April 1, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 1, 1965 |
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Held With Washington Junior
Make Trips To Pick Up Litter
ceived their registration forms for
next year. and have been briefed
was held on the subjects available. A more
Junior popular-than-expecLed offering is
a string an •elective of one semester of
larinet quar- speedreading' and one semester of
combo, and speech. This is a brand-new class.
were Donald Brown, SJHS counselor,
a g~litarisL, has been visiting the county
songs. These schools, talking to students at-
well kuown tending them who will be in eighth
area becmlse or ninth grade next year.
Y have sung Richard Morton, math and his-
and television, tory instructor, took a climb up
history class Mt. Washington, a couple week-
the school ends ago. He came up the moun-
',k up litter tain on Washington's "mustache.'~
sci- The climb down took only an hour
a similar tripand 15 minutes because Mr. Mor-
Their ton slid most of the way down. He
collected smilingly said, "It was real neat!"
all agreed
from the Ms-
Denison, a
spoke on first
used IN"EW YORK (Special)--How
res- does the cost of education in
Were able to
Mrs. Den- Mason County compare with that
on what in other parts of the country ?
acci- What proportion of local spend-
the girls ing is for school construction and
maintenance, for teacher salaries
TEA was and for other school costs?
As is the case in every com-
munity in the nation, from the
as well as largest to the smallest, local offi-
faculty cials are struggling with the prob-
lem of how to provide enough ed-
foreign stud- ucat2onal facilities to take care of
a talk the ever-rising tide of young peo-
ta some ple.
students, A FEDERAL STUDY of ex-
his native penditures for education, cover-
ing every section of the United
tn the United States, shows that such costs, in
He attended general, are more than twice those
and of any other single function of
' of government.
working In Mason County, approximately
gton are 62.2 per cent of all public spend-
mad. "I ing is for education. In some com-
i States, munities the proportion is some-
enjoy being in what less than that and, in others,
mleh a ~eautiful much more.
The average nationally is 44.1
fletic Associa-per cent. In the State of Wash-
go ice-skating lngton it is 50.7 per cent.
members who The study of local expenditures,
~-meeting are made every five years, is based
*re Will be a on data compiled by the Census
girl. The bus Bureau for its current Census of
at noon sharp Governments. The previous one
g Rink. was in 1957.
have re- The report shows that total
spending m Mason County for all
public purposes amounted in the
year to $198.90 per local resident.
Some $123.73 of this was for ed-
Cod operate,, THE PER CAPITA cost of ed-
explored in : ucation in other counties across the
to be, c°unLry' averaged $96.58 and, in
Science!those of comparable size, $89.61
Text is from! per capita.
things which Enrollment~ in the nation's
are pos- schools have been growing by
leaps and bounds in recent years.
will Not only has there been this sharp
rise in school population but ther,
Power in has also been an increase in the
condi- number of years of schooling per
The person.
Citations More youngsters are staying to
text- complete their high school train-
lines: ing. Compared with 1950, when
the Scrip' only 34 per cent of the adult pop-
of the ulatlon went through high school,
over mat- 42 per cent are doing so now.
The new Federal budget pro-
poses financial assistance to allev-
man late the burden. With strong fel-
ings in Congress both for and
against a Government role in ed-
ucation, a drag-out fight is ex-
l W: ving on a grand scale!
glt thewQrth of an Imported whislwl
3 up no matter how
quality, it deliver8 every-
( ,tm less. too!aT. Pim
+ l RII4D OLO. tROOp. ( SCHE,I V IMPO S- CO,, ft Y.,,. t
By Betty Criss
BELVA1R ....... The second of two
public meetings sehednle'.l to dis-
cuss the school bond and bus levy
election will be held tonight at
the Cafeteria at 7:27. Architect
Robert Bezzo, will be on hand
with proposed sketches of the
building and building site.
Also present will be Vern Lei-
die, building consultant ill the
State Superintendent's office. This
meeting will give people a chance
to meet these men and delnon-
strate the interest of the eom-
nmniLy in the education of their
1;'rid'ty tfight the Ayuhat 4-H
gronp will host a dinner at Ta-
huya's Comnmnity Hall. Invited
~Irrt~ members of the Auxiliary to
Nuel Cm'Lis VF\V Post No. 5372,
SllOnsors of the group. Nuel Ctn"2
tis VF~V Post No. 5372 and Aux-
iliary will lneet April 6, at 7:a0
p.m. at the M'tsonie Tenlple for
election of officers. Reports will
bc heard on the visit in this stale
of the National President, also on
the District meeting at Retsil and
on the National Americanism
Awards coal cst,
TIrE NM BOAIll) of l)ireetors
will meet April 5 at the Belfair
Grade School instead of the secon(t
Monday of the month.
April 6 is the date set for the
Band Blast and extra night prac-
tices have becn set in preparation
for the event.
Weather permitting, the girls'
tennis team will meet South Kit-
sap in the afte)'noon on April 6.
The NM Sophomore clans have
scheduled a bake sale for April
:l at Pope's in Belfair and also
at Cliff and Gene's from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
The Girl Scent cookie male is
scheduled to end April 3. If any-
()lie hHs l)ecn missed call Mrs.
Frank Fedenl( at CR 5-277d.
i Operation "I'emfis C()urls wont
on as planncd for the second week-
!end, in spite of the rain, and the
courts are now ready for fencing.
Several men interested in putting
in the running track weald like
to get started next weekend. The
track is planned to circle the foot-
ball field.
Special Evangelistic Services for
the week beginning April 4 lm.s
been announced by the Baptist
Comnmnity church, Speaker will
be tim Rex,. Willard Buckne|', who
will be preaching Sunday, Mon-
day, \\rednesday an