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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Parade in Mays Bluegrass From the Continued from page B-1 Forest festival. Restauarants Steven's Sequim in fact," Simmons on Railroad, the Strip Steak said. "Yesterday I had four House, Sugar Cakes, Shel- ladies all together, never ton Cinemas and 2nd Street been to Shelton before, heard Design Studio, also had dis- about the chocolate parade plays of chocolate foods. and decided to come see what Jeri Less, the owner of it's all about." Olympic Gallery and Cus- Customers also vote for tom Framing, who suggested who has the best chocolate the chocolate parade to the food and the best chocolate downtown merchants, said display, that chocolate parade fits The downtown merchants perfectly into her business. also partnered with Krist- "With art, chocolate and mastewn Kiwanis, as they wine just go together," she did for December's First Fri- said. "Hopefully every year day event, to bring in a band, this event will get better and Blue Pickup set to perform better." Harstine Continued from page B-1 They are available at Sage Book Stere, Very, Ltd. An- tiques or by phone at 427- 0760 or 229-9439. The folks who put togeth- er Inquiring Minds reported that they had another out- standing audience for our last Inquiring Minds pro- gram of the season. This time they had an outstanding pro- gram with Alan Stein, histo- rian, author, and best of all, storyteller. Stein brought pictures and great stories of Washington's first worlds fair in 1909, which was locat- ed on what is now the Univer- sity of Washington campus. Some of the original build- ings are still there, anchored by Drumheller Fountain, more commonly known as Frosh Pond. He included pic- tures of artifacts from Mason County's day at the fair. A Lake Cushman visitor at the program brought souvenir medals that had been in her family since the fair. Other visitors shared stories of their family's ties to the ex- position. The Mason County Historical Museum has a few artifacts, original tick- ets, medals and pictures in their collection as well. Alan and his writing partner will soon publish the story of Se- attle's 1962 World's Fair that many of us were able to at- tend. Information on these publications and other inter- esting topics can be found at, Washing- ton's history encyclopedia online. The Harstine Island Community Club and Arlen Morris, IQM chair, wishes to thank the 2011 commit- tee, April Hansen, Brenda Stainbrook, Carol Bush, Ju- die Shaft, Donna Hamilton, Pat Remine, Scott and Linda Leicty, for another successful season that with the commu- nity's great financial support, has managed once again to be a self-supporting project. Cookin' Continued from page B-1 a professor of preventative medicine at Loma Linda University and the director of the Lifestyle Medicine In- stitute. "The guy's really interesting to lis- ten to - he makes it fun," Willis said. In addition to the classes, the pro- gram also includes a "heart screen," Willis said, which gives pariticipants an idea of their coronary health be- fore the program starts. At the end er or middle age participants looking "It definitely is a radical approach to address a specific health problem, because it really is pushing decreas- but Willis said that Shelton chapter ing fats and sugars and really heavy would be eager to welcome younger emphasis on that and going back to participants eager to start out on the a whole foods and vegetables and right foot. whole grains diet," Willis said. "It's a Unlike some self help programs, big departure from the typical Amer- results of CHIP's method and its ican diet." scientific basis are well published in For more information call 426- the "American Journal of Cardiolo- 2776. For additional information on gy," "Preventative Medicine" and the CHIP, visit "Journal of the American Diabetic Willis shared this recipe for qui- Association," according to CHIP. noa (pronounced keen-wah) sal ad. of the program, they are retested to vul "noa Salad illustrate any improvements in over- all health. Willis explained that to jump 3 cups cooked Qninoa, cooled completely into the program would lred pepper, diced be very diffidult for most people and said that the program is more about encouraging baby steps in the right direction. "It's not only about trying to re- 1 15 oz. can of black drained bunch cilantro, stemmed, chopped 1/2 small onion, chopped 2 tomatm , die l form people, it's about/trying to in- 2 gaps cooked corn, cooled troduce steps to a person's life so 2 Tbsp lemonjmce they can start taking a path to a bet- 1/2 cup sliced black olives ter life," Willis said. "We're not nec- 1 tsp salt essarily encouraging people to cut cold turkey off their diet but we're Mix ingredients together in a bowl going to show them some steps to a Ret igerate overnight. healthier diet." The program usually attracts old- Hayden Alexander Ott Hayden Alexander Ott was born February 24, 2011 at Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia to Christine and Dane Ott of Shelton. His weight at birth was eight pounds and two ounces. He was 19.5 inches long. His grandparents Shari and Konrad Schuster of Shel- ton, Darren and Marci Lohmeyer of Shelton and Jack and Lora Ott of Shelton welcome him. Landen-Wayne Swingle Cassiel Xzavier Manley Knoblock Cassiel Xzavier Manley Knoblock was born March 20, 2011 at Capital Medical Center in Olympia to Ginger Ni- cole Knoblock and David Allen Knoblock of Olympia. He weighed seven pounds, one ounce and was 21 inches long Joe Parker Seymour Joe Parker Seymour was born March 10, 2011 at Cap- ital Medical Center in Olympia to Marie Seymour and Jeremy Seymour of Shelton. He weighed seven pounds and four ounces. Tyson Brian Cage Landen Wayne Swingle was born March 23, 2011 Tyson Brian Cage was born March 8, 2011 at Capi- at Capital Medical Center in Olympia to Samantha M. tal Medical Center in Olympia to Amanda Michelle Lee Swingle and Lance N. Swingle of Centralia. He weighed and Solomon Wayne Cage of Shelton. He weighed nine six pounds and 10 ounces, pounds and seven ounces. Mason General Hospital Bid Package #MGH-2.A: Mechanical and Controls Bid Package #MGH-2.B: HVAC Systems Bid Package #MGH-2.C: Electrical Bid Package #MGH-2.D: Fire Sprinkler Systems PRE-BID MEETING: April 5, 2011 at 10:00am BIDS DUE: April 13, 2011 at 2:00pm HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Bid Phone: (206) 286-6697 - Fax: (206) 286-7523 1505 Westlake Ave N, Suite 500 - Seattle, WA 98109 - LIC # HOFFMCC164NC Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet board