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with s
By DEAN SIEMON two hour high school prac-ishing her senior year at said John Wooden, the for- fore leaving school for the
Shelton High School's tice." Shelton while taking college mer UCLA men's basketball day.
Kristy Lee Nahley hopes to Nahley said she is plan-courses at Olympic College coach and author of "They "Usually I'll stay awhile
be involved with athletics in ning to study health sci- -Shelton through the high Call Me Coach." to do it at school before
some form after high school, ences with an emphasis on school's Running Start Pro- "He was just a really practice or in my sixth peri-
Nahley signed her letterphysical therapy, gram. good role model," she said. od," she said. "I have a niece
of intent to play basketball "That way I can stay in-"I've done my English "Even if I'm not going into [Haley-Jay] who's two and
for The Evergreen State volved with people who are and a lot of social sciences," coaching, he's a good person a younger brother [Jordan]
College next season and has involved with athletics," she said. to try to live up to." who's one at home."
said most readers may not she said. Nahley said she also Nahley said a dream jobNahley said that she is
realize the amount of work The Shelton senior said has an interest in coach- would be to have her own nervous not only about no
it takes to earn that oppor- she was interested in Ever- ing basketball after having physical therapy clinic, grading scale at Evergreen,
tunity, green's curriculum and how coached at youth basketball "That way I could be able but about how she will de-
"Especially in my sopho- all courses are incorporated summer camps through to close up at three and go velop student-professor
more and junior years, Itogether, the city of Shelton's Parks to a basketball practice or relations compared to the
really marketed myself by "Right now, I'm taking and Recreation, as well take time off if I'm working high school teachers.
traveling to Olympia to all these classes and I think as through Shelton High as a coach," she said. "All my high school teach-
practice in front of the coach they incorporate somehow," School. Nahley said her every ers I've been able to connect
to get recruited," Nahley she laughed. When asked who her fa- day goal at Shelton is to with better than my college
said. "It takes more than the Nahley is currently fin-vorite coach was, Nahleycomplete her homework be- professors," she said.
Kristy Lee Nahley
Asset building courses
offered by United Way
The Asset Building Co- programs may offer separate
alition and United Way of benefits for completing all
Mason County are sponsor- three classes.
ing Asset Building Courses The first class on Tuesday,
from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on April April 12, will cover money
12, 19,and 26 at Choice High matters and the best ways
School at 807 W. Pine St, for making the most of the
SheltonWA98584-2562. money available. The sec-
The purpose of these ond class on Tuesday, April
classes is to provide financial 19, will cover practical shop-
hope, opportunity and choice ping tips and good deals.
to low-income individuals The third and final class on
and families through fun, in- Tuesday, April 26, will cover
teractive classes in a friendly banks and credit, and the
environment. A group con- benefits and possible issues
sisting of individuals from associated with them.
several non-profit agencies For more information,
and banks/credit unions will please contact United Way
run the classes, at 329 W Railroad, Suite
Food and childcare will 204, Shelton, WA 98584. Or
be provided. Upon comple- by calling 426-4999, by visit-
tion of all three classes, each ing the web site www.united-
participant will receive a $25, Questions
beginning balance in a sav- or comments may also be
ings account at Our Com-e-mailed to
mtmity Credit Union. Other and
I So if you look I
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Harmony Hill Retreat Center adds Zumba classes
Harmony Hill Retreat Center will thing fun that we should offer to the starts on April 6th and will be held
start offering Zumba to their week- surrounding area." on Wednesdays from 5:30 pm to 6:30
day line-up of movement classes Zumba is a fitness craze that has pm and is $5 per class for drop-in
that are open to the public. Late been sweeping the country. It fus- rates. Those who come to the April
last year, Harmony Hill added an es Latin music with easy to follow 6th class of Zumba and purchase
evening yoga class to their morning moves to create a fitness program an 8-session pass will get one class
yoga classes already offered, that is accessible to all fitness levels, free. All fitness levels are welcome.
"We were approached by Heather, Yoga is offered at Harmony Hill For more information about this
our new Zumba faculty, about hav- on Mondays from 6 pm to 7:30 pm and other classes held at Harmony
ing Zumba at Harmony Hill," said and Wednesdays and Thursdays Hill, visit their web site at www.
Cindy Shank, Program Manager for from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. Drop- or contact them at
Harmony Hill. "It seemed like some- in rates are $10 per class. Zumba 898-2363.
Mason County Pomona Grange scholarships
Mason County Pomona Graduates receiving the parent, and to those with graduation.
Grange is offering two scholarship must plan to 4-H or FFA (Future Farm- Application forms are
one-year scholarships attend college or vocation- ers of America) experi-available through the
of $500 each to seniors al school next fall. ence. All applicants will be counseling offices at Shel-
graduating from a Ma- Preference will be given considered fairly, ton, Choice, Mary M.
son County High schoolto students affiliated with Scholarship applica-Knight and North Mason
in 2011. Home-schooleda grange, either through tions must be received by high schools or by calling
graduates are also encour- their own membership or May 9. Recipients will be Billie Howard at 360-426-
that of a .par enter grand- announced at the time of 8443 evenings.
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Page B-4
County Journal - Thursday, March 31,2011
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