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Henry F. Baker Dreyfus
Henry F. Baker, 82, died Ronan
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
at Mason General Hospital Bekemans
in Shelton. He was a resi-
dent of Shelton for 23 years. Dreyfus Ronan Beke-
He was born on June 10, mans, 73, died March 16,
1928 to Orville Van and Mae 2011 at his home in Lilli-
(Brautigam) Baker in Ed-waup, of natural causes.
monds, Kan. He was born October 20,
He graduated from Alme- 1937 in San Francisco, Ca-
na High School in Almena, lift to Katheryn Margaret
Kan. in 1945. (Bleth) and Gilbert Ronan
He served
He served in the Navy
from 1945 to 1966. His rank
on discharge was Master
Chief/Chief Petty Officer on
He married Josephine
(Cuddihy) Baker on Octo-
ber 3, 1949 in New London,
1966 to
1968, he
at Sperry
Rand Mis-
sile and
Henry F. as a tech.
Baker He was an
• lectrical
engineer on submarines at
Mare Island Naval Shipyard
in Vallejo, Calif. for 10 years,
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
in Bremerton for six years
and Western Gee .Physical
in Alaska for six years as an
electrical technician.
He was a member of St.
Edward's Catholic Church
in Shelton, National Subma-
rine Veterans, Holland Club
and Volunteer Fire Fighter
for Shelton District 4 and
Knights of Columbus. He
enjoyed farming, garden-
ing, reading, fishing (deep
sea), traveling to England
and Scotland for their 50
anniversary. He was plank
owner of the John C. Caloun
He is survived by his wife,
Josephine Baker of Shelton;
in divorce.
in the mili-
tary from
1955 to
1958. His
rank at
was SP3C-
He was
married to
Okert and
Joy Weast,
both ended
His occupation was bank-
He enjoyed camping, go-
ing to the beach and being
with family and friends.
He is survived by his
daughter Lorina Shaufler;
son Derek Bekemans of
Lilliwaup; grandchildren
Bryce Homan of Aberdeen,
Anita Lelinski of Lilliwaup,
Derek Bekemaris of Lilli-
waup, Waverly Shaufler of
Lakebay, Wade Shaufler of
Lakebay, Woody Shaufler
of Bellingham and Winter
Shaufler of Seattle.
Services will be held at a
later date.
Lenore Teresa
t'mg and crocheting, visiting ,
with her family especially
her many grandchildren and
reconnecting with friends on
Facebook. She enjoyed driv-
ing fast cars in her youth,
was an avid reader, enjoyed
She was an avid bowler
and enjoyed the friendships
of her fellow bowlers. As a
sports fan, she supported
the Seattle Seahawks and
the Seattle Mariners.
She was a member of the
historical programs and Moose A ary inShelton.
travel locations. She owned poodles and
She is survived by her Persian cats and enjoyed
husband James Hedges of their company.
Shelton; daughters Man-She was proud of her
reen Leon of Bremerton,children earning advanced
Tracey Summerlin of Shel- degrees in their fields and
ton, Tammy VanNatta of achieving success in their
Lacey, Teresa Roldan ofcareers asedueators.
Belfair and Kimberly Iver- Her family shared that
her strength was humor in
son of Centralia; nephews
Paul Breitkreuz of Corona,
Calif., Tom Breitkreuz of
Redlands, Calif. and Fred
Breitkreuz of Moreno Val-
ley, Calif.; grandchildren
Montoya Crayton III of
Belfair, Ben "Cody" Tarver
of Shelton, Stephen Pet-
tit of Lacey, Ethan Pettit
of Lacey, Dalton Iverson of
Centralia, Jacob Rothen-
berger of Shelton, Courtney
VanNatta of Lacey, James
Roldan of Belfair, Mikah
Roldan of Belfair, Urijah
Peters of Centralia, Thom-
as Leon of Bremerton and
Tristan VanNatta of Lacey.
Her parents and sis-
ter Mary "Maureen" Bre-
itkreuz, preceded her in
of Life will be at 2 p.m. on
April 10 at Unity Church,
1335 Fern St SW, Olympia,
WA. Janet Rhodes, LUT will
officiate the service.
Arrangements are un-
der direction of Forest Fu-
facing challenges.
She is survived by her
son Mac (Tug) Whyte (Ber,
nadine) of Ajijic, Mexico;.
daughter Janzen, Jame
Mare Uzzell (Stephen)of
Mint Hill, N.C. and grand-
daughter, Anna Jane Uz-
zell-Harreveld (Christian)
of New York City, N.Y.
Dick Rex, husband of two
years, Hector M. Whyte,
husband of 42 years and an
infant son, Andrew James
Whyte, preceded her in
Mrs. Rex will be interred
at Evergreen Cemetery, Ev-
erett, in the family plot. •
Memorials may be made
to the Humane Society.
Harold E.
Harold E. Wilson, 86, died
Saturday, March 26, 2011
at Alpine Way Retirement
neral Homes. Memorial Apts. He was a resident of
donations can be made toShelton for 83 years.
Commemorative Giving He was born April 13,
1924 to Bert and Hazel
Seattle Children's Hospital
Foundation, PO Box 5371
Seattle, WA 98145-5005.
Lenore Teresa Hedges Frances Jane
(Coffey), 65, died Sunday,
March 20, 2011 in Shelton
(Whyte) Rex
sons John Baker of Bremer- of cardiac arrest. She was Frances Jane (Whyte)
ton, Brian Baker of Seattle, a resident of Shelton for Rex, 88, died March 20, 2011
Thomas Baker of Shelton, the past two years and a in l~atthews, N.C. of natu-
PaulJ3aker (Wendy)ofWe& resident Of Olympia for 35 : ral dauses.
years. She-was a
long time
resident of
was born
March 1,
Frances 1923 in
Jane Snohom-
(Whyte) Rex ish to
Anna and
Leon Mor-
gan of Snohomish.
She graduate of Snohom-
ish High School in Snohom-
ish, in 1941 she later at-
tended Long Beach Junior
College in Calif. during
World War IL She support-
ed the war effort by working
in the shipyards.
She was a homemaker
and a care provider for
Catholic Social Services.
She was born October 22,
1945 in Huntington, N.Y. to
Thomas Coffey and Helena
Coffey (Cremmins).
She married James Hedg-
es on July 4, 1982 at Unity
Church in
worked as
the man-
ager for
Lenore tant for
Teresa Ed Wyse;
Hedges supervisor
(Coffey) for Tele-
mark (now
ACS); residential customer
service for Qwest and PXD
at Little Creek Casino.
She enjoyed sewing, knit-
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of the funeral director and staff
Nyack, N.Y. and Michael
Baker of Seattle; daugh-
ters Mary Hill (James) of
Center Conway, N.H. and
Elizabeth Baker of Bellev-
ue; brother Orville Baker of
Colorado Springs, Colo. and
nine grandchildren.
He was preceded in death
by his parents Orville and
Mac Baker, brother, Kelsey"
Baker and sister, Dorothy
Baker Brooks.
A service was held on
Monday, March 28 at St. Ed-
ward's Catholic Church in
Memorial donations can
be made to St. Edward's
Catholic Church 601 "C"
Street Shelton, WA 98584
Arrangements were made
with McComb Funeral Home
of Shelten.
Online condolences may
be sent to the family to mc-
Bonnie Ridgeway
June 6, 1933 - March 3, 2011
A private family gathering
at her home was given for
her memorial.
She is survived by 2
sisters, 5 children, 14
grandchildren and 17 great
God bless, she will be
greatly missed.
"~ -Paid Obimary Notice-
(Baker) Wilson in Espanola.
He served in the United
States Army, 249th Port
Company. He received med-
als of Hon-
or for the
tion Medal
with one
Star, Asi-
Harold E. atic Pacific
Wilson Service
Good Conduct Medal and
the Victory Medal of Honor.
On discharge he was at the
rank of Tech 5.
He married Opal Cris-
man-Thompson on July 22,
1950 in Shelten.
Wilson went to work for
Simpson Timber Company
in 1948, working for 38
years and retiring from the
company in 1986.
He was a lifetime member
of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and the Rifleman's
Association. He was also a
member of the American
Funeral Altematives proudly serves
all faiths, venues, and cemeteries
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Legion Post 31. The family ten- Klusman of Tumwater,
shared that he was a de- Terri Patten-Ryan of Lacey
voted husband, father and and Corey Thompson of
grandfather. He was very Bonney Lake; eight great-
family oriented and enjoyed grandchildren and several
driving the back roads and nieces and nephews.
the woods. His hobbies in- He was preceded in
chided hunting, target prac- death by his parents, wife,
tieing and was a collector of Opal, grandchildren; Donny
guns. His family describes Thompson, Patricia Patten
him as a "gentle giant." and Bobby Patten; sister
He is survived by his sons Doris Brown and brother
Jerry Thompson (Colleen) of Alvin Woodard.
Tacoma and Byron Thomp- A service was held
son (Diann) of Bonney Lake; Wednesday, March 30 at
daughter Lillie Thompson- the Hope Chapel.
Kruger (Pete) of Shelton; Memorial donations can
daughter of heart Vicki be made to charity of do-
Thompson-Chunk_ (Bruce) nor's choice.
of Shelton; sisterVir- McComb Funeral Home
ginia Woodard-Jones of of Shelton is handling the
Eagle It. Ore.; brother Bob arrangements. Online con-
Woodard of Sun City, Ariz.; dolences may be sent to the
grandchildren John Thomp- family at mccombfh.c m.
son of Spanaway, Rene' Pat-
The Family of Ginger Brown would
like to thank all of her friends for such
nice words, prayers, cards, flowers,
and donations. Ginger would have
been greatly pleased. Thank you all.
"To know Ginger was to love her"
Michael Dean Hovind
Michael Dean Hovind, 53, lost his battle with cancer in Shelton on
March 22, 2011. He was born on December 17, 1957 in Shelton
to Russell "Buzz" and Nadia (Barrett) Hovind. He graduated from
Shelton High School in 1976.
While working in Tacoma in 1989 he met Mary Beth Sheep and it
was love at first sight. They married just six months later on March
31, 1990. Mike was the ultimate family man and that only intemified
after the birth of their two sons, Paxton and Carter. Mike p~'cularly
enjoyed introducing the boys to his favorite childhood activities;
waterskiing, fishing, pheasant hunting, and especially boating. Mike loved
the water[ He and the family spent many summers boating in the San Juan
Islands on their 35' Chris Craft. Mike's special bond with his family was obvious to all who knew him.
The other love of his life was the Lo~l. The memhers at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church were like a second
family. Over the years he sexved many roles in the congregation; Elder, Youth Group Leader, and played a
key part in the groundbreaking for the school. Throughout his illness Mike's faith never wavered. He was
described as "Grace Under Fire' for the strength he displayed while fighting his disease.
Mike worked in the land development bus'mess for the past 20 years. He coordinated many projects
throughout the Puget Sound area. In 2008 Mike supported Mary in her life-long dream of opening a specialty
gift shop in downtown Shelton (Mary Martha's). It was a common sight to see Mike at the store working
alongside Mary, or running the shop while she was out. In March, 2010 Mike accepted the position of
Director Of Housing for the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians in Coos Bay,
OR. It meant long weeks away from the family, which was something completely foreign to them. Each
weekend Mike would make the 7 hour drive home to see Mary and the boys. The look on his face when he
pulled in was priceless!
Just five months later he was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that had spread to his liver. While the past
seven months have been full of treatments, appointments, and hospital stays - they have also been full of joy
and life. In the end, Mike's life was much like him.... Short, but sweet.
Mike is survived by his wife Mary, their sons Paxton (17) and Carter (15), his mother Nadia of Shelton,
sisters Cynthia of Bandon, OR and Wendy (Wayne) iackson of Portland, OR, nephew Colin and niece Bne,
both of OR. He was preceded in death by his father, Buzz Hovind in 1994.
A memorial service will he held at Mt. Olive Lutheran Cinnch at llam on Saturday, April 2nd (206 E.
Wyandotte Ave., Shelton, WA), followed by a Celebration of Life reception at noon at Faith Lutheran Church
(1212 Connection Street, Shelton, WA). McComb Funeral home is making the arrangements. Memorial
donations may be sent to Mt. Olive Youth G-roup, 206 E. WyandottetAve., Shelton, WA 98584
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 31,2011 - Page B-7