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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Downtown merchants
hope chocolate parade will
bring buyers to Shelton
By NATALIE JOHNSON The Daisy Pot, Simmons said,
Shelton businesses handed where she and her husband
out sweet treats last weekend Tom will have a drawing to
as part of the Shelton Down- determine the winners of tan-
town Merchants' first chocolate talizing first, second and third
parade, prizes.
The first prize, a two night
"The parade is people parad- stay at the Ocean Crest Resort
ing through our businesses,"
said Marry Simmons, owner of in Moclips, may be enough to
The Daisy Pot. entice some to play. The sec-
The chocolate parade is the ond prize is a $75 giR certificate
from Pro-Build, and the third is
latest event put on by the down- a $50 ~ certificate from Fergu-
town merchants with the goal of
drawing tourists to Shelton dur- son Flowers and GiRs.
Even by Friday morning,
ingthe off-season and encourag- the second day of the three-
ing local residents to buy local, day event, Simmons said that
The parade is basically a first year of the parade, which
game, Simmons said. Shoppers the merchants hope will be an
pick up a game card from any annual event, seemed to be a
participating local business,
then visit each shop on the card, success in bringing shoppers to
collecting five-digit codes from Shelton.
"I would say [Thursday]
each one. two thirds of my people were
After shoppers complete their
cards, they can drop them off at not from here, they were from
any participating business. Olympia. I had a lady from
The cards .11 £m~el l~ck to See Parade on page B-5
Jeri Loss, owner of Olympic Gallery
the downtown merchants.
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
and Custom Framing, suggested the chocolate parade to
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
The sun may not be shining, but daffodils are blooming in Shelton.
seminar on
By NATALIE JOHNSON is on lifestyle and being healthy 31 at 5:30 p.m. at Mason Gen-
In a time dominated by an and living a healthy life and en- eral Hospital in the Skokomish
ever-increasing demand for fast, joying life to its fullest," he said. Room, on Monday, April 11 at
but unhealthy food, some groups It's focus is on daily exercise, a the same location, and Thurs-
are leading the fight against the mostly plant based diet and a day, April 14 at 7 p.m. at the
causes of coronary disease, dia- good attitude and just a positive Shelten Seventh-day Adventist
betes and hypertension, outlook on life." Church at 210 W. Shelten Val-
The Coronary Health Ira- The program, which is over a ley Read.
decade old and has been applied ARer attending one of the in-
provement Project, or CHIP, is throughout the country, and in formational sessions, Willis said
one of those programs pushing Canada and Australia, Willis that participantb can sign up for
for a healthier lifestyle, and will said, encourages vegetarian or the five-week course for a fee of
soon come to Shelton through a
chapter s~ by the Shelten vagan diets, and consists of 16 $225 for one person or $300 for
Seventh-day Adventist Church two-hour long classes ranging a couple. The five-week program
in topics from fats, fiber, or cho- runs from April 17 through May
and led by director Dean Willis.
Willis mild that CHIP's mis- lesterol control to building self- 19.
sion fit the ideology of the Sev- worth. Each class includes a tele-
The CHIP program begins vised lecture by Dr. Hans Diehl,
enth-day Adventists' perfectly, with several free introductory
"One of our biggest emphases sessions, on Thursday, March See Cookin' on page B-5
Community, Hall garage
le, soup and sandwich
Judy and I spent Saturday
morning at the community hall
selling our stuff at the garage sale.
The folks there did a great job put-
ting it together. From 9 to 11 a.m.
the room was packed and sales
were good. I'm pretty sure they are
planning on doing the same thing
next March, so you might want to
mark your calendar. An-
other great little Surprise
was that they made the
venders a lunch of a yum-
my soup and sandwich.
As the crowd traffic
slowed, t sat back in one
of the theater chairs and
looked up on the wall. The
steering wheel from one
of the ferries is hanging
up there. I have to ad-
mit that I have a terrible
memory and I know that
the wheel was presented to the
club a couple of years ago. A gentle-
man contacted me about the wheel
and said that it was in some of his
father's stuff and he remembered
childhood stories about his father
working on the ferry. I think that a
plaque with the information needs
to be put up on the wall with the
wheel, but I can't remember the
gentleman's name or the complete
story and for that I apologize. So,
if by chance, someone with that
information could get a hold of me
again, I will get that corrected.
Senior lunch this next week will
be putting out another great lunch.
Their April lunch will include mac-
aroni and cheese with ham, green
beans, pickles and dump cake.
Now, dump cake sounds a little
strange, but I can tell you that one
of our daughters comes out to the
island and almost always makes a
dump cake for our family dinners.
They are wonderful. So, make sure
you show up a little before noon on
Wednesday, April 6.
Just a quick mention of the chili
cook-off at the April 8 meeting of
the Community Club. The doors
will open around 6 p.m. and the
potluck starts at 6:30 p.m.
Now, for a couple more inspira-
tional notes, Bridge church is hap-
py to announce that Dr. Rich Rob-
inson of "Jews for Jesus will
again be speaking at Bridge Com-
munity Church at 10:30 a.m. on
Sunday, April 3, the regular Sun-
day morning service time. All are
welcome. Jews for Jesus is a na-
tional and international organiza-
tion, which uses creative methods
and contemporary issues to pres-
ent the message that Jesus is the
Messiah to Jewish people around
the world. This Sunday's
topic will be "The Gospel
in the Feasts of Israel~.
When he came to
speak two years ago,
the Bridge Church was
still meeting in the Com-
munity Hall. There
was a large and enthu-
siastic group to hear
him. His presentation
was "Christ in the Pass-
over." Bridge Church is
now in their our own fa-
cility, located at 500 North Island
Drive, which is a half-mile north of
the bridge. There is ample parking
and a handicap entrance available
at rear of building. For additional
information call Bernie or Jan at
As most of you know Judy is
very active with Turning Pointe
and she shares many interests
with other women's groups. We
have an organization here is Shel-
ton named Hypatia. They actively
promote women's well being. EI-
speth Pope is one of the founding
members and has been a friend
of ours for years. Elspeth will tell
you that
Hypatia-in-the-Woods is a re-
treat center for women in the
arts, academia and business. They
are hosting a benefit performance
by noted writer, speaker, perform-
er, Mary Lou Sanelli at 2 p.m. on
April 17, Sunday afternoon, at GDP
Studio Taylor Town, behind/beside
Texaco station. This event titled
"Mothers and Daughters: Breathe
In, Breathe Out," is a presentation
about mothers and daughters, the
life cycle, the mother/daughter evo-
lutionary process that lasts your
lifetime. What a great way to cel-
ebrate parenting and being parent-
ed. Tickets are only a $25 donation
per individual or $40 per couple.
See Harstine on page B-5
March 3i, 2011 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1