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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 31, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 31, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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eans up Courtesy photo by Ben Johnson The SADD clubs of Shelton High School and Oakland Bay Junior High School cleaned up the Mason County Skate Park in Shelton of leftover cigarette butts on March 23. On March 23, members of the Oakland Bay Nichole Watz, Janae Nichols, William Zingel- Junior High School and Shelton High School man, Katie Albaugh, Iseac Wilson and Rob- SADD Clubs (Students Against Destructive ert Zingleman. SADD club advisor Gerald Decisions) teamed up with members of the Apple was also involved. Mason'County Public Health" Department" According to the 2009 Washingtdn State to pick up cigarette butts at the skate park. Healthy Youth Survey, fewer youth in our The cleanup was part of Kick Butts Day, a county are smoking. In 2005, sixth graders Nationwide event that that gives kids the op- who had smoked cigarettes in the past 30 portunity to be leaders in the effort to stop days were at 4.3 percent compared to 2.9 youth tobacco use. Middle school and high percent in 2009. In 2005, 11.3 percent of our school students across the country partici- eighth graders in Mason County have tried pared in similar events. Last year, more than cigarettes compared to 11.1 percent in 2009. 1,500 events were carried out throughout the Youth smoking has dropped by 50 percent, United States. but 75,000 of our youth still smoke. In fact, The Mason County clean up was mainly 45 kids start smoking every day. Many are located in area frequented by our local teens using other types of tobacco, such as cigars, around the Mason County Skate Park and smokeless products, chew, snuff, pipes and bus stop. Almost 1,700 cigarette butts were flavored cigarettes (bidis). picked up in 20 minutes. This is equal to 85 Many smokers would like to quit smoking packs of cigarettes. In 2005, the total num- but struggle because they are addicted. The ber of butts picked up was 2,400. The butts Washington State Tobacco quit line has quit and other trash were bagged and tossed leav- specialists who can help people develop a quit ing the park looking pretty clean again, plan and recommend cessation medication or Local students who helped in the clean up other community resources. Call the Quit include Kara Barkman, Georgette Lugalia, Line at 1-w877-270-7867. ~ EMPLOYEE THE ,t Sandy Sipe, environmen- get hectic, which happens a tal services technician at lot, we really pull together Mason General Hospital, as a team." Sandy's night is March's Employee of the shiR job requires her to work Month. Sandy began to work independently, and without at MGH 10 years ago, after direct supervision. "I come working in long-term health- in immediately and assess care caring for quadriplegics, what needs to be done - pa- and also as a designer for a tient rooms, ER rooms, you wholesale flower company, name it - and I get right to "Sandy is the hardest-work- work, as there is always a va- Lug person at MGH," said riety of jobs to be done" her nominator. "You have to When Sandy is not busy, see her in action to believe it. the widowed mother of five From the time she enters the grown children loves to visit hospital until her eight hours her grandchildren, read, and are done, she is non-step, watch old movies. "I love She is willing to pick up the to visit my grandchildren slack wherever necessary" whenever I can," she said. "I "I enjoy the people I work recently traveled to the east with," said Sandy. "The rdght coast to visit my grandchil- shiR is very cohesive, and we dren and to see my son. It get along great. When things was so special," she added. Sandy Sipe, March hospital employee of the month When at home, Sandy cares for her three dogs - a bassett hound, a terrier mix, and a Labrador mix. "They keep me busy," she said with a smile. Haigh receives Pioneer Educator Award Students presentthe Pioneer Educator AwardRep" Kathy Haighat the Capi-with tol in Olympia on Tuesday, March 22. Hundreds of students, parents and teachers gathered in the rotunda at the Washington state Capitol Tuesday, March 22 as education advocate Repre- sentative Kathy Haigh (D-Shelton)was recognized for her leadership in sup- pert of online public school programs. Chosen by the Washington Families for Online Learning, Haigh was one of four legislators selected to receive a Pioneer Educator Award this year. "I am deeply honored, and I look for- ward to continuing to provide the best, most innovative educational opportuni- ties to all Washington students," Haigh preparingSaid'graphic"Onlineandoureconomiclearrnngchildren barrierStorem°VeScompeteWhilege°'for the jobs of tomorrowY One Year Anniversary of our Union Grand Opening ...~ :.:. "in us in one year our anniversary. 1 Stop by our Union Branch and enter to win of 5 daily drawings for $100 from April 4th - April 8th I Enter to win $1 O01 5 days 5 drawings 5 lucky winners starting April 4U1 ......... Journal photo by Nata~ J~qn$~l A donkey fever stricken Pinocchio's (Jamie SUtton) nose grows as lies to Mrs. Gepetto (actor/director Margie Mills) in the stomach of the whale that swallowed them up. Pinocchio's nose grows in Shelton By NATALIE JOHNSON Masteller said at the beginning of the After only five days of practice, the group's 7 p.m. performance. Missoula Children's Theatres produc- tioned forLast M°ndaY'the about 60135 roles available inl°cal kids audi- ti°nhitch°fon"Pin°cchi°'Saturday atWentthe Shelton°ff with°utHigha the plaY.children,sAfterTheatreOnly tWOactor/directorshOUrS, MissoulaMar. School AuditoriUm.wanisFOr hasthe beenlast bringing16 years'theShelt°ntheatreKi'to the kidsgie MillSwhoandwould performAnna NewburYin theselectedplay, Shelton to take a group of about 60 local and began rehearsals. kids andthan a week.put on an hour-long play in less kids showed off what they hadIn two performances On Saturday, thelearned. "They could have done it Wednesday," "If these kids can do all this in five Kiwanis member and event chair Evon days, think of what else they can do," Newbury said. 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