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March 31, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 2011
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scie | ir ur Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Pioneer second-grader Alyssa Klokkevold looks at a project done by Mrs. Phelan's 1st grade class at March 17th Pioneer School District's Math and Science Fair. By NATALIE JOHNSON all students from kindergarten to eighth Pioneer School District's annual math grade, but Hoss said that many of the and science fair on March 17 was again a younger kids did projects as a class, while the older kids worked individually. resounding success this year, showcasing "One of the younger'grades they did, talent well beyond the years of its stu- "'" dents, more geometry and differerlt shapes," Seventh grade life science teacher she said. Martha Hoss, who organizes the program Throughout the day, Pioneer's classes along with eighth grade science teacher file through the exhibits. The older kids Steve Valley, said that the about 200 stu- admire each other's exhibits, and the lit- dents, between kindergarten and eighth tle kids stare in awe at the projects they grade, came up with some truly amazing will someday create. projects. "It's so cute because the teachers come "One girl did a project where she re- with them and they're at the head of the claimed DNA from bananas and straw- line it's almost like a school of ducks," berries. She added something but it Hoss said. makes the DNA kind of solidify and be- Everybody who entered a project wins come stringy and you can use a shish at Pioneer's science fair. Hoss said that kabob and wind it around it," she said. the fair isn't judged, to encourage kids "She's only in seventh grade." to experiment rather than design their Hoss said that this particular student project to get the blue ribbon. had recently learned about DNA in her "We don't judge it, everybody that par- life science class, ticipates gets a blue pioneer participant "I think it's really big for kids to ex- ribbon, and then they all get a chocolate tend themselves beyond the books and candy bar," she said. "When you judge really important for them to see how sci- it you get projects done by parents and ence can fit into their everyday life," she grandparents. We had some really in- said. teresting projects because kids weren't The science fair also encourages kids afraid to try something new." to explore subjects, like math and science Hoss said that she only requires an ap- that can be daunting at any age. plication for the science fair so she and "It doesn't matter what age, it doesn't other organizers know how many tables matter what sex, it doesn't matter if 'to set up. you've never been good at science before," "We don't turn anyone away," she said. Hoss said. After many years of running the sci- While all of the students learned about ence fair, Hoss said that parents who science, that doesn't mean their projects once participated in the fair now have always worked, Hoss said. children at pioneer presenting their own "They're also learning that science science projects. doesn't work every time ... they still got "That day and that night when I see results," she said. kids so excited about it, it's all worth it," The math and science fair is open to Hoss said. # TOO LATE 1'01 UII$1FY I RECEIVE P .m CALm. I GAS I tt o+for +E Cl,bC fo, I ~-tl~ ~ ~n-'tlmt 7m-~m * Fd-,.~t 7m-LuJM + lXl! 360-426-5254+ L~LFPHIP~G~P~CE'~SF'S'tgami]c++'+gP°~+tJ Located at the in~aumflon of Hilhw~ 101 and 108rJu~ minutu away from Olympia and Shelton Camel PreJlm Brlud *Premis *Island Blendz +tim Cosmos Pop Corn BIG BANG BUTTER • LIGHTER SIDE • CARMEL it Ganon 2% Milk (with l~ta~ ot Z) or $3.~ each m,.,, 2/+3oo Req. $~ .99 ea. Reg. 59¢ ea. Large Selection Expanded Selection of Local B 22 oz. Mi°fo Beers / Washington State 'mes Come in and enter to WIN a 4 foot Easter Bunny & Basket full of good/es! Drawing will be held on April 22, 2011 ~ -- l~dcu sub]~:t to change without n~d~e -- HUGE SALE indoors next week. you can think of and then more. Thursday morning. Guaranteed Thursday, April 7-Sunday, April This is one of the biggest sales to be well worth the drive. Please 10, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Three-bedroom you'll find this year and we may no early birds. Cash only. W3/31 house is loaded. Furniture, lin- not have room for everything in 7 EXCELLENT, level, wooded ens, bedding, tools, cookware, one sale because there is so acres for sale. Includes opera- dishes, craftware, clothing, jew- much. Dayton-Airport Road one tional well. Arcadia area access elry, glassware, much miscella- mile past the Corrections Center. main road. By owner, 360-426- neous. A book-lover's paradise Address will be in next week's 0775. D3/31-4]21 including cookbooks. Everything Journal. Watch for signs next Friends and patients- Please join us as we say "Aloha" to Dr. Patrick Ogilviet McCleary Community Center Thursday, April 14th 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. , Please RSVP to Mindy Portschy at (360) 495-3244. HEALTH CARE DISTRICT IIII// Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 31,2011