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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 2, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 2, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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VOLUME XXXIV. SHELTON, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920 NO. 16 t I i PLAN TO PROMOTE BERRY RAISING ON LARGE SCALE HERE LOCAL DELEGATES TO PUYAL- LUP FIND READY MARKET THERE FOR ALL BERRIES THAT COUNTY CAN PRODUCE .f One of the projects which the Mason County Farm Bureau has in hand is the promotion of berry rais- ing in this county, and for some time past it has been working up an in- terest in this branch of farming, for which the county affords ideal con- ditions. In order to secure informa- tion as to the probable market and .direct benefits a delegation of Mason County citizens accompanied County .Agent Drew on a visit to the Puyal- Iup cannery and consultation with President Paulhamus. Mr. Paulhamus has made occasional visits to Mason County in the past, is quite familiar with conditions here and offered the most encouragement to induce our people to engage in this most profitable industry, even though taken up a side-line. He offcred to establish one or two receiv- :ing stations, if fifty or a hundred acres were guaranteed in the county, and agreed still further to make five- year contracts with growers who would phmt ccFtain berries at a min- :imum figure that would insure a good proiit, but would pay whatever the going market price was at the time of marketing, and take all the fruit offered. This would remove any .element of uncertainty and guarantee the grower a safe and sure business. The Puyallup cannery, needs Or- gon Champion gooseberries so badly that Mr. Paulhamus even offered to fuimish the plants free to those who wouhl plant this berry on a large scale. They also desire the following berries in large quantities, in about the order name, l: Marshall strawber- ries. (Xthh&apos;erl ra,..pbcrries, I,oganber- ries and lqvelgreen blackberries. Some of these l)lants are not now obudnable in larg'e quantitie% but it i, ,;,.bable lh-.t the cannery would I'\\;. H t"il I'll  !-:11 b.']l t,O c,ontrat:t hlff I'l" .- , ll5' next 5 tl" ill el'do( to ill- ,,., ':,,v::. plfiai Li',.:• The ],ureau < to st,era"' :; least 50 acres in :, ,: , /lie ::',k,.!<, aL-;h :rod Kamitche X : 1    " I :,,> ",voi a::l e(lll:tl [l}?IO1.11lt vll tiler i lilt< <\