April 2, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 2, 1920 |
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sure as you
are a foot h00gh--
you will like this Camel Turk;sh
and Domestic ,
blend! .
• i :
OU never got such cigarette-
contentment as Camels hand
you. Camels quality and expert
blend of choice Turkish and choice
:Domestic Tobaccos make this
goodness possible--and make you
prefer this Camel blend to either
kind of tobacco smokeds traig h t/
Camels mellow-mildness is a
revelation l Smoke them with
freedom without tiring your taste !
They leave no unpleasant ciga-
retty aftertaste nor unpleasant
cigaretty odor
Give Camels every test--then
compare them puff-for-puff with
any cigarette in the world I
Camels are aold everywhere in
sri.÷ntitcallv s,'aled packages
of 20 citlarettes for 20 cents;
or ten packages (200 ciilarettes)
in a lasife-paper-¢evered cat°
fort. We trondly recommend
rhi. carton for the home or oF
rice suppl3r or when .you travel.
Winston-Salem, N. ,
Mr. Waiters, an employe of Stim-
son's camp, was nearly drowned
Sunday. He attempted to leap from
his rowboat to a boomstick and fell
into deep water. After clinging to a
boomstick for over an hour, he was
rescued by Adam Griffith and Frank
Blair.--H. L.
The Starks home caught on fire
Saturday morning and was saved by
two loggers who were passing. The
stove pipe burned out and the ceil-
ing and roof were burned badly.--
Among the town visitors this week
were: Mrs. Gibason, John G. John-
son, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Starks and
daughter, and Mrs. Lumberg.--P. B.
The "speeder" at Stimson's camp
leaped the track and went to pieces
Saturday. The men who were riding
on it narrowly escaped being killed.--
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Venning spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Leon L. Starks.--M. S.
Mr. Irvig of Bremerton was a vis-
itor at Beard's last Sunday.--P. B.
Mary Larsen came home to spend
Easter vacation with her father.--
Mrs. Marsh of Stimson camp gave
a birthday party for her son who was
six years old Monday.
A sister and a niece and nephew
of John Murray made a four day
visit at the Murray home this last
week. They are from Ontario, Can-
ada. Miss Sadie Murray of Tacoma
accompanied them.
Mr. Bickle's brooder caught on fire
last week. Mrs. Bickle succeeded in
extinguishing it before anything was
hanned.--M. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolff took Mr. and
Mrs. Starks out riding Sunday.--P.B.
"Buster" Shultz came from Seattle
to visit Henry Larsen until after
Easter. His sister Dorothy is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Marsh for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bray visited Mr. and
Mrs. Robins Sunday evening.
Mrs. Aiken has been ill for a few
days but has recovered.
---'The School.
(From Journal of March 30, 1900)
Manager Gee. Thompson takes
charge of the L. M. Monday.
Mrs. J. H. Todd moved from Shel-
ton to the Webb ranch Saturday to
keep house for her son Fred.
Parry Jones and J. E. Doyle are
sick with pneumonia this week.
Miss Maggie Keelty came down
rom Seattle Wednesday for a visit
with her sisters.
1Hr. and Mrs. Frank Drolet spent
several days in town this week visit-
ing friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Trease has re-
turned from B. C. to their falTa near
Saturday's Ledger announced the
marriage of W. C. Newman and Mist
Lizzie Getty.
Will L. Sargison was over from
the Harbor Wednesday looking after
his property here. He may move
Mrs. Chas. Leake and daughter
Lena returned Monday from the
Olympia hospital.
Fred Rodigan and Mrs. James
Harris and children have moved out
on the Stabenfeldt place on McEwen's
r blisses Edna and Nellie Bellows of
Eaton County, Michigan, arrived last
Saturday night and are visiting the
families of W. A. Hayward and H.
N. Dunbar.
R. B. Giles is building a home on
his lot on Railroad and 12th streets
recently purchased from Nick Camp-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuell arrived
from Spokane Saturday to visit Mrs.
Tuell's father Cal Saeger and sister
Miss Myrtle Saeger who is in poor
The delegates to the Republican
state convention at Ellensburg April
5th are G. B. Gunderson, Wm. M.
Beach, Will McDonald, G. C. Angle,
Harry Dean and Clarence Fisk; al-
ternates are G. A. Reed, L. W.
Speece, Gee. Vogtlin, Al. J. Munson,
E. B. Robinson, S. K. Taylor.
A. H. Eells went from the Reser-
vation to Olympia on the 18th to be
present at the funeral of the Wash-
ington soldiers. One of those buried
at that time, A. J. Ruppert, was
killed by a stray bullet while sitting
next to Eells.
The weather has continued mild
during the week and blossoms are out
in plum, pears and cherries.
:Many Shelton Readers Have Heard
It and Profited Thereby.
"Good news travels fast," and the
many bad back sufferers in this vicin-
ity are glad to learn where relief
may be found. Many a lame, weak
and aching back is bad no more,
thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Thous-
ands upon thousands of people are
telling the good news of their exper-
ience with this tested remedy. Here
is an example wm%h reading:
Mrs. Charles Mac Rostie, 818 Sixth
St., E. Olympia, Wash., says: "Doan's
Kidney Pills have been household
medicine for kidney disorders in our
home for a number of years. They
have always proven reliable. When-
ever I notic my kidneys are not
acting as they should and my back
feels weak and lame, I take Doan's
K.idney Pills and they never fail to
give me quick relief."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedyget :
Dean's Kidney Pills--the same that
Mrs. Mac Rostie had. Foster-Milbum
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y,
Real estate transfers furnished
weekly by the Mason County Ab-
'stract and Title Company.
J. J. Anderson bach to Frank
Groundwater et al, wd, n sw 26 20 4.
Con. $10.
Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. to Rob-
e1% S. Farrow, deed, sene 31 21 4.
Con, $200.
William S. Kerrigan and w to J. C.
Pauley, wd, frac lot 5 blk G Knee-
land's add, and frac lots 7 and 8 blk
18 Frances Shelton's add. Con. $10.
Charles Hadfield to Walter Johns-
ton, qcd, lot 5 sec 31 20 3. Con. $1.
Mary A. White to Thomas F.White
wd, sw sw 21 23 1. Con. $10.
E. J. Dubbs bach to Rudolf War-
barge,, wd, gov lot 2 and n of gov
lot 3 sec 9 20 , also t. 1. in front
thereof, also 4.24 1. e in in frt lot 1
sec 9 20 2.
William E. Thompson and w to
George W..I,vett, wd, lot 5 blk 23
David Shelton s 8rd add. Con. $10.
Kathryne Judge Vogel to L. R.
Byrne, wd, e ne 30 20 5. Con. $10.
"If you can laugh when others weep,
If you can work when others sleep.
If you can lose and never kick.
But start again and gamely stick;
If you can face defeat and grin,
Nor grumble if you never win;
If yon can see tlflngs go to pot
And never get your collar hot.
But take it all with perfect grit
.And scorn to curse a single bit;
If YOU can bear a heap o£ pain
And scarcely n, urmur or complain,
If treachery and lies and ouch
Can never phase you very much.
And all through life you don't descend
To knife a foe or knock a friend;
If you can keep your life thus high,
Believe me. you will be some guy
And I'll admit quite frank and free
You'll have an awful budge on mew
Splendid three-year course in
nursing offered in this model
hospital, to intelligent young
women. Training leads to mat-
riculation from this foremost
school. Instruction in a .noble
profession offered.
Pleasant sm-roundings and
congenial companionship. Im-
mediate entrance. For complete
information address, Sr. M.
i i
Send in your order for
On Navy Yard Highway
Postofflce, Union, Wash.
H. E. STUMER, Mgr.
Distributor for Mason County
Shelton, Wash.
Phone 625
Call and see our large stock
or writ'e for prices. We
erect Monuments anywhere.
2006 First Ave., Seattle, Wn.
(Established 1874)
"You're lhe Man Io be Satlsliefl"
says the Good Judge
You get a whole lot more satis-
faction from a little of the
Real Tobacco Chew than you
ever got from the old kind.
The good, rich tobacco taste
lasts so much longer. You
don't need a fresh chew so
often. That's why it costs you
Any man who uses the Real To-
bacco Chew will tell you that.
Put Up In Two Styles ':
RIGHT CUT is a short.cut tobacco :!
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
No other thing contributes so
much to the influence of your
home as the wall paper. You
see it morning, noon and night
every day in the year. It is
the background for your entire
home-life, and therefor you owe
it to your family to see that it
is atrractive and cheerful at all
NOW is the time to re-deer
orate. Our stock is fresh and
tasteful. A personal visit, or a
postal will receive our cour-
teous and prompt attention.
Stationery Sh0p
"The House of Prompt Service"
"The House of Prompt Service"
is Good
And the reason we are always busy
BECAUSE we handle the best and most pop-
ular cars.
BECAUSE our stock is far larger than any
other garage in the county.
BECAUSE our work is prompt.
BECAUSE our shop is best equipped and
the hands of good mechanics.
AND BECAUSE our prices are right.
Shelton, Washington