April 1, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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g LT01 --I A 0N JOURNAL-- Published tn "Chris*man, toweL U.8.A.', Shelt0u,
Page 11
• ,i
aine(t 1.1 *nero-
Lodge No.
tribute was
.'th Butler who
to make her
s home in
a portable tele-
the Odd Fellow
and pinochle
:'cation A s,~:o-
With a skit
Mrs. Mar-
and Mis-
g and
head table with
members of hmg
lodge, Mes-
'et McKay
Grand May-
Its were Mrs.
and Mrs.
Cole pre-
Aerie and
No. 3
March 21
Albert Lord,
Stuck, Mr.
ett, Mr. and
the percent~
sixth time
next Wednes-
of Mrs. John
Creek Road. A
Will be held at
SALLY ADAMS wants t.o be a missionary. She plans to work
with translation of the Bible into other languages following her
graduation from college. She is one of the Top Ten at Shelton
High School this year.
Th1:ee years of Latin and one l
year of French in high school is
just the beginning of the foreign
language classes Sally Adams will
need in order to become a mission-
ary and translate the Bible into
ia~Callatlon: . Safety check
• Clean-up
INC. . Minor & major repairs
Ph. 426-8231 STA R KEY'S H EATI NG
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Herbert Baze 426-4718
Rental Service ,
Almost Anything Anywhere
Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps
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& Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc.
2216 E. 4th OLympia 357-7731
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Open ~ We Feature
I Hours: 3-10 p.m. Week days
:BBAN, D.C. I 3-12 p.m. Fri. & Sat.
ClOsed Thurs. [114 2nd
Ph. 426-8011
Sand, Gravel ----------,
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I • Peat Soil I
Supplies I , Custom Tractor Work ]
SERVICE352.1367 I Johns Creek Sand & Gravel I
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lishe, I For Good Service
hoist I See Usi
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liCE CO.
I C & L Time Service Station
426-4376 L401 So. 1st St. Charline & Lloyd
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toe. I , Air - Rail - Steamship
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leticl I Our Service r
lacy [ Angle Travel Res. Cente
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~TRIC CO [ • CB 2-way radio
other languages. Sally took Latin
in the ninth grade to get it over
with and discovered she liked it
so well she took the second year.
Last year for the first time the
third year of Latin was made
available in Shelton High school
so she took advantage of the op-
portunity to continue with it.
One of the Top Ten in her class,
Sally is president of Scarlet "S"
and a member of Pep Club, GAA,
Latin Club and Honor Society. In
her sophomore year she was sec-
retary of GAA. She is also active
in the Baptist church.
Other subjects she is taking this
year in addition to French are
civics, speech, literature and biolo-
Sally has been accepted at Biola
college in Los Angeles. In order
to become the type of missionary
she plans to be she will have tO
take many nmre foreign languages
in college• She especially wants to
work with AfriCan groups whose
:language has not been written as
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams
are Sally's parents. She has two
brothers, Tom, 15, and Ed. 14,
iHer birth date was October 1~
1947, her birthplace, Shelton.
Sally is 5'71~'' tall and has blue
eyes and brunette hair. She es-
pecially enjoys reading, sewing,
water skiing "and hiking with he*'
Open Installation
0f New 0.E.S.
Officers Saturday
Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order
of the Eastern Star will hold its
71st annual installation of officers
at 8 p.m. this Saturday in the
Masonic Temple. The ceremony
will be open to members and
friends, ill be m
Mrs. Evelyn Ellison w "-
stalled as Worthy Matron and
Samuel Magruder as worthy Pa-
tron. Mrs. Bessie Sutherland arid
Edward Auseth, retiring leaders,
will preside t
Other elective officers o be in-
stalled are Mrs. Mary Ann Beech,
associate matron; Leonard Cole,
siren, Mrs Flo*~nce
associate p " 1 s'lo
Weeks, secretary;M°' F rence
Taylor, treasurer; Mrs. Grace
Wells, conductress; and Miss Ed-
ith Mayer, associateconductress.
Appointive officers to be in-
stalled include Mrs. Mildred Black-
welder, chaplain; Mrs. Edna Aus-
eth, marshal; Mrs. VioLet Cole, or-
ganist; Mrs. Norms Taylor-, Adah;
Mrs. Catherine Foseide, Ruth;
Mrs. Norma Lars_on, Esther; Mrs.
Maxine Powell, Martha; Mrs. El-
sie Seljestad, E!ecta; lY~rs. Fran-
ces iV~agruder, .waraer and Alex
Smith, Jr., SentmaL
A reception willi be held in the
dining room follow ng the lnstallao
Pioneer Fro To
Meet Tuesday
Pioneer PT0 .wll. 1 hold Its regu-
lar monthly meeung next Tuesda
at 8 p.m. in the school. Members
are reminded to 'bring their coffee
mug donation to help build up
the supply o~ coffee cups for the
P'¥O. Mr. Quinn's Glee Club will
provide the program for the eve-
The cookbook, Great Recipes o£
the Great Northwest, will be on
sale hefore and after the meeting.
Pioneer PTO president, Mrs. Aud-
rey Hammond, bas one of her
favorite recipes published in the
book. Specmi cans of candy will
also be sold at the meeting if the
shipment arrives in time.
Episcopal Women To
Itear Exchange Student
The women of St. David s Epis-
copal church will have an oppor-
tunity to meet m,d hear NIarit
Vaula, Shelton s foreign exchange
I student from Norway, next Wed-
V S~,,r;o~ , - nesday. Miss Vaula is ruskin h
| :-~ ..... " ~d I home with tile q,limby familyg uer
~,ast 8/Id Guarantee • adu " " "
| ~:'; - airs I[tll her gr atlon m June
I ~'V and Radio l~ep I~ ~h~ "rob'ram w'" '-- " - -
~ vice =~ ~ u p s m ue presentea
| Antenna and Parts ~er i i. 1 -m followin ....
a~ P. • M luncheon al
Armagost TV-Radlo Service inter
I ~ ................... , I I noon. All ested women are in-
"~ I%lng lit (iVl¢ vz~w/ [ e
I " " i Tiled to att nd and share in the
426 4342
L " | interesting program.
Former Shelton
Woman Marrie:s In
Seattle Ceremony
Saint Marks Lutheran church
in Seattle was the setting fox" ~t
Februsry 19 wedding ceremony
uniting ill marriage Mis,~ Sadie
Ann Ramsfield and Lee Dan C.
Smith, boils of Seattle.
The daughter of :Mr. and Mrs.
IO~e ~amsfield of Shelton, the
bride married the son of Mrs.
Re La Marche and Clifford Smith,
both of California.
The candlelight double-ring rite'
I was performed before an =tltar
r banked with baskets of white glad-
loll, ca~ations, stock and huckle-
berry by the Rev. Daslter.
Given in marriage by t~er father
the bride wore a floor-length gown
of delustered satin with a fttted
bodice appliqued with lace and
seed peat:ls. It was designed with
I tapered sleeves and scoop neckline.
Her pour veil was held in place
with a white lace headpiece edged
with seed pearls. She carried a
bouquet of white gladioli, pearl
hearts and white velvet leaves.
Miss Nancy Ramsfield, Seattle,
sister of tlle bride, was her brides-
maid. Bruce Dean of Portland act-
:ed as best man for the bridegroom
and James Stephens of Seattle
seated the guests.
Mrs. Ramsfield wore a two-piece
blue suit for her daughter's wed-
ding and Mrs. LaMarche chose a
suit. in light blue. They both had
corsages of white carnations.
Asaist~g With the serving at
the reception held in the Serbian
I, Iall forlov¢ing the ceremony were
Bud Lund, Randy Jackstadt and
C. Harris, all of Shelton..
" The bride is a graduate of Shel-
ton High school and has been em-
ployed by the Olympic Insurance
Co. in Seattle where they are
making their home. Her husband
is employed by the Allen G~'een
Car Company there.
The Public is invited to attend
a mission being held by the Cath-
olic Youth Organization at 2 p.m.
April 11 in the church.
The program will consist of a
sermon by Rev. Gerald Moffet
from Seattle. Sations of the Cros~
Benediction will be followed by
a coffee hour in the church base-
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Christian Temperance Un-
ion will be }~eld this Friday in the
home of Mrs. Blanch Bell, 510
Birch St., beginning with a 1 p.m.
no-host luncheon wl~ich will be
followed by a business meeting
and program.
O0 U .
SWEDISH MEAT BALLS is this week's recipe given to us by
Sandy Ward who is shown in the abaTe Journal photo with her
two daughters, Suzanne and Stephanie. Sandy was co-chairman
for the recent Mason County Community Concert Association
membership drive.
This week's recipe uses our
all-time faw)rite . . . ground beef.
One of the best-liked ground beef
dishes in the home of Sandy and
Tom Ward is Sandy's Swedish
Meat Balls. This one should not be
saved strictly for family use. It
makes a "wonderftll company meal,
Although tile Wards have lived
here a short time and have two
mnall youngsters, Stephanie, 18
Marriage Licenses
Applying for a marriage license
in the Mason County auditor's of-
rice this week were:
Russell S. Jacobsom 41, Shelton,
m,d Marjorie E. Waters, 42, Shel-
Last week's paper reported Ray
L. Sctneder, 20, Shelton, and
Taralea Parr, 16, Sheltou. It
should have read Roy R. Sclu.oe-
months, and Suzanne, nearly four
years, Sandy finds herself already
active in several organizations.
She was co-chairman of the re-
cent membership drive for the
Mason County Conmuufity Con-
cert Association. She is a member
of the Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild
and Pre-school PTA and is active
in St. David's Episcopal church.
Helping Tom antique furniture
and swimming are her hobbies.
1 lb. ground beef
1 ground onion
1 ground green pepper (put
through food chopper)
V, tsp. salt
~,.~ tsp. parsley
1 egg
4 slices of bread
Mix. Make into balls and brown
in hot fat. Put into two-quart
casserole. Bake at 350 degree~
for one hour ill one can of tomato
SOUl) mixed with one can of water.
Serve with mashed potatoes as
the tomato sauce makes terrific
Elinor Past Matrons
To Host Luncheon
Pasl Malrons of Elinor Clmpter
No. 177. Order of Eastern Star
will lie hostess for a 12:30 p.m.
hulclleon ill the Union Masonic
Temple April 13. All lnellfl)evs of
Kitsap-Mason County Past Mat-
rons Association are invited h)
There will be an initiation of
Jllniol' Past Matr()ns. The meet-
ing will be conducted m~dec the
new officers who are Mrs. I