April 1, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 1, 1965 |
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1; lg65
,.. j
IEED---Australian and Canadian Champion Wonga
=t off to a flying start in his first show in United
of Breed Over six o~her Australian terriers
a Dog Fanciers Club Show at Bremerton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Lund, Bellingham, and Mr.
Ford of Shelton. Timmy, left, and Tammy Ford
and ribbons he was awarded for his win. He was
la Rhon Kennels, Victoria, Australia, and imported
by Mr• and Mrs. Greg Ivecson who owned
and Mrs. Lund and Mr. and Mrs. Ford acquired him.
Lifting Group Advancing Nicely;
Sports Schedules Getting Started
Jeff Fortner graders wortdng with 45 pounds
The weight
by Bill
in number.
of the
very well• Da-
Ra[hbun, two
Working out with
is to do a series
the weights
nt is able to
through all
is able to ad-
.he amount of
they work
ee Prnitt are
POtmds. Eighth
are Cartwright and Stoltz, and
eighth graders working with 40
pounds a~e Fisher, Hankinson, and
All members of track and wrest-
ling are taking weight training
also. There will be no wrestling
turnout for about three weeks~
since Coach Amich will be running
a special program in wrestling for
the fifth and sixth graders.
Tra('k --- There was a track
meet last Friday with East High
School and since East is a double
AA school North Mason was con-
sidered running junior varsity
rnen. The placements in the meet
went as follows;
The electric meter,
as accurate and pre-
cise as man can make,
measures the amount
of electricity you use
each month.
But even this accu-
rate Instrument can't
measure the real val-
ue Of electriclty~_the
?~lly pleasure ,rom
radio, record play-
~:" .. the work-sav-
o electric washer &
=ryep. , . the kitchen
~-Iean.uD team of elec-
tric. dishwasher and
waste disposal . , , the
°onvenlence of the
food freezer ?nd :!~;
marvels of electric air
~onditlonlng and rice-
trio heat.
Nothing you , bu;
does more to b
c=°Tf°rt, convenience
• ,-u 13etter living than
i o u r electric service,
e,~a'rgaln you'll de-
t L-u on every day of
,e Year.
T. W. WEBB, vice president;
The pow(?r of the plt':ds \va.~ tOO
much for Correeti(,ns (J(,nter bas-
ketballers Friday night.
The city-lengue all-Mars sprung
i.~ fllU-('Olll't ZOlle l)l'vss (HI the In-
males in tim benefit I)asketbalI
ba[tle :u'~ ang'ed I)y ihe Shell.on
Jayec,.'~s ~md it was the key folder
In the 94-60 victory for the ~e;ec
ted aces.
Lol):dde:l as l:bat lnargiu was,
this was a dandy ball game and
'.he sizc:H)!e crowd of falls who
::oniril)l:t.d ,~omo $200 to the sum-
lllOl' ~;v,'ii~)l~ling" el:tsses (hr()tl~h
I Ileii' ill l,oll!illlCe ,~'O£ :t hill doI..
lot's value.
TII'r[;IE %%'EI~,E excelkml pasqes,
lorzid .~]m(~tin?,. tillt! teamwork:
and sturdy defense, all exhibite(i
dnring the 40 minutes of f'~st ae-
Li(m. It was quite an eye-opener
for nlal)y alllong the specta tors•
he h:tl n )t seen city league ball
previoiL~:ly and hadn't expeeled
:~uch quality of performance.
The game cmlld easily become
an anlnla] even[ under Jaycee
sponsorship on the success of last
Friday's int~ o:luction.
The hlmates enjoyed the long
md of the score for only one fleet-
illg' inoment in the entire game,
at 20-19 early ill the second quar-
,~er when AI Buroett lofted in a
brilliant hook shot hem left of
':he key.
This lasted quick as Jerry
Bloomfield rapidly returned the
cad to the all-stars witi~ one of
fls 10 field goals.
BI~RNETT AND Bloomfield---
these were the boys who stole the
~tage. Don't ask me wl,o tlad the
'~dge. Bloomfield had it on points
with a game-honor total of 25.
Barnett was the cleverer dribbler,
play-maker and ball-handler. He
scored 17.
Six other players scored in dou-
ble figures---the Stars' Jim Rich-
ards al 18, Hnnk Dean at ]5, John
Sells al :13 and Guy Miller at 10;
lhe Inn!ales' Jerry Moon at 15
anti Flay Bocalch ;it ]4.
The inmales played wilhotlt
Ih('ir s;ea :'(ill-long scoring ace,
C, re,C Mar~iP. \vh() was trall~;ferred
});~Cl[ t O 5~-(;111'O',~ the (lily before
'tw I~:~,:le afi,,q' ge[ihl!~ into disci.
plinary ~:ilfltu!tic:~ \Vllb him ti~e
~nnlat(.s ll;ld~,!03t~dlz \v(all(~ }l;~,f.
1-(lad~' it SOl)'leV/}l:-l~ clot~e|', but {he~:
c,>uhhTi (::(>!)~ ',,'!i It that a~l-:41ar
AI,'TEI~ ~4'?ICK;N(I v,,il.l~in foul
'o :~e\'al poi•lL:4 in the first quar-
{rel' and ialdng ;hnl: brief lead
b] lhe ,,,;eeolld. th,: l')nll!lles slid-.
:~ellly \vere forc.,xl inl() a r.eries
of er|'oi's by the press and quickly
fell behind by 45-31 at tile end of
he half,
In the early mon~ents of the
second half tile slnrs l an the mar-
gin to 20 p~,ints :(ral there it htmg
for nearly 12 minutes, until the
Sial'S, (danlpillg ()P~ [he press even
more vigorously, scored a flurry
of points on turnovms tn the fi-
nal couple of Ini~lllles to run the
margin to its final spread.
The outside shooting of Sells,
F4ichards and Miller, along with
Bh)omfietd, and Dean's close-in
scoring kept the star offenne roll-
ing. Burnett was the dazzler for
the Inmates, with most of hi~ hell)
coming f~oln Bocatch and )/icon.
The 6-10 Moon kept the stars frohl
getting many second shots but
they were making those first ones
~:o ellen it didn't greatly matter.
All-Stars 94 Inmates 60
F~iehards 18 f Bocateh 14
Dean 15 f Nason 8
Coleman 2 e Moon 15
Sells 13 g Macoy
Bloomfield 25 g Burnett 17
Subs: Stars -- Miller 10, Olson
4, Clary 4, Ahlf 2. Inmates --
Shearer 4, Renion 2, Carroll, Hunt.
> ~ ' /}: %i/::~'
100 yard dash, Fields, 11.2 see.
220 yard dash, Heath, 25•5 sec.
440 yard dash, Schantz, 60.4 sec.
Veitch, 61.4 sec.
880 yard, Ferrell, 2 min 29 sec•
1 mile, Manweller, First in J.V.
2 mile, Whitman, First in J.V.
In the discus event ~on Man-
~eller placed second wl~en he
threw it for 99 feet. In the high
lump event Jay Allen and Jim
Hunt took first and second place
DOWNED--Jerry IVlacoy, Corrections Center play-
er, retained p,ossession of the ball even though he
spilled to his hunkers during action in last Friday's
benefit basketball game sponsored by the Sheldon
Jaycees. Wayne Clary of the city league all-stars
stands over Marry ready to tie him up. Others in
the picture are Mike Carroll (CC), Ron Ahlf and
Ken Olson of the all-stars, Jerry Moon, the Center's
6-foot-10 center, and Ray Bocatch (CC) in the right
respectively North Mason's next MEN'S CITY LEAGUE city bowling league Monday night
tYack meet will be with North W L night while tin're contemporaries
and South Kitsap, and Bainbridge 40 ~- u xrm~ .... ,~= °= ~ I failed to make the grade with
at South Kttsap High School. The Shaub.~El{tson ............. ~; ~ [
time will be 3'15, and the date ' Pre [ - -- ":::" ............. ~- ~ --~z. ~ one-shot~ bursts.
• ' " 2 pp s r~exau ~tore z~ v= ~ vz
will be thi~ Friday, April The Beckw ..... """-^ --. J Steady Stan hit 192-226-195 and
. . 7. ' " ck 'te ,~n aewewy ±v z~
coach tot this year s ira am Sim son Tim- " ........... ~-'" --'"
is Mr Gmlber a math teacher at Wil~on Corn ~r ............ l~¥u ~ j got a near miss from teammates
• p Y ............
North Mason Fr led Hurd (168-216-206 for 590)
• " h token Otl .........13 23 I as second-rung Shaub-El!ison
Baseball --- The Nort Mason D "r " " ............ -- ^"
, all ame wa m y ~ueen lZ zt
Bulldog s first baseb g s .................. J blanked Beckwith Jeweh'y, wnose
played Monday, ~areh 29, and _High .g me2-=pan ..wns .n lAt Ferrier blasted a 232 middle
......... as ,qa,,ed Wednes ~ ~'ermer zuz, ~tan Amqumu ~o, ~game but hit a 583 when his side-
coach th Harold MeKee 220
day, March 31. The is . j bars were 165 and 186.
year for b~asehall is Mr. Olson, High series--Stan AhIquist 613. J Dan Wilson had the night's big
the shop teacher of North Mason. Split picks--Dave Knutzen 5-7- [game, a 253 middle, but his 189
The boys tur~ing out this year 9, George Fuller 5-7 Jstart and 157 tail-off left him at
are Wayne Watson, Dishon, Fort-• • • J 59 and his Wilson Company team
man Anderson, Cotant, Flurry, Stan Ahl
, quiet parlayed steadl-/with a I~£-IV.- split with Prepps
Lonnis Watson, Ken Bead, Work- ness into a 613 series in the men's/Rexall Store (Bill Fredson 535).
m~,~, and the substitutes are ........................... j Simpson Timber (Keith StroP-
Hughes, Maruea, Pederson, Val- /son 555) blanked Frisken Oil lade
ley, Wynn and Clappe. The pitch- CYCLE EVENT SUNDAY [ Kopperman 522) and league-leaa-
ers for this season are Cotmnt, A m-tor 1 ...... ing 40 & 8 (Hap Smith 573) too~
, . ......... u cye e scramtnes corn"
Anderson, and J91snon, W~n Albert "^*i ............ ....... the odd game from last place
......... , _ _ _ y=~ uu. lU soaeoumo zor tne ~nu,-
Fortman ana uee uiQrlCKSOn DaCK ........... ' ..... Dairy Queen lade Wright 508) in
"he a" - LU** ,vargrounos on April xx star~-
ing them up as t c tcners, ing at 1:00 p.m. under sponsor- other pairings.
ship of the Trailblazers Motor-
cycle Club of Shelton.
Denny Hinton, a junior student
from Shelton, is acting tennis
coach at the University of Puget
HIGH ALTITUDE---Leggy Jerry Moon, 6-feet-10-
inches high, reaches clear' to the level of the hoop
to grab a rebound during last Friday's benefit
basketball game in Shclton gym but his height
failed to prevent Washington Corrections Center
Reg. $1.45
Tennis --- The tennis team which
is coached by Mr. Magnus is
shaping up very nicely with some
excellent players backing the
North Mason Bulldogs up. The
following members are on the ten-
nis team; Mike Campbell Scot
S~mpbel~, Gary Miller, Charli~e
D~a~e, Gil Fleury, Mike Hunter,
Jack Matson, and last but not
least because he is the biggest
member on the tennis team is
Reg. 95¢
Ned Cokelet.
Sound this spring. He also plays
on the Ldgger net team as a let-
terman from last year. He was a
tennis letterman in his prep days
at Shelton also.
'57 CHEV- 4 dr ...................................... $ -AII
engine rebuilt
'59 RAMBLER AMERICAN ................ '445
station wagon
from going down to defeat before the city league
all-stars. Two unidentified all-stars leap in vain
with Moon. Others in the picture (from left) in-
clude Bob Shearer (CC), Jim Richards and Guy
Miller (stars), Mike Carroll and AI Burnett (CC).
bel, Bob Coots vs. Pop Hulbert.
FROM ST. MARTINS ] Some teams have six players,
Either way they scored it, the some seven in the lineups chosen
Climbers had the" upper hand in by draw.
On another 19th Hole Club
a pair of season-opening prep golf front, play in the Wednesday of-
matches against St. Martins this ternoon competition which has
week and last.
been in p~ogress for the past six
Using the new scoring system weeks was scheduled for conclu-
this Monday, the Climbers squeez- sion yesterday except for playoffs.
ed past the Rangers, 56-55, on the Last week Val Sienko clinched
strength of the brillian~ play of the Class E section of the Long-
Joe Earl, who shot a one-over-par ballers division by beating, h, an
36 way down in his No. 5 position Myers and now wifl meet the Class
in the lineup. This matched the A Winner, to be decided in yester-
low score of St Martins No. 2 day's match between "Jerry
swinger and w:::J good for 17 Thompson and Purl Jemison. Jer-
points under the system of one
ry beat Pop Hulbert and Pull
beat Frank Tracts in a make-up
match. Tracts went two extra
holes to dispose of Oliver Ashford
in his regular pairinK for the day.
Rudy Oltman was in a p'.)sition
to wrap up the Sandbaggei' divi-
sion (fro' 19 and over handicap
players) if he beat Jim Areh, er
in yesterday's finale. If he l(mt,
however, it would force a phw-off
with Gary Nicloy, who beat Gee.
Hermes Tuesday night in a match
point for it bogey, two for a par,
three for a birdie add four for an
I Blazers Lose Opener
In 2 Extra innings,
1.6, To Jefferson
Jefferson #ashioned fewer htts
into more runs so beat the Silel-
t:on Blazers. 7-6, in the opening
junior high baseball game of the
season for both teams ,ruesday af-
ternoon in Olympia.
It tool{ the Jaguars two extra
imlings 1:o dr) it, however, but they
finally pusiled across a run in the
bottom of the ninth to edge the
Blazers in the exciting diamond
battle after the Bl,.*~zers had ral-
lied to tie the score with a run iu
the top of lhe scheduled final sev-
enth inning,
Both pitchers, Jan Donaldson
for the Blazers and Stan Mowell
for the Jags, went the full nine
frames. Donaldson allowed seven
hits and Mowell eight, three of
which Donaldson bagged himself.
One was a double driving in ti~e
tying tally in the s~venth.
Centerfielder Dave Puhn drove
in two Bl~a~er runs with a single
in the first and second baseman
Jerry Sparks drove in a solo Shel-
ton marker with his second in-
ning single. The other Blazer rmls
scored on Jag jitters,
The same two teams will square
off again next Tuesday but whe-
timr the game will be in Olympia
again or on Loop Field in Shelton
is undetermined at this time,
Coach Gary Nunnalee said. Tues-
day's short score:
]{ !! E
Shelton 220 001 100-. 6 8 ';
Jefferson 001 302 001---77 5
Batteries--Donaldson and Mal-
Ioy; Mowell and Brunson.
Shelton 110, North Kitsa1) 26
Central BD, East 56
South 72, Port Angeles 64
North Thurston 70U.,, St:. Mar-
tins 58, Tumwater 30~
Olympia 67, Aberdeen 61
Chehalis 69, Tumwater 58
Hi)quiam 94, Centralia 34
Raymond 80~.~, Valley 42V~
The scoring went like this:
Shelton 56 ~t Martins 55
Hanson 40 13 Heaton 40 13
McComb 41 101Hulbert 36 ],~r
Kieburlz 41 ]2i GehLen ~3 16
Barnett 51 41Chase 46 6
Earl 36 17,Busby 45 7
R. A. Long 106, Chehalis 21
Elma 73}r~, Montesano 52b~
ii n i . ...~
Earl was again low with a. 42 set ahead a day to alh)w Nicloy
in last week's inaugural nlntch to aflend a rrtllsiC meet ill Port-
Barnett48_ 1] Geiflcn 48 1 19th Hole Clubbers are also
~:e~t~tzao 0!Hulbm'td0 2 sharpening their games for the
..... =~ z!~nase 49 0 year's first inter-chlb match,
, , ~ • hich brings Riverside of Cheha-
.. ~. lis here Sunday, April 10. A "shot-
~quml Mateh gun start" is scheduled at 8:30.
Shelton 71St. Martins 3 The l~ext 19tl~ Hole Club dinner
Hardin 48 2Smith 50 0 meeting is scheduled for April 21.
Brewer 48 1Watson 49 1 "
Glover 52 0Gray 49 2 ~ .... ;.~ ; ;
:v e48 2, cop i : 0
ns49• 2S nson 54 0 [] I I /t III
19th HOLE LEAGUE .....
. Opening matches in the 19th II [] I I Ill
~ole Club's men s golf league are ....
orxwe . , iJ
~i!~iiternoon at the Bayshore golf sSeTIA?L]~~~~d~~~II
faucets and strainers ..........................
on-the ]3ayshore links with the land.
Climbers taking a 7-:1 victory un- Oltman beat Rudy Flakus. Nic-
tier the usual scoring system." Rick loy beat Darrell l~enniston, and
McComb had a 43 for the Climb- Archer beat Hermes in last week's
ers but low man for the lnatci~ pairings, leaving O]tman atop the
was St. Martins' Hulburt with a Weighs Only 12 Ibs.
40. Sandbagger division.
• 0nly 12 Ibs. less ber a,d cheln0 as little
The Climber B squad also won In the B sc.ction of the Long- ~s 14 Ib~with bar and chain
a 7-3 decision at the same time. ballers (livision, Fred Stuller beat • Cuts 12"trees in 10 neconds, fells trees
The lineups: Bob Coots, Larry LarsoI1 \Veil by up to 3 feet in distorter, Has Homelite'e
top professional features.
forfeit from Roclcy Hembroff, and
Sheltoli • The chain suw everyone can uae
71St. Martins 3 Bob Coots beat Jemison to create
McComb 43 2jHeaton 45 0 the first place tie. llAYE A FRE( OEMONSTRATION TODAY[
Reg. $1.10
slightly discolored ................ Lin. ft.
Reg. $1.49
on HIIIcrest
.......................................................... Gal.
white .............................................. Gal.
Utility .......................................... Each
16 oz ..... Reg. $1.49 ............................
Reg. $3.49 ...................................... . .......
'55 PLYMOUTH 6- 4 dr .................. :--$345
Thinking of a new car? Ask us about the
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