i" I,= State alid the Ila I, I[] traltedStl I [ ill I I' 34 E lo " " i i l $ Lair ....... 38Shuddw = -. | 42 rly English _ _(slUr.) 4a FrOteeUve 4T LIRe " 48 Clara .... ,, 51 Rationed Item la pl',l " 83 ItI capital l [sl' • i .i • . I_ll lli I am (eanlr.I ll I liia 5 Whtsne ! I , I [] weii with o" is'ii I ' " 'it " ,1 , ',4 _JIILIRa u.01.l = -:v (abbr.) Sg Rlllht line 3? Deaden (abbr.) , 3g Disorderl 3 Army order 40 Tlrash '(abbr.) 43 Operatic solo 58 Therefore 44 Remnant 5' ', T( =6 T( ALL INTERESTED IN CHURCH OF CHRIS00 Meetings Each Sunday A.M. For Bible Study and Communion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R -- Or W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-1 For Information Foursquare Church 910 E. Dearborn St. Sunday School--9:45 Worship Service--l;0@ Crusader Serviee6:45 Evangelistic Service--.7:45 REV. E, E. F4TCH Pastor First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" 4th & Pine ..... Parsonage 320 N. ,Itt ........ Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 1"1 a.r. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. --. Worship Service 11 a.m, Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m. Young People's Service---Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Service .... Friday, 7:45 p.m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS • First Chnrch of Christ, Scientist SHE LTO N Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Mass, Subject Next Sunday: UNR00]ALIIY SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 1.1 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained hy this church n.t 302 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'elnck. and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET COME TO TIIE REVIVAL FOURSQ[ ARE (HURCtl 910 E. DEARBORN -- REV. & MRS E. E. FITCH, PASTORS • DON'T MISS THE CLARKS ,APRIL 3 Through APRIL 17 Every Night Except Monday 7:45 P.M. THEY SING - THEY PREACH - THEY PRAY FOR THE SICK I I WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister MARCH 31, 1949 Nlnfl,..lly, th,,, .^,,[,-I h. h,,+ "e *-^ s-. SUch an one, and this he well knew and understood in the day he made his Choice, However tho Lord had warned him that "rebellion is as the ain of wttohcraft, and stubbornness as iniquity and Idolatry.- But thl= great angel was stubborn in his covetousness, and set him- self to win at least the sympathy of the other of his six assoc- iates at the throne. In this effort he succeeded to the extent of the complaint lodged against them by the Lord God through hia Son, as recordecl in £he 2nd and lrd Chapters of Revelation. At this crisis this angel inquired of the Lord. "Why has thou m ?" made e thus seeking thus to pace the responalbility for hia choice upon God. God answered this query by giving his Son to become in EVERY MANNER an Angel as was this rebel, endowed with both evil and good, as had been every..other oreatUrc, ind the power of ChOice, to choose his own 'dlstiny, In hlgway he stilled the voice of the great accuser. (Rev. 12: 10.). Thia divine oondecension having been made, this angel encouraged himself in his rebellion, and went about among hill fellows to win at least their sympathy, if he could not "their full cooperation. The extent of his success is revealed in the re- 0uke of the Son of God to those angels, as recorded in Revela- tion, chapters 2 and 3. C0nequently "there was:war in heaven: Michael an his a:ngela fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought, andhis an- gels, and prevailed not; neither was their Plaoe.found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old aer- pent, called the Devil, and Satan, which decelveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and hi| angela wore cast out with him." Rev, 12:9, "For (if) God epared rmt:he ageli that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be rescrved unto judgment." II Peter 2:4, See also Isaiah 14:12o15, and Ezefiel 28;13,19. And now he applies hi.self to corrupt and princs of thia wol*ld, !aving failed in each of 'thc others. But thrs prince (Adam) had )een warned against this peril, See Ephesians 6:10-17 and i Timothy 2:14. (Continued from this point in the next issue of The Journal.)',